Moms with Jobs


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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To piggy back off the Single Income thread, what do your wives with young kids do for work and how many hours do they work?

Since we moved to AZ in July my fiancée has been a stay at home mom, up until that point she has always worked. We don’t “need” additional income right now but we will before we buy a house. My thought was to have her be a SAHM until our youngest (3) is in school, but she has already brought up the idea of her getting another job as she feels lazy not working.

She has always worked nights and it worked for our families schedule; however, the whole rush home after work so we can eat dinner as a family and then send mom off to work routine sucks. On the flip side, a 9-5 day job would be difficult even with both kids in school due to the random schedules and breaks they have.

What’s everyone’s secret?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
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There is no secret and many do the shifts you talk about with one working nights. If you can swing her staying home, then let her till the kids get more independent.

Once they are she can get part time to fill in the gap, but still be there for the kids and keep the house in order.

But once kids get older, sports are involved and that takes a whole bunch of time.

We are busier than ever right now with no time for anything, but when I look back at my life when I was 12, my parents life was busy with a business and me. It's just that time in life.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2018
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Daycare. Cost is through the roof but we look at it as a temporary cost that will go away. We pay for afterschool care for the older ones so we can pick them up at 6:00pm from school. They are both open when they have the random student free days that aren't on holidays. Both of us work 9-5 jobs.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2021
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Wife does work from home customer service scheduling/ warranty work for the cabinet company I work for. I would love if she could find a job as lenient as this one but with less problem solving. It's ruined her lmao.

Her schedule can be all over the place. She essentially works from 8am-4pm but can stay up till 2am answering emails if she had other things to do during the day. She keeps her work phone on her during work hours.

So far nothing has changed with her working vs not working. Have no money either way lol and she's just angry. I do a hell of a lot more around the house now too which is fine. (I still did a bunch when she stayed at home too even if she thinks other wise)

TLDR/ Have her find something she actually wants to do.

I have been making the same money for the last 4 years so I guess I am just a shit stain 😆


43' Eliminator
Apr 12, 2011
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No answers to the questions here and I understand for those that have kids sometimes it's actually cheaper to have mom stay home (childcare costs versus what her income could be), but a couple of thoughts...

Two retirements are better than one.

If you are working and she isn't, your ass is grass if god forbid you ever split up and alimony comes into the picture. You're going to be the one paying.

Of course kids play a big part in the decision of whether one party should work or not, but weigh that carefully.

If there are no kids, both parties should be working. Very few good reasons for that not to be the case.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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In the early 80's My wife left a banking career to be a stay at home Mom In the mid eighties she learned the rope of my inspection business and slowly took on the "Chief cook and bottle washer" roll and has 13 inspectors working for her additionally Shes the corporate CFO for all our venture so basically she has worked from home 40 years


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Daycare. Cost is through the roof but we look at it as a temporary cost that will go away. We pay for afterschool care for the older ones so we can pick them up at 6:00pm from school. They are both open when they have the random student free days that aren't on holidays. Both of us work 9-5 jobs.
I’d assume for long school breaks the kiddos go to daycare all day?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
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When our first kid was born in 2010, my wife worked at AAA. I traveled a lot for work. It quickly became clear the best option was for her to stay home and raise the kid. Kid #2 was born a year later. If she would've worked all her salary would have went to day care.

Fast forward 14 years, the wife now works M-F (not everyday) during day at a retail store. Just started a few months ago and it's working well.

My Mom got a job at the elementary school when my brother and I were school age. Then, when we moved back to CA (parents were divorcing) my mom worked at the junior high, then later high school. Worked perfect. No need for afterschool care or the like, and everyone has the same vacations.


Newly Retired!😁
Mar 15, 2011
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Look at the local school district for part time work, she will be off when the kids are off. My wife works 20hrs a week for our district as a clerk/secretary
Yep thats my wife, instructional aide, noon duty....
Now that I'm retired, she works 4 days a week 3 hours each. It gets her her baby fix.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Wife does work from home customer service scheduling/ warranty work for the cabinet company I work for. I would love if she could find a job as lenient as this one but with less problem solving. It's ruined her lmao.

Her schedule can be all over the place. She essentially works from 8am-4pm but can stay up till 2am answering emails if she had other things to do during the day. She keeps her work phone on her during work hours.

So far nothing has changed with her working vs not working. Have no money either way lol and she's just angry. I do a hell of a lot more around the house now too which is fine. (I still did a bunch when she stayed at home too even if she thinks other wise)

TLDR/ Have her find something she actually wants to do.

I have been making the same money for the last 4 years so I guess I am just a shit stain 😆
Your wife sounds like I was at my previous “dream job”. Getting laid off and moving to AZ is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I took a decent pay cut but between the tax break and benefits I bring home more. The biggest take away however, is not having the high stress job along with not having another working parent who’s schedule has to be accounted for.

When my fiancée worked nights I was Mr Mom from 6:45 until bed time, it was a lot of work doing a full day job and then taking care of the kids and doing a bed time routine every night, some nights I would even get back online and start working after I put them to bed.

All the moms at my son’s school are young, attractive SAHMs that pull up in brand new $80k SUVs. Unfortunate for my fiancée, she didn’t use her young attractiveness to find a dude more wealthy🤣


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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IMO, unless she can earn a shitload of money, her time is better spent raising the kids.

It's a double edged sword though.....Krystal went out and started working at Home Depot....didn't make shit for money, and it pretty much wasn't worth doing, but it gave her a sense of purpose and a sense of accomplishment that really lifted her spirits. I was in a position where I could leave early to pick up/drop off the kid when she was working, so it worked out OK, but there wasn't really any money in it at $12.50/hr part time. That lasted a few months and I had something lined up for her at the company I worked for, so she quit and when she showed up for her first day, they decided not to hire her...(likely because they found out she was with me lol).

She's a chef, but she's been out of the game for a while and would have to start at the bottom, and then in several years she'll end up in a spot where in order to make money, the hours don't really work with with a family....so that's not an option really. If she could make $80K+, I'd support her going to work. For $20/hr or whatever she'd likely earn right now....absolutely no point.

I know plenty of kids who's parents both work and they're mostly fucking stupid. Kids should be raised by a parent.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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My wife was able to land a dental job that aligns with our son's school hours with and she doesn't work Friday. Works out well for us and the extra income is great. Since she was not pressed to find a job right away, she was able to shop jobs until she found an office she liked that would work with her desired work schedule.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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My wife is 3rd grade teacher at the school both my kids go to. she takes both of them in the morning and my 4yo son who gets out of TK at 1130am gets picked up by either my mom or my MIL. my daughter gets out the same time the wife does.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
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To piggy back off the Single Income thread, what do your wives with young kids do for work and how many hours do they work?

Since we moved to AZ in July my fiancée has been a stay at home mom, up until that point she has always worked. We don’t “need” additional income right now but we will before we buy a house. My thought was to have her be a SAHM until our youngest (3) is in school, but she has already brought up the idea of her getting another job as she feels lazy not working.

She has always worked nights and it worked for our families schedule; however, the whole rush home after work so we can eat dinner as a family and then send mom off to work routine sucks. On the flip side, a 9-5 day job would be difficult even with both kids in school due to the random schedules and breaks they have.

What’s everyone’s secret?
Remind her because a good stay at home mom is work and not being lazy especially as they get toddler elementary school age. Even after that, they keep you busy, it’s just a different kind of busy.
My wife stayed home and we wouldn’t have it any other way. There were sacrifices but gains as well.
Focus on being good parents and it will work out either way.
Good luck, raising kids isn’t always easy.


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Wife worked full time 9-5 in an office. I was 8-4:30 out of the house so I was able to pull away to pick up our son at 3pm. Then finish up the work day with calls during that time.

Some of our friends were 9-5 for the fathers and was nurse or other night job. That was rough for the moms after a night shift to have to watch the kids but it worked while little and once in school it was a solid arrangement.

In-laws were not in our town and sadly my parents were working and could not be grandparents who picked-up the kids. We hope that we are able to help our son if he has a family in the future. That too is a game changer for a tough family. Good thing is that the wife does not work any longer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Wife is a RN and works two 12 hr shits per week. It works well for us. My job is flexible and we have good after school child care options that don’t break the bank.

Todd Mohr

Will Race For Beer
Feb 26, 2019
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When my daughter was in grammer and middle school, her mom worked at the school district in the lunch room. She worked the same schedule as my daughter, I paid all the bills like a single income family. This gave her spending money and she liked working around the kids. No day care and it wasn't an 8 hour day, worked out pretty well and she also paid for her own health insurance. We were never married so I always claimed HOH on the taxes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2012
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My wife works full time and we have 2 kids, 10 and 12. Shes a senior manager for a commercial real estate and property management company in Orange County. Almost 20 years there. She makes her own hours. She goes to her office or works from home, the car, Starbucks, etc. But she’s always working, either on the phone or laptop. I’m at work until at least Friday night, so she’s juggling Kids and volleyball practice. Im gone from home, 15 days a month on average, but I handle the kids on my days off so she can work. She’s really amazing and we’re fortunate with her job. Sometimes, we also get help from grandmas, who are both retired and relatively close by.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2021
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My wife is an amazing “Domestic Engineer “ ! She handles the kids school/sports(only one left for this task).house cleaner,pool maintenance and chef! She also does book keeping on the side which is great and allows her the flexibility to handle our son’s school and Lacrosse commitments. She also a wine consultant for Scout n Cellar wines..and if anyone needs a book keeper she always up for more clients.

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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Wife and I have always been full time workers. We couldn't come close to afford our lifestyle without dual incomes.

Family has never lived close enough to watch the kid even occasionally so we searched and found a great day care provider. It was pricey at 1k a month (16 years ago) but the family that watched him were amazing and ran the place like a Christian prep school. He was way ahead of the game once school started and then they still picked him up and helped with homework until my wife could pick him up at 4pm.

The cost as well as a failing economy in 06-10 are a big reason why we ended up with only 1. We just couldn't have swung the double day care payment and both of us commuting 30 miles away from home made things tough.

I respect anyone that can swing the stay at home mom deal. I think it almost becomes a necessity when you end up with 3+
kids but my wife and i talked before we decided on kids and to do the things we wanted to do a dual income was mandatory to reach our goals.

Terminal Velocity

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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We've been a two job household since our daughter was born. She was in Daycare when the wife went back from maternity leave. When we moved from Vegas back to Utah she was in a daycare that would bus her to and from Kindergarten up until she started Middle School. Then she rode the School Bus until she turned 16, Then the expensive shit happens LOL.
Daycare Expensive, sure. But even with that expense we were still bringing in positive income and would just figure out who was dropping off or picking up depending on schedules.
If she's going to work and it's just paying the Daycare bill, I'd say it isn't worth it. Depends on your wife's wants. IMO


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Mrs RR has worked 50 to 70 hours a week for 25 years. Once kids hit high school she created a home office. Prior to that we made it work. I left for work at 5am and home by 330. She left at 8 and home by 6 ish.
There no Magic solution. If she is a go getter and always driven then work and family can blend fairly easy.
if the kids are good young adults it helps. They need to be accountable or shit will go sideways quick.

ALL our friends that had moms that quit to raise the kids really struggle now. The work force has left them behind. They can work for $20 a hour all day long. But expecting to jump back into a well paying career after not working for 10 years is a dream. The divorce rate of stay home moms is higher in our circle of friends also.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2018
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I’d assume for long school breaks the kiddos go to daycare all day?

Yes they keep normal business schedule. So they will be closed for thanksgiving and christmas but open all day during winter break and spring break and other random days they get off but we don't. We have to pay extra for the summer break but they do extra daily activities and field trips. It's all based around working parents, so I can drop off as early as 7:00am even though school doesn't start till 9:00am and I can pickup as late as 6:00pm even though school ends at 3:30pm.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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My wife is freakin rock star.

Insurance Account Manager for large volume producer. 40hrs+ a week.

Home schools 7 & 10yr old.

Coordinates jiu jitsu classes and private lessons for all 3 kids. Gymnastics classes, competitions and private lessons as well as guitar for the middle kid.
Handles the oldest high school homework and projects.

Handles all finances and bill paying.
Handles all grocery shopping.
Handles 90% of the cleaning.

I’m a lucky SOB


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Wife built her career in IT before we had our daughter.
She was a single mom raising 2 boys working her way up the corporate ladder when we met at the company holiday party. She moved companies almost 20 years ago which allowed her to set her schedule and be home more for the boys and now works from home as a Business System Analyst. Goes to office 3 days a month. Told her she could retire, but she enjoys the work.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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My wife is an amazing “Domestic Engineer “ ! She handles the kids school/sports(only one left for this task).house cleaner,pool maintenance and chef! She also does book keeping on the side which is great and allows her the flexibility to handle our son’s school and Lacrosse commitments. She also a wine consultant for Scout n Cellar wines..and if anyone needs a book keeper she always up for more clients.
Luckily for me mine is a great “Domestic Engineer” as well, she cooks, cleans, takes care of the kids, does all the shopping, bakes me something take for breakfast every week.

I wonder if that title will pass on a resume🤣


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I do everything in my physical powers to assure my kid stays out of daycare. I cant deal with that. The sickness, the idiot day care workers.

Its funny my neighbors just moved in. Younger. Doctors, married. We happen to be at the neighborhood playground a few days ago at the same time, his kid is 1 or so. I look at the kid, looks like he has chicken pox! Im like bro, what ls going on. “Oh, he had an ear infection and thats an allergy to antibiotics”. So the guy doesnt know I know he is a family doctor. Im like “Man. That doesnt look like a rash”. But OK. He tells me he got it at preschool. Im like. Daycare? “no he goes to preschool “. Wtf! Im like OK my man.

Makes sense now. His Mom is here “visiting” from the Bay Area. Yea. Visiting since the kid cant go to “preschool” because he looks like an aids patient.

I booked outta there, came home and scrubbed my kid down. Nope. Not happeneing😂 (Chime in the replys that kids need to get sick to build up their immune systems!)

My friends have every excuse in the book why their kids are watched all day by girls named “Miss Angela”. Nope


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Mrs RR has worked 50 to 70 hours a week for 25 years. Once kids hit high school she created a home office. Prior to that we made it work. I left for work at 5am and home by 330. She left at 8 and home by 6 ish.
There no Magic solution. If she is a go getter and always driven then work and family can blend fairly easy.
if the kids are good young adults it helps. They need to be accountable or shit will go sideways quick.

ALL our friends that had moms that quit to raise the kids really struggle now. The work force has left them behind. They can work for $20 a hour all day long. But expecting to jump back into a well paying career after not working for 10 years is a dream. The divorce rate of stay home moms is higher in our circle of friends also.
All she would be going for is a $15-$20 job that would be going straight into savings until we eventually buy a house, then we might use some for bills.

As far as the last part, the stay at home moms in our last and current neighborhood seem to all resent their husband for working while they take care of the kids. The house is a mess, they only cook sometimes, and they don’t put out. The poor husbands come home tired to a dirty house and a pissed off wife.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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My wife is freakin rock star.

Insurance Account Manager for large volume producer. 40hrs+ a week.

Home schools 7 & 10yr old.

Coordinates jiu jitsu classes and private lessons for all 3 kids. Gymnastics classes, competitions and private lessons as well as guitar for the middle kid.
Handles the oldest high school homework and projects.

Handles all finances and bill paying.
Handles all grocery shopping.
Handles 90% of the cleaning.

I’m a lucky SOB
Mine does everything but the finances, I learned the hard way I am better at it🤣


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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I do everything in my physical powers to assure my kid stays out of daycare. I cant deal with that. The sickness, the idiot day care workers.

Its funny my neighbors just moved in. Younger. Doctors, married. We happen to be at the neighborhood playground a few days ago at the same time, his kid is 1 or so. I look at the kid, looks like he has chicken pox! Im like bro, what ls going on. “Oh, he had an ear infection and thats an allergy to antibiotics”. So the guy doesnt know I know he is a family doctor. Im like “Man. That doesnt look like a rash”. But OK. He tells me he got it at preschool. Im like. Daycare? “no he goes to preschool “. Wtf! Im like OK my man.

Makes sense now. His Mom is here “visiting” from the Bay Area. Yea. Visiting since the kid cant go to “preschool” because he looks like an aids patient.

I booked outta there, came home and scrubbed my kid down. Nope. Not happeneing😂 (Chime in the replys that kids need to get sick to build up their immune systems!)

My friends have every excuse in the book why their kids are watched all day by girls named “Miss Angela”. Nope
Did you run away before or after he said he was a Dem? lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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I do everything in my physical powers to assure my kid stays out of daycare. I cant deal with that. The sickness, the idiot day care workers.

Its funny my neighbors just moved in. Younger. Doctors, married. We happen to be at the neighborhood playground a few days ago at the same time, his kid is 1 or so. I look at the kid, looks like he has chicken pox! Im like bro, what ls going on. “Oh, he had an ear infection and thats an allergy to antibiotics”. So the guy doesnt know I know he is a family doctor. Im like “Man. That doesnt look like a rash”. But OK. He tells me he got it at preschool. Im like. Daycare? “no he goes to preschool “. Wtf! Im like OK my man.

Makes sense now. His Mom is here “visiting” from the Bay Area. Yea. Visiting since the kid cant go to “preschool” because he looks like an aids patient.

I booked outta there, came home and scrubbed my kid down. Nope. Not happeneing😂 (Chime in the replys that kids need to get sick to build up their immune systems!)

My friends have every excuse in the book why their kids are watched all day by girls named “Miss Angela”. Nope
I don’t know how my generation survived having chicken pox parties🤣


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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Screen Shot 2025-02-12 at 7.50.33 PM.png

I couldn't figure out how to get the poster's name off, but I wish I had seen this when my kids were little. The last part says, "and I went to bed in fresh pajamas after cozy bath. We have the best home." Creating a safe, secure home for the little ones where they are well-fed well-cared for, and know they are loved is the absolute most important job a mommy (or daddy) can do. If she wants to get out for a few hours to feel like she contributes, or have her own spending money without guilt, or whatever, that's great if it works out. But she should never feel lazy because she's not "working." She's working every single day 24/7 raising amazing and beautiful human beings. That's more valuable than any $$. I was so busy working when my kids were little I didn't have the time to devote to the important job I was tasked with. I regret that. They went to daycare. I was lucky because it was usually a neighbor or relative, but it wasn't me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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View attachment 1478802

I couldn't figure out how to get the poster's name off, but I wish I had seen this when my kids were little. The last part says, "and I went to bed in fresh pajamas after cozy bath. We have the best home." Creating a safe, secure home for the little ones where they are well-fed well-cared for, and know they are loved is the absolute most important job a mommy (or daddy) can do. If she wants to get out for a few hours to feel like she contributes, or have her own spending money without guilt, or whatever, that's great if it works out. But she should never feel lazy because she's not "working." She's working every single day 24/7 raising amazing and beautiful human beings. That's more valuable than any $$. I was so busy working when my kids were little I didn't have the time to devote to the important job I was tasked with. I regret that. They went to daycare. I was lucky because it was usually a neighbor or relative, but it wasn't me.
I tell her that all the time, especially when she wasn’t happy making $20 an hour and wanted a career. So far her jobs have allowed her to be home everyday of our kids life because she’s always worked nights.

The reality is she will need to get a job again sometime in the future to live the lifestyle we both want to live, the main difference is we will have two kids in school very shortly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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To piggy back off the Single Income thread, what do your wives with young kids do for work and how many hours do they work?

Since we moved to AZ in July my fiancée has been a stay at home mom, up until that point she has always worked. We don’t “need” additional income right now but we will before we buy a house. My thought was to have her be a SAHM until our youngest (3) is in school, but she has already brought up the idea of her getting another job as she feels lazy not working.

She has always worked nights and it worked for our families schedule; however, the whole rush home after work so we can eat dinner as a family and then send mom off to work routine sucks. On the flip side, a 9-5 day job would be difficult even with both kids in school due to the random schedules and breaks they have.

What’s everyone’s secret?
Be willing to adapt👍
That’s the secret.

Wife, like several here is a hospital worker, 12 hour shifts.
Nights for years, it was rough at times. Especially when kid is having surgery, or the holiday season, or when I guy just wants to go to Glamis for a couple days with his buddies.

She’s on days now and I just don’t work days she is for the most part, or a few hours while one of the kids is out during the day.

Hint here... when she comes home from work, either have dinner ready or about to be when your schedule allows.
Walking into a home that smells like dinner=happy wife. You know the rest👍


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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When my daughter was born in 1999 my wife took the 8 weeks and then went back to work as a sales admin / scheduler / problem solver. That seemed to work out fine however she did not see al the first time milestones our friend did who watched our daughter during the day. She was quite unhappy with it all but kept going for the next couple years until we became pregnant with our son. Once on maternity leave she firmly said I am not missing a second with our son. Figure it out.

So she started helping me run the business that I (we) started a year prior. However when my son was born there was medical issues which consumed any available time she had. So I sold all the Glamis stuff, my 65 Elco, both my CR500's, and my Reinell Runabout and became finically lean. I also worked a shit ton of hrs so I could keep the motorhome.

Those hrs triggered the need for employees and the ball was rolling. After 3 or so years my son was doing a 100% better and my wife became invaluable to the business, wearing a ton of hats.

I have had plenty of Gut punches along the way...in 2011 I had to sell my 05 Jeep Rubicon Unlimited and put that money back into the business. We still have tons of ups and downs but were here and no bills are late, currently. :oops:😁

Cliff notes....we figured it out as we went along. Money was there when absolutely needed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Wife had been teaching for 3 years when we had our first , and we timed both of ours with her summers so she could take 6 months off and be there for the first 9 months. Then they went to a little in home day care of a mom in her school district so she had them in the car on the way to and from her own work . Pre school was the same deal, one near her school. I took over taking then to Kindergarten and picking them up to 2nd grade but we live in a small town and the younger could walk / bike/ skateboard to and from school with the older before too long. What sucked was 20 years later she was sort of stuck on the whole school schedule and with 25 or so years in she has had to stick it out to retirement even though we could do without the check . The retirement isn’t even that great and her public school district cuts health benefits between 55 and Medicare even after 33 years but it still was a good run and good for the kids . Stay at home would have been good also in hindsight but as long as a family unit of some sort is there it’s all good imo


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2020
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Wife at home remotely for Monster Energy. Oldest kid is in daycare/school on tues-thursday. The youngest will go to daycare in June. No way I would be able to afford anything without her help. Only shitty thing is she likes to go out in the evening and I want to stay home. She's tired of the house and I'm tired from work.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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All she would be going for is a $15-$20 job that would be going straight into savings until we eventually buy a house, then we might use some for bills.

As far as the last part, the stay at home moms in our last and current neighborhood seem to all resent their husband for working while they take care of the kids. The house is a mess, they only cook sometimes, and they don’t put out. The poor husbands come home tired to a dirty house and a pissed off wife.
Valid reply. This is a tough subject. Nobody raises your kids better than you do. But if the stay home parent sucks at parenting and sucks at being a spouse then the kids would be better in day care.
Being a stay home mom is not easy. You never get breaks, ever. Going to work is a break from the kids. Going to work means you have a conversation about something other than kids and marriage.

Yes it's a incredible opportunity to stay home, there's no doubt. But it seems to really mess with some moms heads.

I left a master plan neighborhood after kids grew up. One reason was all the stay home moms. They were bitches.

Also, not all day care is bad. It helps with social skills. It can educate more than a stay home mom. Yeah it sucks dropping them off. But it doesn't suck as bad as coming home to a pissed off mom.

One of your incomes will go to day care, so you gotta weigh it out.

I'm 56 now. Done with all that stuff. But I've seen the long term stay at home mom deal. Once the kids grow up or don't want anything to do with mom then what? Theres only so much tv and bullshit toxic neighborhood drama.

I had 2 in daycare. Then on campus school programs. Around Jr high i think they walked home together.
My sons learned more in after school things than the class room junk.

We got very lucky and both made it into high tech high and jr high. That was a blessing


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2020
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Wife is an RN. When we our first she did a few different roles but ended up becoming a school nurse. Best schedule and benefits, start time is late enough that if I have to work early she can get my daughter to school and son to day care. Day care picks up my daughter.

Day care is not cheap but it pencils out.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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My wife is the manager at brea petsmart. Been there 20+ years. As much as I wish she could stay home both my buddies who’s wives stay home are constantly on the phone texting all day long. I’m constantly telling them their wives need a job so they leave them alone. I say it jokingly but I’m kind of serious.


Parker Is Now OPEN
Sep 13, 2010
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My wife stayed home until the kids were in high school. Then she got a job as an instructional assistant in our school district. In the position she worked 3 hours a day on the school schedule. So she was off all the times the kids are out of school. It worked well for us.

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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To piggy back off the Single Income thread, what do your wives with young kids do for work and how many hours do they work?

Since we moved to AZ in July my fiancée has been a stay at home mom, up until that point she has always worked. We don’t “need” additional income right now but we will before we buy a house. My thought was to have her be a SAHM until our youngest (3) is in school, but she has already brought up the idea of her getting another job as she feels lazy not working.

She has always worked nights and it worked for our families schedule; however, the whole rush home after work so we can eat dinner as a family and then send mom off to work routine sucks. On the flip side, a 9-5 day job would be difficult even with both kids in school due to the random schedules and breaks they have.

What’s everyone’s secret?

Open a Business. She doesn’t need benefits?