Newport Cops-F'n D-Bags-BASH THREAD


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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I agree, but I also think it's because he has CP.. If he didn't I don't think you would see much if any support.


No I just like to support Phil as a friend. When I buy 3 hubcaps from him, he gives me the 4th one free. Unfortunately it is not the same as the other 3 but it is the thought that counts and I always know I can count on him if I need something. He is either at work or at In n Out next door so he is easy to find. Did you guys know he used to be the mayor of Needles? At least that is what I was told. :thumbsup

p.s. persons with disabilities struggle enough in their own daily lives so when I see or hear about something happening to a person with a disability it does strike a different chord with me at least for sure.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
ok guess it is what it is and will move on, your last sentence jus put you on my list with sydneyryandads (sp) on here for l.e. that i like, based jus on posting not in person, the rest of them suck imo..:D

dont take that i like you cause some of your post piss me off..:D:D:thumbsup

Well thanks (I think). Personally I think I am more likeable in person then on any site but that is just my own opinion of course. I do not mind debating any issues concerning LE but try to generally avoid the threads as they do deteriorate rather quickly and lose site of the topic. After 26 years I do bring a little knowledge and experience to the table and will always try and give an honest answer and/or opinion either way it goes. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Well thanks (I think). Personally I think I am more likeable in person then on any site but that is just my own opinion of course. I do not mind debating any issues concerning LE but try to generally avoid the threads as they do deteriorate rather quickly and lose site of the topic. After 26 years I do bring a little knowledge and experience to the table and will always try and give an honest answer and/or opinion either way it goes. :thumbsup

no worries. i do like to deabte and get other folks opinion, whether they are in the fireld or know something about the topic of discussion...

26 years wow. you are an old copper...i think most on here are probably pretty decent in person, for me i am not this nice in person...jus a warning..:D:p


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Well I think that's the subject of constant debate here on RDP.. Citizens say "In our experience this isn't how it works" and LEO's say "In our experience this is how it works" then RDP'er gives example of shitty experience or trampled rights.. LEO says "More to the story" etc... then ole RD says "simmer down fuckers" then it stops.. Then about 2 months later it starts all over again.. LOL


That's some funny shit right there!:D:D:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Like RD said they have been in contact with an attorney, I have not bashed any other cops other than the 3 regarding this thread.

What about the ones that closed the street and wouldnt let the UPS Guy come to your shop ????:D:D


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Well I think that's the subject of constant debate here on RDP.. Citizens say "In our experience this isn't how it works" and LEO's say "In our experience this is how it works" then RDP'er gives example of shitty experience or trampled rights.. LEO says "More to the story"...


I will say this - there actually is ALWAYS more to the story when you read or hear something second, third, fourth hand. There's even more to the story when it's simply someone coming on here complaining that cops suck becuase they got a ticket because in fact you're only hearing one side of the story (from the guy that got the ticket or claims to have been mis treated).

I would think that a level headed person would concede that the cops on RDP for the most part are a pretty level headed cool group that are here because they enjoy the same things other RDPers enjoy. I would think that most should concede to the fact that those cops on here that say "there's more to the story" know that in fact 99.9% of the time there IS more to the story based on their own experiences of seeing this first hand time and time again.

You read of a cop trampling on civil rights in the news or even from someone on here giving a first hand account you must understand that it's only a glimpse from one angle into the scenario without considering the totality of the circumstances.

Now that's not to say that it doesn't happen, I assure you it does. But when you have a small group of vocal people that feel theyve been mistreated by the police because they've been arrested for or ticketed for "bullshit" stuff, it's not hard to see that many of those that are the most vocal about "cops suck" are those that no matter how you explain from first hand experience or attempt to enlighten them regarding the other side of the coin, they will never get it because they are right in their own mind and that is unwavering. They will never even attempt to understand anyone else's views, personal experience or explanations due to their own self righteousness.

Besides cops that come on here that have seen enough first hand to understand that there's always more to a story and things are never as black and white as the Internet makes them seem, you'll be hard pressed to find a cop that thinks violating someone's civil right is justified or even slightly ok.

All I'm saying Dave is that there are literally millions of calls for service on any given day across the nation for cops to (as you say) protect people's civil rights and do an outstanding job of it. But every now and again one will actually fuck up (not the typical rant you see on here about getting a ticket or thinking because the cop wasn't kissing your ass that he did something wrong) but a legitimate violation of someone's civil rights and the next thing you know it's fuck cops (plural) or for example calling out a whole police dept for one officers actions. Kinda silly actually.

But like I said, all I've written wont matter because those that dislike police use these (statistically and factually rare) instances to further boost their own views. It is what is is.

Now, regarding your video...couldn't agree more!! The whole fucking system is in a lethargic self enduced grid lock that is slowly decaying our country. From government to insurance to health care to the legal system EVERYTHING needs to hit the reboot button! and I've dealt with it first hand on all of the above mentioned fronts. It's all fucked. Totally frustrating.

I'll step off my soap box now. :D
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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What about the ones that closed the street and wouldnt let the UPS Guy come to your shop ????:D:D

A few days later he came by to apologize for his actions. He said he was pissed at his W.C. for making him work O.T. due to the accident, I looked at him and said, "are you fuckin kidding me?" He said sorry again and left. Young, new cop with a lot of growing up too do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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A lil update.

So yesterday I sat with my nephew to hear his entire version, not bits and pieces. Pretty much as I stated here is how it went down, with one exception, once my nephew realized the cop was being unreasonable every time he was asked a question it was answered with a quick yes or no. my nephew would offer no info or answer any other way.

They received the police report and it was full of lies and B.S. as was expected. Their attorney is playing the waiting game with the D.A. The D.A. is waiting to see if they file a law suit before they file charges is what they are assuming. So far 13-15 witnesses have written, emailed or faxed my nephews attorney with their versions of what happened.

I guess the arresting officer has some what of a checkered past.

I asked my nephew plenty of times if he was drinking and each time the answer was no, that's why he kept insisting to all officers involved to test him, and they refused.

Kid is pretty pissed, at first he was against the lawsuit but now as time goes and after reading the bullshit on the police report he sure would love to have his day in court with the D-Bag cops.

Time will tell what happens, neither side seems real anxious to make the first move.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Thanks for the update Phil.
Tell your nephew thanks for sticking with this. It wont be pretty at first, but he is doing the right thing by pushing forward.