

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I'm calling BS on all of this. Prop Cop and later are here under invisible. Why is that or their here under an alias......Your story is a very lame attempt. Getting pictures of the lake .......is it really lake pirus..... I have never been there, so I don't know........We caught you when you started your pack of lies....then you put up an halfassed response. Jetaholic,Propcop and Later... the first to be banned from DavesPlace:point:point:point

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mr. C = John Case? :hmm

NO! I don't think so.

I don't think I've been so insulted in a long time:confused:;)

My offer still stands to send a driver over to your work and pick up some refunds if your interested.
I'm gonna be out of town till the 1st but we can arrange something after that.

One question,
If the boat is really there and you are going to bring it up, why the fock wouldn't you wait to bring all this up till you actually have it in your possesion. Then you could've given everyone a big FU, Seems to me you just like the abuse.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
One question,
If the boat is really there and you are going to bring it up, why the fock wouldn't you wait to bring all this up till you actually have it in your possesion. Then you could've given everyone a big FU, Seems to me you just like the abuse.

Actually in Later's defense, I'm the one who posted the progress report on the boat as it was told to me, not John.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Actually in Later's defense, I'm the one who posted the progress report on the boat as it was told to me, not John.

Well then knowing the abuse and shit he was gonna get,
I'll ask you then. Why bring it up?

or did he ask you to bring it up?


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
NO! I don't think so.

I don't think I've been so insulted in a long time:confused:;)

My offer still stands to send a driver over to your work and pick up some refunds if your interested.
I'm gonna be out of town till the 1st but we can arrange something after that.

One question,
If the boat is really there and you are going to bring it up, why the fock wouldn't you wait to bring all this up till you actually have it in your possesion. Then you could've given everyone a big FU, Seems to me you just like the abuse.
Good question. For one the lake was at 125ft and now 50 due to repairs of the dam. That's why now. The reason that it did'nt come up sooner is that at $4000 a day by Black ledge was not feesable. I new way back when that the lake would be drained due to repairs also I have a diver that will do this job for $1500. Hope that answers the question.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Good question. For one the lake was at 125ft and now 50 due to repairs of the dam. That's why now. The reason that it did'nt come up sooner is that at $4000 a day by Black ledge was not feesable. I new way back when that the lake would be drained due to repairs also I have a diver that will do this job for $1500. Hope that answers the question.

No not really, the question was why would you bring it back up on the boards before you have it?
but jetaholic cleared that up unless you asked him to post about it.


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
No not really, the question was why would you bring it back up on the boards before you have it?
but jetaholic cleared that up unless you asked him to post about it.
No. I did'nt ask him.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Good question. For one the lake was at 125ft and now 50 due to repairs of the dam. That's why now. The reason that it did'nt come up sooner is that at $4000 a day by Black ledge was not feesable. I new way back when that the lake would be drained due to repairs also I have a diver that will do this job for $1500. Hope that answers the question.
why dont you answer a mans question. you basically accused me of being a thief and of selling stolen property. wtf?


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
why dont you answer a mans question. you basically accused me of being a thief and of selling stolen property. wtf?
I said I was sorry about that along time ago. If I did not. Then I am truely sorry. That boat sure looked alot like mine and plus rumors going around about the boat being seen in AZ I jumped the gun. There were alot of rumors going around about the boat being lifted and so on. I was confused about all this and did'nt know what to believe. Now it is verified that the boat is down there. I tried playing P.I. my self in everyway I knew how but nothin surfaced untill recently. So again. Sorry.


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'm calling BS on all of this. Prop Cop and later are here under invisible. Why is that or their here under an alias......Your story is a very lame attempt. Getting pictures of the lake .......is it really lake pirus..... I have never been there, so I don't know........We caught you when you started your pack of lies....then you put up an halfassed response. Jetaholic,Propcop and Later... the first to be banned from DavesPlace:point:point:point

Pass it over to me, I want some of what you are smoking.
Believe me, I am not Later, I dont personally know Later, or have anything to do with his situation. There is no double posting on here from me. After reading Jetaholics posts today about the diver, and after Jetaholic PMed me asking for my phone number and him calling me, I decided to take a drive up to the lake to show it is really way down. If you want me to post pics of when it is full to prove I am a frequent visitor to the lake, I can do that. Check out the lake on Live Maps or Google Earth if you dont believe that is the lake.
You obviously need to brush up on your detective skills, because they really suck!! And I dont see myself being banned from this site, sorry.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Later had nothing to do with me posting the progress. I did that on my own in hopes of letting everyone know that he actually made some forward progress on the issue in regards to finding the boat.

Now it's just a waiting game...hopefully he'll get approval before the lake fills back up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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why dont you answer a mans question. you basically accused me of being a thief and of selling stolen property. wtf?

Thanks for covering for me. I did not get it from you. The trailer is a different color


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
NO! I don't think so.

I don't think I've been so insulted in a long time:confused:;)

My offer still stands to send a driver over to your work and pick up some refunds if your interested.
I'm gonna be out of town till the 1st but we can arrange something after that.

One question,
If the boat is really there and you are going to bring it up, why the fock wouldn't you wait to bring all this up till you actually have it in your possesion. Then you could've given everyone a big FU, Seems to me you just like the abuse.

Mr C, I apologize for any misunderstandings. Didnt mean to insult you. I said Mr C meaning Mr Case, for short. I never realized there was an actual Mr C.

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mr C, I apologize for any misunderstandings. Didnt mean to insult you. I said Mr C meaning Mr Case, for short. I never realized there was an actual Mr C.

No worries, It's all good.


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Later had nothing to do with me posting the progress. I did that on my own in hopes of letting everyone know that he actually made some forward progress on the issue in regards to finding the boat.

Now it's just a waiting game...hopefully he'll get approval before the lake fills back up.

You shit stirrer! You had to have realized how much crap this would stir up. Now Im being accused of being you, focker. You dont see a huge water valve in the front of my boat engine, do you.....
Plus I have never had the pleasure of meeting Topless in person. Everyone knows you stalk her.....ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Not to be too disrespectful BUT!!! Propcop, do we know you? This goes towards establishing your credibility.

Later has no credibility what-so-ever. Remember me later??? I'm the one that really wants to make you cry BIGTIME for your past antics.

Jetaholic, we're not so sure you have a bunch of credibility either at this point. The word integrity comes to mind but we'll get back to you on this one. For you to be one of laters co-conspirators seems a little far-fetched as you never came across before as one of his good buddies.

Sorry peeps but there is just not too much about this incident that is very believable.
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Not to be too disrespectful BUT!!! Propcop, do we know you? This goes towards establishing your credibility.

Later has no credibility what-so-ever. Remember me later??? I'm the one that really wants to make you cry BIGTIME for your past antics.

Jetaholic, we're not so sure you have a bunch of credibility either at this point. The word integrity comes to mind but we'll get back to you on this one. For you to be one of laters co-conspirators seems a little far-fetched as you never came across before as one of his good buddies.

Sorry peeps but there is just not too much about this incident that is very believable.

Howabout an integrity scale, a graph maybe, so we can get a good mental picture? :hmm


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Not to be too disrespectful BUT!!! Propcop, do we know you? This goes towards establishing your credibility.

Later has no credibility what-so-ever. Remember me later??? I'm the one that really wants to make you cry BIGTIME for your past antics.

Jetaholic, we're not so sure you have a bunch of credibility either at this point. The word integrity comes to mind but we'll get back to you on this one. For you to be one of laters co-conspirators seems a little far-fetched as you never came across before as one of his good buddies.

Sorry peeps but there is just not too much about this incident that is very believable.

Sorry Rio, Im Brooski. Not sure if you know me but quite a few on here do. HB crashing gave me the incentive to change to a different name, thats all. Only thing I have to do with this is knowing the lake well, and I was at the lake the day the boat sunk, but did not witness it. I was bored today so when I read the thread I cruised up there to see for myself and snap the photos to show how low it is.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Jetaholic, we're not so sure you have a bunch of credibility either at this point. The word integrity comes to mind but we'll get back to you on this one. For you to be one of laters co-conspirators seems a little far-fetched as you never came across before as one of his good buddies.

I've dealt with quite a few people on Hot Boat while I was rebuilding my boat. I've bought parts from people as well as sold a few to people. I've also delivered a boat from my place to Havasu to deliver it to Vin-Dog who bought it from the seller in San Jose. We did a parts trade on the deal which saved me a lot of cash...the one incident you're referring to is 1 bad deal out of many good ones that I've done.

Yes I will admit, I made a mistake...due to not being able to admit to my problems. The problem I ran into didn't exist when I originally got the part...it happened right after and I should've man'ned up and copped to it, but I made a bad judgement call and it came back to bite me in the ass. Very hard lesson learned on that. However, I did step up to the plate and make sure that the guy got taken care of and got him taken care of a week before the revised deadline. He was very grateful and I am even more greatful for him helping me out when I needed it as well as giving me a second chance to make it right.

Now in regards to Later, as was said before, I would just like to see the boat come up. I've never seen a boat salvage done before or the damage a boat undergoes when it's underwater for that long a period of time. If Later actually does succeed with this, it will be real interesting to watch how the operation is performed along with the amount of damage the boat suffered from being under for so long.

I dunno...maybe the fact that I almost sank mine when the pump came apart on my first test drive after rebuilding mine has something to do with it.
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
As was said before, I would just like to see the boat come up. I've never seen a boat salvage done before or the damage a boat undergoes when it's underwater for that long a period of time. If Later actually does succeed with this, it will be real interesting to watch how the operation is performed along with the amount of damage the boat suffered from being under for so long.

I dunno...probably because I almost sank mine when the pump came apart on my first test drive after rebuilding mine has something to do with it.

I would like to see the boat come up too, but we have been through this already before.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Now I'm not a professional by any means, but I don't think 50' is a very difficult dive. So what's the hold up this time?

It isn't difficult at all...his diver already did a stealth dive to see if he could find the boat and ended up finding it 15' off the original coordinate.

The holdup is the "red tape" from the ranger station and United Water. What has to happen is they check the diver's paperwork (i.e. licensing, insurance, workers comp, etc etc), which they have already submitted. Then they have to inspect all the dive and salvage gear to make sure it meets standards. On top of this, the salvage has to be scheduled on a date when both the rangers and sheriff search & rescue can be on site during the salvage. That's all I know for now, but plan on keeping the updates coming as I receive them.

They have not heard back from the rangers or United Water to schedule the gear inspection yet...John has already sent many emails to find out at date, and he plans on contacting them on the 26th...figured he'd let the holidays pass before he tries to contact them again.
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
It isn't difficult at all...his diver already did a stealth dive to see if he could find the boat and ended up finding it 15' off the original coordinate.

The holdup is the "red tape" from the ranger station and United Water. What has to happen is they check the diver's paperwork (i.e. licensing, insurance, workers comp, etc etc), which they have already submitted. Then they have to inspect all the dive and salvage gear to make sure it meets standards. On top of this, the salvage has to be scheduled on a date when both the rangers and sheriff search & rescue can be on site during the salvage. That's all I know for now, but plan on keeping the updates coming as I receive them.

They have not heard back from the rangers or United Water to schedule the gear inspection yet...John has already sent many emails to find out at date, and he plans on contacting them on the 26th...figured he'd let the holidays pass before he tries to contact them again.

I go to the lake here weekly and haven't seen LE in months. I wonder what the fine is if you get caught running a salvage effort without permission.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
I go to the lake here weekly and haven't seen LE in months. I wonder what the fine is if you get caught running a salvage effort without permission.

And a stealth salvage was the original plan until Later found out that you will get stuck with a huge fine if you get caught doing it...his diver notified him of this. As far as what the fine is I have no idea.

Troy McClure

You may remember me...
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe we could all send him some money to help speed along the salvage process. Later, do you have a pay pal account?? :lmao:lmao:point:point:smackhead:smackhead:fsakes
Sep 24, 2007
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  • SM119~Smell-You-Later-Posters.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Lake was drained due to dam repair. Lake is down to 50 feet. Yes the boat is there and yes the waiting is on. Need's to be approved by Santa paula water district before anything happens serious fines could happen if there is no permission. So there it is. If anytime to pull this out is now!. There it is in a nut shell.:smackhead
WTF is wrong with you..You are not talking with you mother. The problem with lying is that you have to remember what your saying and you have to have your facts straight. We already know that United water is in charge of the dam. We also know that their is no work going on at the dam. Because they are working out a deal with green ass holes trying to protect the steelheads.

One last thing ASSCLOWN: Nutin(sp) has had nothing to do with your boat.I was the one that said that I had it with a different trailer and interior.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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It isn't difficult at all...his diver already did a stealth dive to see if he could find the boat and ended up finding it 15' off the original coordinate.

The holdup is the "red tape" from the ranger station and United Water. What has to happen is they check the diver's paperwork (i.e. licensing, insurance, workers comp, etc etc), which they have already submitted. Then they have to inspect all the dive and salvage gear to make sure it meets standards. On top of this, the salvage has to be scheduled on a date when both the rangers and sheriff search & rescue can be on site during the salvage. That's all I know for now, but plan on keeping the updates coming as I receive them.

They have not heard back from the rangers or United Water to schedule the gear inspection yet...John has already sent many emails to find out at date, and he plans on contacting them on the 26th...figured he'd let the holidays pass before he tries to contact them again.

Here is the other part of this scam. The Sheriff search and Rescue has already had a side scan sonar look in the area where the boat was sunk. It was marked at one time with a buoy. That was placed under the water, so as not to interfere with boat traffic at the dam. Then the mystery came about, the marker was gone. Then after numerous inquiries,the Sheriff dept came back out with the sonar. Using the GPS coordinates to start their search the results were negative. Now the boat has been located standing on its ass with the nose straight up in the air. I guess the sonar that was used was faulty.

Why you chose to participate in this is obvious you are Later. You gave it away when you posted the next time that he will contact them.......let the holidays pass......


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Here is the other part of this scam. The Sheriff search and Rescue has already had a side scan sonar look in the area where the boat was sunk. It was marked at one time with a buoy. That was placed under the water, so as not to interfere with boat traffic at the dam. Then the mystery came about, the marker was gone. Then after numerous inquiries,the Sheriff dept came back out with the sonar. Using the GPS coordinates to start their search the results were negative. Now the boat has been located standing on its ass with the nose straight up in the air. I guess the sonar that was used was faulty.

Why you chose to participate in this is obvious you are Later. You gave it away when you posted the next time that he will contact them.......let the holidays pass......

Once again, it appears you failed detective 101 classes. I hope you arent investigating other conspiracy theories. Jetaholic is NOT Later. He probably is just one that didnt donate any money to the scam. The only confirmed outing of the Sheriff was once. They did not mark the boat, they put a bouy in the area. The bouy did disappear which does happen from time to time when people see them, they cut the line and use them to mark their anchors. The Sheriff was not capable of doing dives over 100ft, so they could not attach anything to the boat.


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Why you chose to participate in this is obvious you are Later...

Actually no...try again. I don't even live anywhere near him. Several people on these boards know me personally...and to be honest, if that were my boat I'd have had it out already.

On top of which...yes the sheriffs "claim" to have gone out there a second time, but Later was not there when it was supposedly done so we have no idea if the second search was done as thorougly as the first, or if it was ever even done in the first place.

Also...my boat is happily resting on the trailer, winterized awaiting for the many lake parties and good times that will take place next summer. :D


Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Once again, it appears you failed detective 101 classes. I hope you arent investigating other conspiracy theories. Jetaholic is NOT Later. He probably is just one that didnt donate any money to the scam. The only confirmed outing of the Sheriff was once. They did not mark the boat, they put a bouy in the area. The bouy did disappear which does happen from time to time when people see them, they cut the line and use them to mark their anchors. The Sheriff was not capable of doing dives over 100ft, so they could not attach anything to the boat.


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I've got a challenge for Rocket:

Since you have this conspiracy theory all figured out, why dont you trace the IP addresses of Later, Jetaholic, and myself. You will discover it is impossible for one person to post from the San Fernando Valley, Fresno, and Ventura all within 5 or 10 minutes apart. If it can be done, then you may be on to something.
I am starting to think you may be one of Laters alter egos, since I dont recall you on HB. So as for your posts, I call Bullshit.

Baja Big Dog

Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Holy shit..I just read this fricken post and got some nasty mojo from a bad thread on the other forum...who is Rocket, anyone know him, sounds a little defensive...whats up?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
i've got a new theory. i think jetaholic is later and his last pump got fucked when it transom dived into the bottom:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

no dual screen names!!:rules

Baja Big Dog

Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Rocket..Im thinking your an ok guy, stirring the shit..just the way I like it..:beer

Heres to ya bro:D


Thread Killer
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
i've got a new theory. i think jetaholic is later and his last pump got fucked when it transom dived into the bottom:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

no dual screen names!!:rules

Geezus. How can you post a funny comeback and end it with saying something stupid?

If the pump was stuck in the mud that would have prevented it from taking off on the treadmill.

Jetaholic has been around a long time and is 200 miles away. Read up. :point


Run but ya can't hide...
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Geezus. How can you post a funny comeback and end it with saying something stupid?

If the pump was stuck in the mud that would have prevented it from taking off on the treadmill.

Jetaholic has been around a long time and is 200 miles away. Read up. :point

On top of which Later's pump is a Dominator...last I checked I'm runnin' a Berkeley.

Plus...the only thing that could cause a torque induced crack of this caliber would be a Chevy :D



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Geezus. How can you post a funny comeback and end it with saying something stupid?

If the pump was stuck in the mud that would have prevented it from taking off on the treadmill.

Jetaholic has been around a long time and is 200 miles away. Read up. :point

i've been around a very long time fella, just not on this site:D and i agree, the treadmill will have probs in the mud:lmao


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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On top of which Later's pump is a Dominator...last I checked I'm runnin' a Berkeley.

Take note of the brand name of the pump on this pic of the broken housing :D

last i checked i'm RUNNIN' a berkeley.



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
On top of which Later's pump is a Dominator...last I checked I'm runnin' a Berkeley.

Plus...the only thing that could cause a torque induced crack of this caliber would be a Chevy :D

View attachment 1911

you photochop'd that shit to say berk, and it cracked like that when it transom dived ontop of a bbf that's been under water for 30yrs, bet if fuck'd your bbc crank up too:D them cast biatches are like glass ya know:lmao