Presidential Debate is on Tonight


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Far as the 2nd Trump / harris debate. The only person who has played and tuned harris better than Trump is Willy Brown. The 2nd debate will be scheduled after Vance / Walz in late October. Trump has set Harris up, she cannot cancel the debate it’s her idea.
Not one commentator has given Trump credit for dancing on a blade all thru that debate. Trump did NOT insult women voters at any time. They did their best, he did not offend women which is very difficult for him to avoid.
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Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
It’s a long read…. But worth listening to this perspective:

From a Facebook Friend. If you watched last nights Debate, Please take time to read this over for me it put last nights debate into perspective.

Well, I’ve had 12 hours to think about the debate and watch it over again several times. It’s an interesting process to slow things down just enough to think about everything that you’re seeing and observing. It’s like watching a movie a few times and noticing all sorts of things you missed the first time.

To truly understand the debate, one has to comprehend what has happened over the last four years. In this particular case, one would have to understand Kamala Harris's normal demeanor, Donald Trump’s normal demeanor, and the history of ABC’s view of both of them, especially over the last two weeks.

Within that framework, you begin to see things in a different light and with more context. Part of what makes a debate fair is found in the company hosting the debate, in this case ABC, and the moderators moderating the debate. By understanding ABC and the moderators, you begin to understand why they asked the questions they did and why they framed them the way they did. And of course, you also begin to understand why they didn’t ask questions that are of the utmost importance to the American people and the world. Moderators are not supposed to take sides, nor are they supposed to correct those who are debating because that is the job of the opponent, not the moderator; they’re simply to ask the questions and move forward to the next question, while also managing the time clock. When a moderator enters into the debate and takes a shot, it is just like a referee in a boxing match punching a boxer with an unseen uppercut.

Typically, in a debate, people express opinions that are not necessarily facts, but they’re not necessarily wrong either. They’re simply opinions. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris said plenty of things based on their opinions that people on both sides can take exception to. However, the moderators attempted to correct Trump eleven times and never attempted to correct Kamala even once.

The moderators also used a technique that is so subtle most people don’t even notice it. With Trump, the questions were framed as, "How do you defend your position?" whereas with Kamala, they were constantly asking her how she felt about a position. This naturally places one on defense and the other on offense. Of course, defense appears more negative to the listener, and offense appears to be more positive. It almost has nothing to do with the answers or the topic. It really has to do with the tone, cadence, and pace of the debate. It is designed to show favoritism without appearing to do so. But I saw it and caught it.

Leading up to the debate, ABC’s reporting of Kamala Harris was positive 100% of the time, whereas ABC’s reporting of Donald Trump was negative 93% of the time. There are plenty of positive and negative stories about both candidates to at least make their reporting 50-50. But ABC is not objective; as a result, they did these little tricks in the debate that only reflected the massive bias they had going into it.

In a profound way, it really doesn’t matter who people think won the debate or lost the debate. As in most debates, both sides declare their side as the champion. The only exception to this was in the Trump-Biden debate where we unfortunately saw the display of the mental decline of a sitting President. Frankly, it wasn’t even a debate, but instead a profound confirmation of the deception of the DNC and the media elites who protect them because they are aligned with them.

In last night’s debate, we saw the unscripted Trump being Trump, and he was typically on the defense, making his case. Again, he was constantly on defense because of the way the questions were framed. But what was interesting to me was that Kamala was not the typical Kamala. I’ve watched hundreds of interviews of Kamala, and last night was unscripted Kamala, but a very scripted Kamala. There was no word salad at all, which is her natural state of speaking.

Now, at the very beginning of the debate, the moderator stated that neither candidate was given the questions beforehand, which I believe. But I also believe that while Kamala wasn’t given the specific questions that would be asked, she was clearly scripted for the general questions that would be asked.

All of her responses were perfect in terms of a punch and counterpunch, with lots of demeaning innuendos and harsh opinions and statements that would place Trump on constant defense. They were designed to make it appear like she was getting under his skin when in reality, he was just defending his position. In other words, it’s an illusion, and I have to admit, a pretty good one.

The real question is who wrote the script. My conclusion is that whoever wrote the script for her is the same ones who have been running the government for Biden, who is clearly unable to run the affairs of state. And in a profound way, when one votes for Kamala, they’re really not voting for her; they’re voting to keep the people in power who are behind her, whom they do not know. It’s obvious that there are very powerful players inside the administration who are lurking in the shadows.

So when you look at the debate and realize that it’s all an illusion, it really doesn’t matter what was debated. It’s like watching a show and you’re not sure of what you actually just saw. Because it’s more important to understand what you didn’t see, because what you didn’t see is what actually is real.

Now, if you’re a Democrat, you would just be thrilled to see Kamala in a stage performance constantly placing Trump on defense. Every unkind thing that you saw her say about Trump, you would revel in, and you would think it was wonderful and amazing and so brave of her to look him in the eye and call him a convicted felon.

If you were a Republican, you would walk away from the debate disliking Kamala even more and feeling bad that Trump was constantly on defense about so many accusations that were not true. And again, you would see the moderators correcting him for his opinions, but never correcting her for her opinions.

Late last night and early this morning, I went through all the polling data from the debate. I would have thought based on what I saw that the debate would’ve been pretty even in the eyes of the general public. However, the majority of the polls—not all, but the majority of them—showed that the public felt that Trump won the debate.

The outcome of any debate is in the eyes of the beholder, and everybody has different experiences in their life, which is why we’ll see the debate in completely different ways. For me, I’m more interested in the construction of the debate—the debate moderators, the questions that were asked, and the questions that were not asked.

And frankly, a 90-minute debate should center around three questions regarding the most consequential survival issues of our country, with detailed responses to those questions that would last 10 minutes each, followed by another 5 minutes each for rebuttals to the answers.

Here are three questions I would have asked:

1. How did we get into $36 trillion in debt over the last 50 years, and what policies are you going to implement to get us debt-free? And what year will it be completed?

2. Why did we become energy dependent on other enemy nations, transferring trillions of dollars of wealth to them to wage war around the world against us and our allies? And what policies will you enact to guarantee we will be 100% energy independent of any nation during your four-year term?

3. What specific laws that are on the books does our government ignore, allowing for a flagrant violation of our border laws? And why are we not fully implementing the laws, which is the primary job of any administration? What is the real cost in money, jobs, drugs, crime, and human trafficking to our nation?

The reason I like these questions and want somebody to explain them for at least 10 minutes is because then I know whether they really understand the nuances of the topic and they’re not just some talking head.

Back in the day, say, during Abraham Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt's time, candidates would go into neighborhoods and communities and large cities and expound for hours on the nuances of government policy. This is why I enjoy watching Trump rallies, because within every rally is a new talking point and new details, and I want to know the details. It would be great if Kamala could go off-script and talk for hours about policy. My gut feeling is she doesn’t do that because she can’t do it. And that is the issue.

Back in the day, they didn’t have any analysis of talking points or what would be popular to say; real politicians got up and spoke in real words with all of their faults and feelings, but from their hearts. The politicians we have today are marketing manifestations of polling data. While it sounds like they speak with conviction, it is an acting job, and at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are results from good policies.

And it’s for this reason that I will continue to support Trump because it’s real and not scripted. How do I know it’s unscripted because he’s one of the few who does not try to constantly hide his flaws. I accept the reality of his flaws like I accept the reality of my flaws, and the flaws of everyone I know and love in my life. 

Just saying the obvious once again!😏
First thing tomorrow send your above quoted post to FOX NEWS and every host on that Network including Levin. Serious,get it to them.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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It’s a long read…. But worth listening to this perspective:

From a Facebook Friend. If you watched last nights Debate, Please take time to read this over for me it put last nights debate into perspective.

Well, I’ve had 12 hours to think about the debate and watch it over again several times. It’s an interesting process to slow things down just enough to think about everything that you’re seeing and observing. It’s like watching a movie a few times and noticing all sorts of things you missed the first time.

To truly understand the debate, one has to comprehend what has happened over the last four years. In this particular case, one would have to understand Kamala Harris's normal demeanor, Donald Trump’s normal demeanor, and the history of ABC’s view of both of them, especially over the last two weeks.

Within that framework, you begin to see things in a different light and with more context. Part of what makes a debate fair is found in the company hosting the debate, in this case ABC, and the moderators moderating the debate. By understanding ABC and the moderators, you begin to understand why they asked the questions they did and why they framed them the way they did. And of course, you also begin to understand why they didn’t ask questions that are of the utmost importance to the American people and the world. Moderators are not supposed to take sides, nor are they supposed to correct those who are debating because that is the job of the opponent, not the moderator; they’re simply to ask the questions and move forward to the next question, while also managing the time clock. When a moderator enters into the debate and takes a shot, it is just like a referee in a boxing match punching a boxer with an unseen uppercut.

Typically, in a debate, people express opinions that are not necessarily facts, but they’re not necessarily wrong either. They’re simply opinions. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris said plenty of things based on their opinions that people on both sides can take exception to. However, the moderators attempted to correct Trump eleven times and never attempted to correct Kamala even once.

The moderators also used a technique that is so subtle most people don’t even notice it. With Trump, the questions were framed as, "How do you defend your position?" whereas with Kamala, they were constantly asking her how she felt about a position. This naturally places one on defense and the other on offense. Of course, defense appears more negative to the listener, and offense appears to be more positive. It almost has nothing to do with the answers or the topic. It really has to do with the tone, cadence, and pace of the debate. It is designed to show favoritism without appearing to do so. But I saw it and caught it.

Leading up to the debate, ABC’s reporting of Kamala Harris was positive 100% of the time, whereas ABC’s reporting of Donald Trump was negative 93% of the time. There are plenty of positive and negative stories about both candidates to at least make their reporting 50-50. But ABC is not objective; as a result, they did these little tricks in the debate that only reflected the massive bias they had going into it.

In a profound way, it really doesn’t matter who people think won the debate or lost the debate. As in most debates, both sides declare their side as the champion. The only exception to this was in the Trump-Biden debate where we unfortunately saw the display of the mental decline of a sitting President. Frankly, it wasn’t even a debate, but instead a profound confirmation of the deception of the DNC and the media elites who protect them because they are aligned with them.

In last night’s debate, we saw the unscripted Trump being Trump, and he was typically on the defense, making his case. Again, he was constantly on defense because of the way the questions were framed. But what was interesting to me was that Kamala was not the typical Kamala. I’ve watched hundreds of interviews of Kamala, and last night was unscripted Kamala, but a very scripted Kamala. There was no word salad at all, which is her natural state of speaking.

Now, at the very beginning of the debate, the moderator stated that neither candidate was given the questions beforehand, which I believe. But I also believe that while Kamala wasn’t given the specific questions that would be asked, she was clearly scripted for the general questions that would be asked.

All of her responses were perfect in terms of a punch and counterpunch, with lots of demeaning innuendos and harsh opinions and statements that would place Trump on constant defense. They were designed to make it appear like she was getting under his skin when in reality, he was just defending his position. In other words, it’s an illusion, and I have to admit, a pretty good one.

The real question is who wrote the script. My conclusion is that whoever wrote the script for her is the same ones who have been running the government for Biden, who is clearly unable to run the affairs of state. And in a profound way, when one votes for Kamala, they’re really not voting for her; they’re voting to keep the people in power who are behind her, whom they do not know. It’s obvious that there are very powerful players inside the administration who are lurking in the shadows.

So when you look at the debate and realize that it’s all an illusion, it really doesn’t matter what was debated. It’s like watching a show and you’re not sure of what you actually just saw. Because it’s more important to understand what you didn’t see, because what you didn’t see is what actually is real.

Now, if you’re a Democrat, you would just be thrilled to see Kamala in a stage performance constantly placing Trump on defense. Every unkind thing that you saw her say about Trump, you would revel in, and you would think it was wonderful and amazing and so brave of her to look him in the eye and call him a convicted felon.

If you were a Republican, you would walk away from the debate disliking Kamala even more and feeling bad that Trump was constantly on defense about so many accusations that were not true. And again, you would see the moderators correcting him for his opinions, but never correcting her for her opinions.

Late last night and early this morning, I went through all the polling data from the debate. I would have thought based on what I saw that the debate would’ve been pretty even in the eyes of the general public. However, the majority of the polls—not all, but the majority of them—showed that the public felt that Trump won the debate.

The outcome of any debate is in the eyes of the beholder, and everybody has different experiences in their life, which is why we’ll see the debate in completely different ways. For me, I’m more interested in the construction of the debate—the debate moderators, the questions that were asked, and the questions that were not asked.

And frankly, a 90-minute debate should center around three questions regarding the most consequential survival issues of our country, with detailed responses to those questions that would last 10 minutes each, followed by another 5 minutes each for rebuttals to the answers.

Here are three questions I would have asked:

1. How did we get into $36 trillion in debt over the last 50 years, and what policies are you going to implement to get us debt-free? And what year will it be completed?

2. Why did we become energy dependent on other enemy nations, transferring trillions of dollars of wealth to them to wage war around the world against us and our allies? And what policies will you enact to guarantee we will be 100% energy independent of any nation during your four-year term?

3. What specific laws that are on the books does our government ignore, allowing for a flagrant violation of our border laws? And why are we not fully implementing the laws, which is the primary job of any administration? What is the real cost in money, jobs, drugs, crime, and human trafficking to our nation?

The reason I like these questions and want somebody to explain them for at least 10 minutes is because then I know whether they really understand the nuances of the topic and they’re not just some talking head.

Back in the day, say, during Abraham Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt's time, candidates would go into neighborhoods and communities and large cities and expound for hours on the nuances of government policy. This is why I enjoy watching Trump rallies, because within every rally is a new talking point and new details, and I want to know the details. It would be great if Kamala could go off-script and talk for hours about policy. My gut feeling is she doesn’t do that because she can’t do it. And that is the issue.

Back in the day, they didn’t have any analysis of talking points or what would be popular to say; real politicians got up and spoke in real words with all of their faults and feelings, but from their hearts. The politicians we have today are marketing manifestations of polling data. While it sounds like they speak with conviction, it is an acting job, and at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are results from good policies.

And it’s for this reason that I will continue to support Trump because it’s real and not scripted. How do I know it’s unscripted because he’s one of the few who does not try to constantly hide his flaws. I accept the reality of his flaws like I accept the reality of my flaws, and the flaws of everyone I know and love in my life. 

Just saying the obvious once again!😏
Excellent read, thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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So you mean to tell me that he knows the system is rigged and he knows he is going to loose and he still pretends he is going to win? Even after he gets shot at? That’s a a special kind of stupid.

Either it’s rigged or it’s not. Which is it? If it was rigged last time it will be rigged again you and I both agree on that.

Knowing it’s rigged and he will loose why run?

If he wins this time guess it wasn’t rigged last time.

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different outcomes. He is doing nothing different and nothing has changed.

Sorry but our side spews bullshit just like the other so i question everything.

I went to bed that night of the election and Trump had it all wrapped up.. Overnight they found the votes for Biden. It was fucking crazy.. Never seen anything like it.
Am I wrong?

Just remember, the Democrats blamed the Russians on his win over Clinton. They are no different.. That whole Russian Collusion was a total fake, never happened.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2013
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So you mean to tell me that he knows the system is rigged and he knows he is going to loose and he still pretends he is going to win? Even after he gets shot at? That’s a a special kind of stupid.

Either it’s rigged or it’s not. Which is it? If it was rigged last time it will be rigged again you and I both agree on that.

Knowing it’s rigged and he will loose why run?

If he wins this time guess it wasn’t rigged last time.

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different outcomes. He is doing nothing different and nothing has changed.

Sorry but our side spews bullshit just like the other so i question everything.
It is not an election in any sense like thinking people think of an election.

The better policy will not win. The worse policy will not lose.

The only metric that matters is how many of the pieces of paper with the X in the right space you can get handed in within whatever period of time that the correct court decides to allow.

This is why people like Lara Trump and Scott Pressler are so important, and why getting rid of Ronna Romney was so important. It's why we need to ignore McConnel and McCarthy who keep throwing money at the personalities they want instead of targeting the votes that matter. Why did they spend millions in Texas 23 and Florida 1 and other races like them, where the outcome in November is set, and the only question was which R will run? Those millions should be spent on toss up house and senate seats. They should be spent registering Amish and hunters in Pennsylvania and getting the mail in ballots returned. And if Mayra Flores loses Tx 34 in November, just remember the $4m that was wasted to protect Tony Gonzalez in Tx 23 so he could continue to vote for every bullshit spending bill everybody hates.

Pretending that anything Trump says, or any lie Kamala spouts will sway this election is a complete joke. No one cares. Just make sure everyone you know in AZ returns the goddamn ballot, with all the correct spots filled out. And do not leave the polling place until the ballot has been accepted by the machine. Film them putting it in. Make sure they know you are watching..

Edit to add, Governors and Secretaries of state, and AGs nuking illegitimate voters from voter rolls is critical. And it can still be done.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I went to bed that night of the election and Trump had it all wrapped up.. Overnight they found the votes for Biden. It was fucking crazy.. Never seen anything like it.
Am I wrong?

Just remember, the Democrats blamed the Russians on his win over Clinton. They are no different.. That whole Russian Collusion was a total fake, never happened.
I shut it off when they called Florida.
I knew right then the fix was in, and also that there was no impartial msm left at that point.

It’s bizarre to me how some don’t see it.
They actually think there is no shadow agenda.
That all is exactly how it seems.
That there are winners, and losers, and that is that.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Thank god my dad was an active part of the deception and educated my brother and I at a very young age as to what really goes on (or rather the process of aversion and deception)…at least to the extent he was able to.
It isn’t a burden being somewhat aware, it’s never really been a factor in living my life, it surely has to be better than the shock to come for those with zero understanding?
Debating with these type of people is completely futile.
There is simply not enough time in the day to waste even trying.
What takes a lifetime (sort of) to learn can not be transferred in a single “election” cycle.
The msm has a big platform, in many guises, and as is evident it doesn’t take a lot to convince some people of whatever they decide to convince them of.

Many label this stuff as conspiracy theory and basic craziness. But the reality is that they have almost no knowledge or research on which to affix their conclusions.
It’s just the cool thing to do.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
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It is not an election in any sense like thinking people think of an election.

The better policy will not win. The worse policy will not lose.

The only metric that matters is how many of the pieces of paper with the X in the right space you can get handed in within whatever period of time that the correct court decides to allow.

This is why people like Lara Trump and Scott Pressler are so important, and why getting rid of Ronna Romney was so important. It's why we need to ignore McConnel and McCarthy who keep throwing money at the personalities they want instead of targeting the votes that matter. Why did they spend millions in Texas 23 and Florida 1 and other races like them, where the outcome in November is set, and the only question was which R will run? Those millions should be spent on toss up house and senate seats. They should be spent registering Amish and hunters in Pennsylvania and getting the mail in ballots returned. And if Mayra Flores loses Tx 34 in November, just remember the $4m that was wasted to protect Tony Gonzalez in Tx 23 so he could continue to vote for every bullshit spending bill everybody hates.

Pretending that anything Trump says, or any lie Kamala spouts will sway this election is a complete joke. No one cares. Just make sure everyone you know in AZ returns the goddamn ballot, with all the correct spots filled out. And do not leave the polling place until the ballot has been accepted by the machine. Film them putting it in. Make sure they know you are watching..

Edit to add, Governors and Secretaries of state, and AGs nuking illegitimate voters from voter rolls is critical. And it can still be done.

Spot on, 100% agree. Said it myself a couple weeks back, it doesn't matter what Trump does or says. The media will always find something to bash him on, no matter what. No matter how "presidential" he carries himself. No matter how eloquently he speaks. He could cure cancer and the headlines will read that he killed research jobs. We've seen this recently with some of his policy proposals - Trump says let's not tax tips, it's met with crickets, Harris says let's not tax tips and suddenly it's the greatest idea since sliced bread... They will always assume the worst case scenario for Trump and suspend professional skepticism in favor of their own bias. And if Trump did clean up his act to the point where they have nothing to criticize him about, then they will lie about him. We will never see a glowing headline for Trump in the NYT or WP, or hear glowing coverage of him on network news. Never. No matter what.

The only thing that matters is who get more pieces of paper with a certain box checked, and that's how and why Biden "won" in 2020. It doesn't matter that many of those pieces of paper had no business getting counted (or even recounted), the fact still stands that they got counted (and recounted), and that's what decided the last election. Presler and L Trump understand this and are working towards that end, which is to make sure that as many pieces of paper as possible have Trump checked, and that only legally permissible pieces of paper are counted. Their efforts alone will have an exponentially bigger impact than Trumps debate performance or Trump acting "presidential" or anything else that Trump can do or say.

I know I'm just repeating what you said, but it cannot be said enough. It's the pieces of paper that count.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2013
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I know I'm just repeating what you said, but it cannot be said enough. It's the pieces of paper that count.
Please, keep repeating it..lol

I do get so tired of these people who cry because his ideas did not win last time.. It has nothing to do with the ideas, and it hasn't since GWB won.. The fact that no one would admit to voting for Trump is the only reason they did not know how many votes to produce in 2016.

All we can hope is something similar happens this year

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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It’s a long read…. But worth listening to this perspective:

From a Facebook Friend. If you watched last nights Debate, Please take time to read this over for me it put last nights debate into perspective.

Well, I’ve had 12 hours to think about the debate and watch it over again several times. It’s an interesting process to slow things down just enough to think about everything that you’re seeing and observing. It’s like watching a movie a few times and noticing all sorts of things you missed the first time.

To truly understand the debate, one has to comprehend what has happened over the last four years. In this particular case, one would have to understand Kamala Harris's normal demeanor, Donald Trump’s normal demeanor, and the history of ABC’s view of both of them, especially over the last two weeks.

Within that framework, you begin to see things in a different light and with more context. Part of what makes a debate fair is found in the company hosting the debate, in this case ABC, and the moderators moderating the debate. By understanding ABC and the moderators, you begin to understand why they asked the questions they did and why they framed them the way they did. And of course, you also begin to understand why they didn’t ask questions that are of the utmost importance to the American people and the world. Moderators are not supposed to take sides, nor are they supposed to correct those who are debating because that is the job of the opponent, not the moderator; they’re simply to ask the questions and move forward to the next question, while also managing the time clock. When a moderator enters into the debate and takes a shot, it is just like a referee in a boxing match punching a boxer with an unseen uppercut.

Typically, in a debate, people express opinions that are not necessarily facts, but they’re not necessarily wrong either. They’re simply opinions. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris said plenty of things based on their opinions that people on both sides can take exception to. However, the moderators attempted to correct Trump eleven times and never attempted to correct Kamala even once.

The moderators also used a technique that is so subtle most people don’t even notice it. With Trump, the questions were framed as, "How do you defend your position?" whereas with Kamala, they were constantly asking her how she felt about a position. This naturally places one on defense and the other on offense. Of course, defense appears more negative to the listener, and offense appears to be more positive. It almost has nothing to do with the answers or the topic. It really has to do with the tone, cadence, and pace of the debate. It is designed to show favoritism without appearing to do so. But I saw it and caught it.

Leading up to the debate, ABC’s reporting of Kamala Harris was positive 100% of the time, whereas ABC’s reporting of Donald Trump was negative 93% of the time. There are plenty of positive and negative stories about both candidates to at least make their reporting 50-50. But ABC is not objective; as a result, they did these little tricks in the debate that only reflected the massive bias they had going into it.

In a profound way, it really doesn’t matter who people think won the debate or lost the debate. As in most debates, both sides declare their side as the champion. The only exception to this was in the Trump-Biden debate where we unfortunately saw the display of the mental decline of a sitting President. Frankly, it wasn’t even a debate, but instead a profound confirmation of the deception of the DNC and the media elites who protect them because they are aligned with them.

In last night’s debate, we saw the unscripted Trump being Trump, and he was typically on the defense, making his case. Again, he was constantly on defense because of the way the questions were framed. But what was interesting to me was that Kamala was not the typical Kamala. I’ve watched hundreds of interviews of Kamala, and last night was unscripted Kamala, but a very scripted Kamala. There was no word salad at all, which is her natural state of speaking.

Now, at the very beginning of the debate, the moderator stated that neither candidate was given the questions beforehand, which I believe. But I also believe that while Kamala wasn’t given the specific questions that would be asked, she was clearly scripted for the general questions that would be asked.

All of her responses were perfect in terms of a punch and counterpunch, with lots of demeaning innuendos and harsh opinions and statements that would place Trump on constant defense. They were designed to make it appear like she was getting under his skin when in reality, he was just defending his position. In other words, it’s an illusion, and I have to admit, a pretty good one.

The real question is who wrote the script. My conclusion is that whoever wrote the script for her is the same ones who have been running the government for Biden, who is clearly unable to run the affairs of state. And in a profound way, when one votes for Kamala, they’re really not voting for her; they’re voting to keep the people in power who are behind her, whom they do not know. It’s obvious that there are very powerful players inside the administration who are lurking in the shadows.

So when you look at the debate and realize that it’s all an illusion, it really doesn’t matter what was debated. It’s like watching a show and you’re not sure of what you actually just saw. Because it’s more important to understand what you didn’t see, because what you didn’t see is what actually is real.

Now, if you’re a Democrat, you would just be thrilled to see Kamala in a stage performance constantly placing Trump on defense. Every unkind thing that you saw her say about Trump, you would revel in, and you would think it was wonderful and amazing and so brave of her to look him in the eye and call him a convicted felon.

If you were a Republican, you would walk away from the debate disliking Kamala even more and feeling bad that Trump was constantly on defense about so many accusations that were not true. And again, you would see the moderators correcting him for his opinions, but never correcting her for her opinions.

Late last night and early this morning, I went through all the polling data from the debate. I would have thought based on what I saw that the debate would’ve been pretty even in the eyes of the general public. However, the majority of the polls—not all, but the majority of them—showed that the public felt that Trump won the debate.

The outcome of any debate is in the eyes of the beholder, and everybody has different experiences in their life, which is why we’ll see the debate in completely different ways. For me, I’m more interested in the construction of the debate—the debate moderators, the questions that were asked, and the questions that were not asked.

And frankly, a 90-minute debate should center around three questions regarding the most consequential survival issues of our country, with detailed responses to those questions that would last 10 minutes each, followed by another 5 minutes each for rebuttals to the answers.

Here are three questions I would have asked:

1. How did we get into $36 trillion in debt over the last 50 years, and what policies are you going to implement to get us debt-free? And what year will it be completed?

2. Why did we become energy dependent on other enemy nations, transferring trillions of dollars of wealth to them to wage war around the world against us and our allies? And what policies will you enact to guarantee we will be 100% energy independent of any nation during your four-year term?

3. What specific laws that are on the books does our government ignore, allowing for a flagrant violation of our border laws? And why are we not fully implementing the laws, which is the primary job of any administration? What is the real cost in money, jobs, drugs, crime, and human trafficking to our nation?

The reason I like these questions and want somebody to explain them for at least 10 minutes is because then I know whether they really understand the nuances of the topic and they’re not just some talking head.

Back in the day, say, during Abraham Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt's time, candidates would go into neighborhoods and communities and large cities and expound for hours on the nuances of government policy. This is why I enjoy watching Trump rallies, because within every rally is a new talking point and new details, and I want to know the details. It would be great if Kamala could go off-script and talk for hours about policy. My gut feeling is she doesn’t do that because she can’t do it. And that is the issue.

Back in the day, they didn’t have any analysis of talking points or what would be popular to say; real politicians got up and spoke in real words with all of their faults and feelings, but from their hearts. The politicians we have today are marketing manifestations of polling data. While it sounds like they speak with conviction, it is an acting job, and at the end of the day, the only thing that matters are results from good policies.

And it’s for this reason that I will continue to support Trump because it’s real and not scripted. How do I know it’s unscripted because he’s one of the few who does not try to constantly hide his flaws. I accept the reality of his flaws like I accept the reality of my flaws, and the flaws of everyone I know and love in my life. 

Just saying the obvious once again!😏
… Such an accurate observation… Simply brilliant👍


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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I just want live long enough to read the Doctor Jill book about what the hell went down here. You know damn well that book is on the way. LMAO.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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So you mean to tell me that he knows the system is rigged and he knows he is going to loose and he still pretends he is going to win? Even after he gets shot at? That’s a a special kind of stupid.

Either it’s rigged or it’s not. Which is it? If it was rigged last time it will be rigged again you and I both agree on that.

Knowing it’s rigged and he will loose why run?

If he wins this time guess it wasn’t rigged last time.

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different outcomes. He is doing nothing different and nothing has changed.

Sorry but our side spews bullshit just like the other so i question everything.
It's LOSE.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2024
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We live in a very soft, thin skinned society these days. Trump needs to pander to the weak minded and he doesn't do it. I have thick skin and his abrasive, sarcastic personality doesn't bother me one bit. He can win over the middle in these debates by softening his demeanor and simply stating the facts. All he needed to do was stand up on that stage, smile and spew the facts. Tell America what the Biden/Harris administration did from the moment they set foot into the Oval Office. Stopped the XL Pipe Line, the failed withdraw from Afghanistan, the proxy war in Ukraine that American tax payers are funding to pad the pockets of the military industrial complex, the open boarder crisis, the Fentanyl crisis, the homeless crisis, insane inflation caused by their ridiculous policies they put into place, etc. Last night should have been a slam dunk for Trump based on facts and data from the past 3.5 years. He failed at delivering that message.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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NYC alone averages about 24,000 black abortions per year. NYC also averages about 21,000 black live births a year. (2022 data if memory serves)
They abort more than they birth.
Mind you that is just in the city.
That trend is true in most bigger cities, the numbers may vary but the ratio remains.

But then there is the counterpoint…do you want to feed 24,000 more mouths?
I don’t know the answer.
Hell with feed them. How about pay to incarcerate them. If momma don't want them, well you know momma knows best.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Now why would a Republican do this?

Raffensperger has also been accused by election integrity activists — many of whom are former supporters turned critics — like me, Jason Frazier, Kevin Moncla, David Cross, and others — of deliberately suppressing legitimate and consequential cases brought to his office in order to prevent them from being heard by the SEB. Worse, the statute of limitations for many of the 2020 election law violations alleged in those cases will soon expire.

Because he, Kemp and many others in Georgia are corrupt RINO's.

Debates mean nothing when we're facing resistance within our own party, to the candidate that LEGITIMATELY won the R primary. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I’ve not read the prior posts. Hope my comments are not a vin.

1) Illegals eating dogs and cats. More relevant and important would have been mention of the Biden Admin again flying in immigrants from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba. They were caught doing this a couple of months ago, so they stopped it. Reports indicate it started again about a week ago. Biden’s Admin claim these immigrants are vetted. Vetting an immigrant from any of those 4 countries is impossible. Trump’s team should have been aware of these restarted flights and briefed him on it.

2) ABC camera work of the debate. Focus, clarity, background color and lighting hugely favored Harris. We recorded the debate. When we took a second look, these items became very apparent. Some here work in the TV industry. Maybe they could comment on this observation.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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I’ve not read the prior posts. Hope my comments are not a vin.

1) Illegals eating dogs and cats. More relevant and important would have been mention of the Biden Admin again flying in immigrants from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba. They were caught doing this a couple of months ago, so they stopped it. Reports indicate it started again about a week ago. Biden’s Admin claim these immigrants are vetted. Vetting an immigrant from any of those 4 countries is impossible. Trump’s team should have been aware of these restarted flights and briefed him on it.

2) ABC camera work of the debate. Focus, clarity, background color and lighting hugely favored Harris. We recorded the debate. When we took a second look, these items became very apparent. Some here work in the TV industry. Maybe they could comment on this observation.
Maybe @Dan Lorenze can answer #2 since he was one of the camera men for the debate.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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I really thought Trump bombed this debate but all the polls I have been seeing have Trump winning the debate by a HUGE margin.

Maybe the majority of the nation has finally woken up to who the establishment politicians and the fake media truly are?

Let's hope and if so, you can attribute that to ONE man.........................

Trump pussies get grabbed.jpg

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Maybe @Dan Lorenze can answer #2 since he was one of the camera men for the debate.

I didn’t notice any favoritism in the look of the show. But I did notice in some of the commercials leading up to the debates some media outlets have Trumps face totally orange and his hair bright yellow. In person Trump is not orange whatsoever and his hair is not yellow. The media wants to make him look like a clown. But I did not witness ABC doing this.

We had meetings about being fair. We couldn’t do a camera move that featured Harris for 3 seconds and trump for 2 seconds, we would get called out for it. From all that I experienced the tv crew was fair.

Our camera was wireless as well as another handheld camera, the rest were wired, it’s possible that they looked different. I dunno

The moderators were a different story by only fact checking Trump.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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I didn’t notice any favoritism in the look of the show. But I did notice in some of the commercials leading up to the debates some media outlets have Trumps face totally orange and his hair bright yellow. In person Trump is not orange whatsoever and his hair is not yellow. The media wants to make him look like a clown. But I did not witness ABC doing this.

We had meetings about being fair. We couldn’t do a camera move that featured Harris for 3 seconds and trump for 2 seconds, we would get called out for it. From all that I experienced the tv crew was fair.

Our camera was wireless as well as another handheld camera, the rest were wired, it’s possible that they looked different. I dunno

The moderators were a different story by only fact checking Trump.

Are you the whistleblower?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Abortion - I did some reading. MN and about 7 other states have no restriction on the time of the abortion, from conception to birth. Abortion after a baby is born. Are they just playing symatecs? If an infant is already born, how can it be aborted? Therefore, no post birth abortions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I didn’t notice any favoritism in the look of the show. But I did notice in some of the commercials leading up to the debates some media outlets have Trumps face totally orange and his hair bright yellow. In person Trump is not orange whatsoever and his hair is not yellow. The media wants to make him look like a clown. But I did not witness ABC doing this.you

We had meetings about being fair. We couldn’t do a camera move that featured Harris for 3 seconds and trump for 2 seconds, we would get called out for it. From all that I experienced the tv crew was fair.

Our camera was wireless as well as another handheld camera, the rest were wired, it’s possible that they looked different. I dunno

The moderators were a different story by only fact checking Trump.
If you’re able, go back and take a second look. Harris is framed, focused, properly lit and with the very favorable black background most of the time. She looked better than she ever has before. It looked like glam photography. For Trump . . . it didn’t.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Abortion - I did some reading. MN and about 7 other states have no restriction on the time of the abortion, from conception to birth. Abortion after a baby is born. Are they just playing symatecs? If an infant is already born, how can it be aborted? Therefore, no post birth abortions.
This is in Minnisota, signed by running mate Timmy Walz.

Abortion attempt, baby born and independently alive outside the mother, allowed to die. 5 times in 2021.

PS: gotta love their description "comfort care provided, infant allowed to die"


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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This is in Minnisota, signed by running mate Timmy Walz.

Abortion attempt, baby born and independently alive outside the mother, allowed to die. 5 times in 2021.

PS: gotta love their description "comfort care provided, infant allowed to die"
CDC reports between 2003 and 2014, there were 143 deaths of babies born after failed abortions.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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If you’re able, go back and take a second look. Harris is framed, focused, properly lit and with the very favorable black background most of the time. She looked better than she ever has before. It looked like glam photography. For Trump . . . it didn’t.

I’m working with my buddy right now that was at
the debates with me, he’s sitting next to me as we speak, I asked him if he had any soft shots, he said no way! lol We are working the Emmys today, I asked several crew members if they saw anything in the broadcast, they all said no. Not sure what else to say. I’ll check it out online to if if I can find what you saw.


Tritoon Racing
May 4, 2012
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It was pretty obvious if you actually watched the debate.

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Not the best examples, but they may give you an idea. Although, Trump’s scowl can’t be blamed on the camera. My iPhone screen shots may not properly show the difference in the overall optics.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Perhaps some of Harris’ debate prep included how to work with the camera. Whatever it was, optically it worked.