PSA- I can confirm

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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But there would be a problem if the store scanned your ID and kept that information on file to prove compliance with the law. Sure a kid could walk in and be turned around, but it's the recording of the ID of the patrons legally allowed to be there that is onerous. And since the recording of the ID is compelled by the state, this could also be a violation of the 4th Amendment. It's not showing the ID, it is the record keeping.
There will surely be challenges to the law.
What’s funny is that RDP now sounds like a branch of the ACLU!😂😂

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Folks don't want to use their personal IDs to log in. When that database gets hacked, the blackmail can start I suppose. LOL
Poncho already showed the solution.
Takes about 30 seconds.
Frankly, just accessing pornhub in any fashion is an invitation for a hacking disaster.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Putting aside the legal arguments relating to the requirement for pornography purveyors to record and store sensitive personal information.

It seems to me that if this law was about protecting "children", there are a shit ton of topics, subject matter, and content that would equally require this age confirmation methodology in order to be viewed on the internet to be consistent with the stated goal.

The fact that it was solely targeted at pornographic content, should certainly raise some suspicion about the real intent.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Putting aside the legal arguments relating to the requirement for pornography purveyors to record and store sensitive personal information.

It seems to me that if this law was about protecting "children", there are a shit ton of topics, subject matter, and content that would equally require this age confirmation methodology in order to be viewed on the internet to be consistent with the stated goal.

The fact that it was solely targeted at pornographic content, should certainly raise some suspicion about the real intent.
Like what?
What is the “real intent” that you allude to?
Banning Pornhub? Maybe…if so Desantis made it look easy and got them to ban themselves. He does have a way of doing that.
Data harvesting? No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

Frankly, anyone stupid enough to give personal information to a porn site has probably already irreparably compromised themselves online in many other ways.
Most sites that deal in 18 or over “topics” (guns, alcohol, and anything else with a legal age requirement) already have a click confirmation of age of some sort, if not at the level of this law.

But to your point, please list one topic that you would consider more relevant to the stated goal than age restricting access to hard core pornography.
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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Ok, school me.
How is age confirmation to view adult material online a 1st amendment violation?
Where does the bill of rights say anything about your “right” to view unrestricted free porn online outweighing societies right to attempt to limit exposure of adult themes (full blown ass fucking video for example) to minor children?
Especially a States sovereign right to police itself concerning such things?
You would seek to impose your beliefs concerning societal decency upon a sovereign States citizenry and their children? And bring in the feds to enforce it?
That’s about as unconstitutional as possible. (And is the EXACT reason Roe v Wade was overturned, since you brought up abortion)
Less federal oversight and more State sovereignty is a conservative position…imposition of more federal oversight and less State sovereignty is a liberal left position.

I’m no constitutional scholar, but even I know that our individual rights end when they impose on the rights of others. IOW, your right to unrestricted free porn (as you see it) does not supersede the rights of a States citizens to legally attempt to limit exposure to minors within that State, or to create their own decency laws.
The “left, middle, and right” actually do not agree on the subject of internet decency and open access to free online porn.
Those who like porn all do agree regardless of party affiliation…that much is true. Lol
Porn is more important to them than core beliefs apparently? Yet not important enough to simply verify their age? Talk about some serious raincoating.
I know that isn’t you, you’ve openly stated your porn accounts and you don't hide in the shadows.

In our own State of AZ there have been 2 bills introduced in the last 2 years by GOP senators addressing this very thing. Age confirmation to access porn…or more accurately “adult content”. This would include images, prose, themes etc. (this in itself is the hobgoblin of such laws…who decides what is indecent and what is acceptable to minors)
One bill was killed in the D house, one bill was vetoed by Dem Hobbs.
(I’ve posted links to these bills a couple of times in the past)
Violation of these proposed laws would have been a misdemeanor, with daily fines to the websites until corrections were made.
If AZ ever really does go back red from blue we will see these types of conservative laws enacted.

Right now, RDP (being a non restricted open source site) would be in violation thanks in part to Hubbas recent active link to a known porn outlet.
(Yes, people like the MADD mothers are watching)
You know, it’s no secret that 530 is my sworn enemy (we have discussed this privately you and I) but he is absolutely correct when he says that many views by RDP so called conservatives are actually hard core left positions.
Unrestricted online access to free porn is one of those positions.

Before the onslaught of name calling and shit slinging starts against me, I want to make it clear that I am no prude.
I’m not a religious zealot or in any way religious at all.
Most of what the perverts here fantasize about I’ve actually done (in my other life) to the point of boredom with it. If I were to dig through my old boxes of junk it’s completely possible that I might find an old dvd of questionable content and origin…lol

Florida has every right to impose internet age restrictions on adult sites. And in a true red wave other red states will presumably follow suit
Florida did NOT ban porn or pornhub. Pornhub chose not to participate in Florida’s new internet environment…as is their right.

I have 3 kids.. let me ask you an honest question.. Do you think they have access to PornHub? Or do you think as a parent we have parental controls that allow certain sites and don't others.

It's the responsibility of the parents to raise their kids and give them access to what they want them to see. I don't need the state telling me this.. Or the Feds for that matter. Hopefully that changes your opinion of my thoughts from left to right.. to a conservative position.

To address one point.. I didn't bring up abortion. I said both left, center and right agree on porn.. Whether they do or not publicly there is zero doubt they all do privately.. LOL.

As for rdp, you should read the miles long terms and conditions.. overall though the reason I keep porn and links off of here is because I don't want to get flagged on companies that have large IT departments.. It is easy to get listed on their list of websites that you can't see at work, and it's impossible to get off of it.



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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So this is a continuation of Florida leading the charge against what most of RDP usually rallies against.
Free online porn, however, seems to be a sticking point for some reason?

You know what I find amazing.. and honestly irritating.

You can't have a thread on rdp that is more than 20 posts long before 2 people have some kind of difference of opinion on something regardless of the subject.

You you in every single one of your misguided crusades always say "RDP" as a collective.. "RDP this" "RDP that" We are a bunch of different people that sometimes agree on somethings, and sometimes don't agree on others.

If you want to know why free online porn is the sticking point. It's like I said everyone can agree on that. :D.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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Trump banned abortion?
Is States sovereignty less important than Federal oversight?

I get your point, but to many people there is no longer any gray area.
But National politics aside, this is Florida being what Florida has always been, and Florida simply doesn’t care about liberal catering.
I didn't single out trump but Republicans in general.

Florida and Texas both have the same laws but it's a law that doesn't have any teeth outside of headlines that benefit the opposition when there are very easy and accessible ways around it with tor and vpns. The people who the law is aimed to protect are also the group who are the most likely to have the knowledge to get around them. So instead of protecting the children all they are doing is provide more fodder to the left.

This is a smaller issue when compared to net neutrality rules which an appeals Court just ruled were unconstitutional. I am against the party line on this one too as are most Americans. Unrestricted access to information should be a human right. Instead an ISP gets to determine which data is easiest to access. The only reason this is supported by Republicans is it puts money in their pockets.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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You know what I find amazing.. and honestly irritating.

You can't have a thread on rdp that is more than 20 posts long before 2 people have some kind of difference of opinion on something regardless of the subject.

You you in every single one of your misguided crusades always say "RDP" as a collective.. "RDP this" "RDP that" We are a bunch of different people that sometimes agree on somethings, and sometimes don't agree on others.

If you want to know why free online porn is the sticking point. It's like I said everyone can agree on that. :D.

“ I can tell you, it will be right up with abortion in terms of election consequences in the future..”

I’m not crusading for these laws.
I don’t think they are effective, and frankly are more grandstanding than anything else.

You said it’s a first amendment violation.
I’m saying tell me how?

States have every right to implement these laws and do.
Sometimes States even vote to change their own constitutions to implement more modern laws or laws more reflective of the population.

RDP is in fact a collective. When I say RDP I’m inferring the majority.

Hey, I dont live in Florida, I could not possibly care less about pornhub because anyone that accesses porn hub without a VPN or TOR is a fool that is begging to be hacked anyway. (I honestly wonder how some members devices are even able to power up…)
I don’t own this website and it isn’t my brand that risks exposure.

As far as parenting I’m not going to address that.
You think porn and smut and politics are hot topics, judging parenting is the comparative nuclear option! 😳😳
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cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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I have 3 kids.. let me ask you an honest question.. Do you think they have access to PornHub? Or do you think as a parent we have parental controls that allow certain sites and don't others.

It's the responsibility of the parents to raise their kids and give them access to what they want them to see. I don't need the state telling me this.. Or the Feds for that matter. Hopefully that changes your opinion of my thoughts from left to right.. to a conservative position.

To address one point.. I didn't bring up abortion. I said both left, center and right agree on porn.. Whether they do or not publicly there is zero doubt they all do privately.. LOL.

As for rdp, you should read the miles long terms and conditions.. overall though the reason I keep porn and links off of here is because I don't want to get flagged on companies that have large IT departments.. It is easy to get listed on their list of websites that you can't see at work, and it's impossible to get off of it.

I think all 3 of my boys absolutely have access to pornhub. Yes it is my job as a parent to monitor that shit but I can’t be with my kids 24/7. I’ve cut off the problem child but I’m sure there will be many many others to come. I’m thankful I have a good group of friends so we are pretty good but every once in a while a little shit comes along and we have to explain to our kids right and wrong. Personally I don’t mind age verification for porn but I doesn’t really effect me. The whole moaning and daddy the kids started getting into bothered me so that shit got cut out right away. YouTube is a nightmare that’s ultimately leading to porn hub but that’s a whole different subject.