Obama re elected


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Im disgusted just the same as everyone who has expressed it here, but I must say that Part of being an American is being resilient and Never Giving Up...this POS will no doubt fuck this Nation up even more now. I just hope were not at the point of no return.

There was a Higher Power that Put him in Office, and there is a Higher Power that will keep there for as long as possible...Sad deal all around!



Sep 13, 2007
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Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Careful what you wish for. Without electoral college Al Gore would have been pres. I don't like electoral either, I do understand its intended purpose, just don't agree with it any longer, but pendulum swings both ways at times. I do agree the current outcome is not the answer our country needed at this time.

Hopefully they focked up and missed like a whole state's votes or some shit. :)

On the positive side, it would have been much more difficult to elect Chris Christie in 2016 had Romney won. After 4 more years of this shit he should be real popular about then.

You know Rex...at this point I wonder if old Al might have done a better job as a puppet than Bush...he certainly could not have fucked up the country any worse. Lol. :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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People living pay to pay check are going to shit when they see the $200/month coming out of their pay for governemnt healthcare starting Jan 1.
" But I thought Obamacare was free"....LOL
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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I'm trying to take some solace in the fact that I live in a state that didn't vote for the POS.

obama don't mess with Brewer..:nono


Aug 21, 2009
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Hey, anybody got the number to Truckmasters??? :banghead:

sent from a van at the waters edge.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
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The third world countries wanted him back in. All the terrorists wanted him to stay. All the fraudulent, sacks o shit that stay at home and get their monthly check obviously voted for him. The Unions and their 40 dollar an hour floor sweepers have to have to keep a dirty hand with him to keep their enormous monopoly running.

How in the hell could anyone with an IQ of 85 or higher vote for this guy?

Please, please someone step up, defend your position and post WHY Obama was the better vote.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Hey, anybody got the number to Truckmasters??? :banghead:

sent from a van at the waters edge.

Dont get a job that would be crazy just go get in line for food stamps and abuse it like all the others.and the money you save you can go and lease a new MERCEDES CLS 500.WHY NOT


Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Dont get a job that would be crazy just go get in line for food stamps and abuse it like all the others.and the money you save you can go and lease a new MERCEDES CLS 500.WHY NOT

Im a single male in my 40's and an American! Ive got nothin comin but a bigger tax bill! :(

Edit: oh and self-employed!

sent from a van at the waters edge.
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Aug 17, 2011
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guess we will be even deeper int debt!!!!! hope we can recover after 8 years of this guy


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Being a closet pessimist, the only thing that surprises me is how many people seem surprised that this happened.
If you consider the last 50-60 years of history, there is a continual shrinkage of the idea of an American Identity, of the concept of "us".
That "us" was at the core of the concept of American Exceptionalism, the, "thing" that gave birth to the concept of living as a free people, bound by our love of freedom and respect for the rights of man.
People came here, they came here to participate, to join, to share in and contribute to that identity, to live their dreams, to thrive.
To be Americans.
And then the change began. The Constitution that bound us together and set us free at the same time became subjected to a political attack that, while subtle, it was unwavering in it's intent to subvert the core that makes the American Identity possible. Khrushchev said that they would feed us bits of socialism, one at a time, until we got a taste for them, and then, in our arrogance, we would demand more not even knowing what we were asking for.
We have now arrived at a place where over 50 million of the people here who can vote will, with eyes wide open, vote for it.
But, almost as many wouldn't.
I don't know if we can turn this around, I don't know if we can miss the iceberg that is dead ahead, but for my kids, grandkids, and your kids, we need to try.

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
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The third world countries wanted him back in.

They love him because they enjoy the drone strikes in their neighborhoods. :D

All the terrorists wanted him to stay.

Are you just speaking for the ones that are still alive of the ones that have been taken out, also?

I have no problem with anyone's philosophical beliefs or the way they vote but this idea of speaking for a community you don't know and have never met, could be a bit of an over-reach.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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fuck it, i am headed to the river this weekend to enjoy my life..anybody in..:thumbsup

Tommy Gun Images

Media Lackey
Staff member
May 28, 2008
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Being a closet pessimist, the only thing that surprises me is how many people seem surprised that this happened.
If you consider the last 50-60 years of history, there is a continual shrinkage of the idea of an American Identity, of the concept of "us".
That "us" was at the core of the concept of American Exceptionalism, the, "thing" that gave birth to the concept of living as a free people, bound by our love of freedom and respect for the rights of man.
People came here, they came here to participate, to join, to share in and contribute to that identity, to live their dreams, to thrive.
To be Americans.
And then the change began. The Constitution that bound us together and set us free at the same time became subjected to a political attack that, while subtle, it was unwavering in it's intent to subvert the core that makes the American Identity possible. Khrushchev said that they would feed us bits of socialism, one at a time, until we got a taste for them, and then, in our arrogance, we would demand more not even knowing what we were asking for.
We have now arrived at a place where over 50 million of the people here who can vote will, with eyes wide open, vote for it.
But, almost as many wouldn't.
I don't know if we can turn this around, I don't know if we can miss the iceberg that is dead ahead, but for my kids, grandkids, and your kids, we need to try.



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Stock market say's it all. Down 320 point's!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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well theres 1, its a start, i bet if i said i buy 1st round at r.r. on sat. all these boaters would show up..:D

r.u. goin to b.h, i will be in parker...since you will never come down i will call you a 1/2, so we 1 and 1/2..:cool

Is that an insult?:grumble:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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not unless u feel it is???? u wont be where i am but i gave u 1/2 credit for being on part of the river..:D

Cool, The wife says I do things half ass, i guess it makes sense now.

screaming pete

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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First of all Thank you everyone for your Post. they are all important ....Here is my deal...Monday through Friday we all go to work and night and weekends too for many of us....The Working Class,,business Owners and Self Employed....but then a state or federal holiday rolls around ...many of of still go to work...the freeways are empty??? But the Working Class still works while the Local, State and Gov. workers are off...We pay there salerys....We are the ones making stuff,, producing stuff....business being taxed and fee'd to death to suppport our country, state and lastly ourselves...when the econony is good we prosper grow and save our $$. the only oppertunity for the lower and middle class to get ahead is in a good econony . the last 4 years i have seen more good people loose jobs,and go through there saving then ever before. and Trillions of dollars thrown to Big Bunisess and Finanicals....Big Bounses and Nothing has trickled down to the middle or lower class or even an oppertunity to earn it $$$...

Government ,,State or local has got to BIG. theres not enough of Working Class to support the TAX and SPEND goverment...


Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
First of all Thank you everyone for your Post. they are all important ....Here is my deal...Monday through Friday we all go to work and night and weekends too for many of us....The Working Class,,business Owners and Self Employed....but then a state or federal holiday rolls around ...many of of still go to work...the freeways are empty??? But the Working Class still works while the Local, State and Gov. workers are off...We pay there salerys....We are the ones making stuff,, producing stuff....business being taxed and fee'd to death to suppport our country, state and lastly ourselves...when the econony is good we prosper grow and save our $$. the only oppertunity for the lower and middle class to get ahead is in a good econony . the last 4 years i have seen more good people loose jobs,and go through there saving then ever before. and Trillions of dollars thrown to Big Bunisess and Finanicals....Big Bounses and Nothing has trickled down to the middle or lower class or even an oppertunity to earn it $$$...

Government ,,State or local has got to BIG. theres not enough of Working Class to support the TAX and SPEND goverment...


Yep. Veterans day is this Sunday. Is Monday a holiday.:headscratch:


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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When you vote based on your single issue, be prepared for the rest of what is coming with that person. In this case a big bag of socialism and suppression.

Like Michelle said, Maybe a lesser means is the new American lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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If I was a conservative, I would be furious with Fox News this morning for not keeping me informed about what was really happening in the last weeks of the campaign. How could an Obama victory come as a surprise when every poll and survey showed what was going to happen? IMHO spinning the truth and slanting the story left a sizeable part of our electorate totally unaware of what was really going on. For example: all that baloney about Romney "momentum" when every statewide poll showed Obama gaining share and Romney in a tie at best. And the ridiculous claims of over 300 Electoral Votes for Romney by all those Fox pundits who said Nate Silver was wrong. Well, in the end Mr. Silver called it within 2 votes and he did it a week before the election.....
It might be nice to have people telling you only what you want to hear, but is that really the role of a NEWS organization? Or is the role to tell their viewers of the truth, no matter if it does not make people happy....... At least if they had you would not have been surprised at Romneys loss last night.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Well I'd say it's about time to move on.. I can only punch myself in the nuts so many times before it just doesn't hurt anymore.


Broke mo fo
Sep 24, 2007
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Well I'd say it's about time to move on.. I can only punch myself in the nuts so many times before it just doesn't hurt anymore.


Sent from my iPad using Tap That Ass


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Well I'd say it's about time to move on.. I can only punch myself in the nuts so many times before it just doesn't hurt anymore.

The pain is only going to get worse. This election shows that over time instead of kicking the dog in the ass for chewing a hole in the carpet, we rewarded him with a bone thinking he would then know the difference.....now we just mail the free bones out.

If you voted for Obama, that fine. But let it be known, you sided with all the Free loading Dirt bags. All the fraudulent "Im disabled" peeps that rob the tax payers. And lets not forget all the non tax paying illegals that YOUR party HAS to have to get elected.

You chose the crook. The one that takes from us and gives to the bums.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Here's the only rebuttal I've read in fourteen pages. In the first two years of office Obama signed the Equal Pay Law, credit card bill reform (save people from sudden interest spikes), Tobacco Regs Reform, Hate Crimes Bill, Children's Health Insurance (4M kids), College Loan reform (no longer a fed program), Tripled AmeriCorp, and saved the American Auto Industry. Less than one month in office he signed the largest tax cut ever, made the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in infrastructure (roads/bridges) since Isenhower (sic), and finally got health care reform in a country with no system what so ever. Two years after the banking system almost collapsed (Bush) he signed financial reform curbing the excesses on Wall St. Confirmed two female Supreme Court Justices (including first Hispanic), repealed don't ask/don't tell, signed the 911 First Responders Health Bill, negotiated the Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia. THEN, when the House was taken over by the Republicans they promised to oppose everything the President did in the future he still fought for more.

In a nutshell, he got us out of one war, is getting us out of a second and didn't start any new wars - BTW, the Republicans wanted us to go fight Kadaffi (sic) but he worked with other countries sending resources/advisers and they overthrew the dictator themselves. Instead of fighting he escalated economic sanctions against Libya.

The stock market doubled, unemployment is under 8% and private sector job growth has increased the past 32 months. He has not raised taxes, he has not taken away your guns (passed a law that even lets you take them into National Parks) and has brought the deficit down by millions of dollars.

Last night Romney said in his concession speech it's time to work together and move forward. Let's get it done.


I know right...
Sep 25, 2007
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Here's the only rebuttal I've read in fourteen pages. In the first two years of office Obama signed the Equal Pay Law, credit card bill reform (save people from sudden interest spikes), Tobacco Regs Reform, Hate Crimes Bill, Children's Health Insurance (4M kids), College Loan reform (no longer a fed program), Tripled AmeriCorp, and saved the American Auto Industry. Less than one month in office he signed the largest tax cut ever, made the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in infrastructure (roads/bridges) since Isenhower (sic), and finally got health care reform in a country with no system what so ever. Two years after the banking system almost collapsed (Bush) he signed financial reform curbing the excesses on Wall St. Confirmed two female Supreme Court Justices (including first Hispanic), repealed don't ask/don't tell, signed the 911 First Responders Health Bill, negotiated the Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia. THEN, when the House was taken over by the Republicans they promised to oppose everything the President did in the future he still fought for more.

In a nutshell, he got us out of one war, is getting us out of a second and didn't start any new wars - BTW, the Republicans wanted us to go fight Kadaffi (sic) but he worked with other countries sending resources/advisers and they overthrew the dictator themselves. Instead of fighting he escalated economic sanctions against Libya.

The stock market doubled, unemployment is under 8% and private sector job growth has increased the past 32 months. He has not raised taxes, he has not taken away your guns (passed a law that even lets you take them into National Parks) and has brought the deficit down by millions of dollars.

Last night Romney said in his concession speech it's time to work together and move forward. Let's get it done.

Well said. :thumbsup But its never going to please the nay sayers. They drink to much Kool-Aid :skull :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Here's the only rebuttal I've read in fourteen pages. In the first two years of office Obama signed the Equal Pay Law, credit card bill reform (save people from sudden interest spikes), Tobacco Regs Reform, Hate Crimes Bill, Children's Health Insurance (4M kids), College Loan reform (no longer a fed program), Tripled AmeriCorp, and saved the American Auto Industry. Less than one month in office he signed the largest tax cut ever, made the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in infrastructure (roads/bridges) since Isenhower (sic), and finally got health care reform in a country with no system what so ever. Two years after the banking system almost collapsed (Bush) he signed financial reform curbing the excesses on Wall St. Confirmed two female Supreme Court Justices (including first Hispanic), repealed don't ask/don't tell, signed the 911 First Responders Health Bill, negotiated the Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia. THEN, when the House was taken over by the Republicans they promised to oppose everything the President did in the future he still fought for more.

In a nutshell, he got us out of one war, is getting us out of a second and didn't start any new wars - BTW, the Republicans wanted us to go fight Kadaffi (sic) but he worked with other countries sending resources/advisers and they overthrew the dictator themselves. Instead of fighting he escalated economic sanctions against Libya.

The stock market doubled, unemployment is under 8% and private sector job growth has increased the past 32 months. He has not raised taxes, he has not taken away your guns (passed a law that even lets you take them into National Parks) and has brought the deficit down by millions of dollars.

Last night Romney said in his concession speech it's time to work together and move forward. Let's get it done.

There is no place in this thread for actual facts!!! How dare you introduce logic and reason into an emotional cathartic rant.......


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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I don't know about that. What I do know is that Canada is a good place to live. We've got plenty of problems and we've got some great things too. Overall, it's fine.

The sun is going to come up tomorrow. The USA is not dead. Don't lose track of the positive things in your country. Relax and make the most out of whatever happens, good or bad.

Partisan politics tend to be blinding. To succeed in most things, you need to be able to look past the philosophy and ideology and focus on moving yourself forward.

Look here, I was getting all kinds of entertainment reading about stocking up on ammo, hyper inflation, the end of the world, etc. and you think you can just come in here and ruin it with your logic and common sense ? I too am disappointed in the outcome of this election but I know there is (and always has been) opportunity out there for me. Just like there was for people during the great depression and the world wars. I guess being raised with nothing has its advantages.


Huge Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Here's the only rebuttal I've read in fourteen pages. In the first two years of office Obama signed the Equal Pay Law, credit card bill reform (save people from sudden interest spikes), Tobacco Regs Reform, Hate Crimes Bill, Children's Health Insurance (4M kids), College Loan reform (no longer a fed program), Tripled AmeriCorp, and saved the American Auto Industry. Less than one month in office he signed the largest tax cut ever, made the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in infrastructure (roads/bridges) since Isenhower (sic), and finally got health care reform in a country with no system what so ever. Two years after the banking system almost collapsed (Bush) he signed financial reform curbing the excesses on Wall St. Confirmed two female Supreme Court Justices (including first Hispanic), repealed don't ask/don't tell, signed the 911 First Responders Health Bill, negotiated the Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia. THEN, when the House was taken over by the Republicans they promised to oppose everything the President did in the future he still fought for more.

In a nutshell, he got us out of one war, is getting us out of a second and didn't start any new wars - BTW, the Republicans wanted us to go fight Kadaffi (sic) but he worked with other countries sending resources/advisers and they overthrew the dictator themselves. Instead of fighting he escalated economic sanctions against Libya.

The stock market doubled, unemployment is under 8% and private sector job growth has increased the past 32 months. He has not raised taxes, he has not taken away your guns (passed a law that even lets you take them into National Parks) and has brought the deficit down by millions of dollars.

Last night Romney said in his concession speech it's time to work together and move forward. Let's get it done.

The market has doubled huh. Since the last election until today. Funny math...... What else do we need to fact check here??:headscratch:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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The Dow hit 6626 on 3/6/09 and closed today at 12932. Not quite double but pretty darn close.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Here's the only rebuttal I've read in fourteen pages. In the first two years of office Obama signed the Equal Pay Law, credit card bill reform (save people from sudden interest spikes), Tobacco Regs Reform, Hate Crimes Bill, Children's Health Insurance (4M kids), College Loan reform (no longer a fed program), Tripled AmeriCorp, and saved the American Auto Industry. Less than one month in office he signed the largest tax cut ever, made the largest investment in clean energy ever, the largest investment in infrastructure (roads/bridges) since Isenhower (sic), and finally got health care reform in a country with no system what so ever. Two years after the banking system almost collapsed (Bush) he signed financial reform curbing the excesses on Wall St. Confirmed two female Supreme Court Justices (including first Hispanic), repealed don't ask/don't tell, signed the 911 First Responders Health Bill, negotiated the Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia. THEN, when the House was taken over by the Republicans they promised to oppose everything the President did in the future he still fought for more.

In a nutshell, he got us out of one war, is getting us out of a second and didn't start any new wars - BTW, the Republicans wanted us to go fight Kadaffi (sic) but he worked with other countries sending resources/advisers and they overthrew the dictator themselves. Instead of fighting he escalated economic sanctions against Libya.

The stock market doubled, unemployment is under 8% and private sector job growth has increased the past 32 months. He has not raised taxes, he has not taken away your guns (passed a law that even lets you take them into National Parks) and has brought the deficit down by millions of dollars.

Last night Romney said in his concession speech it's time to work together and move forward. Let's get it done.

Good grief you are one naive fella if you honestly believe all that.........I really like the bringing the deficit down by millions of dollars one which noway coincides with the multi-trillion dollar increase that actually happened.:rolleyes

But if you're getting your facts from Rolling Stone and MTV where all that hogwash likely gets spread, it's going to happen. Folks like you and your buds deserve what you get and you got him. Flame on.....:skull


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Good grief you are one naive fella if you honestly believe all that.........I really like the bringing the deficit down by millions of dollars one which noway coincides with the multi-trillion dollar increase that actually happened.:rolleyes

But if you're getting your facts from Rolling Stone and MTV where all that hogwash likely gets spread, it's going to happen. Folks like you and your buds deserve what you get and you got him. Flame on.....:skull

According to the New York Times the national deficit fell to $1.1 trillion from $1.3 trillion the year before. This is the smallest deficit since 2008 BUT represents the fourth year in a row the deficit was greater than $1 trillion. This was due in part to lower government spending and less money spent on military in Afghanistan and Iraq. My information is from credible sources but my point was it's time to work together the next four years and not continue the divisiveness that prevailed in the House of Representatives.


The Masheenest
Dec 20, 2007
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I have been negotiating to do a repeat job for 3 months now. 120 parts a month at about 10K a month gross. Just got the call that the entire project has been put on hold. I asked the question I didn't want to hear the answer to, "Indefinitely"


Thanks, let me know if you have anything else comes up I can help with.

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Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Don't blame me, I voted for Rosanne Barr:smackhead:rotflmao::lmao
Damn Kenyan is turning our beloved country into a socialist republic:grumble: