On a lighter note - Political jokes & memes


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Imagine a group of very rich and powerful men. They own the banks, railroads, energy sources, and school curriculums. They have one job: to maintain their wealth and power. Any kind of competition that comes their way they will do everything in their power to destroy it. And by "destroy" I also mean completely wipe it from history and change school curriculums to never speak of it in a classroom again.

What is "free" energy?

It's more of a slang term for atmospheric electricity, or electricity from the air. "Ether/Aether" energy, if you will.

The reason it's free is because you don't have to pay for it, our ancestors had technology that was able to harness this energy free of charge, without using any resources.

Suppression of free energy is taking place to ensure they can profit from the global trade, fossil fuels, and resources, while being able to control the population on their terms.

Join: Private Q Evidence - Not everyone will be approved

or just a coincidence as a RDP member states...

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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View attachment 1283870

some more stick and stone structures..

just looking for some lighting as T just mentioned...

or just research "AETHER"..

almost like someone hiding shit.."INFORMATION"

I'm just glad of the reception received down in the rabbit hole..

just like Magic..
Well shit howdie 👏, their terrestrial bound asses were accessing free energy from a void that fills the space beyond the terrestrial sphere 🥳---- yeah that's cool shit alrighty. 😘
Keep on diggin, you ain't reached the bottom yet. 😁

Fire is the release of energy while undergoing a change of state ---- they had fire energy. 👍


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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If so then where are all those old motors, light fixtures, pumps, etc, etc, etc… ?
stuck in the rabbit hole... forgot which turn... I did see the answer to your question 2 weeks ago ... im old and forgetful..LOL


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Presumably 10.000 years old Temple carved out of a single rock, Ellora caves, India.

You don't supose they carved granite rocks using the forks and knives. The mainstream history is complete lie and fabrication. These ancient temples are way ahead of our time, and are unreplicable even by todays standards!

It is quiet obvious that advanced machinery and electrical power was used throughout the History and that they are lying about this fact so that they can keep us slaves, and paying for electricity.

Join @awakenedspecies

another wrong turn..


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Atmospheric Ether generator caught on camera.

Most likely it was activated by accident due to having the inner electrical tech removed already.

However this was how the ancient world was powered for eons. Electrical power was known by all civilizations in the past, they used the natural laws to harness it, which nature is providing in unlimited quantities.

Main stream science is only steering our civilization further into the consumerism, while destroying the mother earth in the process.

I talk more about this on our Patreon, make sure to join for more insights.



Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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US Patent # 11 107588

53 Page approved US Patent granted in August 31, 2021.

The patent is for technology to connect the “internet of things” via Graphene Oxide in the MRNA injections with Satellite and Cell Phone towers across the world 🌎

I know conspiracy theory right? You need to read the patent.

Here’s the approved patent from the US Patent office. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻



Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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View attachment 1283908

Atmospheric Ether generator caught on camera.

Most likely it was activated by accident due to having the inner electrical tech removed already.

However this was how the ancient world was powered for eons. Electrical power was known by all civilizations in the past, they used the natural laws to harness it, which nature is providing in unlimited quantities.

Main stream science is only steering our civilization further into the consumerism, while destroying the mother earth in the process.

I talk more about this on our Patreon, make sure to join for more insights.

Free energy has always been available in abundance.
It's the collecting, storing, transporting and transforming it to produce work that's far more challenging.
Despite the depth of your rabbit's hole, nothing historically has been discovered to suggest it was ever harnessed or used, with the three exceptions being simple mechanical devices made to utilize Solar, Wind and Water. It's no coincidence that they are still used to this day and are still found in abundance and free. It's the equipment to covert those free energy sources for utilization that is technical and can get expensive.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Free energy has always been available in abundance.
It's the collecting, storing, transporting and transforming it to produce work that's far more challenging.
Despite the depth of your rabbit's hole, nothing historically has been discovered to suggest it was ever harnessed or used, with the three exceptions being simple mechanical devices made to utilize Solar, Wind and Water. It's no coincidence that they are still used to this day and are still found in abundance and free. It's the equipment to covert those free energy sources for utilization that is technical and can get expensive.
Storage of the energy has been the real challenge I think. With hydro, we as humans have tried to build reservoirs. Sometimes unsuccessfully. Now they want everything electrified, but the wind isn't always blowing, and the sun not always shining. Nikola Tesla had theories in which to capture the atmospheric energy...far beyond my pay grade. He'd created ways to transmit electricity, but had to use power supplied from elsewhere. Now, we have ways to harness some of the available energy, but it's still inefficient, costly and not quit dependable. The concepts I've seen of kinetic batteries are cool, large flywheels essentially. Heard talk of "digital" batteries I think, but know nothing of them. We keep moving forward.

With that though, many religions and civilizations believe mankind has existed previously, multiple runs at attempting to evolve. Maybe we're just catching up to where we were ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Solid state batteries... batteries that have no liquid electrolyte. Supposed to be more energy dense than current technology. Still don't approach hydrocarbons on energy density though. So far it has been one of those technologies that is "10 years away".

The problem with all of them is they take raw materials to manufacture.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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Storage of the energy has been the real challenge I think. With hydro, we as humans have tried to build reservoirs. Sometimes unsuccessfully. Now they want everything electrified, but the wind isn't always blowing, and the sun not always shining. Nikola Tesla had theories in which to capture the atmospheric energy...far beyond my pay grade. He'd created ways to transmit electricity, but had to use power supplied from elsewhere. Now, we have ways to harness some of the available energy, but it's still inefficient, costly and not quit dependable. The concepts I've seen of kinetic batteries are cool, large flywheels essentially. Heard talk of "digital" batteries I think, but know nothing of them. We keep moving forward.

With that though, many religions and civilizations believe mankind has existed previously, multiple runs at attempting to evolve. Maybe we're just catching up to where we were ;)
Solid state batteries... batteries that have no liquid electrolyte. Supposed to be more energy dense than current technology. Still don't approach hydrocarbons on energy density though. So far it has been one of those technologies that is "10 years away".

The problem with all of them is they take raw materials to manufacture.
Ironic. Farms are bad. Horses, Bovines, animal husbandry, farting cows, bad. Methane credits incoming.

Petroleum, bad. Steam and internal combustion replaced the horse drawn plow. I know Tractorsdon'tfloat, But there's no denying the mechanization of modern farming is a great leap forward and of great benefit in order to feed and clothe the world.
I'd even suggest that the 1939 Ford model 9N, 2N, and 8N from 1947 through 1970's production, PTO 3 point hitch tractors, many still in service to this day, changed agriculture in America, are deeply connected to and represent well what is achievable between man and his machine. Thanks Henry!

FF to big green million dollar tractors. Never to run on batteries.

EV mandates will ruin and completely collapse the entire auto industry in America.
Ironic. Trump says Pussy. No war, nobody gets hurt. Biden says Bidenomics. Bread and circuses, as Rome burns...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Storage of the energy has been the real challenge I think. With hydro, we as humans have tried to build reservoirs. Sometimes unsuccessfully. Now they want everything electrified, but the wind isn't always blowing, and the sun not always shining. Nikola Tesla had theories in which to capture the atmospheric energy...far beyond my pay grade. He'd created ways to transmit electricity, but had to use power supplied from elsewhere. Now, we have ways to harness some of the available energy, but it's still inefficient, costly and not quit dependable. The concepts I've seen of kinetic batteries are cool, large flywheels essentially. Heard talk of "digital" batteries I think, but know nothing of them. We keep moving forward.

With that though, many religions and civilizations believe mankind has existed previously, multiple runs at attempting to evolve. Maybe we're just catching up to where we were ;)
I've got neighbors afraid of their 120V receptacles after reading some article they on electro magnetic waves, people losing their shit over cell phones and their respective towers, especially now with 5G.
Hell, I'm not electro-paranoid at all, yet I'd rather not live under crackling HV transmission lines and others are freaked out by them and blame them for various ailments.
Now imagine if you can, the panicked masses over transmitting our power grid atmospherically as Tesla was researching.

Mankind has always sought out a God, or multiple God's or previous advanced civilizations, or alien benefactors, because none of us can comprehend the "What If", we are in fact truly completely unique and alone in this infinite Universe and serve no purpose what so ever before we're recycled into the whole. I wish I knew, I wish they'd find indisputable evidence and we'd be granted more than a belief or faith, but alas, we're left to just keep on truckin, just because ------ 🤔🤷‍♂️

I'm pro-nuclear, and believing we're still to far away from any viable fusion reactors, I'm a proponent of General Atomics' EM-2 (Energy Multiplier Module) Helium Cooled Fast Reactor. It's modular, grid capable, outputs around 265MW and addresses the problems posed by older tech systems of economics, safety, waste, and nonproliferation. If you're curious ( https://www.ga.com/nuclear-fission/advanced-reactors)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Ironic. Farms are bad. Horses, Bovines, animal husbandry, farting cows, bad. Methane credits incoming.

Petroleum, bad. Steam and internal combustion replaced the horse drawn plow. I know Tractorsdon'tfloat, But there's no denying the mechanization of modern farming is a great leap forward and of great benefit in order to feed and clothe the world.
I'd even suggest that the 1939 Ford model 9N, 2N, and 8N from 1947 through 1970's production, PTO 3 point hitch tractors, many still in service to this day, changed agriculture in America, are deeply connected to and represent well what is achievable between man and his machine. Thanks Henry!

FF to big green million dollar tractors. Never to run on batteries.

EV mandates will ruin and completely collapse the entire auto industry in America.
Ironic. Trump says Pussy. No war, nobody gets hurt. Biden says Bidenomics. Bread and circuses, as Rome burns...
I'm no proponent of EV, although I truly am impressed by the acceleration I've experienced in my test drives. 😘

Thinking about it, a universal theme of futuristic Sci-Fi writers, with the exception of those imagining a post-apocalyptic dystopian future,
didn't have us driving or flying around in ICE powered transportation.

I'm not opposed to the eventual transition away from ICE and being petroleum dependent. I am however ardently opposed to the current panic driven, forced methodology being employed by our elected officials to achieve it.
I believe this type of major transition needs to evolve, and be accepted on it's own merit, not mandated into existence.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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I'm no proponent of EV, although I truly am impressed by the acceleration I've experienced in my test drives. 😘

Thinking about it, a universal theme of futuristic Sci-Fi writers, with the exception of those imagining a post-apocalyptic dystopian future,
didn't have us driving or flying around in ICE powered transportation.

I'm not opposed to the eventual transition away from ICE and being petroleum dependent. I am however ardently opposed to the current panic driven, forced methodology being employed by our elected officials to achieve it.
I believe this type of major transition needs to evolve, and be accepted on it's own merit, not mandated into existence.
I've got neighbors afraid of their 120V receptacles after reading some article they on electro magnetic waves, people losing their shit over cell phones and their respective towers, especially now with 5G.
Hell, I'm not electro-paranoid at all, yet I'd rather not live under crackling HV transmission lines and others are freaked out by them and blame them for various ailments.
Now imagine if you can, the panicked masses over transmitting our power grid atmospherically as Tesla was researching.

Mankind has always sought out a God, or multiple God's or previous advanced civilizations, or alien benefactors, because none of us can comprehend the "What If", we are in fact truly completely unique and alone in this infinite Universe and serve no purpose what so ever before we're recycled into the whole. I wish I knew, I wish they'd find indisputable evidence and we'd be granted more than a belief or faith, but alas, we're left to just keep on truckin, just because ------ 🤔🤷‍♂️

I'm pro-nuclear, and believing we're still to far away from any viable fusion reactors, I'm a proponent of General Atomics' EM-2 (Energy Multiplier Module) Helium Cooled Fast Reactor. It's modular, grid capable, outputs around 265MW and addresses the problems posed by older tech systems of economics, safety, waste, and nonproliferation. If you're curious ( https://www.ga.com/nuclear-fission/advanced-reactors)
Ye old Tavern talk.
Dad was pro nuclear. Be fun to all sit around and talk. Sure do miss old 1969 Escondido, to North County beaches. Kid paradise.

The A bomb saved Dad's life. Tens of thousands of Marines. RIP all. Still, he was adamant about nuclear power. As a Roughneck. lol.
Watching the hands of God intervene is pretty real. As we merely scratch away at the surface of the possible. Real.

Not into EV's, but helped a GF sell her '06 325 BMW and get into an 2012 Prius V. Awesome cars. good move MW.:D
Let the market decide, or China will. Some folks forget who they work for...

No smog check here, and I like my fleet. '88 B250 Dogvan. '94 Xplorer B350 Class B Cabin Cruiser. '90 G30 BBC EXT Snowplow.:oops: 🤣 2014 Ram 1500 Mexican Dodge😂 Shorty pulling the '87 SeaRay at left. Fleet with Purpose.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority."
- Booker T. Washington


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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That's pretty. 40 yesterday. The sycamores are starting to turn. We do get 4 seasons here on The South Pains of West Texas, but it looks nothing like that around here at 3500 feet, in the "Dirt." Probably more colors up in the Guadalupe mountains. The Southernmost monolithic rock outcroppings of the Rocky Mountains. Highest point in Texas. G'day!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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It may be judged by number of Hilux pickups?

(Would not mind getting one. They seem to be in every war zone, and never burnt or blown up. It's like the official sponsor of global jihad and civil war!)
I'm surprised Toyota hasn't used figured out how to use that in their marketing. :oops:

Copied this from one article I'd read ------ Regarding a test they conducted in 2006 on 'Top Gear'

"The show's producers bought an 18-year-old Hilux diesel with 190,000 miles on the odometer for $1,500," Somaiya wrote for Newsweek. "They then crashed it into a tree, submerged it in the ocean for five hours, dropped it from about 10 feet, tried to crush it under an RV, drove it through a portable building, hit it with a wrecking ball, and set it on fire.

"Finally, they placed it on top of a 240-foot tower block that was then destroyed in a controlled demolition. When they dug it out of the rubble, all it took to get it running again was hammers, wrenches, and WD-40. They didn't even need spare parts."

The truck is so popular with militants that it has been closely associated with them for decades.

"Anecdotally, a scan of pictures from the last four decades of guerrilla and insurgent warfare around the world — the first iteration of the Hilux appeared in the late '60s — reveals the Toyota's wide-ranging influence," Somaiya wrote for Newsweek.

So it would seem the most popular pickup in the world, we can't get here in the states. 🤬