Got into a fight yesterday.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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I understand you cant go killing people:swear but if you saw a guy that hurt your family member it would be hard to do nothing..


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I understand you cant go killing people:swear but if you saw a guy that hurt your family member it would be hard to do nothing..

people get killed in bar fights all the time - I think the guy had it coming don't get me wrong-


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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what are you, 12? fights? did you tell him to meet you at the swingset after school?

time to grow up.
come on dude. If I had someone do that to a family Member and I was able to get my hands on them I would do the same thing.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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come on dude. If I had someone do that to a family Member and I was able to get my hands on them I would do the same thing.

you dont wear that wife beater for nuthin huh bro...



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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what are you, 12? fights? did you tell him to meet you at the swingset after school?

time to grow up.

Like Kenny Rogers said in that dumb song. Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man.

It's just the way it is.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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come on dude. If I had someone do that to a family Member and I was able to get my hands on them I would do the same thing.

you dont wear that wife beater for nuthin huh bro...

with the adidas shell toes and Ben Davis pants. You know this man!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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Like Kenny Rogers said in that dumb song. Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man.

It's just the way it is.

So faced with a possible altercation that could become physical Kennys song lyrics are what you go by. Here's the deal-we are all sitting comfortably at our keyboards applauding a guy that got into a fight in a bar. We all know the reason. If he had knocked the guy down and the guy hit his head and went into a coma and died the reason wouldn't mean shit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
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So faced with a possible altercation that could become physical Kennys song lyrics are what you go by. Here's the deal-we are all sitting comfortably at our keyboards applauding a guy that got into a fight in a bar. We all know the reason. If he had knocked the guy down and the guy hit his head and went into a coma and died the reason wouldn't mean shit.

Exactly right. You do have to be carefull and collected while curbstompin some Mo-fo.:D

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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So faced with a possible altercation that could become physical Kennys song lyrics are what you go by. Here's the deal-we are all sitting comfortably at our keyboards applauding a guy that got into a fight in a bar. We all know the reason. If he had knocked the guy down and the guy hit his head and went into a coma and died the reason wouldn't mean shit.
You have a good point..So what do you do? Call the cops as the guy takes off and the police come make report and nothing happens? I understand when you go to a bar to expect trouble and that kind of stuff happens..I guess just get back in line with the rest of the sheep..

Fight and risk going to jail or something....... or don't do shit and let people fuck you up cause they know people wont do shit? I guess stay out of places that are known for trouble like a good boy:grumble::D


Kill Em All
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
So you gave us the headlines..............................whats the whole story?
Who thew the first punch? What was their beef with your old man?
Inquiring minds wanna know:skull


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Without knowing the whole story I say cool that you took care of pop's.

I would like to hear the story however. I go to a local bar often and there's been many times that fights could have happened but only a couple of times did they involve me. I usually calm the situation because when I'm drinking I'm not angry unless pushed to that point. I'll step in whether I'm involved or not just to calm the situation and usually cooler heads prevail. When things are that out of hand where men get kicked while their down something had to have gone real sideways.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I guess I don't comprehend the whole situation. I don't get going to bars anyway, i'd rather buy a six pack and drink alone than pay $$ and drink with strangers. Most of the time (which isn't a lot) when I've been in bars there's an element looking for trouble, and element looking to relax...which should be pretty easy to keep apart.

I'd think that that if dad had been going to the same bar for 30 years, that he'd know how to stay out of trouble, the bartender and regulars would have his back if there was an incident, and if there was a legit reason for a fight, dad would have picked one he could win. So something doesn't add up.

Sorry your dad got beat up.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
So faced with a possible altercation that could become physical Kennys song lyrics are what you go by. Here's the deal-we are all sitting comfortably at our keyboards applauding a guy that got into a fight in a bar. We all know the reason. If he had knocked the guy down and the guy hit his head and went into a coma and died the reason wouldn't mean shit.

Yup, exact thing happened in Oceanside not so long ago.:(


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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oh i wish i could run around with a gun and shoot whoever has done me wrong but unfortunately thats not the age we live in. theres now legal repercussions for every action obviously. id love to curbstomp anyone who harms my family or loved ones, but am i willing to be the fool who gets locked up because i went on some rampage? nope. id rather have a nice shiney boat. id enjoy that more than being the one who has to worry about dropping the soap.

So some Asshat slaps or beats one of your kids while at the river and as long as you get his DCB things are good. I'd rarher worry about droping the soap then have to look my kid or family in the eye and say "don't worry we'll get him back in court"


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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I guess I don't comprehend the whole situation. I don't get going to bars anyway, i'd rather buy a six pack and drink alone than pay $$ and drink with strangers. Most of the time (which isn't a lot) when I've been in bars there's an element looking for trouble, and element looking to relax...which should be pretty easy to keep apart.

I'd think that that if dad had been going to the same bar for 30 years, that he'd know how to stay out of trouble, the bartender and regulars would have his back if there was an incident, and if there was a legit reason for a fight, dad would have picked one he could win. So something doesn't add up.

Sorry your dad got beat up.

Saying that because he has been going there for thirty years and should have known how to stay out of trouble is like saying you have drove that road for thirty years and should have been able to avoid the accident. You don't get to pick. I don't think he picked a fight as much as was in a fight. To say he should have picked a fight he could when is ridiculous. That would only make you a bully.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I haven't.

well the next time ur in vegas brown stop by and we can throw a few punches at each other, then after all said and done we can have a beer, i dont want ur bucket list to go without..:D


Warlock Performance Boats Merchandise Connections
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
So some Asshat slaps or beats one of your kids while at the river and as long as you get his DCB things are good. I'd rarher worry about droping the soap then have to look my kid or family in the eye and say "don't worry we'll get him back in court"

yeah you're right, its much better to be in jail for assault and your kid can come say hi behind plexiglass. thats MUCH better.


Warlock Performance Boats Merchandise Connections
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
You could name the boat "My Dad got his ass kicked and I got this cool boat"

"my dads mouth writes checks that his fists cant cash"

Caydens Cat

all I got was a t-shirt
Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
don't know the details, buy I'm glad to see you're looking after your pops. As my dad slowly gets up in years... I find myself watching to ensure nobody does him wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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yeah you're right, its much better to be in jail for assault and your kid can come say hi behind plexiglass. thats MUCH better.

First off the chances of you going to jail are pretty slim but at least your family would know you had their back and not just a PUSSY trying to get a new DCB. Does your family know that you would not fight for them if needed. How about your friends, do they know you are a PUSSY.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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my family is worth going to jail, where i come from when u mess with someone in the family everyone shows up.....


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Fights scare me ;-)

If I started a thread every time I got in a bar scuffle.....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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my family is worth going to jail, where i come from when u mess with someone in the family everyone shows up.....


Apparently for some a new DCB is more important then famil, honor and pride.

I was at the palms a few weeks ago and some old man tried to get my 16 yo and 14 yo daughters to go for a boat ride. told them just a cruise with no obligations. offerd to by them beer and a new bikini if they would try it on for him. I guess i should have called the cops before I drilled him. My family knows im there for them.

BTW, the cops said good job and are researching his cf numbers. not why did you kick his ass, or we can arrest you for that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Apparently for some a new DCB is more important then famil, honor and pride.

I was at the palms a few weeks ago and some old man tried to get my 16 yo and 14 yo daughters to go for a boat ride. told them just a cruise with no obligations. offerd to by them beer and a new bikini if they would try it on for him. I guess i should have called the cops before I drilled him. My family knows im there for them.

BTW, the cops said good job and are researching his cf numbers. not why did you kick his ass, or we can arrest you for that.

good for you.....:thumbsup...:thumbsup


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score

Apparently for some a new DCB is more important then famil, honor and pride.

I was at the palms a few weeks ago and some old man tried to get my 16 yo and 14 yo daughters to go for a boat ride. told them just a cruise with no obligations. offerd to by them beer and a new bikini if they would try it on for him. I guess i should have called the cops before I drilled him. My family knows im there for them.

BTW, the cops said good job and are researching his cf numbers. not why did you kick his ass, or we can arrest you for that.

Nice!!! :thumbsup

There is a reason I have Both of my kids in martial arts. Hopefully, if they ever need it, it wont be much of a fight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Fights scare me ;-)

If I started a thread every time I got in a bar scuffle.....

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

Watch out for kaOtyk, he's looking for a payday.

He's the same type of person who would be having a great time riding on someones private property and then sue them when he gets hurt even though it was his fault.


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Watch out for kaOtyk, he's looking for a payday.

He's the same type of person who would be having a great time riding on someones private property and then sue them when he gets hurt even though it was his fault.

That is exactly what's wrong with people nowadays. No self responsibility. It really is sad.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Nice!!! :thumbsup

There is a reason I have Both of my kids in martial arts. Hopefully, if they ever need it, it wont be much of a fight.

Yup. Both of mine are black belt in tkd and now are learning mma. I hope to have them in wrestling when they get older.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
... at least your family would know you had their back and not just a PUSSY trying to get a new DCB.

That's one view.

I suppose that's a point of view, albeit a totally moronic one.

Gather around, kids. It's story time.

My lake house is in a rather quiet and sedate area. When the window is open, you can hear birds flapping their wings a hundred feet away. It's amazing. Other than the noise of children playing around in the or in the park, pretty tranquil.

Two seasons ago, along came a group of kids who like to party. I think the parents died and they took over the place. They were blasting music all night and we could hear them yelling around their campfires, etc. The RCMP were called a few times but nothing happened.

A couple of people from the lakefront group went back to talk to them about it. Long story short, the discussion didn't go all that well. These trash talking rednecks basically said they were never going to stop, we couldn't make them, and that they would kick the ass of anyone who tried.

Now... out lake area is pretty nice. Even just an empty lot on the water goes for what a pretty decent house and lot would go for in town. Needless to say, the place is full of doctors, lawyers, a very few impoverished people like myself, and even a couple of judges.

There was a brief meeting and the meekest little guy said he would take care of it. When the judge next door nodded and said, "good", I knew the right ball was in motion. It turns out, this little guy is a lawyer who is dieing of cancer and hasn't practiced law in a couple of years but still owns half of one of the most prestigious law firms in town.

This little guy took care of it. They went from ripping up the grass in the park with their quads and threatening to beat the shit out of anyone who said anything to them again to being gone from the area.

That was two years ago. That cottage is vacant now. It's now owned by my neighbor who is a mechanical systems contractor. He has no plans for the place, he just doesn't want anyone moving in there so he bought it a few of months ago.

Let's review.

1) A group of us go over with pitchforks and axes, call them out, and duke it out.

2) We collect some video evidence, work within the system, put one in jail, decimate them financially with a few costly legal challenges, and have a provincial justice reprimand the local detachment of the RCMP for not enforcing the laws. If anyone from that group comes around, we have a cell phone number we can call and have them arrested for even showing up.

Tell us, tough guy, which approach do you suppose took care of the problem the most effectively?


Raging Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
That's one view.

I suppose that's a point of view, albeit a totally moronic one.

Gather around, kids. It's story time.

My lake house is in a rather quiet and sedate area. When the window is open, you can hear birds flapping their wings a hundred feet away. It's amazing. Other than the noise of children playing around in the or in the park, pretty tranquil.

Two seasons ago, along came a group of kids who like to party. I think the parents died and they took over the place. They were blasting music all night and we could hear them yelling around their campfires, etc. The RCMP were called a few times but nothing happened.

A couple of people from the lakefront group went back to talk to them about it. Long story short, the discussion didn't go all that well. These trash talking rednecks basically said they were never going to stop, we couldn't make them, and that they would kick the ass of anyone who tried.

Now... out lake area is pretty nice. Even just an empty lot on the water goes for what a pretty decent house and lot would go for in town. Needless to say, the place is full of doctors, lawyers, a very few impoverished people like myself, and even a couple of judges.

There was a brief meeting and the meekest little guy said he would take care of it. When the judge next door nodded and said, "good", I knew the right ball was in motion. It turns out, this little guy is a lawyer who is dieing of cancer and hasn't practiced law in a couple of years but still owns half of one of the most prestigious law firms in town.

This little guy took care of it. They went from ripping up the grass in the park with their quads and threatening to beat the shit out of anyone who said anything to them again to being gone from the area.

That was two years ago. That cottage is vacant now. It's now owned by my neighbor who is a mechanical systems contractor. He has no plans for the place, he just doesn't want anyone moving in there so he bought it a few of months ago.

Let's review.

1) A group of us go over with pitchforks and axes, call them out, and duke it out.

2) We collect some video evidence, work within the system, put one in jail, decimate them financially with a few costly legal challenges, and have a provincial justice reprimand the local detachment of the RCMP for not enforcing the laws. If anyone from that group comes around, we have a cell phone number we can call and have them arrested for even showing up.

Tell us, tough guy, which approach do you suppose took care of the problem the most effectively?

What ever, like that would ever air on an episode of cops. LAME...:cool:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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And might i add, i thought about this last night. I retract my statement about wanted to beat them silly.

Instead i would rather stick my pistol in there mouth and make them piss and shit themself. That way there will be scared for life


35' Nordic Flame
Jan 1, 2008
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Tom Brown is right... I'd just call this guy to save my ass every time.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Gangsta, please....

Yo instead ah would stick muh motha fuckin gat in dere mouf an make dem piss an' sheeit themself. dat way dere will be scared fo life otay buh-weet .



Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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That's one view.

I suppose that's a point of view, albeit a totally moronic one.

Gather around, kids. It's story time.

My lake house is in a rather quiet and sedate area. When the window is open, you can hear birds flapping their wings a hundred feet away. It's amazing. Other than the noise of children playing around in the or in the park, pretty tranquil.

Two seasons ago, along came a group of kids who like to party. I think the parents died and they took over the place. They were blasting music all night and we could hear them yelling around their campfires, etc. The RCMP were called a few times but nothing happened.

A couple of people from the lakefront group went back to talk to them about it. Long story short, the discussion didn't go all that well. These trash talking rednecks basically said they were never going to stop, we couldn't make them, and that they would kick the ass of anyone who tried.

Now... out lake area is pretty nice. Even just an empty lot on the water goes for what a pretty decent house and lot would go for in town. Needless to say, the place is full of doctors, lawyers, a very few impoverished people like myself, and even a couple of judges.

There was a brief meeting and the meekest little guy said he would take care of it. When the judge next door nodded and said, "good", I knew the right ball was in motion. It turns out, this little guy is a lawyer who is dieing of cancer and hasn't practiced law in a couple of years but still owns half of one of the most prestigious law firms in town.

This little guy took care of it. They went from ripping up the grass in the park with their quads and threatening to beat the shit out of anyone who said anything to them again to being gone from the area.

That was two years ago. That cottage is vacant now. It's now owned by my neighbor who is a mechanical systems contractor. He has no plans for the place, he just doesn't want anyone moving in there so he bought it a few of months ago.

Let's review.

1) A group of us go over with pitchforks and axes, call them out, and duke it out.

2) We collect some video evidence, work within the system, put one in jail, decimate them financially with a few costly legal challenges, and have a provincial justice reprimand the local detachment of the RCMP for not enforcing the laws. If anyone from that group comes around, we have a cell phone number we can call and have them arrested for even showing up.

Tell us, tough guy, which approach do you suppose took care of the problem the most effectively?

I call bullshit.

The sun has never been out long enough in the entire state of Canadia to give anyone a redneck.:p


Warlock Performance Boats Merchandise Connections
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
Watch out for kaOtyk, he's looking for a payday.

He's the same type of person who would be having a great time riding on someones private property and then sue them when he gets hurt even though it was his fault.

nope his dad shouldve kept his mouth shut. it WAS a one on one fight. very manly. then his dad got his ass beat and so the son has to step in and make things "fair."

if dad wanted to go fisticuffs with someone, good for the old timer. but its pretty moronic to me to take it to the next level. whats next the other guys son comes and runs you over? then your brother goes and bombs his family, then the rest of their family comes and rapes your family and it just keeps going on and on? when does it end? the original fight happened TWO YEARS AGO.

Tom Brown

Epsilon contributor
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
whats next the other guys son comes and runs you over? then your brother goes and bombs his family, then the rest of their family comes and rapes your family and it just keeps going on and on? when does it end?

Colors. Colors. C.....c.....c..... colors........


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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That's one view.

I suppose that's a point of view, albeit a totally moronic one.

Gather around, kids. It's story time.

My lake house is in a rather quiet and sedate area. When the window is open, you can hear birds flapping their wings a hundred feet away. It's amazing. Other than the noise of children playing around in the or in the park, pretty tranquil.

Two seasons ago, along came a group of kids who like to party. I think the parents died and they took over the place. They were blasting music all night and we could hear them yelling around their campfires, etc. The RCMP were called a few times but nothing happened.

A couple of people from the lakefront group went back to talk to them about it. Long story short, the discussion didn't go all that well. These trash talking rednecks basically said they were never going to stop, we couldn't make them, and that they would kick the ass of anyone who tried.

Now... out lake area is pretty nice. Even just an empty lot on the water goes for what a pretty decent house and lot would go for in town. Needless to say, the place is full of doctors, lawyers, a very few impoverished people like myself, and even a couple of judges.

There was a brief meeting and the meekest little guy said he would take care of it. When the judge next door nodded and said, "good", I knew the right ball was in motion. It turns out, this little guy is a lawyer who is dieing of cancer and hasn't practiced law in a couple of years but still owns half of one of the most prestigious law firms in town.

This little guy took care of it. They went from ripping up the grass in the park with their quads and threatening to beat the shit out of anyone who said anything to them again to being gone from the area.

That was two years ago. That cottage is vacant now. It's now owned by my neighbor who is a mechanical systems contractor. He has no plans for the place, he just doesn't want anyone moving in there so he bought it a few of months ago.

Let's review.

1) A group of us go over with pitchforks and axes, call them out, and duke it out.

2) We collect some video evidence, work within the system, put one in jail, decimate them financially with a few costly legal challenges, and have a provincial justice reprimand the local detachment of the RCMP for not enforcing the laws. If anyone from that group comes around, we have a cell phone number we can call and have them arrested for even showing up.

Tell us, tough guy, which approach do you suppose took care of the problem the most effectively?

Im not playing tough guy here. You took my qoute completly out of context. Your situation called for legal action 100%. They were not beating up a family member. My whole point was sometimes you have to fight, niot just sue for a new boat. Please compare apples to apples Tom.