On a lighter note - Political jokes & memes


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Aug 15, 2020
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Not sure about the above - need to dive in to be sure:

https://www.reuters.com › article › factcheck-zuckerberg-rockefeller-idUSL1N2MK1K0

Fact Check-Mark Zuckerberg is not the grandson of David ...

Contrary to false claims on social media, the real name of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is, in fact, Mark Zuckerberg, not Jacob Greenberg. Neither of his grandfathers was billionaire ...
https://mythdetector.ge › en › is-mark-zuckerberg-s-real-name-jacob-greenberg-and-is-he-actually-a-grandson-of-david-rockefeller

Is Mark Zuckerberg's Real Name Jacob Greenberg and Is He ...

On May 21, a Facebook page "Секрет гриффита Griffith's secret გრიფით საიდუმლო" shared a photo which claims that the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is actually Jacob Greenberg and is the grandson of David Rockefeller, and that Facebook has been funded by a CIA-associated bank. The Facebook page shared the photo from another Facebook group ...
https://www.snopes.com › fact-check › mark-zuckerberg-is-david-rockefellers-grandson

Is Mark Zuckerberg David Rockefeller's Grandson? | Snopes.com

We look into the conspiracy theory that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's real name is Jacob Greenberg and he's the grandson of billionaire banker David Rockefeller. David Emery Published 22 ...
Images for mark zuckerberg real name jacob greenberg
Is Mark Zuckerberg David Rockefeller's Grandson?
Is Mark Zuckerberg David Rockefeller's Grandson? | Snopes.com
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is Jacob Greenberg - 153 News - Because ...
メルカリを捨て「Facebook マーケットプレイス」に集中せよ! | A塾Amazon輸出
Mark Zuckerberg real name is Jacob Greenberg - He is the ...
Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real ...
the paddy fields view: Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of ...
Jacob Michael Greenberg (aka Mark Zuckerberg) also plays ...
FACT CHECK: Is Mark Zuckerberg David Rockefeller's Grandson?
More Images
https://xdisciple.wordpress.com › 2012 › 05 › 04 › mark-zuckerberg-is-jacob-michael-greenberg

Mark Zuckerberg is Jacob Michael Greenberg - Xdisciple

Here's more proof that Facebook is not what it seems, simply because Zuckerberg is a character played by Jacob Michael Greenberg, grandson of David Rockefeller. Shown below is his mugshot upon being arrested for marijuana possession. Also below is his real family. You may recognize some of them (Jill Rapaport is really Liz Harmon, Tina Fey is ...
https://virily.com › business › who-is-jacob-michael-greenberg

Who is Jacob Michael Greenberg? - Virily

Friday, April 3, 2020. Checkout this video about Jacob Michael Greenberg, the grandson of David Rockefeller. Jacob Michael Greenberg is the real name of Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook or Fuckbook). The video is on the below link:
whale.to › c › mark_zuckerberg_is_grandson.html

Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real ...

Real name. Jacob Greenberg. Mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller. Real name. Jacob Greenberg. Ok so this Greenberg / Zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second. A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark ...
https://voiceofpeopletoday.com › mark-zuckerberg-is-david-rockefellers-grandson-did-you-know

Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller's Grandson. Did You ...

Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man. His mugshot was taken, which looks like a younger FaceBook icon with 99% reliability. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg. Also, the Rothschilds own 8% of FaceBook shares.
https://www.reddit.com › r › conspiracy › comments › 2geokf › mark_zuckerberg_is_jacob_greenberg_is_grandson_of

Mark Zuckerberg is Jacob Greenberg is grandson of David ...

"It has been revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller. His true name is Jacob Greenberg, also grandson to Hank Greenberg. He is royalty. Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man.


Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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Do tell….

A British inventor, Sir William Siemens climbed to the top of the Giza Pyramid in the late 1800s

Upon reaching the summit, one of his guides remarked that WHEN HE RAISED HIS HAND WITH HIS FINGERS SPREAD, his ears picked up a shrill ringing noise-Frequency. Siemens then raised his hand & felt it too.

Not long after, the inventor went to quench his thirst with a celebratory sip of wine and received an electric shock from his lips touching the bottle.

As Siemens was a scientist who built the first electro-magnetic telegraph, he moistened a newspaper wrapping it around the bottle converting it into a Leyden jar, a primitive capacitor.

As Siemens held the bottle above his head, it became charged with electricity. It's said that even sparks of⚡️sailed thru the air from the bottle.

The guide tried to grab the bottle away from Siemens who accidentally pointed bottle at himself & received a jolt of ⚡️ knocking him unconscious to the ground.

In today's time going atop of Giza is illegal.

Join @awakenedspecies

maybe enough info to SPARK (LOL) your interest..



Stop The Steal
Mar 14, 2008
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The story of the Pyramids having the electrical power might be pseudo-science for todays mainstream media, but if we take a better look at this picture, it looks as if the people in the picture are holding a device that ends in a stone on which a little boy is sitting. It acts like a cable, and the snake symbol like the one inside of a light bulb.

It's also interesting that on the right side a huge symbol of a man with the head of an animal holding two metals, which just may be a Cathode and Anode?

It's up to you to decide.

You can find the complete research on Ancient Egypt on our Patreon.

little RESEARCH Brightens things up..

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Do tell….
The great pyramid actually has
8 sides, not 4.
If you trace a line all the way around the globe from each “point” of reference on the pyramid they all cover the most land mass possible.
If you turn the pyramid less than one degree this is no longer true. There is a whole list of curious facts about the pyramid that is mind boggling. The least of which might be the PERFECT alignment of the 3 with Orion’s Belt.
The great pyramid is not the biggest pyramid on earth.

Personally I don’t believe the pyramids were solely built as tombs. Most pharaohs are found in the Valley of the Kings, not pyramids.
I believe that the Pharaohs were in fact hybrid beings as described throughout the original unedited Ethiopian version of the Bible (book of Enoch specifically) and every other ancient religious text on earth.
So they may have been placed there as a “2 birds” sort of deal. But to think that these were built strictly as make believe vessels to transport souls is sort of ludicrous.
But even if they were, what does that say about what could possibly influence a society so powerfully?
It’s something a hell of a lot bigger than a hope and a prayer.

Frankly, we should know all this shit as fact. And in the past we did know all this as fact. That is why the flood happened. To erase that and start over with an ignorant subservient species…again. It worked well.
Now we dig and guess and argue about things less than 5000 years old. That flood worked well!