X2 Good on you Roc. Hope you told them the reason why if you cancelled the subscription
Sorry. I'm watching football. I'll stay home if I can't go spend money and watch.
Sorry. I'm watching football. I'll stay home if I can't go spend money and watch.
It's 2 in this case. Paul and GRADS table for 2.There's always that ONE guy :rolleyes
I quit spending money on anything NFL and NBA years ago. I'll attend a game if I get a free ticket maybe. But no memorabilia. If I attend, no concessions, nothing.
A league that pays a complete lackey $40M+ a year, is clearing far too much money. Goodell is on the wrong side of every issue.:thumbsdown
Goodell works for the owners. If he's on the wrong side of an issue, then the majority of league owners are as well.
He can't do shit without ownership support.
It's 2 in this case. Paul and GRADS table for 2.
Pretty sure there's an RDP fantasy league too.
That is where we would have a problem.No NFL at our house anymore 👍😆 College only! And that's mostly USC !
And this is is why we live in this great country , we all have the right to choose what we like to do, or watch. [emoji202] [emoji4]Sorry. I'm watching football. I'll stay home if I can't go spend money and watch.
Pretty sure there's an RDP fantasy league too.
Up until 10 or so years ago they didn't even do the anthem. I'm pretty sure the government pays/paid them to do it probably as an armed forces recruiting tool.
You can or can watch it doesn't really matter to them with the gigantic tv deals that are signed/sealed/delivered.
I love this country as much as the next guy but Jesus people just have too much time on their hands to get in a hissy about everything these days.
A business has a right to not put the most popular sport on tv at their location...they also take a huge gamble loosing out on clientele. People spend a lot more on food and drinks watching a couple games vs. a quick in and out for some food.
I'll stand for the anthem but honestly I could careless what the guy next to me does...it's a free country after all[emoji12][emoji6]
and an RDP fantasy football league too......![]()
I'm really not that butt-hurt by the actions of certain NFL players that choose to sit during the national anthem, I don't hold them in high regard anyway. Watching TV takes up a lot of time and the recent drama brought on by the players is just one more reason that I should be more productive with my Mondays,Thursdays and Sundays. So, I've decided to sit this season out and not watch NFL at all. I like my sports without politics. What I find interesting is folks like Grads and Bobby V love to rub it in that they don't care about people disrespecting the Nation Anthem. I find it so bizarre that Americans hate their country so much and won't honor what this country stands for. I guess I'm just tired of all the political correctness of modern day American society, especially the millennials, because fighting for freedom is something they've never encountered in their lives, and they're the first ones to take a knee. Sadly, freedom for a lot of Americans is a big joke to them, and freedom is not free. Every American citizen should honor the Flag and our National Anthem.
It will matter when the "TV deals" want to renegotiate or want reimbursement due to cancelled viewership.
I read ROC's deal was 6K a year.
I can't find a number on how many commercial and private Sunday Ticket accounts have been cancelled and reimbursed, but I would bet that DTV will send a bill to the NFL since THEIR employees are the reason.
This would have never been an issue if these idiot players didn't make this about America. Their protest is not about America on any level. It's about local law enforcement in select shit inner cities. I'm not against what they are protesting but I'm against the tool they used to be heard. Smearing America and lives that fought for these guys to even do this is what pisses me off. I hope the NFL takes a huge financial hit.