Israel at war?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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This isn't true. Ford increasingly lost operational control of Ford-Werke AG after Hitler seized power, and the American firm didn't profit from military materials produced by Ford-Werke.

Yes, you'll find dozens of online clickbait stories claiming otherwise, most written after a 1998 lawsuit against the company alleged it was complicit in the Nazi war machine. The case was dismissed with prejudice by a federal judge.

This LA Times article documents Ford's efforts to prove it did not profit from making war material. You can read it if you wish, but I suspect your mind is made up.

And yes, Ford was an anti-Semite. But he also built almost 10,000 B-24s, along with tens of thousands of tanks and military trucks for the US, at profit levels dictated by the government.

Ford was indeed paid compensation after the war by the US and German governments for the destruction of its assets in Europe, but he didn't file lawsuits to get it done. The total amount Ford recovered for the destruction of its plants in Cologne and other cities was less than $1 million, a fraction of the actual damages caused by bombing and ground forces.

Why would you suspect my mind is already made up? I am always willing to listen and read and learn..

I read some book about this about 20 years ago.. that’s what the book said more or less.. book could’ve been wrong?


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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"Fordwerke" didn't do things based on Nazi ideals. What they did was purely for financial gain. They were trying to be in the good graces of the ruling party. They brought in more materials than they needed or could use, to sell to the government. Their biggest commodity was rubber. They were trying to gain government contracts, and to do that you had to have the official OK from the government. They were not considered one of the "better" manufacturers in Germany at the time. As things progressed, management started hiring based on Nazi beliefs, and corporate tried to move management a bit more that way as well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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He didn't have a choice.
This is a really long post, even by rrrrun-on Ron standards. But it's a fascinating subject.

Ford's aversion to industry's involvement in World War I formed his belief that war profiteering was immoral. He illustrated this in 1940 by refusing to build 8,000 Rolls-Royce aircraft engines under license for the British, a contract his son Edsel had already signed. (Packard Motors later built almost 55,000 Rolls-Royce Merlin engines for the British.)

But when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, and the US entered WWII (Germany declared war on the US four days later, on December 11th), Henry Ford placed his genius, plants, and employees into the service of the United States. But you're correct, by then the manufacturers had been under restrictions for years, and when the US entered the war, new vehicles for personal use were no longer available.

Up to this date (these are presented as the best my memory can recall), the government had placing increasingly more restrictive regulations on the automobile industry. In 1939, quantities of new builds were limited to the numbers of 1938. In 1940, production of new model year designs was prohibited, meaning the manufacturers had to sell 1939 year model cars for the remainder of the war. After Pearl Harbor, the construction and sale of new vehicles for personal use was stopped. The cars built after that date were used exclusively for government and military purposes.

With the exception of General Motors, Ford Motor Company produced more war goods for the US and its allies than any other firm in the world.

@Shlbyntro 's comments about Ford's Willow Run bomber plant made it sound like Ford cynically built and operated it solely to profit from the war. That's not true at all. By December 1941, Henry Ford was semi-retired, and his son Edsel was running the company. But Henry still had the last word in significant projects, and Willow Run was certainly that. By then, Edsel's health had begun to decay. He was soon diagnosed with stomach cancer, which metasticized, and he died less than two years later.

Henry Ford didn't want to be in a position where the government dictated major decisions about the plant's construction, so he refused the offer of government financing for the facility. The land had been personally bought by Henry Ford ten years earlier, and operated as a farm teaching young men how to grow food and run a business. Ford Motor Company paid for the plant's construction, then, when production was winding down, in 1944 sold it to the government's finance corporation that had built several other huge facilities using taxpayer money and war bonds. FoMoCo did not regain its initial investment.

If you choose to read some of the articles about Willow Run compiled by the Henry Ford Museum in the link below, I think you will be astounded. From reading several books about the plant, I know some of its history, so I'll share a few examples.

The airport portion of the construction required significant planning for proper drainage. The excavation of soil and installation of piping was done during the first months of work, using poured concrete inlets and clay pipe that connected to large reinforced concrete pipe. The total amount of storm drain, sewer, and water mains on the property exceeds three hundred miles in length.

The main plant building is over a half mile long. There's a 90° turn in the structure just past the midpoint of the assembly line. If it had been built in a straight line, the plant would have spanned two counties, meaning Ford would have to pay taxes to both entities. The assembly line is over a mile long, because major portions of it are double lines that merge into one at the 90° turn which keeps the plant's footprint in Washtenaw County.

In spite of covering over 3.3 million square feet of area, large portions of the steel truss roof were quickly completed and dried in between October 1941 and June 1942. The floor slabs were poured months later, because several miles of massive 30' X 20' wide concrete box utility tunnels that carried steam piping, electrical conduits, compressed air, and other services were built first. Incredibly, portions of the plant's assembly line went into operation by the end of 1942, less than a year after construction started.

The finished slabs were covered by millions of 6" X 6" hardwood blocks stood on end for comfort and efficiency. Blocks that were worn out or damaged were replaced in the quantity of around two railroad boxcars monthly.

The first design drawings for the B-24 production lines were done in early 1941 at a restaurant table in San Diego. Ford engineers were in the city to inspect the Consolidated Aircraft Company and its B-24 plant, which was hopelessly archaic compared to Ford's facilities used for mass production of autos.

The second day on site, Ford director of engineering Charles Sorensen (said to be the inventor of the modern moving production line), after working late in his hotel room the previous night, produced handwritten sketches of the workflow diagram and plant layout he envisioned. While much detail was obviously added later, these were essentially replicated in the final design and construction of Willow Run. Sorensen was a hard taskmaster, but also a genius.

After the deal with Consolidated and the government was struck, Ford rented office space and sent 200 engineers to San Diego. During first visits, they had discovered there weren't any updated drawings for building the plane. Almost all of them had been covered with handwritten notes documenting changes, and in some cases dozens of different versions of the same drawing were used in the construction of aircraft.

Some B-24s were being assembled on the ramp outside the factory, and temperature changes from the sun meant some parts had to be trimmed or modified, essentially making each airplane a custom piece.

The engineers worked months to produce accurately dimensioned drawings while Willow Run was being built. Ford was used to working with measurements in a few ten thousands of an inch, while Consolidated rountinely used fractions no smaller than 1/16". Ford knew they could not build the B-24 in the required numbers unless every principle of assembly line mass production was implemented. At the peak of its output, Willow Run produced one of the massive bombers every 63 minutes.

The above anecdotes barely reveal the staggering amount of time and money that Ford spent to place Willow Run in operation. The company's planning and engineering staff performed a miracle by fusing their talents, and those accomplishments resulted in one of the many incredible stories of American ingenuity during WWII.

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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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:oops: A bomber every 63 minutes!
I think the Model T was one every 2.5 hours...and probably only 3-5% of the parts in one T.

Imagine the sounds and activity going on in a facility like that. Yes, the technology of the product was primitive by modern standards, but so were the tools used to do the job. Fascinating stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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:oops: A bomber every 63 minutes!
I think the Model T was one every 2.5 hours...and probably only 3-5% of the parts in one T.

Imagine the sounds and activity going on in a facility like that. Yes, the technology of the product was primitive by modern standards, but so were the tools used to do the job. Fascinating stuff.
Including the 400,000 rivets, there were 2.25 million parts in every B-24.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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An arrest was made for the death of the Thousand Oaks Jewish man who died while counter-protesting the Palestinian protest on TO Boulevard.

Surprise Surprise.......suspect is a College professor! According to social media, he was a long time outspoken pro-palestinian sympathiser



Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2019
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An arrest was made for the death of the Thousand Oaks Jewish man who died while counter-protesting the Palestinian protest on TO Boulevard.

Surprise Surprise.......suspect is a College professor! According to social media, he was a long time outspoken pro-palestinian sympathiser

What a bag of shit. And he is teaching our youth.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Hopefully not a Vin, but I found this old video of making the bombers very interesting, especially the special machines and tooling to accelerate production efficiency.
Hey, where's the safety glasses !!!!!!!!!!!

Ford used the most advanced assembly line and production techniques to build the B-24. This included the latest iterations of custom built modern machine tooling, and refined workflow to achieve throughputs unheard of in aircraft manufacturing up to that time.

The massive combination jig and drilling machine used to construct the center wing section of the B-24 was an incredible piece of work. It fixed the location of the four motor mounts, clamped the wing section in place, then drilled and tapped the holes for the twenty four 5/8" bolts that secured the Pratt & Whitney R-1830 engines to the wing. The fixture also performed the same function simultaneously to drill and tap the mounting holes for the main landing gear assemblies.

The wing center section fixture performed over twenty five separate actions. The device was made by Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, later known as Cincinnati Milacron. At the time, it was the largest combination jig and machine tool in the world. Below is a photo of the plant where the device was built, and a photo of the Willow Run production line with a center wing section being prepared for drilling and tapping.

The device isn't shown in the video @Taboma linked. Because the fixture eliminated over three thousand man-hours of labor that would be necessary if each center section was manually built by piecemeal methods, its existence was a secret. That labor savings in the construction of the 8,700 Willow Run B-24 center wing sections totalled over 26 million man-hours.

The wing section production line moved counterclockwise, with the construction of the center section beginning to the right of the section in the jig. When the parts being built on the right reached the rear of that line, the overhead cranes above the lines moved them to the line on the left. The number of wing sections in the production line provides an idea of the massive entire effort at Willow Run.

From the 1890s through the 1960s, the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company was one of the biggest builders of milling machines. The company became the US's largest machine tool builder by 1926. It also built various other classes of machines, such as planers and grinding machines.

download (2).jpeg

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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One more post about Willow Run. The plant produced just over 1,800 B-24 "kits," prefabricated and shipped by truck for final assembly at plants in Tulsa and Fort Worth. The trailers were custom built to enclose the long wing center and outer sections. These bombers are included in the total of 8,700 aircraft credited to Willow Run.

The aircraft pictured below are very early models. I can tell because of the primer painted fuselage. Later B-24s (and B-17s) were left in bare aluminum, that decision made when the USAAF in Europe began gaining air supremacy over the Luftwaffe. This accelerated with the introduction of the P-51D fitted with long range auxiliary fuel tanks. Unlike the first two years of the air war, the Mustangs could escort bombers all the way to Berlin and back.

download (3).jpeg

download (4).jpeg

OTR trucks with sleepers have changed a little since the 1940s.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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One more post about Willow Run. The plant produced just over 1,800 B-24 "kits," prefabricated and shipped by truck for final assembly at plants in Tulsa and Fort Worth. The trailers were custom built to enclose the long wing center and outer sections. These bombers are included in the total of 8,700 aircraft credited to Willow Run.

The aircraft pictured below are very early models. I can tell because of the primer painted fuselage. Later B-24s (and B-17s) were left in bare aluminum, that decision made when the USAAF in Europe began gaining air supremacy over the Luftwaffe. This accelerated with the introduction of the P-51D fitted with long range auxiliary fuel tanks. Unlike the first two years of the air war, the Mustangs could escort bombers all the way to Berlin and back.

View attachment 1303446

View attachment 1303447

OTR trucks with sleepers have changed a little since the 1940s.
Thought most were of a magnesium makeup, which is why they fried with a good hit?

Orange Juice

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
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I keep forgetting that police chases and Instagram videos are more important on this forum than a couple of posts about history and learning something.

Dave should limit the # of characters in a post to 1000. 😂


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Thought most were of a magnesium makeup, which is why they fried with a good hit?
Nope, just aluminum. But the engine cases on early B-29s were magnesium, and because the twenty eight cylinder engines had serious cooling problems, fires occurred and some led to loss of the airplane. The most well known incident was when a plane on a Boeing test flight caught fire in flight and crashed into a Seattle meatpacking plant. Eleven aircrew and twenty employees died in the conflagration.




In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I keep forgetting that police chases and Instagram videos are more important on this forum than a couple of posts about history and learning something.

Thread is about Israel and the Gaza Strip. You make a lot of assumptions that people aren’t spending the time to read things. I spend the time (when I have time) going and reading all the links and posts.

But being the thread is about hamas shitbags and Israel and our shitbag government using the same ploy yet again to drop us into a war (babies and incubators) I figured we could talk about that..


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Huge Smoke Plume Billowing From US Base Near Irbil, As Iranian Media Touts Strike

teaser image
Footage circulates soon after new Israeli overnight attack on Damascus...

FRI NOV 17, AT 9:05 AM

The above unverified footage, said to show the aftermath of what appears a large attack on a US base in northern Iraq, is widely circulating online Friday. It shows a huge black plume of smoke rising high above the base, as it appears either an aircraft or vehicle suffered direct hit.

"Iraq’s al-Harir airbase hosting US and international forces was targeted with an armed drone, Iraqi Kurdistan’s counter-terrorism service said in a statement on Friday," regional sources are reporting. Iranian state sources have posted the video.

Semi-official Iranian news source Mehr writes, "The video shows the moments when the Iraqi Islamic Resistance launched a drone attack on the American terrorists' base at Harir Airport located in Erbil province."

The White House has long warned it will escalate attacks on "Iranian proxies" if such attacks continue. There has so far been three waves of US airstrikes against Iran-linked targets in eastern Syria, but this supposed "deterrent" has not proven effective in stopping missiles and drones sent by regional militias.

The last 24 hours has also witnessed another Israeli attack on Damascus, for the second time in just over a week. Overnight, Syrian anti-air defenses were active after multiple strikes from Israel.

"At around 2:25 a.m. Friday, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial attack from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of points in the surroundings of Damascus," a military source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). "The Army air defense forces responded to the missile aggression and shot down most of them, saying the damage was limited to materials."


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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US Warship Intercepts Drone Fired From Yemen Against Israel

teaser image
Marks a significant step toward Washington getting sucked deeper into a broader conflict theatre.

FRI NOV 17, AT 7:10 AM

Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh earlier this week announced that US forces and bases in the Mideast region have been attacked 55 times since mid-October, which includes 27 attacks in Iraq and 28 in Syria.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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War is won, when one surrenders! Gaza is no more! it is now a Israel state! U.N. and the U.S. have no say lamo. The squeeze to the south is like running buffalo of a cliff or trapping the rats in their backyard. Best assasination network in the world. By hamas.
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Reactions: SJP


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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War is won, when one surrenders! Gaza is no more! it is now a Israel state! U.N. and the U.S. have no say lamo. The squeeze to the south is like running buffalo of a cliff or trapping the rats in their backyard. Best assasination network in the world. By hamas.
The problem is, Hamas, Palestine, whatever...are Muslim. Those people are everywhere, even here. What follows may be more than one more country getting involved. "Interesting" times to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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The problem is, Hamas, Palestine, whatever...are Muslim. Those people are everywhere, even here. What follows may be more than one more country getting involved. "Interesting" times to say the least.
Even the arab states can't stand Palestinians been that way throughout history, the suni vs shite splits the arab countries.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Even the arab states can't stand Palestinians been that way throughout history, the suni vs shite splits the arab countries.
They don't like Palestinians, but it's not due to the denomination. They are Sunni primarily. Roughly 75% of the world's Muslims are also Sunni. Iran, the ones supposedly pulling the strings of all the people attacking the bases in response to this, is a Shia country by state religion.
Jews and Catholics fight side by side with others, but have fought amongst themselves over the years. Thinking this may be the same for them, but we'll see


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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They don't like Palestinians, but it's not due to the denomination. They are Sunni primarily. Roughly 75% of the world's Muslims are also Sunni. Iran, the ones supposedly pulling the strings of all the people attacking the bases in response to this, is a Shia country by state religion.
Jews and Catholics fight side by side with others, but have fought amongst themselves over the years. Thinking this may be the same for them, but we'll see
But what percentage believe the radical side? I would guess less than 40% most people want live and let live, but religion old and new won't be going anywhere. This vid shows tunnels extension. https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/23274


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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But what percentage believe the radical side? I would guess less than 40% most people want live and let live, but religion old and new won't be going anywhere. This vid shows tunnels extension. https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/23274
I'm hoping for a lot less than 40%. The Hamas people were showing cartel people how to dig tunnels. There were a few articles I've read, and that gets interesting, to say the least. Between open borders, and the flow of money and weapons, things could get real ugly real fast.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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An arrest was made for the death of the Thousand Oaks Jewish man who died while counter-protesting the Palestinian protest on TO Boulevard.

Surprise Surprise.......suspect is a College professor! According to social media, he was a long time outspoken pro-palestinian sympathiser

Good to hear he's behind bars. 🤬


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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But what percentage believe the radical side? I would guess less than 40% most people want live and let live, but religion old and new won't be going anywhere. This vid shows tunnels extension. https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/23274

You realize that over 75% of the Muslims in America won’t denounce hamas or hezbollah, and something like 90% believe jihad is acceptable.. meaning acts of terrorism are justified in the name of their religion.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Looks like it’s time for a flood of biblical proportions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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You realize that over 75% of the Muslims in America won’t denounce hamas or hezbollah, and something like 90% believe jihad is acceptable.. meaning acts of terrorism are justified in the name of their religion.
Where did you get your numbers? Polls are garbage like biden beating trump. Poll enough groups you get the answer you want, example a poll of only Jews and arabs disproportionate poll 200 jews 100 arabs 57% of arabs believe hamas support attack for palistinian state while most jews say not warranted. Here's another of just arabs.
the number of 90% is a impossible poll to achieve.

Sportin' Wood

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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That seems like a lot of concrete; where are they producing that? I've seen houses in Baja built entirely from hand mixing, but they still have to have the materials.


Jun 1, 2012
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That seems like a lot of concrete; where are they producing that? I've seen houses in Baja built entirely from hand mixing, but they still have to have the materials.
That seems like a lot of concrete; where are they producing that? I've seen houses in Baja built entirely from hand mixing, but they still have to have the materials.
Probably donated to help build Gaza and Hamas took it from the public. Like the humanitarian supplies that were sent.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Where did you get your numbers? Polls are garbage like biden beating trump. Poll enough groups you get the answer you want, example a poll of only Jews and arabs disproportionate poll 200 jews 100 arabs 57% of arabs believe hamas support attack for palistinian state while most jews say not warranted. Here's another of just arabs. View attachment 1304892 View attachment 1304893 View attachment 1304894 the number of 90% is a impossible poll to achieve.

It was a fox poll from a few years back


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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It was a fox poll from a few years back
Just can't trust polls! Ii varies by world and personal experiences of folks at time and events at the time. This whole Israel and palistinian thing has gone on I believe before you were born and needs to come to head. And I shouldn't have said arabs above it was muslims in general not arabs.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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That seems like a lot of concrete; where are they producing that? I've seen houses in Baja built entirely from hand mixing, but they still have to have the materials.
Hamas is controlled opposition run and funded by the Israeli/Kazharian mafia deep state as well as their CIA, MOSSAD operators. There is no shortage of supplies and/or money with these entities orchestrating events from behind the scenes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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What is a proportionate response? This graph does not include Oct. 7. So the numbers will be disproportionate by quite a bit more. This will never end. Hasn't before Hamas nor after Hamas.
Screen Shot 2023-11-20 at 11.11.44 AM.png


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
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What is a proportionate response? This graph does not include Oct. 7. So the numbers will be disproportionate by quite a bit more. This will never end. Hasn't before Hamas nor after Hamas.
View attachment 1304925
You'd think with those numbers, they would forget about the land and use their time and effort to make Gaza a nice place to live. Maybe if they changed their hearts people would allow them to assimilate into other countries.

At the end of the day, Palestinians have fought wars and lost. When you lose a war, you lose your land....ask the Indians, Mexicans, etc. etc. etc. If you keep living in the past, you'll live a horrible life. However, if you build a Casino you can take the wealth away from all them folk that suppressed you! Sorry, had to do it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2008
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You'd think with those numbers, they would forget about the land and use their time and effort to make Gaza a nice place to live. Maybe if they changed their hearts people would allow them to assimilate into other countries.

At the end of the day, Palestinians have fought wars and lost. When you lose a war, you lose your land....ask the Indians, Mexicans, etc. etc. etc. If you keep living in the past, you'll live a horrible life. However, if you build a Casino you can take the wealth away from all them folk that suppressed you! Sorry, had to do it.
I find it interesting that no other Arab country will not take in Palestinians refugees into their countries? There has to be a reason!


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Hamas is controlled opposition run and funded by the Israeli/Kazharian mafia deep state as well as their CIA, MOSSAD operators. There is no shortage of supplies and/or money with these entities orchestrating events from behind the scenes.
@BabyRay What do find amusing about this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I find it interesting that no other Arab country will not take in Palestinians refugees into their countries? There has to be a reason!
Without commenting on the merits of it, Arab countries make two arguments for why they will no longer accept Palestinian refugees.

The first is that if they start taking Palestinian refugees in as they had done in 48 and 67, Israel will seize Gaza and the West Bank with the full knowledge that they can expel every Palestinian out of those areas ending any need for a two state solution.

The second is that Israel has refused to allow Palestinian refugees or their families that fled in the past to return, therefore further cementing the concern that if they take new refugees in as they have done in the past, Israel will never let a refugee return further expanding Israel at the expense of Arab lands.

That's the argument they make.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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@BabyRay What do find amusing about this?
I don’t believe it is necessary for Israel to fund Hamas or any other Muslim terrorist organization in order to foment attacks upon themselves, nor do I believe they would want to. Hamas is funded and trained by Iran.

This is just some tinfoil hat stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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Without commenting on the merits of it, Arab countries make two arguments for why they will no longer accept Palestinian refugees.

The first is that if they start taking Palestinian refugees in as they had done in 48 and 67, Israel will seize Gaza and the West Bank with the full knowledge that they can expel every Palestinian out of those areas ending any need for a two state solution.

The second is that Israel has refused to allow Palestinian refugees or their families that fled in the past to return, therefore further cementing the concern that if they take new refugees in as they have done in the past, Israel will never let a refugee return further expanding Israel at the expense of Arab lands.

That's the argument they make.
According to this article, Egypt is also worried that Hamas will destroy peace with Israel by attacking from Egypt, and will foment internal unrest.
