Impeachment is Here!!!!!!


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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You go ahead and do that Sweep, I won't.
Ole Juicy's been talking smack for years in here and when his hypocrisy and lies are caught red handed like they were, he doesn't get to just waltz on back like it wasn't the disaster that it was.
No need for you to comment if you don't want, but I'll continue to bust both their lying asses. ;)

Just thought I’d take a shot at going forward.Actually doubt that going to happen.It was pure bullshit they tried with the Employer deal and still peddling the effort to bring it up.Let’s do it or they can STFU.Most would let it slide,not me.What really bothers me is RD making incredible effort to civilize this place and I’d like to do my part to help,but not at the cost of Integrity.I did not “CALL ANYBODY BACK TO RDP and my DADDY is long gone.
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Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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So the Russians bribed the Ukraines to make me not vote for Hillary?
even stranger than that. Seems the democrats only a few months ago were totally convinced Putin owned Trump, even though they now are totally convinced Trump gave missiles to point AT Putin.

Question for the lefties out there, which is it? Does Putin own Trump, or is Trump pointing missles at Putin from Ukraine in order to finally get the world to see Biden & Co are shaking down China and Ukraine?

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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So the Russians bribed the Ukraines to make me not vote for Hillary?
No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.


Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.
Wow, did you just down a 12 pack? Good thinkin and drinkin, tool time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.
Lol you are a funny mother fucker. Keep up the good work, I’m so busy I need a good laugh.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.

Ukraine did not hear from U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland about a link between the delay in military assistance to Ukraine and the investigation into the case of Burisma Holdings, where son of former Vice President Joe Biden Hunter worked.

"Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the [military] assistance and the investigations. You should ask him. I do not recall any conversation with me as with foreign minister. It was not we, the Ukrainian officials (who were told this)," Prystaiko told the journalists in Kyiv on Thursday.

He said he had no contact with Sondland as an official.

"I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events," the minister said.


Impeach, impeach, impeach............................................
LMAO 70's show .gif


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2014
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Ukraine did not hear from U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland about a link between the delay in military assistance to Ukraine and the investigation into the case of Burisma Holdings, where son of former Vice President Joe Biden Hunter worked.

"Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the [military] assistance and the investigations. You should ask him. I do not recall any conversation with me as with foreign minister. It was not we, the Ukrainian officials (who were told this)," Prystaiko told the journalists in Kyiv on Thursday.

He said he had no contact with Sondland as an official.

"I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events," the minister said.


Impeach, impeach, impeach............................................ View attachment 816941

This is big. Yuuuge mo-fo's!!!


Rest Easy Retired Boat Mechanic 😢🚤
Jan 28, 2011
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Just thought I’d take a shot at going forward.Actually doubt that going to happen.It was pure bullshit they tried with the Employer deal and still peddling the effort to bring it up.Let’s do it or they can STFU.Most would let it slide,not me.What really bothers me is RD making incredible effort to civilize this place and I’d like to do my part to help,but not at the cost of Integrity.I did not “CALL ANYBODY BACK TO RDP and my DADDY is long gone.
The guy's a jerk sweeps!! You do whatever YOU need to do. Reeg and I will make sure he never forgets what he and his block wall sitter, head cheerleader did.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.

Two U.S. diplomats to Ukraine testifying in the impeachment investigation of President Trump this week pressed Ukraine during the 2016 election to stop its investigation of a non-profit funded in part by the State Department and George Soros, who spent millions that year to help Hillary Clinton win the White House.

The non-profit also collaborated with the FBI agents investigating one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's business activities with pro-Russian figures in Ukraine.

The real Ukraine controversy is the meddling by the Obama State Department in the affairs of a sovereign nation, contrary to the Geneva Convention, on behalf of a non-profit funded by a left-wing activist billionaire.

George Kent, the chargé d'affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, requested in a letter to the Ukrainian general prosecutor's office in April 2016 that its prosecution of the Anti-Corruption Action Center be dropped.

And a few months later, Ukraine's new general prosecutor, Yuri Lutsenko, told Solomon he was stunned when U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch "gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute," including the Anti-Corruption Action Center.

You're up next honey, we look forward to hearing from you tomorrow...................................

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Ukraine did not hear from U.S. Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland about a link between the delay in military assistance to Ukraine and the investigation into the case of Burisma Holdings, where son of former Vice President Joe Biden Hunter worked.

"Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the [military] assistance and the investigations. You should ask him. I do not recall any conversation with me as with foreign minister. It was not we, the Ukrainian officials (who were told this)," Prystaiko told the journalists in Kyiv on Thursday.

He said he had no contact with Sondland as an official.

"I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance. Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events," the minister said.


Impeach, impeach, impeach............................................ View attachment 816941
Oh Schiff has called plenty of people who’ve spoken to the President, but Trump has essentially invoked the 5th Amendment for all of them. A few like Bolton May speak out anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Oh Schiff has called plenty of people who’ve spoken to the President, but Trump has essentially invoked the 5th Amendment for all of them. A few like Bolton May speak out anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Oh Schiff has called plenty of people who’ve spoken to the President, but Trump has essentially invoked the 5th Amendment for all of them. A few like Bolton May speak out anyway.
Do they let anybody do open mic night up where your at? You could probably get some laughs up there in liberal land.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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even stranger than that. Seems the democrats only a few months ago were totally convinced Putin owned Trump, even though they now are totally convinced Trump gave missiles to point AT Putin.

Question for the lefties out there, which is it? Does Putin own Trump, or is Trump pointing missles at Putin from Ukraine in order to finally get the world to see Biden & Co are shaking down China and Ukraine?

It all makes sense..... IN CLOWN WORLD.


Clowns. :rolleyes:


Jan 9, 2010
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I was able to watch the first segment of this "inquiry". So lets recap... The alleged victim of the quid pro quo states there was no quid pro quo. The supposed witnesses who are testifying believe the president of Ukraine when he says there was no quid pro quo by default because they refuse to claim his is lying, so they too must agree there was no quid pro quo... so what are we left with. Oh, President Trump did things that were not normal in the form of communication. Oh, and they aren't there to take sides, just provide info.

Are you fucking kidding me? This crap wouldn't pass the filing D.A. in my court district.

This sums it up nicely.
"My understanding is only coming from people that I've talked to"... lol
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Once Banned
Jul 22, 2010
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Prepare to get your vulva kicked in again tomorrow. ;)
"it" gets its vulva kicked in daily. Some days, multiple times. Its as though "it" has a plan to wear down everyone's kicking leg, then "it" thinks "it" will have a chance. At least, thats what we heard from a friend of "it" who may have said something sort of like that, sometime with that meaning.

LOLOLOL (yes, that is written in IMPEACHMENT FOREVER voice)

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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No, Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainians to gin up a fake investigation against Biden. And before that Russia manipulated you weak-minded pseudo conservatives into supporting a carnival barker who’s tearing your party asunder.
How in the hell do you come up with these hairbrain fantasies???????

Trump did nothing more than ask about fraud and corruption involving the VP at the time his son was reaping $$$$

There was nothing in the first day that had a lick of wrong doing and won't be the second or subsequent days 'til this latest sham fails.

Weak minded my ass.....You're a complete idiot wishing for your hate to be justified in some sick way

Royally PO'd

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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If our liberal idiots this going we will have to pull even their MORON CARDS !!!


Jan 9, 2010
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Oh boy... So todays recap for those without the access...

Witness (who by the way isn't a witness to really much of anything) I'm very well experienced, been in the shit for almost 30 years, worked in places were bullets are flying, and I'm by partisan. I agree that the President has the power to chose his ambassadors and can remove them without cause. I also support this practice although it is not widely used. My feelings are really really hurt because I was removed by the president, and offered a cush teaching spot stateside without losing any of my pay or benefits.. oh and I don't have to dodge bullets either...

Libturds: Trump is mean

Q) Do you know of any impeachable crimes that the president has committed.
A)Witness "NO"
Q) Do you have any first hand knowledge of the reasons behind the delay/pause in the monetary support for Ukraine
A)Witness "NO"
Q)Did Ukraine get missiles as defense from the Trump administration, and blankets from Obummer?
A) Witness "YES"
Q) As the ambassador, did you have any communication with the Ukraines about their disparaging words about our President leading up to and after the 2016 election?
A) Witness "NO"
Q) So you have a members of the Ukraine parliament, as well as their ambassador here in the states, openly speaking out disparaging a candidate, while openly supporting the other, causing obvious interference in our election, and you as our nations representative didn't feel the need to represent our nation and our president by speaking with the Ukraine government about those remarks?
A) Witness "NO"
Q) Given the above, can you see why the president might have felt the need to remove you from your position, and replace you with someone new? Oh and by the way, the new guy actually took the time to tell the Ukraine government that meddling in our government elections is heavily frowned upon.
A) Witness... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't know how the president is feeling...

What a fucking crock of horse shit this whole thing is thus far. I'm holding out for an actual witness with anything damning to say other than Trump is really mean, and he doesn't do things the way everyone else does.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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“adding essentially, an article of impeachment real-time as this hearing is going on...”
