OCM Offshore Custom Marine Lake Havasu City AZ


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The following is what I have personally witnessed at OCM, and are my opinions only. They should be construed as nothing more then opinions of what I observed. As with everything there are three sides to every story. This is mine.

Tim at OCM absolutely did NOT honor the terms of the agreement, or the extension of the agreement that him and the seller agreed upon.

The seller was to write a letter clearly stating there was no liens on the boat or trailer per Tim's request. The seller performed that task on the night of the August the 18th. Tim was to wire transfer the funds in the amount of 59,174 into the sellers bank account the following day (the 19th). The seller actually wrote a follow up e-mail saying there is zero chance Tim would wire the money and he would have an excuse.

On the 19th I received a phone call from Tim and his Lawyer citing a variety of reasons why they could not and would not wire the funds that day. Everything from the Patriot act, to funds having to be moved from a private account to a numbered account with OCM to make the transfer and it would take a day.

The seller agreed to wait yet another day for his money to be wired, along with a "I told you so" directed at me.

The following day Tim texted a "screen shot" to both myself and the seller that appeared to be the information required to complete a wire transfer.


This was followed up by another screen shot of an e-mail that was sent to Tim from Chase bank. This e-mail is displayed below.


In the body of the e-mail you can see that it clearly says "Wire Template Activated." Tim also texted what he called a "confirmation #" to the seller as proof that the wire had been sent per the requirements of their agreement.

The seller spent all day driving back and forth from Bank of America to Chase to try to see if the Funds had posted. I feel terrible that he did that based upon my word that Tim had indeed (or so I believed at the time) sent the wire and it was just a matter of time, before it posted.

I spent my entire afternoon at OCM listening to Tim make phone calls to try and verify that the funds had posted. To try and get a Federal # to track the wire transfer. Ultimately coming away from the three hour experience with no proof that could be confirmed or denied that a wire had actually been sent by Chase.

I asked Tim to login to his bank account and show proof that the funds had been removed. He declined stating that his wife was unaware of this situation and he didn't want to involve her, and it took both of them to login into this personal account.

If you remember in the beginning of this story, the lawyer the day before had just given me a complete dissertation as to why they couldn't provide a wire, because it was out of a personal account and not the correct business account. Strangely the next day the wire was supposedly in fact coming from this very same personal account that it couldn't come from the day before.

Sadly a quick google search tonight of "Wire Template Activated" brought up Chase's banking website, and from what I am lead to believe after reading the step by step instructions of the wire transfer process (complete with screen shots). The confirmation # that Tim had sent as "proof" is not a confirmation # at all.


When you start the process of a wire transfer Chase will e-mail you a code securely to your e-mail account to verify that it is the correct person logging into your bank account. You have to enter that code to proceed to the second step. That code is what was texted to the seller, and the code is absolutely worthless to anyone else, which is why nobody at Chase could use the number to look up the wire transfer.

It is now the 21st and quite simply there are no funds. There was a Fed wire # sent over this morning. The seller tried to confirm with the bank all morning a wire had been sent but to no avail. The seller came all the way to lake Havasu today and they called the federal reserve only, IN THE SELLERS WORDS, to be told "there is no transaction pending anywhere in the federal wire with the dollar amount of 59,174.00".

The seller is now at the police station with Tim McDonald. I am at OCM and I will not move five feet from the DCM v drive until it is hooked to my truck.

What I witnessed yesterday at OCM was (in my uneducated opinion) borderline pathological (for lack of a better description). There would be one logical explanation after the next as to why these seemingly simple tasks could not get done. Each explanation building off the last, and using the previous for the basis of the next. None of them from the first to the last do I believe to be true on any level at this point.

The kicker being I have a friend who's boat was also sold at OCM recently. Tim has claimed to have mailed him a check over a week ago (standard mail for a 40,000.00 check no less). Everyday this seller is told "Well it should show up today." Needless to say afte the check not showing up the next line is "Well let me put a stop payment on that check, and when the bank verifies that, we will Fed Ex you a new check." Understanding of course that the bank can take days to put a stop payment on a check.

My friend was also supposed to get his funds "no matter what" on the 19th. I told him to have Tim get a cashiers check and have it on his desk, and I personally would pick it up and Fed Ex it to him. When he asked for that to happen Tim declined the offer and according to my friend Kurt was told "Dave doesn't work for OCM, and is not the owner of the boat so he can't release the funds to someone him." (Paraphrasing of course)

Of Course Tim would be happy to Fed Ex a check himself. Tim claimed that his wife had gone to the bank to generate a cashiers check, and then swung by Fed Ex on her way back to the shop. He even went so far as to provide my friend a Fed Ex tracking number and said he could track it in the morning.

My friend is a very intelligent individual so I'm not quite sure how the hell he doesn't know how Fed Ex works.. But needless to say if something is in their possession you can track it from the word go. The instant they point that little scanner at it it's in their system and you can look it up online and see if it's on the truck, if it's at their facility, which hub it will be at, and follow it all the way to your door. The Fed Ex number was tracked, and needless to say it came up invalid. I suspect the number that was sent to my friend came from the Fed Ex shipping label that was sitting on Tim's desk, and he plans to send it "soon" but certainly not on the 20th (which bear in mind I am writing this in the evening of the 20th), as he very clearly told my friend, and myself several times to myself throughout the course of the afternoon.

* Note that Fed Ex Envelope was shipped today by an Employee of OCM this morning the 21st. The contents of it are unknown at this point.

The thing that weighs on me the most is a comment that Tim made twice in the last two days. He casually said in conversation "I really like what I do for a living, I like this building, and I love this town but maybe it's time.." Strangely yesterday afternoon right before I left his wife casually mentioned the exact same thing in conversation.

Between the funds supposedly coming out of personal accounts, and three mentions in two days of "hanging it up" it has left me with some very dark theories about what is probably going to happen next. If for some reason that LLC gets run into the ground, and the private accounts are isolated from the LLC, and you factor in talk of moving on. Well you don't need a road map to figure out what I'm thinking there.

About the time you will read this, will be about 30 seconds after I have removed my interests from OCM. Once Dan Sr's v-drive is hooked up to my truck I will move this thread to the public section of RDP, I will be leaving this parking lot, and I can promise you I will never be returning to this place under the moniker OCM for any reason.

To have someone look you straight in the face and flat out lie about so many things is beyond disturbing to me and as I said before I can only describe it as pathological. I gave Tim the benefit of the doubt because of previous referrals, and previous business that I arranged in him buying three boats off Dan Sr. We have gone out and had beers on several occasions, and I have always enjoyed Tim / Ruby and their company. I can tell you without equivocation though that there is some seriously twisted shit going on over there now.. Whatever was good in this place has long since left, and I believe it to be a sinking ship, and sinking fast.

At this point I am hoping that 29'Commander and my buddy get paid on their boats, but I don't expect it will happen without legal pressure at a minimum.



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Sorry you tried to do the right thing RD and this Jackass had you sticking up for his lies!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Its crazy what people are capable of, having seen it multiple times myself, and how they will take it to the very bitter end. When I was at Anaheim Chevy before Photoglou, I was handling a deal for a friend of the owner. Just another lease on trailblazer to replace the one they were returning, been on the 2 year program for like 14 years in a row. This time around, run the credit and can't believe my eyes, everything in default, cars, house, you name it. Apparently he had a gambling problem catch up to him. But there he is sitting in the office with the owner, and his wife, and his wife having no idea her world is going to come crashing down, I just handed the folder to the owner, and walked out, and watched the shit show through the window. Felt terrible for the wife. What did the husband think was going to happen when he came in to get a new car that day after not paying anyone for a year, the truth was going to come out, never brought it up to her before that moment it came tumbling down. Feel terrible for all those involved in this mess again.


Oct 17, 2012
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Thank You Dave,

As aways, your word is worth more than any document or piece of paper in both my parent's opinion and my own.

The concern you showed for Danny's V-Drive and my father's interest in the boat was amazing.

Yet again, I owe you, Chris

Mini Kat

Hammer Makin' Payments
Aug 20, 2009
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So is this a call out thread now?:rolleyes


Schiada Baby.......Yeah!!
Jul 12, 2010
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This just sucks. I too am talking to the other guy waiting for the FedEx as he's a friend of mine too and can tell you that anyone who would screw him would screw his own mother......gotta be one of The nicest guys I know.
I only hope I don't run into Tim around town anytime soon.....I'm sure I'm not the only business guy here in town that feels this way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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My only recommendation is don't meddle in your members business.
This should have been squashed long ago, but 29C had faith in you getting this done for him. You were played a fool and I hope it's a lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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You should have never backed the guy Dave. You knew it wasn't going to go right from the get go.

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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My only recommendation is don't meddle in your members business.
This should have been squashed long ago, but 29C had faith in you getting this done for him. You were played a fool and I hope it's a lesson learned.

Must feel cool to have never been wrong before...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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It takes a special kind of F'd up person to look you straight in the eyes and lie without any physical reaction.

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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Tell me where I said that. I stated Tim fucked Dave. Period

Well it was nice of you to offer your condescending recommendation. Dave tried to do what he thought was right by both his business and one of his members and it bit him. Why rub his nose in it with a holier than thou "I told you so"? Same goes for Tyro. You honestly think Dave would have stuck his neck out if "he knew is was gonna go this way"?


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
"Sorry Dave"???? Lol how about sorry to anybody who is currently dealing with boats currently or in the past OCM related. Horrible situation but let's keep it real people, Dave is not a Victim of anything in here. He is not the bad guy either.

Great write up and a bit more insight into what is going on. For that I'll definitey say "Thank you Dave!" But sorry... lol come on people.

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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RD just helped bring all this to a head faster. It was going to happen, just a matter of its eventual conclusion. The earlier it was finalized the better chance C29 will get some money

^^ this


Jan 9, 2010
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On another note. I hope word travels fast to anybody with boats in their showroom. The sooner that place is emptied the better.


Arch Stanton...
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
This situation is so fucked. Absolutely zero winners here. Tim is fucked (rightfully so), Dave got fucked, 29C is royally fucked, and everyone who has a boat at OCM is fucked.

Just wait until they pull the curtains back on this deal and realize what a shit show circus has been going on.

This is just the beginning folks. I expect a lot of people with boats in that showroom to start threads here very soon.

Oh Dave, you can bet that every single one of those people who took that cocksucker Tim to court and their stories were absolutely true. They just knew what a disaster it would be if they didn't settle out of court.

Fuck you Tim and I hope you rot in hell for trying to fuck people out of their hard earned money so you and your wife could profit off of their misfortune. What a piece of shit...


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Well it was nice of you to offer your condescending recommendation. Dave tried to do what he thought was right by both his business and one of his members and it bit him. Why rub his nose in it with a holier than thou "I told you so"? Same goes for Tyro. You honestly think Dave would have stuck his neck out if "he knew is was gonna go this way"?
Dave did know it was going to go this way with him creating this post. You see this was written in the middle of the morning. He held on to it until the events shaked out. Dave knew exactly what was going to happen. He even said it in his post. So he knew Tim was turning into a Shady Fuck


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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How was the Outta Compton movie Dave?

It was awesome..

What happened at the police station?

Tim and Joeseph Belt sat down with Detective Fuller (sp?). I was not present at the meeting so I have no idea what transpired. I'm sure Joe will be along to post it when he returns back to San Diego.

I do know that Tim is to meet Joe at Chase bank on McCulloch with a Detective present at (ironically enough) 12:00 noon on monday. Tim is to hand Joe a cashiers check for the full amount at that time.

"Sorry Dave"???? Lol how about sorry to anybody who is currently dealing with boats currently or in the past OCM related. Horrible situation but let's keep it real people, Dave is not a Victim of anything in here. He is not the bad guy either.

Great write up and a bit more insight into what is going on. For that I'll definitey say "Thank you Dave!" But sorry... lol come on people.

The only reason I posted this, is there is a lot of boats on consignment down there. They should be completely aware of what is transpiring.

There is a detective that is working on the OCM case now, and how that will all play out I have no idea... I do know I wouldn't want my shit sitting in there though if it ends sideways with locks on the doors because once that happens it's a bitch to get it back.


Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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Dave did know it was going to go this way with him creating this post. You see this was written in the middle of the morning. He held on to it until the events shaked out. Dave knew exactly what was going to happen. He even said it in his post. So he knew Tim was turning into a Shady Fuck

He knew it last night, not when he was backing Tim's word. Big difference.


The Great Southern land
Dec 19, 2007
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The thing that weighs on me the most is a comment that Tim made twice in the last two days. He casually said in conversation "I really like what I do for a living, I like this building, and I love this town but maybe it's time.." Strangely yesterday afternoon right before I left his wife casually mentioned the exact same thing in conversation. RD

There was the kicker right there. Strangely in life l have had past dealing with so called friends that have said the same thing and l have learned that this is the small little kick to let me know "shit is about to go down". :thumbsdown

Dave, you only commented and stood up for the guy based on past personal and business dealing as anyone would have in the same situation, so don't give yourself an upper cut for trying to do in your mind, the right thing to do. :thumbup:

These people will not be in town much longer because typically this type of shit flows down hill to other people, be it private or other suppliers.:(


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Dave did know it was going to go this way with him creating this post. You see this was written in the middle of the morning. He held on to it until the events shaked out. Dave knew exactly what was going to happen. He even said it in his post. So he knew Tim was turning into a Shady Fuck

I figured it out at 2:00 am last night when I googled the wire transfer activation and read the pdf file from Chase's banking website.


This morning when I was texted a Federal Wire #, I once again found myself believing (against my gut feeling) that perhaps Tim is just the unluckiest guy in the world when it comes to wire transfers and it was "possible" (hypothetically) that he really was getting boned by the bank.

I really... really really really really wanted Tim to be on the up and up on this, and I was really hoping that that things he was telling me would materialize or be true. At this point though, there's just no way I could find myself believing any of it.

Tim told me twice this morning that he had plenty of cash on hand to cover this, and if worst came to worst he would cancel the wire, and go to the bank and get a cashiers check. He said he wouldn't be happy about having to float 120K out of his account but would do it if he had too.

Well.. The guy showed up here in Havasu. No wire.. No cancellation.. and yet again No Cashiers check.

As I was leaving OCM, Tim said to me "I said I would do that on monday, because I need to move more money from my personal account to be able to do that."

I just told him "I don't want to hear it.." and left.



I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Dave did know it was going to go this way with him creating this post. You see this was written in the middle of the morning. He held on to it until the events shaked out. Dave knew exactly what was going to happen. He even said it in his post. So he knew Tim was turning into a Shady Fuck

I'm guessing that Dave was trying to leverage OCM into paying 29' Commander and the other guy waiting for the check before the whole deal fell apart. Exposing the sting (if you want to call it that ) would have jeopardized what might have and could have happened.

Even pulling Danny's boat out in the past day or so could have sunk the whole deal.


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
The only reason I posted this, is there is a lot of boats on consignment down there. They should be completely aware of what is transpiring.

There is a detective that is working on the OCM case now, and how that will all play out I have no idea... I do know I wouldn't want my shit sitting in there though if it ends sideways with locks on the doors because once that happens it's a bitch to get it back.


If I had to guess I would say the civil side of OCM's liability's are very easy to prove and the criminal side will be quite a bit tougher. All depends on how much work that detective puts into their case before handing it over to the DA's office. Then you have to hope the DA understands these types of transactions and is willing to take it to court for filing.

Shitty situation no matter how you look at it. Glad you got that boat out of there. Too bad there wasn't a convoy of trucks lined up as we speak to help everyone else out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I will have to say that Daves asshole is probably all puckered up from the shit sandwich he created on this mess. However Dave propably stopped a felon from running from his business, packing up and skipping town.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Well it was nice of you to offer your condescending recommendation. Dave tried to do what he thought was right by both his business and one of his members and it bit him. Why rub his nose in it with a holier than thou "I told you so"? Same goes for Tyro. You honestly think Dave would have stuck his neck out if "he knew is was gonna go this way"?

Please tell me where I rubbed Daves face in it. Better yet, tell me where I said " I told you so" . Start reading my posts. Maybe start reading other members posts that went for Daves throat and then tell me why you're pointing out my opinion.
FYI, my recommendation was just a word of advice and nowhere does it mention I'm a better person than Dave.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2011
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Joker isn't wrong, Dave did get fucked on this one. Dave believed in OCM and did his best to back them up. RD goes above and beyond to help people, that I commend. Sad situation, if anyone needs help getting their boat out let me know, I'll drive 230 miles and pull it out for them. Pink Taco, best of luck with pictures, this isn't your strong suit.

Well it was nice of you to offer your condescending recommendation. Dave tried to do what he thought was right by both his business and one of his members and it bit him. Why rub his nose in it with a holier than thou "I told you so"? Same goes for Tyro. You honestly think Dave would have stuck his neck out if "he knew is was gonna go this way"?