No NFL at Roc's Place


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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X2 Good on you Roc. Hope you told them the reason why if you cancelled the subscription

DirecTV would not refund his NFL portion only (6k a year for commercial shops). DTV told him only residential accounts were allowed to do that and the offer ended Sept 30th. He ended up cancelling his entire DTV account.

Tio Pancho

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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I have never been much of a typical sports fan. IE football, baseball etc. too many primadonas and high paid whiners placing blame everywhere else.
This disrespect of our country in their workplace setting and the lack of balls of the NFL for the sake of revenue and coddling these bastards is just too much.
And this is coming from the son of immigrants.
Fuck the NFL.
ROC I will be working across the street from your place tomorrow. If things work out I will be taking the guys to your place for lunch just in support of your action.
God Bless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Rodger Gooddell gets a nose bleed every 28 days. IMO the game of football has been pussified under his tenure like nothing I've ever seen. Can we fire this guy and get someone in there that still has a sack?

Good on you ROC.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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I’m in Palm Desert and I'm going to Roc’s today, no NFL for me anymore.

The best way to hit the NFL hard (I’ve been a fan all my life, but no more), is to to Revoke the NFL AntiTrust Exemption!

This exemption from the law is for entities that "benefit the majority of Americans" and "promote the public welfare" by allowing them to collude and prevent competition and control prices. Revoking this exemption to the law would end this corrupt monopoly and bring the owners and players ‘to their knees’.....so to speak. It would end these owners $ billion dollar monopolies and $ million dollar salaries to ungrateful players.

The link below by a former Justice Department lawyer who helped break up the AT&T monopoly on long distance calls (remember when your parents used to yell at you for the $100 to $200 long distance bills when you were a kid calling your out of town girlfriend?)....that's a thing of the past due to AntiTrust laws.

Put this phrase in your Twitter and Facebook posts and spread the word.


Read this link for more info:



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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The more business thata does this the better, but we can not forget too do our part. Make sure you thank said business that do this both verbally and with your wallet. I am no where close too rocs, but if I am ever down that way I will make sure too stop by and thank them for putting thier money where thier mouth is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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We are no longer supporting NFL games. Baseball, college football , Hockey, golf, soccer, NHRA, motocross racing, Nascar. watching paint dry and grass grow way to many sports to have to deal with the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Just got my lunch from Roc's. Plan on going more often since my station is just down the street.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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Sorry. I'm watching football. I'll stay home if I can't go spend money and watch.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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I quit spending money on anything NFL and NBA years ago. I'll attend a game if I get a free ticket maybe. But no memorabilia. If I attend, no concessions, nothing.

A league that pays a complete lackey $40M+ a year, is clearing far too much money. Goodell is on the wrong side of every issue.:thumbsdown

Hardly Satisfied

Riverside, CA & Havasu
Jan 24, 2008
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I quit spending money on anything NFL and NBA years ago. I'll attend a game if I get a free ticket maybe. But no memorabilia. If I attend, no concessions, nothing.

A league that pays a complete lackey $40M+ a year, is clearing far too much money. Goodell is on the wrong side of every issue.:thumbsdown

Goodell is a overpaided piece of Crap


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
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Goodell works for the owners. If he's on the wrong side of an issue, then the majority of league owners are as well.

He can't do shit without ownership support.


Outdrive1 Marine Sales https://www.outdrive1.com/
Dec 19, 2007
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Pretty sure there's an RDP fantasy league too.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Goodell works for the owners. If he's on the wrong side of an issue, then the majority of league owners are as well.

He can't do shit without ownership support.

Sure they are but it's all about an image they want the public to focus on and forget: The NFL "is" the owners.

The players are whom we pay to see, but they change annually or less for the most part making individuals expendable. Goodell just does the dirty work, keeping the spotlight on himself and off the bosses.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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No NFL at our house anymore 👍😆 College only! And that's mostly USC !
That is where we would have a problem.
The USC thing, although ur jus to cute to not cheer for ur team. [emoji6] [emoji202]

And no bobby V , I still don't like them [emoji4]

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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Up until 10 or so years ago they didn't even do the anthem. I'm pretty sure the government pays/paid them to do it probably as an armed forces recruiting tool.

You can or can watch it doesn't really matter to them with the gigantic tv deals that are signed/sealed/delivered.

I love this country as much as the next guy but Jesus people just have too much time on their hands to get in a hissy about everything these days.

A business has a right to not put the most popular sport on tv at their location...they also take a huge gamble loosing out on clientele. People spend a lot more on food and drinks watching a couple games vs. a quick in and out for some food.

I'll stand for the anthem but honestly I could careless what the guy next to me does...it's a free country after all[emoji12][emoji6]

JB in so cal

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm watching free nfl....but spending big to see SC Saturday!

Go Sam!


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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I remember when the Horse Race tracks and NASCAR stopped letting people bring in ice chests and ran up the prices on their food and drinks and admission.

Picnic party areas became pay to access and buy the tracks food with stiff minimums and high prices.
Attendance at both has steadily declined and tracks have closed. Jack Murphy stadium did the same with Chargers games.

I think the NFL is slowly moving toward PPV / streaming and that?ll be it for me.
I get an occasional 3’fers @ $99 for the Dodgers and I jump on it but the prices people pay for games are astounding.

Yankee Stadium cheaper yet still expensive seats the game is unviewable.
It’s all so greedy now.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Up until 10 or so years ago they didn't even do the anthem. I'm pretty sure the government pays/paid them to do it probably as an armed forces recruiting tool.

You can or can watch it doesn't really matter to them with the gigantic tv deals that are signed/sealed/delivered.

I love this country as much as the next guy but Jesus people just have too much time on their hands to get in a hissy about everything these days.

A business has a right to not put the most popular sport on tv at their location...they also take a huge gamble loosing out on clientele. People spend a lot more on food and drinks watching a couple games vs. a quick in and out for some food.

I'll stand for the anthem but honestly I could careless what the guy next to me does...it's a free country after all[emoji12][emoji6]

It will matter when the "TV deals" want to renegotiate or want reimbursement due to cancelled viewership.
I read ROC's deal was 6K a year.
I can't find a number on how many commercial and private Sunday Ticket accounts have been cancelled and reimbursed, but I would bet that DTV will send a bill to the NFL since THEIR employees are the reason.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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I went bar hopping in Bullhead last Sunday and most the bars dropped the Direct season ticket. The chick that owns Cocktails said the price was unaffordable for her, others said the same.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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I've talked to a couple bar/restaurants that count on the TV sports to bring in customers. Both said if the NFL viewers leave, they will have little choice but to cancel the expense to their bottom line.

The sports leagues frequently have said, they will know when they have reached the point of ultimate cost when the customer, fans, quit buying.

The fans have had the power to keep costs in check all along and not used that power. It's all about sales and if the fans would "strike", things would change and change quickly. The NFl is seeing the actions of their prima donna players has finally crossed the line of what fans will not accept. With this new power the fans can and hopefully will realize they can bring this runaway sports addiction back into perspective.

With this current kneeling situation and Vegas tragedy, it is going to be interesting on what happens with the NFL move to Vegas. And the 2 LA teams lack of attendance also has them sweating. Things are coming to a head for the NFL as they sat back and counted their profits. Add in the number of thugs getting arrested and beating women, and the perfect storm for NFL decline is going down. Their image is tarnished and they don't appear to have answers or the cajones to do what has been needing to be done for years. You can only neglect the fans and take their money for so long and it appears the clock is inside 2 minutes.......:skull

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I'm really not that butt-hurt by the actions of certain NFL players that choose to sit during the national anthem, I don't hold them in high regard anyway. Watching TV takes up a lot of time and the recent drama brought on by the players is just one more reason that I should be more productive with my Mondays,Thursdays and Sundays. So, I've decided to sit this season out and not watch NFL at all. I like my sports without politics. What I find interesting is folks like Grads and Bobby V love to rub it in that they don't care about people disrespecting the Nation Anthem. I find it so bizarre that Americans hate their country so much and won't honor what this country stands for. I guess I'm just tired of all the political correctness of modern day American society, especially the millennials, because fighting for freedom is something they've never encountered in their lives, and they're the first ones to take a knee. Sadly, freedom for a lot of Americans is a big joke to them, and freedom is not free. Every American citizen should honor the Flag and our National Anthem.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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and an RDP fantasy football league too...... :D

I cancelled my directv NFL package cause I got a refund....there are no refunds in FF so I am playing the year out. I use a free yahoo app to track scores/stats and no longer dedicate time on Thur/Sun/Mon to watching football....I don't buy NFL sponsored stuff and will not fund them any longer.

It really sux cause I love the game...but they need to get the politics out of it before I start investing my time and money into it again. :)

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm really not that butt-hurt by the actions of certain NFL players that choose to sit during the national anthem, I don't hold them in high regard anyway. Watching TV takes up a lot of time and the recent drama brought on by the players is just one more reason that I should be more productive with my Mondays,Thursdays and Sundays. So, I've decided to sit this season out and not watch NFL at all. I like my sports without politics. What I find interesting is folks like Grads and Bobby V love to rub it in that they don't care about people disrespecting the Nation Anthem. I find it so bizarre that Americans hate their country so much and won't honor what this country stands for. I guess I'm just tired of all the political correctness of modern day American society, especially the millennials, because fighting for freedom is something they've never encountered in their lives, and they're the first ones to take a knee. Sadly, freedom for a lot of Americans is a big joke to them, and freedom is not free. Every American citizen should honor the Flag and our National Anthem.

Well said.....I'm bothered because my father and other vets emphasized to me what the Flag stands for and the many who served proudly and unselfishly under it. To use the Flag and it's anthem to protest anything is the wrong venue. Doing so disrespects the foundation of this nation which the Flag represents.

Those who kneel show deep ignorance of true United States philosophy and the Flag that represents that philosophy. What their protest is against is contrary to the US philosophy and the Flag. So they need to wake up and find the correct venue to issue their protests. Until they do, they're as much the issue as the cure......

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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It will matter when the "TV deals" want to renegotiate or want reimbursement due to cancelled viewership.
I read ROC's deal was 6K a year.
I can't find a number on how many commercial and private Sunday Ticket accounts have been cancelled and reimbursed, but I would bet that DTV will send a bill to the NFL since THEIR employees are the reason.

The Gigantic tv deal is good until 2022....

I think the NFL is declining because they have hit the peak of the graph and like everything are starting to trend down....We are entering a time where young adults don't care about sports like years past. I imagine everything blue collar related is headed downwards(nascar,nhra,boat racing,etc...). TV is going to face the same struggles that the Music and newspaper industry have faced. People no longer want to pay for huge expensive bundles and there are platforms like live streaming,pirating that are stealing viewership.

As far as stadium viewing that has absolutely jumped the shark for all sports. It is crazy expensive and a pita to go to just about all professional sports venues. Take a family of 4 you are looking at $300 in tickets $20 in parking and a ton of $$$$ in over priced beer and food. The TV experience with the addition of HDTV far exceeds what you see at the stadium. The NFL made a huge mistake letting the Chargers come to LA the market is saturated and no one here (LA/OC/IE) give two shits about the chargers. The rams will do ok in there new stadium as long as they are winning.

Honestly I like sports but am a long way off from being a fanatic. Football plays in the back ground in my garage while I am actually getting things done. I would never ever pay extra to watch it.

Like I mentioned before people are getting worked up to get worked up. Next time you are at a game and your buddy decides to take a piss, stand in the beer line or leave his hat on and stay seated during the anthem make sure you belittle him for hating his country....lol I understand what Kapernick was trying to promote (I think he made a mistake using the flag/anthem) and I think he was a terrible choice as the face of a cause and didn't have the relationship with the media or the personality to pull off what he set out to do. his BLM connections and the fact that he lived a pretty good life after being adopted by white parents actually rub me the wrong way...Lets not forget he sucks and at best would be a bottom 1/3 starter in the league.

Regardless of what you read on this board there is a shit ton of racism in this country and all people are not treated equally or given the same opportunities. I think it's getting better as the older generation dies off and if we are being honest alot of Black people cause there own strife based on actions (It takes a special child to climb out from what most are given at birth) or parenting and education they receive. Why do they turn to a life of crime or gangs......It's because they don't know any better. The education system and the government in lower income areas is failing them and there is no easy or quick solution.

As far as why he chose to take a knee...



aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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This would have never been an issue if these idiot players didn't make this about America. Their protest is not about America on any level. It's about local law enforcement in select shit inner cities. I'm not against what they are protesting but I'm against the tool they used to be heard. Smearing America and lives that fought for these guys to even do this is what pisses me off. I hope the NFL takes a huge financial hit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2013
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I was sitting in the lobby of my doctors office the other day and these two guys were talking Rams football. One of the guys (older guy) had a Retired Navy hat on. I told him apparently you haven't been paying much attention to all the players taking a knee during the National Anthem have you. Old guy didn't say a word after I gave him my .02 cents. My guess, someone must have given that guy a hat for his birthday...

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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This would have never been an issue if these idiot players didn't make this about America. Their protest is not about America on any level. It's about local law enforcement in select shit inner cities. I'm not against what they are protesting but I'm against the tool they used to be heard. Smearing America and lives that fought for these guys to even do this is what pisses me off. I hope the NFL takes a huge financial hit.

The players live in a fantasy land for the most part and followed the steps of a fool that is being used up by a radical racist activist bitch. The NFL is getting what hey deserve by doing a piss poor job of policing players and dealing with their off field antics.

The owners shield themselves behind their high paid lackey commish. Goodell completely fucked up the Ray Rice abuse incident and put the league in bad light. Bradygate and the NO deal were other poorly handled incidents Goodell f'd up and created part of the dark cloud moving in. Surprisingly the Vick dog fighting incident came out better than any expected, but that was primarily due to the legal system doing the punishment and Vick doing a commendable job of handling it personally.

This anthem mess is what has pushed the fan base over the hump. Folks have finally had enough of pampered jackasses showing their ass to the world. I've yet to see these clowns gather on stage and actually explain their points intelligently without the scolding and talking down to we the people. I have yet to hear what they personally do outside of throw a few tax deductible dollars towards the neighborhoods, not the kids themselves, just some fancied up personal interest ripoff groups.

The NFL and the arrogant players are now finding out, fans are not "all" stupid as they think. And if they are any way smart, they'll see they are their own worst enemies.

And I'd like to add one other thing, those who have pulled back and get their football/sports fix from the collegiate level, best check into the thugs and crooked athletic departments cheating the system. There just may be more corruption in colleges than the pros......The nation as a whole needs to step back and take a deep breath on sports at all levels. We had LL champs disqualified for cheating. We've had youth football leagues busted for local thugs betting on games. And sexual abuse and bullying charges run rampant. Issues that destroy legends like Joe Paterno.

Hopefully the wake up call across the board has finally made itself heard.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Here is he thread Roland. I searched "Rocs"
  • Like
Reactions: ROC


lets have a beer
Oct 4, 2007
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Yep, it was a BFD, making that decision.

I do have a couple dozen employees to think about as well.

Believe it or not, I have their support. Most have been with me for many, many years.

We survive. It's what we've been doing since opening in 2001.

The reason I cancelled had zero to do with anything other than this.....................

All these knuckleheads that are kneeling, sitting etc, have been spawned by
Colin Fucktard's bs protest.
He actually made an effort to wear game socks of pigs dressed in police uniforms.
Then he makes comments on tv about cops getting paid leave and getting away with murder of innocent un-armed black men.

I thought that crap would blow over and we'd get back to playing the game.

No. It's getting worse this year.

I'm seeing black power, or black pride fists being raised.
I see these athletes publicly in support of BLM, which is imo a terrorist group that
promotes violence not only against cops of all color, but any non-black person.

And I have a strong feeling it'll get way worse before it gets better.
Anyone care to wager a paycheck on that? I will.

Anyhow, that's the short of it.

I don't appreciate these guys promoting hatred towards cops.
So, I cancelled.
That's pretty much it.

EDIT--------The above paragraph is still valid, but, I thought I'd add in what I consider to be the obvious but didn't post earlier. Beside the hatred toward cops, it's the blatant disrespect and hatred shown toward any authority, our military, our flag, our history and our country. Plus, you know, the cop thing. [emoji106][emoji16]

Thanks for the good words.