#1, I am all in favor of kids doing extras, band, soccer, baseball, debate, scouts, etc. I'm grateful my daughter got a ride to college to play waterpolo...but IMO these programs see themselves as the most important thing a kid can do, and god forbid that you want to do something else also. We'd planned a 2 week Scout trip 2 years in advance, my daughter raised $1000 to go ( She'd been before and we told her if she wanted to go again it was on her)...and her coach gave her nothing but crap, called her "boy scout", that she was letting the team down, wasting her time...until she finally cancelled to go to his tournament instead. Maybe the tournament was a stepping stone to college, maybe it wouldn't have mattered? But it was an enormous amount of pressure put on a young person by an authority figure. I told her she was welcome to quit polo, but mom wasn't on board.
We've been told she can't go snow skiiing, to trampolines, etc because she might get injured. It's OK if you get injured during a game, but not on your own time?
In waterpolos off season she wanted to run cross country, but the cross country coach said if you can't make ALL the practices you couldn't be on the team. The best thing for her would have been some cross training and a small break from the pool
I'd love to see a kids movement that gave flexibility to rehearsals, meeting, practices, and encouraged young people to explore many options, not just what the conductor/coach/etc want for HIS group. In poverty prone areas maybe a sport is the shot a kid has to get out of that situation...so take the shot. I see my kid as having multiple strengths and opportunities and really hate that these "leaders" make these extracurriculars about themselves and not the kids.
We've been told she can't go snow skiiing, to trampolines, etc because she might get injured. It's OK if you get injured during a game, but not on your own time?
In waterpolos off season she wanted to run cross country, but the cross country coach said if you can't make ALL the practices you couldn't be on the team. The best thing for her would have been some cross training and a small break from the pool
I'd love to see a kids movement that gave flexibility to rehearsals, meeting, practices, and encouraged young people to explore many options, not just what the conductor/coach/etc want for HIS group. In poverty prone areas maybe a sport is the shot a kid has to get out of that situation...so take the shot. I see my kid as having multiple strengths and opportunities and really hate that these "leaders" make these extracurriculars about themselves and not the kids.