Prop 13 again


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Yes @LargeOrangeFont and @rivermobster it’s time to revisit Prop 13. The talk is that it won’t be based on current assessed values but likely a higher rate on original purchase price. That could all blow up, but if proponents and opponents don’t work together, something ugly could happen.
Why? Oh yes, taxes and crack...i also call it taxes OCD.

Incredible in the worst of ways conceivable. Confiscate and steal...the liberal socialist way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Why? Oh yes, taxes and crack...i also call it taxes OCD.

Incredible in the worst of ways conceivable. Confiscate and steal...the liberal socialist way.

Taxes aren’t “immoral”, get over it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Not to socialists...



Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Corps love this shit. Facebook, google, apple, J Pauls and Ariagas(sp) buy up all these properties and tear them down to build huge buildings here in the Bay Area. It’s great for the rich. 250k is considered poverty here. Everyone in the any type of service industry is fucked. I love this state just not this area. The republicans are leaving and young liberals are filling this place.

Boat 405

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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This will tank the real estate market in California. After all the business owners leave. The tax paying property owners will leave. You can’t have one stay and not the other. They go hand in hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Basic math escapes liberals.

Let's see. Rent control. Higher property tax. Lower or negative cash flows. All equal rising cap rates, lower net operating income. What's that spell? Massive decline in propery values leading to lower property tax receipts, higher defaults, bank loan chargeoffs, and more properties owned by the state.

Confiscation of income and assets.

Liberals be math retarded....commie bastards....


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Yes @LargeOrangeFont and @rivermobster it’s time to revisit Prop 13. The talk is that it won’t be based on current assessed values but likely a higher rate on original purchase price. That could all blow up, but if proponents and opponents don’t work together, something ugly could happen.

Spoken like a true libtard...

No, we do not need to revisit prop 13 EVER! What needs to be done is something beyond the scope of your comprehension (common sense).

This state needs to live Within its means.

So simple. Yet so difficult for you libtards to understand.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Spoken like a true libtard...

No, we do not need to revisit prop 13 EVER! What needs to be done is something beyond the scope of your comprehension (common sense).

This state needs to live Within its means.

So simple. Yet so difficult for you libtards to understand.

How can the state of Confusion live within its means when we have a huge population of immigrants that don’t pay taxes, live under the table, and take full ride bennies, plus golden retirement from Liberians.....

I say hit the taxes and let’s see how fast this ship can sink!

We are going down!

Performance Grips

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
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Tons of business will leave and rich foreigners will come in and pay cash for the property. Its been happening for over a decade. But this will be the nail in the coffin for Cali.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Ca is heading for a financial cliff , according the ex San Fran major Willie Brown, remember him ? 80% of all the money the state takes in , goes to pensions and salaries ! 80% ! Let that sink in ! Even after jacking up gas taxes , carbon taxes etc etc , there is not enough to fund , oh things like road maintenance, illegal immigration health care , schools blah blah . The libs in Ca will do whatever they have to to protect their salaries and pensions . Look up Ca unfunded pension liabilities, it will boggle your mind .


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
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SOOOOOO Fucking glad I left California.

When I lived there from 84-2017, I thought that the rest of the country was not as nice to live, because of the great weather in San Diego. After traveling the country I found the exact opposite. So much nicer in a whole lot of places.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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SOOOOOO Fucking glad I left California.

When I lived there from 84-2017, I thought that the rest of the country was not as nice to live, because of the great weather in San Diego. After traveling the country I found the exact opposite. So much nicer in a whole lot of places.

Places to live comfortably or to visit seasonally ? I seem to recall you've got the financial ability to maintain a winter home and summer home in two distinctly different climate zones --- if I'm wrong I apologize. :D I used to visit a friend who's parents had a home near the tip of Long Island for summers and one in Del Ray Beach FL for the winter --- yeah, it was friggin awesome, but out of our reach. Well their's too as it was revealed after the ole man kicked it and left the family deeply underwater in debt.

Care to share with this aging retired seeker of someplace to live other than San Diego ? :D Asking for me, not any friends, lol :p:p

Danger Dave

Sarcastically Optimistic 😁
Jun 16, 2013
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SOOOOOO Fucking glad I left California.

When I lived there from 84-2017, I thought that the rest of the country was not as nice to live, because of the great weather in San Diego. After traveling the country I found the exact opposite. So much nicer in a whole lot of places.



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Places to live comfortably or to visit seasonally ? I seem to recall you've got the financial ability to maintain a winter home and summer home in two distinctly different climate zones --- if I'm wrong I apologize. :D I used to visit a friend who's parents had a home near the tip of Long Island for summers and one in Del Ray Beach FL for the winter --- yeah, it was friggin awesome, but out of our reach. Well their's too as it was revealed after the ole man kicked it and left the family deeply underwater in debt.

Care to share with this aging retired seeker of someplace to live other than San Diego ? :D Asking for me, not any friends, lol :p:p

Yes you are correct. A winter home and a summer home. Maybe it is because California climate is changing. Not man made, but still getting hotter. If I had to pick a]one place to live it would probably be North Georgia. Still gets cold but not too cold and still gets hot but not too hot. Even in San Diego going to work in the morning and it would be high 30's.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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Commercial tax rates going up will help no one except.the government. businesses will charge more for goods, housing rent will go up for everyone whos landlord is an llc, jobs will be lost and more businesses and middle class workers will leave.

if its a 2% tax increase ok not that big of a deal but 100% tax increase like the chart earlier showed? That is devestating.

Remember they dont need companies or educated workers in california. They have a new slave labor force coming into the state from the southern border. 43 million acres of agriculture land that will be state owned. Some of the largest ports in the world that supply most of the nations goods. They will give tax breaks to supporters like tech in silicon valley, hollyweird, etc...

Im suprised they havent tried sending a tax bill to the federal government for all the military bases, national parks, etc...


2022 32 Doug Wright
Mar 3, 2008
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Because infrastructure, safety and education demands are decreasing?

California has a major spending problem. So all the things you listed aren't from a lack of revenue it's the results of mismanaged funds over a long period of time and will continue. You must not have commercial property thus why you are on board for this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Yes you are correct. A winter home and a summer home. Maybe it is because California climate is changing. Not man made, but still getting hotter. If I had to pick a]one place to live it would probably be North Georgia. Still gets cold but not too cold and still gets hot but not too hot. Even in San Diego going to work in the morning and it would be high 30's.

Very good suggestion, Thanks :) My ole best buddy's widow relocated to Toccoa, GA. after his passing and selling their farm in south/central GA. With the Savannah River and Lake Hartwell close, would seem good boating could be enjoyed as well.
Being SD inland, there's no lack of heat during the summers for sure, but being on a hill with a strong coastal influence, we enjoy rather mild usually frost-free winter temps.
But the Santa Ana winds and inevitable fires drive me bonkers, already lost one house, don't want to do that again ---- that being my primary motivation for leaving.
Our current back up plan is, fires start, we pack up and head for our Havasu place, that makes it all better :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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Because the Illegal Alien population is increasing.

Fixed it for ya :D

It's crazy when a State that currently has a $22 Billion dollar surplus wants to tax it's primary source of tax revenue to the point that it has to relocate to survive! What the state should really be doing is Lowering Taxes or providing its tax paying citizens a Rebate!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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Places to live comfortably or to visit seasonally ? I seem to recall you've got the financial ability to maintain a winter home and summer home in two distinctly different climate zones --- if I'm wrong I apologize. :D I used to visit a friend who's parents had a home near the tip of Long Island for summers and one in Del Ray Beach FL for the winter --- yeah, it was friggin awesome, but out of our reach. Well their's too as it was revealed after the ole man kicked it and left the family deeply underwater in debt.

Care to share with this aging retired seeker of someplace to live other than San Diego ? :D Asking for me, not any friends, lol :p:p

You won't find a place with better weather and as much to do as San Diego. It's just too bad it happens to be in California.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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You won't find a place with better weather and as much to do as San Diego. It's just too bad it happens to be in California.
At least San Diego has a republican mayor, and he’s actually building tent cities for the homeless , trying to get them off the streets .


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Basic math escapes liberals.

Let's see. Rent control. Higher property tax. Lower or negative cash flows. All equal rising cap rates, lower net operating income. What's that spell? Massive decline in propery values leading to lower property tax receipts, higher defaults, bank loan chargeoffs, and more properties owned by the state.

Confiscation of income and assets.

Liberals be math retarded....commie bastards....

this. if i was a bank with alot of commercial loans i would be rethinking things ...

they are truly idiots. But there are the giants who love this and will buy all the properties up killing the small mom and pops.

Its all gonna be volume just like Walmart and Amazon sales. You better own tons of real estate to absorb these costs and survive. make less with alot more...

but this is what they want. The elite ruling class and poor.

They get their bribes from the elite and votes from the poor via scrap handouts and stay in power...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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At least San Diego has a republican mayor, and he’s actually building tent cities for the homeless , trying to get them off the streets .

He will probably be the last, unfortunately. The city council has recently shifted to the left. Get outside the city limits though, and you will still find many conservatives (mostly north and east county).


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Ca is heading for a financial cliff , according the ex San Fran major Willie Brown, remember him ? 80% of all the money the state takes in , goes to pensions and salaries ! 80% ! Let that sink in ! Even after jacking up gas taxes , carbon taxes etc etc , there is not enough to fund , oh things like road maintenance, illegal immigration health care , schools blah blah . The libs in Ca will do whatever they have to to protect their salaries and pensions . Look up Ca unfunded pension liabilities, it will boggle your mind .

this also. The unfunded liabilties are outstanding. heard the number to be close to 1 trillion dollars.

Rod let yore daddy thats retired in Havasu pay these taxes you want.

why put the burden on business owners who worked their entire lives bought property paid loans their entire lives breath?

Rod you are a fucking idiot. Its not worth the nerves and health dealing with people like you.

I pray one day we meet and I can buy you a beer and talk things over...


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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Because infrastructure, safety and education demands are decreasing?
Prop 13 doesn't need to be revisited. The state government needs to start cutting out it's overly inflated spending. Crack down on Cal Trans, rated the #1 most wasteful department in California. Cut back to j the buerocratic bloat in every department establish some productivity standards that are legit (eliminate the employees that stand around and do nothing). Look at way to cut back over time..... Etc

That state wastes BILLIONS on $$ each year, yet the people don't get pissed when they ask for more. This is the bare bones, root cause of where so much distrust and hate comes from that is directed towards the state politians.

Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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You won't find a place with better weather and as much to do as San Diego. It's just too bad it happens to be in California.

I've spent 41 of my 71 years living in more rural inland NE area of SD and truly enjoyed it. We live in a very special place, with some very like-minded neighbors, you drive in here sporting your 'Hillary' bumper sticker, shit could get REAL, lol :eek: ;)
We planned our retirement gig between our Havasu place and AZ mountain ranch, 20 years ago. As imagined it would have been a perfect combination of many weekdays at the lake (Havasu) and when the crowds came or the unbearable summer heat, we'd escape to the reclusive life on the mountain. What we hadn't exactly anticipated was getting burned down, the long process of rebuilding and certain "Realities" that can't truly be appreciated (Or perhaps anticipated ?) until you get there.
Still viable as our "Plan B" :p, but it's not without a couple of reasonable age-related concerns, those causing us to re-think it all. But I won't sell the ranch, I'll keep it and hand it off to the kids when it's time.

We did almost 20 years of owning a sports fisher on Mission Bay and enjoying it on weekends and while out looking for something new and different, landed our asses in Havasu 20+ years ago.
So now we ponder (More seriously as our life clocks race onward to oblivion) what's next ? And Where next ?
We've become increasingly burned out on the Lake "Vibe" in general and honestly the heat. Not saying the lake "Vibe" is bad, but each of us enjoys it for various reasons and our reasons have diminished over the years.

We love our new home, it's hard to leave, we enjoy most of the SD weather, but SD has become seriously congested and I'd be most pleased if 50% packed up and left the state.
California politics isn't driving me/us away, I can survive that if I must --- it's mostly the people and fuckin fire I want to get away from.
Primarily however, first and foremost, I'd just like to live somewhere else, with a dock and my boat, for a bit before I check out. :D:D

What I do struggle to understand however is, why so many of you who've already left, or you are other 'Other state' residents, aren't spending more time enjoying your perfect paradise instead of continuing to look West or in your rear view mirrors flipping off California.
A shrink would have a field day with that ---- in fact I've often wondered how many Psych Master's Thesis have been written based on the daily banter and ramblings of RDP, lol :p:p

Quit your constant bitchin and go out and embrace living, where ever it may be, trust me, life is way to fuckin short :(:(
Anyway, I'm done, back on the bench I go, looking for real estate on Lake Hartwell ---- problem is, my wife's not big on Southern Architecture, we may have to build. :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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I've spent 41 of my 71 years living in more rural inland NE area of SD and truly enjoyed it. We live in a very special place, with some very like-minded neighbors, you drive in here sporting your 'Hillary' bumper sticker, shit could get REAL, lol :eek: ;)
We planned our retirement gig between our Havasu place and AZ mountain ranch, 20 years ago. As imagined it would have been a perfect combination of many weekdays at the lake (Havasu) and when the crowds came or the unbearable summer heat, we'd escape to the reclusive life on the mountain. What we hadn't exactly anticipated was getting burned down, the long process of rebuilding and certain "Realities" that can't truly be appreciated (Or perhaps anticipated ?) until you get there.
Still viable as our "Plan B" :p, but it's not without a couple of reasonable age-related concerns, those causing us to re-think it all. But I won't sell the ranch, I'll keep it and hand it off to the kids when it's time.

We did almost 20 years of owning a sports fisher on Mission Bay and enjoying it on weekends and while out looking for something new and different, landed our asses in Havasu 20+ years ago.
So now we ponder (More seriously as our life clocks race onward to oblivion) what's next ? And Where next ?
We've become increasingly burned out on the Lake "Vibe" in general and honestly the heat. Not saying the lake "Vibe" is bad, but each of us enjoys it for various reasons and our reasons have diminished over the years.

We love our new home, it's hard to leave, we enjoy most of the SD weather, but SD has become seriously congested and I'd be most pleased if 50% packed up and left the state.
California politics isn't driving me/us away, I can survive that if I must --- it's mostly the people and fuckin fire I want to get away from.
Primarily however, first and foremost, I'd just like to live somewhere else, with a dock and my boat, for a bit before I check out. :D:D

What I do struggle to understand however is, why so many of you who've already left, or you are other 'Other state' residents, aren't spending more time enjoying your perfect paradise instead of continuing to look West or in your rear view mirrors flipping off California.
A shrink would have a field day with that ---- in fact I've often wondered how many Psych Master's Thesis have been written based on the daily banter and ramblings of RDP, lol :p:p

Quit your constant bitchin and go out and embrace living, where ever it may be, trust me, life is way to fuckin short :(:(
Anyway, I'm done, back on the bench I go, looking for real estate on Lake Hartwell ---- problem is, my wife's not big on Southern Architecture, we may have to build. :)

We have had our place in Havasu for almost 20 years. The plan was always to retire out there and maybe keep our place in SD (my family has been in SD for more than 100 years), but we have started thinking of other places. I can’t do Havasu full time so we need a second home. Nevada and Utah are on our list, but the wife has at least 10 years till retirement. We will see where we are at when the time comes, but it really sucks what has happened to California.


Sep 20, 2007
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Where's Robin Hood when we really need him?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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I've spent 41 of my 71 years living in more rural inland NE area of SD and truly enjoyed it. We live in a very special place, with some very like-minded neighbors, you drive in here sporting your 'Hillary' bumper sticker, shit could get REAL, lol :eek: ;)
We planned our retirement gig between our Havasu place and AZ mountain ranch, 20 years ago. As imagined it would have been a perfect combination of many weekdays at the lake (Havasu) and when the crowds came or the unbearable summer heat, we'd escape to the reclusive life on the mountain. What we hadn't exactly anticipated was getting burned down, the long process of rebuilding and certain "Realities" that can't truly be appreciated (Or perhaps anticipated ?) until you get there.
Still viable as our "Plan B" :p, but it's not without a couple of reasonable age-related concerns, those causing us to re-think it all. But I won't sell the ranch, I'll keep it and hand it off to the kids when it's time.

We did almost 20 years of owning a sports fisher on Mission Bay and enjoying it on weekends and while out looking for something new and different, landed our asses in Havasu 20+ years ago.
So now we ponder (More seriously as our life clocks race onward to oblivion) what's next ? And Where next ?
We've become increasingly burned out on the Lake "Vibe" in general and honestly the heat. Not saying the lake "Vibe" is bad, but each of us enjoys it for various reasons and our reasons have diminished over the years.

We love our new home, it's hard to leave, we enjoy most of the SD weather, but SD has become seriously congested and I'd be most pleased if 50% packed up and left the state.
California politics isn't driving me/us away, I can survive that if I must --- it's mostly the people and fuckin fire I want to get away from.
Primarily however, first and foremost, I'd just like to live somewhere else, with a dock and my boat, for a bit before I check out. :D:D

What I do struggle to understand however is, why so many of you who've already left, or you are other 'Other state' residents, aren't spending more time enjoying your perfect paradise instead of continuing to look West or in your rear view mirrors flipping off California.
A shrink would have a field day with that ---- in fact I've often wondered how many Psych Master's Thesis have been written based on the daily banter and ramblings of RDP, lol :p:p

Quit your constant bitchin and go out and embrace living, where ever it may be, trust me, life is way to fuckin short :(:(
Anyway, I'm done, back on the bench I go, looking for real estate on Lake Hartwell ---- problem is, my wife's not big on Southern Architecture, we may have to build. :)
I've lived in North County SD for 35 yrs now and it will ultimately be the crowds that will drive me out of here ….. honestly I never feel like going anywhere because of traffic and also maybe a little bored of the whole area, but I think its mostly because I'm always thinking of how it used to be. If this Prop 13 repeal ever reaches the residential level that will guarantee my move to my house in Havasu, which I've been putting off every year for the last 5 or so. I'm sure I will miss Ca but then again maybe not ….. I don't really know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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^^^ No off season anymore in SD either. We rarely cruise the beach anymore because of the crowds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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We have had our place in Havasu for almost 20 years. The plan was always to retire out there and maybe keep our place in SD (my family has been in SD for more than 100 years), but we have started thinking of other places. I can’t do Havasu full time so we need a second home. Nevada and Utah are on our list, but the wife has at least 10 years till retirement. We will see where we are at when the time comes, but it really sucks what has happened to California.

"but it really sucks what has happened to California."

Ironically, that was exactly my sentiment when I left Tustin / Santa Ana area in 78' for a more rural, less congested life in San Diego :D
Unfortunately, didn't last nearly as long as I'd hoped before it became what I'd left --- life is kinda like that, you run but you can't hide, ha ha :rolleyes:
In the same way Havasu and the lake, isn't the same as it was in the early 90's. The ranch is a wonderful escape, still far from the maddening crowds, but if you suffer a heart attack, kiss your ass goodbye :eek: But then my best buddy who had one in Havasu didn't fare any better :mad:

Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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I've spent 41 of my 71 years living in more rural inland NE area of SD and truly enjoyed it. We live in a very special place, with some very like-minded neighbors, you drive in here sporting your 'Hillary' bumper sticker, shit could get REAL, lol :eek: ;)
We planned our retirement gig between our Havasu place and AZ mountain ranch, 20 years ago. As imagined it would have been a perfect combination of many weekdays at the lake (Havasu) and when the crowds came or the unbearable summer heat, we'd escape to the reclusive life on the mountain. What we hadn't exactly anticipated was getting burned down, the long process of rebuilding and certain "Realities" that can't truly be appreciated (Or perhaps anticipated ?) until you get there.
Still viable as our "Plan B" :p, but it's not without a couple of reasonable age-related concerns, those causing us to re-think it all. But I won't sell the ranch, I'll keep it and hand it off to the kids when it's time.

We did almost 20 years of owning a sports fisher on Mission Bay and enjoying it on weekends and while out looking for something new and different, landed our asses in Havasu 20+ years ago.
So now we ponder (More seriously as our life clocks race onward to oblivion) what's next ? And Where next ?
We've become increasingly burned out on the Lake "Vibe" in general and honestly the heat. Not saying the lake "Vibe" is bad, but each of us enjoys it for various reasons and our reasons have diminished over the years.

We love our new home, it's hard to leave, we enjoy most of the SD weather, but SD has become seriously congested and I'd be most pleased if 50% packed up and left the state.
California politics isn't driving me/us away, I can survive that if I must --- it's mostly the people and fuckin fire I want to get away from.
Primarily however, first and foremost, I'd just like to live somewhere else, with a dock and my boat, for a bit before I check out. :D:D

What I do struggle to understand however is, why so many of you who've already left, or you are other 'Other state' residents, aren't spending more time enjoying your perfect paradise instead of continuing to look West or in your rear view mirrors flipping off California.
A shrink would have a field day with that ---- in fact I've often wondered how many Psych Master's Thesis have been written based on the daily banter and ramblings of RDP, lol :p:p

Quit your constant bitchin and go out and embrace living, where ever it may be, trust me, life is way to fuckin short :(:(
Anyway, I'm done, back on the bench I go, looking for real estate on Lake Hartwell ---- problem is, my wife's not big on Southern Architecture, we may have to build. :)
You’re right , a lot of us have spent our whole lives in Ca , working , opening and running a business, raising a family and paying taxes till it hurts , without representation I might add ...and we’re pissed and angry that Ca had declared war on the middle class citizen and pretty much backed us into a corner . So please allow us to vent some ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I've lived in North County SD for 35 yrs now and it will ultimately be the crowds that will drive me out of here ….. honestly I never feel like going anywhere because of traffic and also maybe a little bored of the whole area, but I think its mostly because I'm always thinking of how it used to be. If this Prop 13 repeal ever reaches the residential level that will guarantee my move to my house in Havasu, which I've been putting off every year for the last 5 or so. I'm sure I will miss Ca but then again maybe not ….. I don't really know.

Yeah I forgot to shut he damned gate when I moved down here as well --- shit :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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"but it really sucks what has happened to California."

Ironically, that was exactly my sentiment when I left Tustin / Santa Ana area in 78' for a more rural, less congested life in San Diego :D
Unfortunately, didn't last nearly as long as I'd hoped before it became what I'd left --- life is kinda like that, you run but you can't hide, ha ha :rolleyes:
In the same way Havasu and the lake, isn't the same as it was in the early 90's. The ranch is a wonderful escape, still far from the maddening crowds, but if you suffer a heart attack, kiss your ass goodbye :eek: But then my best buddy who had one in Havasu didn't fare any better :mad:

Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Medical treatment in Havasu is scary. I just talked to a local the other day that was sent to LA from Havasu because they could not deal with his medical issue. Something to think about...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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You’re right , a lot of us have spent our whole lives in Ca , working , opening and running a business, raising a family and paying taxes till it hurts , without representation I might add ...and we’re pissed and angry that Ca had declared war on the middle class citizen and pretty much backed us into a corner . So please allow us to vent some ...

I understand, I really do, it's frustrating, makes us all angry, vent away, just don't allow that dark cloud to swallow you up --- that's all I'm saying
thumbs up.png

Besides, think of your amazing legacy if you can survive and thrive in this fucked up "Cards stacked against you" environment :)
I retired just after my house burned in 07' and lost my entire $ 13 million in work backlog by late 08' ---- We get angry, we get mean and we survive and when we come out the other end victorious, it feels really fuckin good.
I'm too damned old to lay with anger and "what if's" --- for my wife and I it's "Pedal to the metal" or else :eek:
Best of luck to you sir :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Medical treatment in Havasu is scary. I just talked to a local the other day that was sent to LA from Havasu because they could not deal with his medical issue. Something to think about...

And at my ranch, it's a very long way for anything other than a few stitches ---- reality can seriously fuck up a great dream plan :(:(


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Medical treatment in Havasu is scary. I just talked to a local the other day that was sent to LA from Havasu because they could not deal with his medical issue. Something to think about...

RD had to deal with this first hand...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Medical treatment in Havasu is scary. I just talked to a local the other day that was sent to LA from Havasu because they could not deal with his medical issue. Something to think about...

My primary doctor won't let me go to the hospital in Havasu for a number of reasons. When I need something, he researches and directs me to specialists in Phoenix. If the day comes that we move from the river, one option is the hills outside of Kingman. Kingman has great medical facilities and the hospital is connected to the Mayo Clinic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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My primary doctor won't let me go to the hospital in Havasu for a number of reasons. When I need something, he researches and directs me to specialists in Phoenix. If the day comes that we move from the river, one option is the hills outside of Kingman. Kingman has great medical facilities and the hospital is connected to the Mayo Clinic.

"Kingman has great medical facilities and the hospital is connected to the Mayo Clinic."
Did your doctor advise you of this ?
The reason I ask is, our ranch is in the Peacock mountains about 27 miles from Kingman proper. As I understand it from my ranch neighbors, for most anything requiring a specialist (Doesn't almost everything now-a-days ?) they end up in Phoenix or Vegas. That for the most part specialists were hard to come by in Kingman. This has been one point of concern for us moving there full time. So if that's no longer the case, I'm certainly interested. Been a couple of years since the last conversation I had about it, so times do change and even Kingman is coming of age.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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First it's increasing tariffs, now it's increasing property taxes.

What other tax on all of us will politicians want to pass next? :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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"Kingman has great medical facilities and the hospital is connected to the Mayo Clinic."
Did your doctor advise you of this ?
The reason I ask is, our ranch is in the Peacock mountains about 27 miles from Kingman proper. As I understand it from my ranch neighbors, for most anything requiring a specialist (Doesn't almost everything now-a-days ?) they end up in Phoenix or Vegas. That for the most part specialists were hard to come by in Kingman. This has been one point of concern for us moving there full time. So if that's no longer the case, I'm certainly interested. Been a couple of years since the last conversation I had about it, so times do change and even Kingman is coming of age.

KRMC is the only northern Arizona hospital with an A rating. And I just searched on line and saw several posts that it is part of the Mayo Clinic. Supposed to have a good cardiac department.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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If passed, businesses with 50 employees or less would be exempt. So would agricultural land.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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If passed, businesses with 50 employees or less would be exempt. So would agricultural land.

Don't be fooled...

The tards know they can't just boot prop 13, but they can chip away at it.

Once the first chip is carved out, the whole thing will fall eventually.

Just like they did with Pismo Beach.

Baby steps. At first...


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Don't be fooled...

The tards know they can't just boot prop 13, but they can chip away at it.

Once the first chip is carved out, the whole thing will fall eventually.

Just like they did with Pismo Beach.

Baby steps. At first...

You betcha! Death by a thousand cuts..."The California Way"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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If passed, businesses with 50 employees or less would be exempt. So would agricultural land.

The same standards should apply to all. Why exclude a select group? That type of exclusion is discrimination pure and simple and just a ploy for the crack addicted government to steal more money from its citizens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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The same standards should apply to all. Why exclude a select group? That type of exclusion is discrimination pure and simple and just a ploy for the crack addicted government to steal more money from its citizens.

The Libtards can do whatever the hell they want to....after I get the F out of here first! Lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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KRMC is the only northern Arizona hospital with an A rating. And I just searched on line and saw several posts that it is part of the Mayo Clinic. Supposed to have a good cardiac department.

Damn, that's great news and I'll have to dig into that. Hmmm, maybe "Plan A" isn't a bust after all :) Everything is there waiting for me, except a few sticks nailed together :p

Area 31 x 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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If passed, businesses with 50 employees or less would be exempt. So would agricultural land.
Explain this? It doesn't make any sense at all. What if you rent out the building?