Hey Assholes!

Mr. C

going back in time
Dec 19, 2007
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Trying to spot potholes on these illustrious freeways?? 🤣

How about the dipshits with stock SUV's driving around town with multiple LED light bars on, as if they are running the dirt roads out of San Felipe! 🤬🖕
Or the ones with led lights on both sides of their hood pointing in both of your side mirrors.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2009
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Just like this dickhead this morning


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2022
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You mean the car can drive itself with no extension cord or nothing and it can't dim it's own headlights ? Something must be broke .


What is right and what is wrong these days!
Jun 25, 2018
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Hey dickwad those ARE my low beams…….Here these are my high beams!!!! Happens to me since the day I bought me truck. Sorry that your P.O.S. (No offense @monkeyswrench ) is so low you can’t see over anything but my headlights. And yes it is stock!! Thank you have a good day…..

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We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Hey dickwade those ARE my low beams…….Here these are my high beams!!!! Happens to me since the day I bought me truck. Sorry that your P.O.S. (No offense @monkeyswrench ) is so low you can’t see over anything but my headlights. And yes it is stock!! Thank you have a good day…..


Well played.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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I think some off it is that automatic HiBeam feature.
IDK, we rented an expedition for our road trip a couple years ago and it had that feature. I was surprised how well it worked with coming up on cars and passing cars going the opposite direction, it would recognize tail lights a several hundred feet out and turn off the high beams. The drivers I'm dealing with never turn them off, they drive right by me with them on.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
People constantly flash me when I drive my explorer.
It has those stupid Ford hooded lights. There is seemingly little difference between high and low. On low it just sort of shields the top of the bulb.
They do it once or twice and I then hit ‘em with the light bar for a second.
But yeah, more and more the wanna be Baja pavement queens run full on mega wattage constantly.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Hey dickwade those ARE my low beams…….Here these are my high beams!!!! Happens to me since the day I bought me truck. Sorry that your P.O.S. (No offense @monkeyswrench ) is so low you can’t see over anything but my headlights. And yes it is stock!! Thank you have a good day…..



Did you Ever consider they might need to be Adjusted? 🤔

When the dealership does the PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) they are SUPPOSED to check all these things.

Some manufacturers have gone to the port PDI's, cause they know the dickwads at the dealership will just skip it!

So cars frequently get delivered with 60psi of air in the tires, headlights out of adjustment, lug nuts not torqued properly and lord knows what else they skipped on the PDI just to put a few extra bucks in their pockets.

Is this YOUR fault? Fuck no! But, if you frequently have people flashing their brights at you, then you might want to have a competent dealership adjust them.

From my personal observation? Every time some new car is blinding me with their new headlights, it's Almost ALWAYS a GM product! 🤣

Go figure eh? 😜


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I saw the thread title and thought you were trying to get my attention 😂.

It seems some of the headlight issues today are from folks using the low price low quality LED lights on their vehicles light distribution is designed for a reason. Some folks are just going to ChinAzon and purchasing the low cost headlights and not understanding what the DOT approved light means. This is the same issue for motorcycles

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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Did you Ever consider they might need to be Adjusted? 🤔

When the dealership does the PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) they are SUPPOSED to check all these things.

Some manufacturers have gone to the port PDI's, cause they know the dickwads at the dealership will just skip it!

So cars frequently get delivered with 60psi of air in the tires, headlights out of adjustment, lug nuts not torqued properly and lord knows what else they skipped on the PDI just to put a few extra bucks in their pockets.

Is this YOUR fault? Fuck no! But, if you frequently have people flashing their brights at you, then you might want to have a competent dealership adjust them.

From my personal observation? Every time some new car is blinding me with their new headlights, it's Almost ALWAYS a GM product! 🤣

Go figure eh? 😜
Really? I noticed that it seems be more than often Camry drivers. Then when you flash your lights back at them they don’t even respond. Assholes!


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2019
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People constantly flash me when I drive my explorer.
It has those stupid Ford hooded lights. There is seemingly little difference between high and low. On low it just sort of shields the top of the bulb.
They do it once or twice and I then hit ‘em with the light bar for a second.
But yeah, more and more the wanna be Baja pavement queens run full on mega wattage constantly

If people are constantly flashing, maybe you should try readjusting your headlights, instead of using off-road lights to blind them. 😏


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
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But if they click to low beams, they only have one headlight...
I got pulled over last week for a headlight being out, no current tag and one license plate light out and didn't have my proof of registration or insurance. The kicker is just that morning I towed Eric Sammons boat from storage back to the house without trailer lights. Eric voiced his concern and I told him not to worry I haven't' had a cop behind me in years! much less been pulled over. Everything was going good then I told the deputy that I knew River Dave. My court date is April 1st. :oops:
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spectras only

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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IDK, we rented an expedition for our road trip a couple years ago and it had that feature. I was surprised how well it worked with coming up on cars and passing cars going the opposite direction, it would recognize tail lights a several hundred feet out and turn off the high beams. The drivers I'm dealing with never turn them off, they drive right by me with them on.
Had those auto dimmers on my 64 Lincoln and 66 CoupeDeVille. It should be a mandatory equipment on all vehicles today, because the issue with thes dickwads we're talking about.
Lifted trucks are even a problem without aftermarket headlights. I had to adjust the lights on my F-150 it shot up high from factory.
Back in the 70's, we had to take brand new cars for safety checks, my 72 Challenger failed one headlight aimed a bit high right out from the dealer lot. Cost me $10 for re-test. Had to fight the dealer to reimburse, fuckers.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
If people are constantly flashing, maybe you should try readjusting your headlights, instead of using off-road lights to blind them. 😏
Been to 2 separate shops including a dealership for adjustment.
They say there’s nothing wrong.
Btw, the headlights suck ass and aren’t even bright.
That’s why I had to add the light bar to start with. Got tired of dodging Wyoming deer in the dark.
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To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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About 10 years ago an SBCSO deputy lit me up on Needles Hwy...for the damn life of me I had no idea why.
The reflective material falling off my plate. "It made it impossible to read"
The car was so far up my ass he could have read my odometer.
It was dark, on a Friday...OBS F350 with a ladder rack...I knew what he was thinking 😏
He let me off with a warning, "Call DMV and get another plate"
Had my AZ plates a week later🤣


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Been to 2 separate shops including a dealership for adjustment.
They say there’s nothing wrong.
Btw, the headlights suck ass and aren’t even bright.
That’s why I had to add the light bar to start with. Got tired of dodging Wyoming deer in the dark.

Did they use something like this and charge you accordingly to check/set them?

Or did the drive your car up close to a wall, turn the headlights on, and say...

Yep, looks good to me! 😁

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
I did the wall in the dark to adjust the $65 Amazon light bar on my official cop car replica push bar.
(On the freeway, People think I’m a cop coming up on them and they move over. In town it backfires because people slow down when they see me)

As far as the dealership, I have no idea what they used. I figure Ford built the piece of shit, they oughta be able to align the headlights?

Baja 252

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
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We have this same problem on LOTO, stupid pontoon owners drive around at night with their docking lights on, thinking they are headlights.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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A lot of people I see drive with their fog lights on for more light without using their high beams. It also serves to show that they aren’t using their high beams (since normally the high beams shut off the fogs).

Now I know there are kits for keeping all lights on but few people have them.

The issue I have is the fog lights on most vehicles from the factory are freaking useless as fog lights. They are more like auxiliary driving lights. Fog lights are supposed be be narrow beam not like turning on a lightbulb in your house and putting light everywhere. I’m going to be adding real selective yellow LED fogs to my vehicle soon to see if it makes a difference on the roads I drive.

I switched out my headlights to all LED, that made a real difference in light output so I could see on dark roads. And yes I made sure my bulbs maintain the DOT light pattern for my low beams.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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I did the wall in the dark to adjust the $65 Amazon light bar on my official cop car replica push bar.
(On the freeway, People think I’m a cop coming up on them and they move over. In town it backfires because people slow down when they see me)

As far as the dealership, I have no idea what they used. I figure Ford built the piece of shit, they oughta be able to align the headlights?

One would think!

I was the Only guy in every dealership I've worked at that had his own headlight adjustment tools.

It was OLD school. Total pain in the ass to set up! It had to calibrate to the floor you were on and then you had to calibrate it regularly.

Paid for itself in no time doing PDI's at Lexus though...

**Hey man, can I borrow Your alignment tool? Someone else is using the shop one*"

I'd just politely say...

Sorry man, it has to be calibrated to the floor you are using it on, so it really won't work in Your stall.

Maybe you should buy your own?

Yeah right...


River Runnin

Captain Of Havasu’s Coolest Boat
Jun 17, 2008
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Lifted rigs ALL need to re-adjust their headlights, ALL tow rig that aren't set-up correctly (level) point lights into windshields! And those sagging ass tow rigs not set-up correctly - like most F-150's - just wonder why they're their getting flashed all the time! :)


I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Really? I noticed that it seems be more than often Camry drivers. Then when you flash your lights back at them they don’t even respond. Assholes!
Old people drive Camry's and can't see at night. ...they most likely forgot why they flashed you anways.
One would think!

I was the Only guy in every dealership I've worked at that had his own headlight adjustment tools.

It was OLD school. Total pain in the ass to set up! It had to calibrate to the floor you were on and then you had to calibrate it regularly.

Paid for itself in no time doing PDI's at Lexus though...

**Hey man, can I borrow Your alignment tool? Someone else is using the shop one*"

I'd just politely say...

Sorry man, it has to be calibrated to the floor you are using it on, so it really won't work in Your stall.

Maybe you should buy your own?

Yeah right...

Kinda like loaning out your Lodge or your hot iron. eh?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
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My wife's toyota highlander we bought brand new from Toyota in Havasu. Every time I drive it at night I get flashed because the other drivers think I have my brights on. I honestly just think it's the new technology and the lights. All you cranky old guys in your 2000's vehicles 😂😂
I've aimed them and stood in front of it myself thinking they were out of adjustment (to high)
However I could be wrong 🤷‍♂️

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Lifted rigs ALL need to re-adjust their headlights, ALL tow rig that aren't set-up correctly (level) point lights into windshields! And those sagging ass tow rigs not set-up correctly - like most F-150's - just wonder why they're there getting flashed all the time! :)
Naw, they probably think people are flashing them to say
“Cool truck brah!”


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
My wife's toyota highlander we bought brand new from Toyota in Havasu. Every time I drive it at night I get flashed because the other drivers think I have my brights on. I honestly just think it's the new technology and the lights. All you cranky old guys in your 2000's vehicles 😂😂
I've aimed them and stood in front of it myself thinking they were out of adjustment (to high)
However I could be wrong 🤷‍♂️

YOU aimed them??

Like on a wall like Tommy did??



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Did you Ever consider they might need to be Adjusted? 🤔

When the dealership does the PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) they are SUPPOSED to check all these things.

Some manufacturers have gone to the port PDI's, cause they know the dickwads at the dealership will just skip it!

So cars frequently get delivered with 60psi of air in the tires, headlights out of adjustment, lug nuts not torqued properly and lord knows what else they skipped on the PDI just to put a few extra bucks in their pockets.

Is this YOUR fault? Fuck no! But, if you frequently have people flashing their brights at you, then you might want to have a competent dealership adjust them.

From my personal observation? Every time some new car is blinding me with their new headlights, it's Almost ALWAYS a GM product! 🤣

Go figure eh? 😜
Hahaha....he said competent stealership.....I mean dealership....


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Interesting. See post #20. 😁
So how exactly do you find a "competent" dealer to have them do it correctly? Take my vehicle to all the dealers until maybe people stop flashing their lights at me? Call the front desk and ask if they are competent? For me in havasu I have one dealer. Want me to drive hundreds of miles to get my lights adjusted? Just curious how you professionals deal with stuff like this so us low lifers can one day just maybe, be as perfect as the rest of you. 🙄

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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I’ve always found a cinder block wall on a level area that I’ve used for aligning my headlights and for the most part it’s always worked. On most new cars the headlight adjusters are buried under covers or you need a special tool to do it. It seems like most European cars are able to get their headlights dead nuts - not only do they put out a bitchen light pattern, they don’t blind oncoming traffic. Lexus RX350’s are notorious for having their headlights aimed high. Most domestic auto companies can’t develop a decent headlight to save their own mother.