Please have faith be patient!!


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
Reaction score
That is a good one, goes right along with this

Trump supporters claim fraud on millions of votes with absolutely no evidence, while disputing the severity of covid despite 250,000 dead bodies! Kinda like believing in aliens and then walking out of the house during a rain storm without a rain coat, can’t fix stupid!

Monkey see Monkey do!

Do you have evidence of these 250,000 "COVID-19" deaths? I can prove at least 4 on that list that DID NOT die of COVID-19 but that is what is listed as COD on the DC. Explain that🤷‍♂️ we are being lied to from ALL directions...

Canuck 1

Midget Hater
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california

Trump is PT Barnum reincarnated, and he is a slime, and he does not give a shit about your opinion of him

Do you know of any competent Generals in the services that would tolerate incompetence or backstabbing? Would you?
Would they tolerate a snake like fauci?

Covid is a scam, even the CDC said only 6% of deaths are actually Covid. The fatality numbers here are actually only 10 people out of 250ish media reported are directly related....and not 1 case of the flu this year

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Trump supporters claim fraud on millions of votes with absolutely no evidence,

Really? Did CNN tell you this^^^^?

Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376
It’s truly incredible that the news media claims there is “zero evidence” of voter fraud, despite decades of evidence, undercover video of confession of those that commit voter fraud and statistical impossibilities. Yet, here’s another one out of Nevada. More votes were cast in the 2020 presidential election than there were ballots cast.

Explain this mainstream media!
From Nevada’s own state election site:
Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394
There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently.

Source: https://www.nvsos.Gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=9054


I will not let them take me🤣🤣
Aug 28, 2018
Reaction score
Really? Did CNN tell you this^^^^?

Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376
It’s truly incredible that the news media claims there is “zero evidence” of voter fraud, despite decades of evidence, undercover video of confession of those that commit voter fraud and statistical impossibilities. Yet, here’s another one out of Nevada. More votes were cast in the 2020 presidential election than there were ballots cast.

Explain this mainstream media!
From Nevada’s own state election site:
Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394
There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently.

Source: https://www.nvsos.Gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=9054

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
That is a good one, goes right along with this

Trump supporters claim fraud on millions of votes with absolutely no evidence, while disputing the severity of covid despite 250,000 dead bodies! Kinda like believing in aliens and then walking out of the house during a rain storm without a rain coat, can’t fix stupid!

Monkey see Monkey do!

What if you’re wearing swim trunks?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california

Republican my ass!! 😂

Grandpa Mac said the same thing when he was let loose from the cage!!!

You have NO clue who or what Trump is fighting against.

Carry on monkey, you’ve landed in my zoo now. 👍

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Please spell this one out for me, I am a little old for gang signs,
Please, your insights are so "interesting" to me.

I really wouldn’t even know where to start after reading what amounts to your thesis on “why I hate Trump”.
The misinformation is SO deep, it exceeds my willingness take on a project of that size.
No, I learned long ago that at a certain point it’s best just throw out a meme now and then or something like that.
In short, you’re too far gone if you think I give 2 fucks about what the world thinks of Fauci, for instance.
Or that you actually believe 250,000 people in the US have died from Covid, and you think it’s trumps fault.
See what I mean? I’m more about debating people on line items with stats and a mixing of rational probability.

It ain’t my job to peel every onion.
But we can still hang out!

Performance Grips

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california
3 things that are bullshit.
1)Pulled troops to destabilize diplomatic issues. That has been planned and promised for 2 years. We don't need to be the world police force.
2)sabotaging covid??? Trump has done an unbelievable job. Operation warp speed. Restocked Empty supplies, gave plenty of stimulus when dems didn't want to cooperate, and yes a cure 3 vaccines ready to distribute 100's of millions of doses (backed by Fauci and btw he didn't fire him even though he gave a ton of bad advice).
3)Economy well with the world shutting down on and off for 9 months... and to be where we are... I'll take Trumps economy any day of the week.
He definitely hurt alot of feelings and did things very unconventional but the results can not be disputed. Don't let your hurt feelings blind the facts.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california

Fish on!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Thats all you got is spell check, feel free to check this too! Dont forget the punctuation!
Or do you want to mis-direct to a first beer and a little "TRD" toyota?
I will say I do NOT remember my first beer, I do remember my first toyota if that is what you're interested in?
1978-First (V6) toyota, maybe before you were born let alone the first beer,
1982-Second (V6) toyota, I would guess before your fist beer and possibly before you were out of diapers.
-Fordyce trail, 4Wheeler magazine, 4WDSU magazine. Magazines are from before the internet!
I built 6 or 7 toyotas before your little factory "TRD" was crapped out, do you want to see all of them?

Just not sure what that has to do with the topic here so maybe,
you should come back when you have pertinent comments? Just a thought.

You just bit off more than you can chew.....lol


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california

Dangling bait; I'll bite for a moment...I'm quoting you in black text responding in red. I hope you'll respond as I want to see what kind of American you are.

I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.

30 years ago...what were you like 30 years ago? Nevermind; it's not relevant and neither is how Trump was 30 years ago unless you were doing business with him. As for doing what's best for the country if you need help with all his accomplishments and how he delivered on almost every promise he made (what politician or President has done that?!) that info is around here somewhere and I assure you, the list of what Trump has done - what he's accomplished - is a very long list. As for the economy, if you don't know what he's done with that you must have been living outside the country for the past 4 years.

-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.

Trump DID make the vaccine available in MONTHS not years. HE MADE IT POSSIBLE with his Operation Warpspeed. If you don't like how he talks about it that's fine but you're not seeing or valuing what's truly important: the vaccine is here and it's over 90% effective according to the mega-pharma companies who were paid billion(s) to make it. You probably don't like his tweets either. I don't like people with unibrows but, like Trump's tweets, in the grand scheme of things they're just NOT IMPORTANT.

-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?

Are you talking about Dr. Fauci, the "expert" who said Covid isn't a concern for the US. Then said we don't need to wear masks. Then said we need to wear masks. The same guy who has worked with other "doctors" to block hydroxychloroquine from being used and DISCUSSED. The same guy who said we need to wear goggles. Look, he certainly is an expert but is he a guy who's demonstrated that he knows how best to deal with this virus? Is he a guy who is focused on the virus and not on politics? Is he a left-leaning liberal? There's NOTHING wrong with firing Fauci and it should have been done some time ago but this has been an election year so it's been a nightmare for actually doing what's best for humanity. We've never seen so many doctors forced to keep quiet, keep their opinions to themselves, not discuss Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment (and they've talked about it's risks/dangers when millions and millions have taken HCL for decades. Safely.)

If you have a problem with the President talking about firing Trump that's in the category of "I don't like his tweets." The President has 350 million people in the US and world politics and economics to worry about not Anthony Fauci's feelings or what people think of him.

-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.

This is my last one for now. Here are the numbers:
In Iraq, the number of US troops will be cut by 500 to 2,500
The number of service personnel in Afghanistan will fall from 4,500 to about 2,500.
If you think cutting 500 troops in Iraq, reducing our troops there from 3,000 to 2,500 will "DESTABILIZE" the region, you may want to think about what 3,000 troops have been doing there and HOW bringing 500 home will destabilize anything.

And this...The USA HAS BEEN IN AFGHANISTAN FOR 19 YEARS! If we haven't accomplished our "mission" or our goals there WE NEVER WILL. If you support having troops in Afghanistan perhaps you can explain how we've made a difference there - the US has been there almost 2 decades and the Russians were there forever before us. We've lost over 2,000 soldiers there. And we've spent billions there. What can you say we've accomplished in 19 years? What would you tell the families of those 2,000+ who've died and the many thousands injured - what did they sacrifice for?


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
And if you still think Fauci did a good/great job advising this country and shouldn't be fired you may want to read this:


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
I really wouldn’t even know where to start after reading what amounts to your thesis on “why I hate Trump”.
The misinformation is SO deep, it exceeds my willingness take on a project of that size.
No, I learned long ago that at a certain point it’s best just throw out a meme now and then or something like that.
In short, you’re too far gone if you think I give 2 fucks about what the world thinks of Fauci, for instance.
Or that you actually believe 250,000 people in the US have died from Covid, and you think it’s trumps fault.
See what I mean? I’m more about debating people on line items with stats and a mixing of rational probability.

It ain’t my job to peel every onion.
But we can still hang out!
Damn Tommy, I thought you'd tie this jamoke in knots!!! 🤷‍♂️ You gettin' old in yore old age???? 😁


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Do you have evidence of these 250,000 "COVID-19" deaths? I can prove at least 4 on that list that DID NOT die of COVID-19 but that is what is listed as COD on the DC. Explain that🤷‍♂️ we are being lied to from ALL directions...

I have the names of 2 uncles, one cousin and my FUCKING sister good enough??
More proof than election fraud thats for sure


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Trump is PT Barnum reincarnated, and he is a slime, and he does not give a shit about your opinion of him

Do you know of any competent Generals in the services that would tolerate incompetence or backstabbing? Would you?
Would they tolerate a snake like fauci?

Covid is a scam, even the CDC said only 6% of deaths are actually Covid. The fatality numbers here are actually only 10 people out of 250ish media reported are directly related....and not 1 case of the flu this year

As noted already tell that to my two uncles, one cousin and my sister,
if fuaci is a snake what does that make all mighty trump?
Were is the election fraud evidence, PA case thrown out WITH prejudice


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Really? Did CNN tell you this^^^^?

Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376
It’s truly incredible that the news media claims there is “zero evidence” of voter fraud, despite decades of evidence, undercover video of confession of those that commit voter fraud and statistical impossibilities. Yet, here’s another one out of Nevada. More votes were cast in the 2020 presidential election than there were ballots cast.

Explain this mainstream media!
From Nevada’s own state election site:
Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394
There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently.

Source: https://www.nvsos.Gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=9054

Sounds like that should be a slam dunk for Ol' Rudy then!


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score
I have the names of 2 uncles, one cousin and my FUCKING sister good enough??
More proof than election fraud thats for sure
As noted already tell that to my two uncles, one cousin and my sister,
if fuaci is a snake what does that make all mighty trump?
Were is the election fraud evidence, PA case thrown out WITH prejudice

Posting sills up to the level of GMAC for sure. It is uncanny how you guys all roll......

Performance Grips

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Covid deaths are completely overestimated by 10's of thousands. No doubt. Especially in the first 3 months. 1/2 were not covid. Fauci is not a snake he is just a doctor that recieved a ton of attention and was doing magazine photo shoots all the while was giving out inaccurate info on a regular basis. However... election fraud is real. For sure. On what level we will see.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego County has had 966 deaths putting the mortality rate in the county of 3.1 million people to .0003 %. Am I missing something here?

We're killing people by killing their businesses, taking their jobs, their friends, families, social lives, education, suicides are up, depression is off the charts.

There's something wrong with this picture folks & I can't believe any reasonable person would buy into it let alone half the population of the USA.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like that should be a slam dunk for Ol' Rudy then!

Yes, Santa is coming to Nevada this year! But "bad news" for you gullible losers........you are on the "naughty list"! 😂



Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

Dangling bait; I'll bite for a moment...I'm quoting you in black text responding in red. I hope you'll respond as I want to see what kind of American you are.

I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.

30 years ago...what were you like 30 years ago? Nevermind; it's not relevant and neither is how Trump was 30 years ago unless you were doing business with him. As for doing what's best for the country if you need help with all his accomplishments and how he delivered on almost every promise he made (what politician or President has done that?!) that info is around here somewhere and I assure you, the list of what Trump has done - what he's accomplished - is a very long list. As for the economy, if you don't know what he's done with that you must have been living outside the country for the past 4 years.

-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.

Trump DID make the vaccine available in MONTHS not years. HE MADE IT POSSIBLE with his Operation Warpspeed. If you don't like how he talks about it that's fine but you're not seeing or valuing what's truly important: the vaccine is here and it's over 90% effective according to the mega-pharma companies who were paid billion(s) to make it. You probably don't like his tweets either. I don't like people with unibrows but, like Trump's tweets, in the grand scheme of things they're just NOT IMPORTANT.

-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?

Are you talking about Dr. Fauci, the "expert" who said Covid isn't a concern for the US. Then said we don't need to wear masks. Then said we need to wear masks. The same guy who has worked with other "doctors" to block hydroxychloroquine from being used and DISCUSSED. The same guy who said we need to wear goggles. Look, he certainly is an expert but is he a guy who's demonstrated that he knows how best to deal with this virus? Is he a guy who is focused on the virus and not on politics? Is he a left-leaning liberal? There's NOTHING wrong with firing Fauci and it should have been done some time ago but this has been an election year so it's been a nightmare for actually doing what's best for humanity. We've never seen so many doctors forced to keep quiet, keep their opinions to themselves, not discuss Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment (and they've talked about it's risks/dangers when millions and millions have taken HCL for decades. Safely.)

If you have a problem with the President talking about firing Trump that's in the category of "I don't like his tweets." The President has 350 million people in the US and world politics and economics to worry about not Anthony Fauci's feelings or what people think of him.

-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.

This is my last one for now. Here are the numbers:
In Iraq, the number of US troops will be cut by 500 to 2,500
The number of service personnel in Afghanistan will fall from 4,500 to about 2,500.
If you think cutting 500 troops in Iraq, reducing our troops there from 3,000 to 2,500 will "DESTABILIZE" the region, you may want to think about what 3,000 troops have been doing there and HOW bringing 500 home will destabilize anything.

And this...The USA HAS BEEN IN AFGHANISTAN FOR 19 YEARS! If we haven't accomplished our "mission" or our goals there WE NEVER WILL. If you support having troops in Afghanistan perhaps you can explain how we've made a difference there - the US has been there almost 2 decades and the Russians were there forever before us. We've lost over 2,000 soldiers there. And we've spent billions there. What can you say we've accomplished in 19 years? What would you tell the families of those 2,000+ who've died and the many thousands injured - what did they sacrifice for?



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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Thanks for the civil adult level response as compared to the more childish over the top stuff.

I am not on the other side, I vote red all the way down the ballot, including for Trump in '16 and '20. I wish I could vote for the party nomination. So if it is political ideology, i am on the same page as most everyone on here. I just have never trusted Trump, by that I mean all the way back, 30+ years. He is a proven pathological liar, who, when it comes down to doing what is best for the country (MAGA) or his own self promoting ego stroking benefit he will throw anyone under the bus when it gets right down to it. He has always surrounded himself with YES men and women.
-He has done it repeatedly with regularity in his administration since day one right up to firing the head of election cyber security who he picked.
-Just look at his statement today about how we wouldn't have a vaccine if it wasn't for "ME", not the efforts of his administration or those doing all the work but HIM. That is not what the leader of the free world says. It is something Trump would say.
-How about saying fauci is not qualified and he is going to fire him. Have you seen the amount of world wide recognition Fauci has received from the medical field in just the last 4 months, how is silencing him or firing him in anybody's best interests besides his own ego?
-Then you got the secratary of the treasury pulling funding yesterday, intentionally handicapping the new administrations ability to control COVID a serious dis-service to the country
-Pulling troops to de-stabilize regions in hopes of creating diplomatic issues to overwhelm the new administration. That makes no sense from any perspective.
-He will sabotage the economy, the covid effort, and artificially create international unrest, anything and everything out of spite and we will be the ones to pay the price.
-He has no intention of transferring power to the new administration in a way that is in the best interests of the country, regardless of the impact that may have on the country, he doesn't care. Everything he does moving forward will be to hinder, discredit and obstruct the incoming administration at the country's peril.
-He definitely doesn't care about the 100s of thousands of people dying of covid, that is obvious. We are the most advanced country in the world and will undoubtedly loose more people to COVID than any other developed country by the time this is over, or in terms of the election, by the time all the time all the mail in votes are counted!!

I gotta get out of here before I am lynched, almost as bad as a pro/anti union thread or god forbid pro/anti california
Good Lord, another fuckong imbecile pulling it's head from its fetid rectum just to spew more rank shit...

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Republican my ass!! 😂

Grandpa Mac said the same thing when he was let loose from the cage!!!

You have NO clue who or what Trump is fighting against.

Carry on monkey, you’ve landed in my zoo now. 👍
No Reg,I have never claimed to be a Republican and have never in my life voted Republican. Your party has been shit ever since Teddy Roosevelt left it to run as a Bull Moose.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Bullshit monkey, yore a liar as usual.

It’s pretty much all you do, so I understand the dilemma.
Name any Republican in the last 50 years I'd have preferred to the Democrat running against them.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Name any Republican in the last 50 years I'd have preferred to the Democrat running against them.

"We will work with anyone who has the confidence of the American people,” Putin said on Russian TV earlier today.

"But that confidence can only be given to a candidate whose victory has been recognized by the opposing party, or after the results are confirmed in a legitimate, legal way."

Vlad knows monkey. 😂

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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That's a trick question.
There hasn’t been a real democrat since JFK.
(I would include R’s as well, but we had Reagan and Nixon...)
Pray tell, what exactly do “real” Democrats and Republicans stand for in your opinion. Let’s say top five for each.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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"We will work with anyone who has the confidence of the American people,” Putin said on Russian TV earlier today.

"But that confidence can only be given to a candidate whose victory has been recognized by the opposing party, or after the results are confirmed in a legitimate, legal way."

Vlad knows monkey. 😂
This is what Vlad wanted all along and Trumps serving it up on a silver platter. Biggest Russian victory since Stalingrad.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Pray tell, what exactly do “real” Democrats and Republicans stand for in your opinion. Let’s say top five for each.

Well, to begin with they might be whore mongers, but not pedophiles.

They may have different ideas about what best serves the Country, but serving the country is the priority...not serving domestic terrorists like Antifa and BLM. (ALL of your so called Dems are on record as fully supporting both these terrorist groups)
BLM is already calling in their markers with pedo Joe. (They might not realize that Joes been lying for a living for 47 years)

We can debate the principles of right and left all day, but what is missing today is love for this Nation first and foremost.