Give me your AR-15


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Left, Right, Dems or Republicans...not one of the tie wearning suited up sociopaths cares one bit about the life and times of the people who vote for them. I vote for who better may serve my familiy's lives. Usually it is only their lies we vote for, as the actions later we cannot see. I am not opposed to background checks, but I am afraid that would lead to having to inventory what I have. A government should not be able to decide if you can own a gun, and also determine which guns you can have once given clearance. If I am deemed a "good citizen", why can I not have an M249, or a suppressed sbr? If the background check comes back good, we should all be equal. I don't believe in the "some are more equal than others". Universal checks, but as a sign of faith, abolish the NFA...Thompson's and sawed offs for all who can pass, and not have to pay for the "tax stamp"...
After all, supressors just make practice more comfortable.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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Haven’t given it a lot of thought. I do think women should earn equal pay for the same work performed, women should be safe from harassment and violence, and that women are awesome. Does that make me a feminist?
Haha, No, we discussed this. Your squealing without looking at the bigger picture does. :D

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Ah, “free shit”. Much like Republicans feel entitled to spend one out of two tax dollars on the military while slashing taxes so that we are again running trillion dollar a year deficits.

Not exactly.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Not exactly.
Nope, not exactly but it is the mirror image of Bernie and Warren offering free tuition. Y’all want the world’s biggest and most expensive (by a ridiculous margin) military, but you don’t want to pay for it. You want roads, and cops, and jails, and currency, and all the other amenities of government but bitch, bitch, bitch about paying for it. Then with no sense of irony you mock fringe ideas like free tuition and health care for all on the left. Everybody seems to want free shit, just different free shit.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
So your daughter thinks feminism is a bad thing? I find that sad.
She, along with her Mother, both Grandmothers, All four Great Grandmothers thought for themselves and have never depended on the system to "protect their class".
Her Great Great Grandmother on My Dads side clear back before the 19th century was college educated.
All those Women would slap the living shit out of a modern feminist. ;)
And most likely you, Ya gun grabber.
I could write a book on My family history on the Women's side about how they didn't use a crutch to succeed and I bet I'm not alone.


2022 32 Doug Wright
Mar 3, 2008
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Universal background checks.

Total bs... Also add the following to your list, Diane F. Cory B, Kamala H, Elizabeth Warren. I could keep going and if I wanted to search for links of them all stating that's what they want to do aside from other people that aren't running for president. More and more laws are written by your party that have done nothing so you guys keep reaching till you disarm everyone.

I'm pretty tired of liberals telling me how to live my life. What I can own, what I can or can't say, now I have to ask for a straw with my drink, oh and if I don't agree with liberals I risk being called every name in the book, etc etc ect. In the meantime your party is so fucking desperate that they are willing to give away everything for free to get votes and set this country back who knows how many years with their socialist ideas. You guys keep saying it's for our kids or generations after us but have no problem promoting being lazy and living off the government.

Let's not forget lastly since Trump took office your party's voter base has been burning and shitting on the american flag and disrespecting the men and woman who have given their lives for this country. They also by doing so disrespect the men and women who are alive today serving and keeping us safe.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
She, along with her Mother, both Grandmothers, All four Great Grandmothers thought for themselves and have never depended on the system to "protect their class".
Her Great Great Grandmother on My Dads side clear back before the 19th century was college educated.
All those Women would slap the living shit out of a modern feminist. ;)
And most likely you, Ya gun grabber.
I could write a book on My family history on the Women's side about how they didn't use a crutch to succeed and I bet I'm not alone.
You mean like demanding universal suffrage so your daughter could vote?


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
You mean like demanding universal suffrage so your daughter could vote?
If you want to know where the true vote in this country goes to. It is how one spends the money one earns.
That alone has made more decisions than any ballot.
Next.. Baby Girls? :D

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
If you want to know where the true vote in this country goes to. It is how one spends the money one earns.
That alone has made more decisions than any ballot.
Next.. Baby Girls? :D
Perhaps, and another major focus of the feminist movement has been the fight for pay parity. Glad your daughter will live in a world where feminists have fought for her right to be fairly compensated.


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Perhaps, and another major focus of the feminist movement has been the fight for pay parity. Glad your daughter will live in a world where feminists have fought for her right to be fairly compensated.
Pinpoint when the " movement" started?
This is way off topic and you are grasping at straws but I'll play. :D


Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
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You mean like demanding universal suffrage so your daughter could vote?

Another Quality “GMAC DRIVEBY”

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
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Not exactly.
Hey WTG, curious for your perspective on AK PFD as relates to free stuff. I saw an article recently comparing it to the idea by Yang and others to give everyone $1000 a month. I do by the way find that idea whacky but there are enough serious economists talking about it here and Europe that I’m curious about it. Trickle up economics is at the very least an interesting conversation.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Pinpoint when the " movement" started?
This is way off topic and you are grasping at straws but I'll play. :D
In America? Well certainly by the late 1860’s when Susan B Anthony began fighting for women to have rights including suffrage.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hey WTG, curious for your perspective on AK PFD as relates to free stuff. I saw an article recently comparing it to the idea by Yang and others to give everyone $1000 a month. I do by the way find that idea whacky but there are enough serious economists talking about it here and Europe that I’m curious about it. Trickle up economics is at the very least an interesting conversation.

I was wondering when that topic would come up!

The PFD is not from taxpayer money. It is from the interest earned from invested royalties paid by Oil producers to the State.
And, by State law, the capital investment is NEVER touched.
The distribution is 50% of the INTEREST earned on the investment account annually. The other 50% is re-invested along with additional royalties collected. If the fund ever failed to earn (an impossibility as it is the largest single private investment that exists at one point) then there would be no distribution.

Uncle Jay (Gov Jay Hammond, the greatest elected Gov ever) knew that his money grubbing asshole peers would gut the fund if they could, so he successfully amended the State constitution first before creating the fund to make that illegal.

The fund is NOT a charity funded by the public. It is a distribution of half the interest earned on an investment.

So any parallel drawn is absolutely moot.
I’ve stated before that if the Federal Gov would model an investment from their Oil revenues (which are much greater than any single State) then they too could see astronomical return and fashion a similar distribution.

Alaska doesn’t give away money. They distribute half the interest earned on an investment...an investment that is now at $65 billion.

Alaska residents are “shareholders”...much like most native Corporation (tribe) members are shareholders and receive stipends from interest earned on corporation investments.

Edit: I’m not exactly certain of the current % of royalty capital that is invested annually. It may be half like the interest is?
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Almost Off the Grid
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The New York Times suddenly made a major revision to a supposed bombshell piece late Sunday 9/16/19concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — hours after virtually all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh.

The update included the significant detail that several friends of the alleged victim said she did not recall the purported sexual assault in question at all. The Times also stated for the first time that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed, and has made no other comment about the episode.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Gmac
On a side note, Gov Jay Hammond and his career is a fantastic read.
He is the epitome of the perfect conservative.
Even the Oracle would likely agree.
He was (and is posthumously) known as “Uncle Jay” by long time Alaskans.
I remember as a young man more than once sitting in The Lucky Wishbone and other cafes in Anchorage and he would be in there eating with his Carhart shirt sleeves rolled up and boots on talking with everyday people.

He was the frontline bad ass person you wanted running the State. He always knew what to do to benefit the State long term, and protected the State and it’s people from his peers at every turn.
He was in charge of State Government, yet warred with State Government.
He was Alaska’s “Ron Swanson”!
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Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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I'm as pro 2A or perhaps more, than anyone in here. BUT...what I saw, with my own eyes tells me something different than what your survey shows. Your survey actually makes you believe and trust the word of a convicted felon, in prison.

I sold guns, MYSELF to guys I would cross the street to avoid. Cash and carry, done.

I've repeatedly stated, I don't have the answers but can intuitively see part of the problem. The dealers that sell at these shows mostly all do the FBI instant background checks. Private to private, not a chance.

Again, I'm solid 2A, AR's, AK's I own em' all. I even have a Ferret, .50BMG. This, is different. I get the fact that letting the camels nose under the tent and all but geeez, go to a show and really watch who's there and what they're buying.

Sure, there are copious amounts of NRA supporting, honorable and law abiding Americans there. There are also Nefarious Rapscallions looking to buy hardware to perform their illicit acts, without trace or checks.

Ok now, lets bring some reality back into this conversation..what you witnessed would be what...20-50 people buying guns illegally at said gun show?

How many guns are there in America currently?

What percentage of that illegal purchases at guns shows verses how many criminals get guns through other means? I mean seriously...even in Kommiefornistan I can still walk into a bar, and within 15 minutes find a weapon.

You just need to know where to look.

My point being, loop holes in gun shows are such a tiny percentage of where criminals get guns, that it's laughable that the dems are screaming about it.

There is no way you can prevent criminals from obtaining weapons if they are even half as intelligent as a doorknob, the underworld has grown to be such a part of society now, you will never be able to stop it.

Take away the publicity. Take away any civil rights if you kill someone in cold blood. Make the penalty so damn vicious, publicly aired on national tv, that murder is unthinkable.

Then you might see some serious reduction in killing/shooting sprees....

But since humans are mostly crazy meat suits locked up in their own little heads, probably not.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
I was wondering when that topic would come up!

The PFD is not from taxpayer money. It is from the interest earned from invested royalties paid by Oil producers to the State.
And, by State law, the capital investment is NEVER touched.
The distribution is 50% of the INTEREST earned on the investment account annually. The other 50% is re-invested along with additional royalties collected. If the fund ever failed to earn (an impossibility as it is the largest single private investment that exists at one point) then there would be no distribution.

Uncle Jay (Gov Jay Hammond, the greatest elected Gov ever) knew that his money grubbing asshole peers would gut the fund if they could, so he successfully amended the State constitution first before creating the fund to make that illegal.

The fund is NOT a charity funded by the public. It is a distribution of half the interest earned on an investment.

So any parallel drawn is absolutely moot.
I’ve stated before that if the Federal Gov would model an investment from their Oil revenues (which are much greater than any single State) then they too could see astronomical return and fashion a similar distribution.

Alaska doesn’t give away money. They distribute half the interest earned on an investment...an investment that is now at $65 billion.

Alaska residents are “shareholders”...much like most native Corporation (tribe) members are shareholders and receive stipends from interest earned on corporation investments.

Edit: I’m not exactly certain of the current % of royalty capital that is invested annually. It may be half like the interest is?
I received a PFD for many years and am familiar with how it is funded. Regardless of whether it initially derives from taxation, at some point it is State money which is then given out to every man, woman, child in Alaska. That money could have been used to build Alaskan infrastructure instead rather than Alaska being one of the single biggest per capital recipients of Federal aid, so in a sense you could argue that the rest of us taxpayers are subsidizing the residents of Alaska receiving free money from their State. I think the good citizens of Alaska would argue that they couldn’t make ends meet without that largesse and that in fact their whole economy is goosed with that annual infusion of cash, which most of them immediately spend on plane tickets, snowmachines, boats etc. Trickle up economics. Is it a bad thing if there is money to pay for it?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
The New York Times suddenly made a major revision to a supposed bombshell piece late Sunday 9/16/19concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — hours after virtually all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh.

The update included the significant detail that several friends of the alleged victim said she did not recall the purported sexual assault in question at all. The Times also stated for the first time that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed, and has made no other comment about the episode.
You also see that NY attorney general just subpoenaed 8 years of Trump tax returns in ongoing STATE criminal investigation into Trumpworld?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Hey Gmac
On a side note, Gov Jay Hammond and his career is a fantastic read.
He is the epitome of the perfect conservative.
Even the Oracle would likely agree.
He was (and is posthumously) known as “Uncle Jay” by long time Alaskans.
I remember as a young man more than once sitting in The Lucky Wishbone and other cafes in Anchorage and he would be in there eating with his Carhart shirt sleeves rolled up and boots on talking with everyday people.

He was the frontline bad ass person you wanted running the State. He always knew what to do to benefit the State long term, and protected the State and it’s people from his peers at every turn.
He was in charge of State Government, yet warred with State Government.
He was Alaska’s “Ron Swanson”!
What’s the book title? I know of Hammond but lived in Alaska during the Knowles/Murkowski years. And are you sure you were sitting in The Lucky Wishbone rather than the Great Alaskan Bush Company?

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Ok now, lets bring some reality back into this conversation..what you witnessed would be what...20-50 people buying guns illegally at said gun show?

How many guns are there in America currently?

What percentage of that illegal purchases at guns shows verses how many criminals get guns through other means? I mean seriously...even in Kommiefornistan I can still walk into a bar, and within 15 minutes find a weapon.

You just need to know where to look.

My point being, loop holes in gun shows are such a tiny percentage of where criminals get guns, that it's laughable that the dems are screaming about it.

There is no way you can prevent criminals from obtaining weapons if they are even half as intelligent as a doorknob, the underworld has grown to be such a part of society now, you will never be able to stop it.

Take away the publicity. Take away any civil rights if you kill someone in cold blood. Make the penalty so damn vicious, publicly aired on national tv, that murder is unthinkable.

Then you might see some serious reduction in killing/shooting sprees....

But since humans are mostly crazy meat suits locked up in their own little heads, probably not.
And what is the original source of all those black market guns you allege criminals are buying? Guns that were originally sold legally or at least without a red flag on a background investigation. One MS13 can go in and buy 30 guns from Nganga at Crossroads and then sell them out of his trunk to his buddies in San Bernardino. Why not close that loophole? A background check in Arizona takes 20 minutes and is such a minor inconvenience there is no reason why every gun transfer in America can’t go through an FFL.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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And what is the original source of all those black market guns you allege criminals are buying? Guns that were originally sold legally or at least without a red flag on a background investigation. One MS13 can go in and buy 30 guns from Nganga at Crossroads and then sell them out of his trunk to his buddies in San Bernardino. Why not close that loophole? A background check in Arizona takes 20 minutes and is such a minor inconvenience there is no reason why every gun transfer in America can’t go through an FFL.
What about your atrocities Obama and holders gun deal? Wonder how many are dead with all the guns they peddeled


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
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And what is the original source of all those black market guns you allege criminals are buying? Guns that were originally sold legally or at least without a red flag on a background investigation. One MS13 can go in and buy 30 guns from Nganga at Crossroads and then sell them out of his trunk to his buddies in San Bernardino. Why not close that loophole? A background check in Arizona takes 20 minutes and is such a minor inconvenience there is no reason why every gun transfer in America can’t go through an FFL.

How are you going to do it without registering all guns which starts down a slippery slope.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
What’s the book title? I know of Hammond but lived in Alaska during the Knowles/Murkowski years. And are you sure you were sitting in The Lucky Wishbone rather than the Great Alaskan Bush Company?


But never saw Hammond at the Bush.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
How are you going to do it without registering all guns which starts down a slippery slope.
There is no registry on existing gun sale checks so why would that change?


Retired Neighbor
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
There is no registry on existing gun sale checks so why would that change?

How are you going to prove a background check was done? I have bought guns in CA ppt without background checks so the law can not be enforced.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
You were probably distracted.

It’s probable.

On a side note, I was at the “new” Bush Company on Grand Opening night.
The original was a dive on 4th avenue, back in the pre-Knowles era when 4th Ave was the Wild West.

For a while there was 2 Bush Companies. Then the old one got torched as I recall.
Hard to say with Edna Cox. She was as ruthless as they come.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
It’s probable.

On a side note, I was at the “new” Bush Company on Grand Opening night.
The original was a dive on 4th avenue, back in the pre-Knowles era when 4th Ave was the Wild West.

For a while there was 2 Bush Companies. Then the old one got torched as I recall.
Hard to say with Edna Cox. She was as ruthless as they come.
She was the proprietor? The one by the airport seemed civilized enough. Wild West meets Disney Princess.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Nope, not exactly but it is the mirror image of Bernie and Warren offering free tuition. Y’all want the world’s biggest and most expensive (by a ridiculous margin) military, but you don’t want to pay for it. You want roads, and cops, and jails, and currency, and all the other amenities of government but bitch, bitch, bitch about paying for it. Then with no sense of irony you mock fringe ideas like free tuition and health care for all on the left. Everybody seems to want free shit, just different free shit.

We spend to much money, period.

I do agree that most Republicans are as tax and spend as most any Democrats, and that isn't good by any stretch of the imagination. But the fact remains that "common defense" is written right there in the Constitution and many other things are not (like healthcare and education and social programs, ECT).

We spend far more on social spending than we do on defense, by a large margin.

Grandpa mac

Now politics is kinda boring ;)
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
We spend to much money, period.

I do agree that most Republicans are as tax and spend as most any Democrats, and that isn't good by any stretch of the imagination. But the fact remains that "common defense" is written right there in the Constitution and many other things are not (like healthcare and education and social programs, ECT).

We spend far more on social spending than we do on defense, by a large margin.
Providing for “the general welfare” is right there with common defense. And our military goes way beyond “common defense”. We spend something like the total for the next 19 countries behind us.

The one dollar of every two I cited for military spending refers to so-called discretionary spending and you are correct that it does not include the non-discretionary, legally mandated programs of Medicare and Social Security. Generations of Americans have paid into those programs their entire lives and have a right to expect their money back in retirement- hence the non discretionary designation. You think cutting those programs is where we should start?

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
She was the proprietor? The one by the airport seemed civilized enough. Wild West meets Disney Princess.

Oh yeah, Edna was straight up gangster.

She opened one in Phoenix as well.
I forget what happened exactly but I think her son went to prison for trying to blow it up or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Providing for “the general welfare” is right there with common defense. And our military goes way beyond “common defense”. We spend something like the total for the next 19 countries behind us.

The one dollar of every two I cited for military spending refers to so-called discretionary spending and you are correct that it does not include the non-discretionary, legally mandated programs of Medicare and Social Security. Generations of Americans have paid into those programs their entire lives and have a right to expect their money back in retirement- hence the non discretionary designation. You think cutting those programs is where we should start?

It's the next ten countries if memory serves, but the defense budget accounts for "only" 15% of the budget. Everything the US does in regards to budget dwarfs most other countries.

I think everyone's Ox is going to get gored before we are done. If it were up to me, programs would only be able to spend what they take in and not be able to float debt just to pay operating costs. Social Security (currently 24% of the budget) is going to get back to that in about 10 years when the "trust fund" is depleted.

I would be happy just paying for the obligations we have now, before taking on even more.