@rmarion Serious question. Do you really believe those are chem trails? Meaning some kind of weather altering chem trail and not that from the exhaust of the jet engines?
Actually... I dont know...And what is it that you think they are spraying on us?
That's what they want you to believe.You do realize that temperature, air pressure and dew point can actually cause the moisture in the air to condense due to the air being compressed at certain points on a plane right?
I dont understand it a spokesperson said we have been useing the same company that maintained the cameras in Epsteins cell and they came highly recommended by the Clinton family.
This gets even better when you pay attention to the temperature and clear sky vs the sky full of them and a cooler week ahead. It's blatant imo.View attachment 1106601
March 25, 2022
View attachment 1106602
March 25, 2022
still lingering..
one helva contrail
Actually... I dont know...
but, I'd bet my LIFE them aren't Contrails....
So do they have separate tanks for the comtrials, what chemicals are used? Do they fill chemical when they fuel the plane? Asking for a friend.
TTSo do they have separate tanks for the comtrials, what chemicals are used? Do they fill chemical when they fuel the plane? Asking for a friend.
That’s not how you spell yore. Lol
Who's voting machines did Macron use to pull off this upset?