Presidential Debate is on Tonight

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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I can appreciate / respect the optimism of the 'Banned / Not Banned' dude who believes Trump will win.
I'll also gladly eat a big old plate of crow and take my deserved licks if /when Trump wins.
Fingers crossed for the future of our country . . .🤞🇺🇸

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I felt it was the moderators/Harris vs Trump. I had a hard time keeping my mouth shut.. lol

Bottom line, Harris has no plan other than to buy votes with the 6k tax break to buy baby strollers and to give out 25k for young home buyers. Trump was right tho, she’s been VP for almost 4 years and done nothing but open our borders.


Banned/Not Banned/?=Banned
Aug 1, 2024
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I beleive he would have helped himself by answering some of the questions asked. Folks want to know what his idea of policy process is, not who is at fault for eveything that is wrong.
I respectfully disagree. People have been conditioned and programmed to this level of absurdity by years of keeping up with the Kardashians or the Wives of Whatever City, Jackass, good stuff like that.
Now its eight second clips of brain dead drivel as they swipe on their hand held black mirrors.
The cat/animal thing actually is genius because there are a lot of people out there that care more about their pets than their own children or spouse.
Ask me how I know this someday.
And it gets attention.
If you look at it from a dumbed down society perspective, they don't care about policies much less even understand them. Nor do they really want to The Trump team has to hit emotional targets that draws them in like the catfights or fail videos they watch or the "reality" TV and clips on social media within that short attention span. Then point fingers at who did what and lay blame to them. It's a shame to behold but we are there and have been for a while.

Trump owns these bitches.
He's rolling and smoking them.
It is said that in Guam, while Trump was POTUS he allocated funds to build a Camp Blaz. A 200+ bed facility specifically for the media.
Enjoy the show.
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Heels up played well to the imbeciles of this nation. Listening to her rewrite history all night, I couldn’t stop laughing thinking about how they will all be buying her BS…….after she’s been heavily involved in the last 3.5 years of the disaster they’ve been living. 😆

Donnie definitely missed some opportunities and was a bit perturbed. It’s tough when you’re debating three people at once and frustrating at the same time, but he has to know this going in and be better.

The lies she got away with were epic and by design. I just hope there are enough people with a brain to see through it that are on the fence. All they care about is keeping it close, because then their election shenanigans will not draw much attention.

God help our nation, evil is in the door and charging.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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hopefully the the rest of the Country except a few states are smarter than Kalifornia voters....

not that it matters the fix is in...

all they needed was somebody that can put 2 cohesive sentences together unlike Joe.... and the machine got that...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Shit at this point I wouldn't put anything past the big government machine sadly
absolutely why not this is childs play at this point...

nothing is beneath these people.....

they have done everything in their power to destroy this man you think they wouldnt do this

Taylor Swift and Beyonce said no so guess not


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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Was anybody really surprised by Trump‘s performance? In my opinion, he’s always been a shitty debater. I vote for the man because of his policies, not his personality or his debating skills.
not only that but the fact he has outed this entire corrupted system Rinos, Dems ,Globalists ,3 letter agencies and foreign Countries paying off these fu-kers


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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She did better than I thought she would, but Trump won this by far. Seems like
Some guys are a bit eager to jump ship.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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She did better than I thought she would, but Trump won this by far. Seems like
Some guys are a bit eager to jump ship.

It isn't a question if anyone here is going to vote for him or change votes.. Everyone is voting for him. The question is did he get any new voters.. Kamala absolutely won just about everything except the closing statements and even then it was a toss up.

Trump did not show up tonight, and he didn't answer questions. Border Border Border, with some fracking mixed in.. I hate to say it, but she won the debate. Donald could have done a ton better, and honestly I was kinda surprised by some of it.

As soon as she said people leave your rallies early she owned him.. and ironically enough he coulda just said "Yes please do what she says and come to a rally and see for yourself". having personally been to one, nobody is leaving early. People camp days ahead to make sure they get in.



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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Even then, I think it was a little "too good" for her.. I have watched her talk plenty over the years and she is pretty terrible.

I listened to a very interesting podcast with Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein yesterday. Eric pushed back on Chris when Chris questioned Kamala's intelligence. He presented a theory that many of our politicians are just playing a character, something that I have NEVER considered.

Skip to about 5:45 mark for the start of his take.

Both Eric and his brother Brett are hard core leftys and have been very vocal recently about how dangerous the current democratic party is. I think it is great to see people with such bright minds speaking out and trying to shed light on the sham that is the democratic party.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
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The Dems got what they wanted tonight. The Progressive Axis — Harris and her ABC News foils — got under Trump’s skin and stayed there. Just as importantly, Harris was able to fire off her scripted talking points without interruption, correction, or serious questions.

So that part sucked.

The part that didn’t suck is that Harris didn’t do that thing Biden somehow managed in 2020 — to come across as likable. What I think most people saw was two people they didn’t particularly like. The difference is, they already knew they didn’t like Trump. Harris’s unlikability might have been news to them.

Stephen Green


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Something for nothing promised gets votes, lots of votes though it delivers nothing for something.

People had pretty much decided already who they want.

She’s unlikeable” - Willie Brown

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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Now that we’ve seen Kameltoe as an effective speaker, will we see her do any interviews before the election? No, back to the basement and more fake meet and greets.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2018
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I get it it…he missed a few chances and should have done better.
How long will the handwringing go on in here?
Was an opportunity missed?
For sure and that’s on Trump.
The MSM is never going to let it be a fair fight.
But I know one thing, he will continue to fight.
Hopefully he learned a few things about his opponent and himself last night…we’ll see.
Like her or not, I think she nailed the goings on last night.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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It isn't a question if anyone here is going to vote for him or change votes.. Everyone is voting for him. The question is did he get any new voters.. Kamala absolutely won just about everything except the closing statements and even then it was a toss up.

Trump did not show up tonight, and he didn't answer questions. Border Border Border, with some fracking mixed in.. I hate to say it, but she won the debate. Donald could have done a ton better, and honestly I was kinda surprised by some of it.

As soon as she said people leave your rallies early she owned him.. and ironically enough he coulda just said "Yes please do what she says and come to a rally and see for yourself". having personally been to one, nobody is leaving early. People camp days ahead to make sure they get in.

Maga crowd isn’t switching their votes, and neither is the far left. What they’re trying to win over are the independents, and I’d say he did a better job. Most people’s current concerns are the economy, their jobs and security. He did better on those points.

I feel like we’re way over criticizing our guy, and the other side is cheerleading their candidate to the finish line. It’s a stacked game in their favor. Anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 and is now considering not voting for him has lost their minds and suffers from TDS.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
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Don't give a shit about debates, all they are is a media fueled shit slinging contest.

Don's policies have been set for years now and plainly visible. The communists plan is obvious to those that aren't stupid as fuck and planted in the propaganda devices.


Coffee makes me poop.
Sep 24, 2007
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The abort babies after birth thing is misconstrued. It applies to D&E (partial birth) abortions, when the fetus is taken out but may still be alive. Likely only for a few minutes.

It does not refer to a healthy delivered baby killed in the delivery room. Why can't he make it clear? He may not understand it himself.


Parker Is Now OPEN
Sep 13, 2010
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Well let’s put on the tinfoil hats 😬 They’re saying she was wearing an earpiece.

View attachment 1427417
I saw that, and was thought BS. JEEZ.

But the Nova earring earbuds are a real product. With all the earring styles in the world, what are the odds that Kamala wears an earring so so similar to the earbud on the market? I'm not saying it is true, but definitely suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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The abort babies after birth thing is misconstrued. It applies to D&E (partial birth) abortions, when the fetus is taken out but may still be alive. Likely only for a few minutes.

It does not refer to a healthy delivered baby killed in the delivery room. Why can't he make it clear? He may not understand it himself.
You need to watch post #295.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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Social media is shredding ABC this morning and calling the debate a 3 on 1 debacle.
Independents scored Trump higher than Kamala…..
I didn’t bother watching it, I know who I’m voting for. I doubt this debate actually changed a single vote in either direction.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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I get it it…he missed a few chances and should have done better.
How long will the handwringing go on in here?
Was an opportunity missed?
For sure and that’s on Trump.
The MSM is never going to let it be a fair fight.
But I know one thing, he will continue to fight.
Hopefully he learned a few things about his opponent and himself last night…we’ll see.
Like her or not, I think she nailed the goings on last night.

Megyn is looking extra fine these days!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2020
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If you are not cheating you aren’t trying. When she wins it won’t matter how she got there.

Almost like he should have brought it up numerous times but didn’t.
Just hoping Vivek stays in the game and continues to bust through party lines, at least at face value he is activity trying to have conversations with both sides. If he can keep it up and stay relevant he will have a chance in 4 years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Trump really blew it. He let her under his skin and spent every second he had taking the bait she threw out to rile him up.
Her handlers planned for this well, and gave her some mind-fuck comments to toss at him that really got him going.
"people leave his rallys early" was all she had to say, for him to lose his shit and spend his entire next speaking opportunity boasting about his popularity.

He needed to come off more controlled, show a hit of restraint and act presidential. He should have focused on the low hanging fruit opportunities to respond to her absolute BS statements containing no policy, only desired results. He didn't even swing most of the time, just focused on being pissed and literally calling her stupid. People don't like to here people talk like that. At least, people tryingto be convinced to come over and vote for Trump....which is what he needed to accomplish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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You need to watch post #295.
That clip is cut off, and leaves an out-of-context impression. If you watch the full video, they’re talking about babies that are “non-viable”. He did say the parents and at least two doctors should be involved. Therefore, many will consider such a policy to be acceptable.

But, then the question becomes, are they talking about a baby with facial abnormalities, a baby with no arms, a Downs child? Also, are the parents a couple of meth heads, and the doctors people who believe in a perfect society with perfect children? That’s what messed up about this and the entire abortion argument; people thinking they can play at being God.

I really wish Trump had thought about this and formulated his statement better.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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As said 3 against one.
All the things Kalama wants now she had 3 3/4 years to push Biden into. She was non-existent most the time.

Someone explain to me this "Opportunistic Economy?" This is the dumbest word salad mix she has in her entire bag of tricks. Says it all the time but WHAT IS IT?

Trump pointed out their failed economy in the end but that debate was a train wreck. Kalama received the questions she was well rehearsed for and Trump blind, as this was supposed to be.

Its not rocket science that her replies to moderator questions took zero thought time. She just rolled the answers out and then finished by calling Trump a liar and the same old bullshit how he will in some way kill Democracy. Trump BAD....Trump BAD.... fucking broken record.

How many far fetched comments has Trump made over the years that left us thinking no way is that true.....and then surprise. Yes immigrants have had their free money cut off and eating Dogs and Cats is not an issue for them.

Nothing's changed. The same basic 4 states will control the election outcome. This is where you will find Trump. Kamala will be on vacation until the Kabul tells her where to go next.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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That clip is cut off, and leaves an out-of-context impression. If you watch the full video, they’re talking about babies that are “non-viable”. He did say the parents and at least two doctors should be involved. Therefore, many will consider such a policy to be acceptable.

But, then the question becomes, are they talking about a baby with facial abnormalities, a baby with no arms, a Downs child? Also, are the parents a couple of meth heads, and the doctors people who believe in a perfect society with perfect children? That’s what messed up about this and the entire abortion argument; people thinking they can play at being God.

I really wish Trump had thought about this and formulated his statement better.

This is probably thee only topic I agree with the dems on, and if we could just let it go, we would be in such a better place....government should not be involved in abortion period.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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This is probably thee only topic I agree with the dems on, and if we could just let it go, we would be in such a better place....government should not be involved in abortion period.
I was in the kitchen when my wife said they just overturned Roe V. Wade, I yelled are you shitting me, that is going to cost a lot of votes. She didn't know why that jacked me up so much then but she does now.
Regardless of my opinion on the matter it was a checkmate moment for the Dems.
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