Impeachment is Here!!!!!!

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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I'm not sure how they get paid.

trailer park.gif

I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole! :D


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Exactly, he's a shill who lies to keep credibility, all the while attempting to sway public opinion and help the left, who fundamentally would like to continue to "change" our great nation and take back control.

Media Matters cocksucker..................plain and simple. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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That is completely untrue.
Family members are off limits, regardless of your opinion and accusations.

Never have been in the past.

As you can see just in this thread no less than 8 different members “thanked” posts relating to fucking a posters mother.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Never have been in the past.

As you can see just in this thread no less than 8 different members “thanked” posts relating to fucking a posters mother.


Posters should have an apostrophe showing possession. ;)

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. :) :) :)


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Sandy hoax was a hoax, silly dumbfuck.
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Sandy hoax was a hoax, silly dumbfuck.


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Most of GMAC obsession with the President of the United States Cock this past Thursday and the total fucked up lies regarding Melania Trump have Been DELETED.Near as i can tell The bullshit from This past Thursday evening in this forum has been DELETED.Pathetic disrespect.Only a deeply disturbed individual would post the crap GMAC puts out here.Talking about the Presidents Cock? WTF.IF i'm wrong on the DELETE statements i apologize.
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score

You see this fuckers? It's the Deep State's media admitting that the CIA is lawyering up and fighting on what our DOJ can see and not see. :rolleyes:

Here we are in the middle of a coup of a duly elected President who DARES to have the balls to push back against them and hold the scum accountable. There is a COUP going on in this nation and you are all worried about the way one of their shills gets spoken to?

You all better toughen the fuck up, it's fixing to get quite ugly for all of us. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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View attachment 808545

You see this fuckers? It's the Deep State's media admitting that the CIA is lawyering up and fighting on what our DOJ can see and not see. :rolleyes:

Here we are in the middle of a coup of a duly elected President who DARES to have the balls to push back against them and hold the scum accountable. There is a COUP going on in this nation and you are all worried about the way one of their shills gets spoken to?

You all better toughen the fuck up, it's fixing to get quite ugly for all of us. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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Doing EXACTLY what we elected him for.

BTW, is it the Trans Ban that has you up in arms?

Nope it’s the “General Incompetence”!
Btw. what’s with the new Necrophilians you’ve been trotting out lately? They sure got the rest of you hierarchy crying & shaking?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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Nope it’s the “General Incompetence”!
Btw. what’s with the new Necrophilians you’ve been trotting out lately? They sure got the rest of you hierarchy crying & shaking?

How do you link incompetence to his proven Sucess Rate? That doesn't even make sense.

Also, we're not weak like you. Calling us Nicro's doesn't mean shit. We know we're not Nicro's. What we do know is it makes you and your Pals squirm. :D


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Nope it’s the “General Incompetence”!
Btw. what’s with the new Necrophilians you’ve been trotting out lately? They sure got the rest of you hierarchy crying & shaking?
Like this fucking upstanding bloke from your side?
I've only seen this kind evil sickness from your heroes lately.
But hey, let's all just keep kicking it in the false paradigms you create.
More fun that way I guess.:rolleyes:


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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Because that’s the only place you are looking.
Oh it's definitely equal opportunity evil on both wings of the double headed eagle.
Never said it wasn't.
I just merely point out the cognitive dissonance when it exposes your "side" and other "sides" as well for the hypocrisy.
Your lack of reading comprehension skills are also clearly evident.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Taylor’s apparent testimony creates a conflict of sorts with Sondland, who testified that “to the best of my knowledge, I do not recall any discussions with the White House on withholding U.S. security assistance from Ukraine in return for assistance with the President’s 2020 re-election campaign.”

Asked about Taylor's comments, a source familiar with Sondland's testimony said that Sondland cited, in addition to the investigations, that the aid may have been frozen because the Europeans weren't giving Ukraine enough and corruption in general. The source said Sondland was only speculating when he referenced the political investigations into the 2016 election and Burisma.

What's the problem swamp rat, getting desperate?

honk honk.gif


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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Bill Taylor's opening statement from today.
530,Did you take the opportunity to read the entire “Opening Statement” (16 pages)???
Thanks for posting the entire statement.
IMHO,Mr.Shiff wrote the 16 page statement for Mr.Taylor.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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I have read the entire report... Not that this will come as any surprise, but its pretty damm obvious there was a directed QPQ. With that settled (And humor me here if you still somehow believe it is not...)

What should the consequences be for Trump?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
I have read the entire report... Not that this will come as any surprise, but its pretty damm obvious there was a directed QPQ. With that settled (And humor me here if you still somehow believe it is not...)

What should the consequences be for Trump?

Based on what............hearsay?

Squeaky the executioner.



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Based on what............hearsay?

Squeaky the executioner.

regor the boore...

I don't care if you believe the facts or not. What I am asking is what should the consequences be when ("If" for the factually challenged) a sitting president is shown to have told his personal attorney to extort a foreign government for personal (The said presidents) political gain?


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
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regor the boore...

I don't care if you believe the facts or not. What I am asking is what should the consequences be when ("If" for the factually challenged) a sitting president is shown to have told his personal attorney to extort a foreign government for personal (The said presidents) political gain?
I dunno? Probably nothing.
Just like when a certain president rapes and attemtps to rape bunch of women for personal pleasure?
Whadda ya think?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
regor the boore...

I don't care if you believe the facts or not. What I am asking is what should the consequences be when ("If" for the factually challenged) a sitting president is shown to have told his personal attorney to extort a foreign government for personal (The said presidents) political gain?

hahaha it’s such a slam dunk they have to hold testimonials in private and not hold a vote in the House!!!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he doesn’t recall any conversations with President Donald Trump about the Ukraine phone call ― contrary to the president’s claim that McConnell had said the call was completely “innocent.”

“The president has said that you told him that his phone call with Ukrainian president was ‘perfect’ and ‘innocent,’” a reporter said to McConnell during a Capitol Hill press briefing Tuesday. “Do you believe that the president has handled this Ukrainian situation perfectly?”

“We’ve not had any conversations on that subject,” McConnell responded. When asked if that indicated the president was lying about that claim, McConnell said “you’ll have to ask him. I don’t recall any conversations with the president about that phone call.”

While speaking to reporters on the South Lawn on Oct. 3, Trump said that he and McConnell had spoken directly about the phone call, according to the official White House transcript of Trump’s remarks.

“He put out a statement that said that was the most innocent phone call he’s read. And I spoke to him about it, too,” the president said.

“He said, ‘That was the most innocent phone call that I’ve read.’ I mean, give me a break. Anybody that reads it says the same thing,” Trump added.

McConnell had previously urged the White House to release the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy, according to two internal sources cited by The Washington Post.

The call summary released by the White House was the catalyst for an impeachment inquiry looking at whether Trump withheld nearly $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine unless Ukrainian officials investigated his potential 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. It is illegal to solicit foreign involvement in U.S. elections, and investigations have yielded no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
hahaha it’s such a slam dunk they have to hold testimonials in private and not hold a vote in the House!!!!

View attachment 809625
Yep, just like a Grand jury. Then after you get an indictment it goes to a public trial in the Senate. Just be patient, Reg. Everything is right on schedule.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
regor the boore...

I don't care if you believe the facts or not. What I am asking is what should the consequences be when ("If" for the factually challenged) a sitting president is shown to have told his personal attorney to extort a foreign government for personal (The said presidents) political gain?

Well, let’s start with a Christmas impeachment and go from there!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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My first question is why the fuck are we giving $400 million of our tax dollars to Ukraine in the first place? If Russia wants Ukraine, they will take it. Period. They will not last 5 minutes against Russia, with or without our 400 million. Didn't they demonstrate that when they took Crimea?

Next, several reps from the Ukrainian Government have publicly stated there was no QPQ, isn't that really all that matters?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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My first question is why the fuck are we giving $400 million of our tax dollars to Ukraine in the first place? If Russia wants Ukraine, they will take it. Period. They will not last 5 minutes against Russia, with or without our 400 million. Didn't they demonstrate that when they took Crimea?

Next, several reps from the Ukrainian Government have publicly stated there was no QPQ, isn't that really all that matters?

Thats your first question...


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Tuesday said a fellow Republican lawmaker deconstructed a key part of the latest Trump impeachment inquirywitness testimony in Tuesday's closed-door session.

"In 90 seconds, we had John Ratcliffe destroy Taylor's whole argument."

The questioning by Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican and member of both the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, was an important moment in the hearing, McCarthy claimed.


How Far Off Was I?
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
I found your ballsack Regie! Right where you left it! Gettin a proper tongue washing from the new kid!;)
I got your kid hanging spoogemommy ;)
When are you gonna start answering my questions there, fucknuts?
Chickenshit pussy :D
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Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
Reaction score
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he doesn’t recall any conversations with President Donald Trump about the Ukraine phone call ― contrary to the president’s claim that McConnell had said the call was completely “innocent.”

“The president has said that you told him that his phone call with Ukrainian president was ‘perfect’ and ‘innocent,’” a reporter said to McConnell during a Capitol Hill press briefing Tuesday. “Do you believe that the president has handled this Ukrainian situation perfectly?”

“We’ve not had any conversations on that subject,” McConnell responded. When asked if that indicated the president was lying about that claim, McConnell said “you’ll have to ask him. I don’t recall any conversations with the president about that phone call.”

While speaking to reporters on the South Lawn on Oct. 3, Trump said that he and McConnell had spoken directly about the phone call, according to the official White House transcript of Trump’s remarks.

“He put out a statement that said that was the most innocent phone call he’s read. And I spoke to him about it, too,” the president said.

“He said, ‘That was the most innocent phone call that I’ve read.’ I mean, give me a break. Anybody that reads it says the same thing,” Trump added.

McConnell had previously urged the White House to release the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy, according to two internal sources cited by The Washington Post.

The call summary released by the White House was the catalyst for an impeachment inquiry looking at whether Trump withheld nearly $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine unless Ukrainian officials investigated his potential 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. It is illegal to solicit foreign involvement in U.S. elections, and investigations have yielded no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens
Yep, just like a Grand jury. Then after you get an indictment it goes to a public trial in the Senate. Just be patient, Reg. Everything is right on schedule.

You two clowns couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with truth. You’ve got another dud monkeys. :(

On the bright side, only 5 years left!!!!
