

Where Are My Shoes?
Mar 2, 2010
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Honestly the car is legally in the wrong, but when these douches are riding two wide on a street what do they expect? For everyone in the world to wait while they get their work out on?

I find it funny the guy that ran him over was the Dean of a university. Lol.

Come to Oregon. You have to give all bikes a ten foot right away. If you can't, you have to wait until traffic clears and you can pass using the oncoming lane. My mommy told me not to play in the road with my toys. Other mommies told their kids they have the right to do what ever they want, even if it kills them.:grumble:


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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The bottom line is if your tight shorts wearing ass is out in my lane and it comes down to me going head on with another vehicle or running you over your bicycle, you're going to lose that one every time.
Grads, this is the very thing I told ganga a year or so ago. So maybe you are coming around to the right side. Or is this just make believe?


Not Giving A Fuck Is An Art
Dec 19, 2007
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Geeezus, This is the perfect storm for me and you Grads. Time you got called out at your own game. As you know I ride bikes a "bit." Recently, due to an Ishiofemoral ligament injury (possible fatal to my cycling) I've picked up the sport of SUP, to keep myself fit. This 56 year old cyclist officially calls your ass out, in front of this entire forum...AT PARKER to race me for whatever you wish. I recommend we even establish wagers for the inmates. Gonna let a dumb ass old man call you out? A bike riding old man in bike pants?

BTW, I 've tried to ride my bike in shallow water, close to the shore, it didn't work. :D

Here's the venue.


I'll even wear my "gay little bike pants."

Are you new? If grads can swing a paddle 1/10th as well as he swings a dildo... :eek


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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I don't want to see anyone get hurt but some of these guys on bikes are asshats. They don't deserve that but fuck.

I don't have that problem much anymore, but it was a constant nightmare in NC.

One day traffic was backed up for close to 5 miles because some asshat thought riding his bike on a 55 mph road with curves and no shoulders is a good idea during rush hour traffic. After 15 minutes or so I was able to get around him only to be backed up later at a T intersection where he proceeds to pass all the traffic that struggled to get around him in the first place on the right, blow thru the stop sign and turn left in front of all the cars in line, and backed up traffic again.

When I caught up he got the horn and screamed at little, and he would have got some rolled coal if I was in my old pick up. I have almost bought a train horn just for these assholes.

They did this all the time during morning and afternoon rush hour commutes. I had zero problems with it on the weekends but to do it during those times is crazy. Especially when nearly every neighbor hood has bike paths and area where it would be much safer. They aren't only endangering themselves but others as well.

I'd hate to have to make a choice coming around a blind corner between the cyclists or and oncoming family of 4 in mom's minivan.

There is a time and place for it. Just wish they'd make smarter choices on some occasions.

Share the road, but realize your choice is affecting everyone else, and not always in a positive manner.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Geeezus, This is the perfect storm for me and you Grads. Time you got called out at your own game. As you know I ride bikes a "bit." Recently, due to an Ishiofemoral ligament injury (possible fatal to my cycling) I've picked up the sport of SUP, to keep myself fit. This 56 year old cyclist officially calls your ass out, in front of this entire forum...AT PARKER to race me for whatever you wish. I recommend we even establish wagers for the inmates. Gonna let a dumb ass old man call you out? A bike riding old man in bike pants?

BTW, I 've tried to ride my bike in shallow water, close to the shore, it didn't work. :D

Here's the venue.


I'll even wear my "gay little bike pants."

All I got from this is grads is a pussy and scared to race the old man in bike shorts.

I'm failing to see the relevance from what Grads said to this challenge? On top of which I fail even more to see the point of it other than nganga insinuating that he is more of a man than grads.. but while doing so picking something that it's a given he would win at? That isn't machismo last I checked? Be about like me challenging him to a drinking contest on Saturday night and saying I'll even show up with my beer belly. Lol. Or the inverse of having Grads and him both start with 10k and let them both say trade for a month or two and see who wins.

If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.

That's pretty off the topic though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I'm failing to see the relevance from what Grads said to this challenge? On top of which I fail even more to see the point of it other than nganga insinuating that he is more of a man than grads.. but while doing so picking something that it's a given he would win at? That isn't machismo last I checked? Be about like me challenging him to a drinking contest on Saturday night and saying I'll even show up with my beer belly. Lol. Or the inverse of having Grads and him both start with 10k and let them both say trade for a month or two and see who wins.

If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.

That's pretty off the topic though.

Lighten up Francis. Where has you're bench racing funny bone gone? Damn dude

You still have your head so far in grads lap it's silly.

Carry on.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Lighten up Francis. Where has you're bench racing funny bone gone? Damn dude

You want to discuss bench racing between Grads (self explanatory) vs Nganga in tights on paddle boards. What's the winning prize? Who gets the trophy for queerest guy on the lake?

You still have your head so far in grads lap it's silly.

Carry on.

Says the guy wearing the knee pads betting a hundy on the old man in tights. LOL



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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You want to discuss bench racing between Grads (self explanatory) vs Nganga in tights on paddle boards. What's the winning prize? Who gets the trophy for queerest guy on the lake?

Says the guy wearing the knee pads betting a hundy on the old man in tights. LOL


I would bet on you in a bike race against nganga before I bet on grads for anything.

How's that for betting on the long shot?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I would bet on you in a bike race against nganga before I bet on grads for anything.

How's that for betting on the long shot?

There comes a time where you pass heart, and fall into "bad bet" category. Lol. I'd bet the ranch on nganga through a friend and get paid.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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I'm failing to see the relevance from what Grads said to this challenge? On top of which I fail even more to see the point of it other than nganga insinuating that he is more of a man than grads.. but while doing so picking something that it's a given he would win at? That isn't machismo last I checked? Be about like me challenging him to a drinking contest on Saturday night and saying I'll even show up with my beer belly. Lol. Or the inverse of having Grads and him both start with 10k and let them both say trade for a month or two and see who wins.

If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.

That's pretty off the topic though.


I've been paddle boarding three weeks. I am a newbie as it can get.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I've been paddle boarding three weeks. I am a newbie as it can get.

You are an endurance athlete.. you bike for hundreds of miles, and if I recall even did some triathalons?

Go hit up 138 (member here) for a paddle board race. I'll bet on him.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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This was taken June 22, my first time out to Lake Pleasant. Hardly a lock, I'd say. But I get your point.



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2009
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If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.


Since he's posted lots of pictures of himself on a paddle board, maybe nganga thought Grads was good on a paddle board? Grads should have the advantage of both youth and experience.

Other than that, sucking dildos is something Grads has posted pics of himself doing. Are you suggesting nganga should have taken on the uncertain situation and challenged grads to a deep throat contest? :yikes

That's not a contest that would draw too many onlookers or betting. :thumbsdown

Lunatic Fringe

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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I'm failing to see the relevance from what Grads said to this challenge? On top of which I fail even more to see the point of it other than nganga insinuating that he is more of a man than grads.. but while doing so picking something that it's a given he would win at? That isn't machismo last I checked? Be about like me challenging him to a drinking contest on Saturday night and saying I'll even show up with my beer belly. Lol. Or the inverse of having Grads and him both start with 10k and let them both say trade for a month or two and see who wins.

If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.

That's pretty off the topic though.

You need more machismo? Somebody mentioned adding the element of paintball dodging to the event. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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As an avid cyclist here in LHC - this is a maddening thread. The comments and attitudes by a few of the "members" are wholly unacceptable. To say that it's "ok" to run down a cyclist for any reason, doesn't sit well with me. Our community lost 2 great people not long ago, and lots of people are still grieving.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
As an avid cyclist here in LHC - this is a maddening thread. The comments and attitudes by a few of the "members" are wholly unacceptable. To say that it's "ok" to run down a cyclist for any reason, doesn't sit well with me. Our community lost 2 great people not long ago, and lots of people are still grieving.

Sad deal for sure.. even more of a life lesson to stay to the right!

Watching that video I saw an inconsiderate prick holding up traffic for god know how long.. but it must have been long enough to put that guy in the Volvo on tilt and make him mad enough to give him a little "nudge."


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Hey look, my comment about Parker being a shithole was uncalled for because I've never been there.

But let's face it, someone in this thread called it....I don't even like to drive to the Delta which is 45 minutes from my house. No way in hell I'm driving to parker to paddle board.

Anybody that knows me knows I very rarely turn down a challenge and for that reason I lose a lot.:smackhead If nganga is ever up in my neck of the woods I would take that challenge any day.

I'd also like to challenge anyone to a vacuum or dust off.;):finger


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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Watching the video, I saw the driver attempt to maim or kill another human being .


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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What's maddening is the driver driving off. What goes through their mind? Was that someones son? a husband? a father? what if he broke his leg? his arm? how is he supposed to get home? What if he hit the concrete hard enough to sustain internal bleeding?

But I guess slowing down traffic for about 10 seconds or driving safely on the opposite site of lane isn't as fun as killing someone or running them over in a car.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Watching the video, I saw the driver attempt to maim or kill another human being .

What's maddening is the driver driving off. What goes through their mind? Was that someones son? a husband? a father? what if he broke his leg? his arm? how is he supposed to get home? What if he hit the concrete hard enough to sustain internal bleeding?

But I guess slowing down traffic for about 10 seconds or driving safely on the opposite site of lane isn't as fun as killing someone or running them over in a car.

Looked to me like he gave him a quick ride on his hood. It wasn't like he center punched the guy with the pedal to the wood.

Internal bleeding? Lol. Come on.. old timers slip and fall harder than that.
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Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Watching the video, I saw the driver attempt to maim or kill another human being .

Really, because I saw a cyclist out damn near the double yellow line when he had plenty of room to be on the side of the road.


Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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I don't know where you guys live but around here there are a lot of back roads that are only two lanes with a 50 m.p.h. speed limit that have a bunch of blind corners. For some reason cyclist pick these roads to ride instead of wide open roads. What I don't understand is why they pick these roads? There's not enough money in the world for me to ride a bike on these roads.

A lot of these roads are on the way to the lake. Guess what, if I come around one of those turns pulling a 10,000lb. boat doing 50 mph and there is another car coming the other way you're going to look like the guy in the video.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2014
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I don't know where you guys live but around here there are a lot of back roads that are only two lanes with a 50 m.p.h. speed limit that have a bunch of blind corners. For some reason cyclist pick these roads to ride instead of wide open roads. What I don't understand is why they pick these roads? There's not enough money in the world for me to ride a bike on these roads.

A lot of these roads are on the way to the lake. Guess what, if I come around one of those turns pulling a 10,000lb. boat doing 50 mph and there is another car coming the other way you're going to look like the guy in the video.

If you're pulling a 10,000lb boat doing 50mph in the backwoods then you're the dumb ass. Look guys this dude intentionally ran down a biker, that's not ok. This isn't a thug stopping traffic, he's riding a bike for fuck sakes

Edit: and I can't stand roadies


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Looked to me like he gave him a quick ride on his hood. It wasn't like he center punched the guy with the pedal to the wood.

Internal bleeding? Lol. Come on.. old timers slip and fall harder than that.

Unless this Dean has some experience in driving people over and does it with such ease that the cyclists he/she hits sustains no major injuries after a crash, maybe you're right. But I have seen accidents with way less impact then this, that have caused broken collar bones, broken arms, head bruising, anytime you go over your handlebars, you are susceptible to all kinds of damage. (ask me how i know) Your body goes over the bars preventing your arms to stop the fall and landing on your head. This dude got extremely lucky he didn't land on his head. You still think this is ok to do? run someone over with your car and not stop to check to see if he's ok? I mean why do we even stop with small accidents. Why do people ask if "they're ok, is anyone injured" I mean nevertheless they are protected by a car with bumpers, air bags, seat belts. A cyclists has 0 protection. Maybe a water bottle and a spare tube.

So in theory, as long as your driving slow, and not going 60, it's ok to "bump" a cyclist at 35 cause asphalt at 35 is just a bump and a bruise while wearing no protection and a thin suit. Damage to the bike? well it's just a bike, you know couple bruises, couple days off of work. It's probably what the cyclists wanted to encounter while going on a bike ride.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Just a silly misunderstanding according to the Dean...... :eek



Phishing license is paid up to date
Dec 19, 2007
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Just a silly misunderstanding according to the Dean...... :eek

I get that considering he had to cross all the way over the double yellow line he was probably watching for oncoming traffic.


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
I'm failing to see the relevance from what Grads said to this challenge? On top of which I fail even more to see the point of it other than nganga insinuating that he is more of a man than grads.. but while doing so picking something that it's a given he would win at? That isn't machismo last I checked? Be about like me challenging him to a drinking contest on Saturday night and saying I'll even show up with my beer belly. Lol. Or the inverse of having Grads and him both start with 10k and let them both say trade for a month or two and see who wins.

If for some reason nganga wants to prove he's more of a man then don't be a bitch about it and bet on a lock.. Show some heart and bet on an uncertain situation where the odds aren't in your favor, but you got the balls and the drive to overcome the odds.

That's pretty off the topic though.
What the hell rd. You can't be throwing logic around like that. Somebody might get offended.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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he's riding a bike for fuck sakes

Edit: and I can't stand roadies

He's riding a bike 2 wide on a single lane street with no passing.. AKA holding up the rest of the world because his life is more important.


Yeah... I would have had a lot more respect for the guy if he had said "I have to wait for these fucking idiots all the time, and I just snapped.. I'm really sorry and will happily pay for it all, and let this be a learning experience to all, don't run over the douchebag holding up your life because his work out is more important." :D

I get that considering he had to cross all the way over the double yellow line he was probably watching for oncoming traffic.

C'mon Grads.. He told the cops someone threw a bike at the car, now he's claiming he never saw the guy..



Motor Boating
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
As an avid cyclist here in LHC - this is a maddening thread. The comments and attitudes by a few of the "members" are wholly unacceptable. To say that it's "ok" to run down a cyclist for any reason, doesn't sit well with me. Our community lost 2 great people not long ago, and lots of people are still grieving.
Exactly. Lost an uncle years ago when he clipped from behind riding in the bike lane. People suck sometimes [emoji107]

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The bikers vs motor vehicles will go on forever in today's "me" society. I get it that bikes have rights on the roads and all that. What I don't get is the way many overdo those rights from a common sense and personal safety standpoint. Riding side by side is just stupid. Traffic cannot safely pass and the biker will be the one to get hurt if a collision occurs regardless of who is at fault.

Those that choose to defy the laws of common sense are too often the ones that cause situations that would never happen if they just kept as far right as possible. Making points to drivers is just stupid.

And then there is the biker that just doesn't seem to have a clue about roads being filled with traffic. Years back I was driving a Houston metro area road that always has a lot of bike traffic. Everyone shares and pretty well gets along. One Saturday morning I was cruising along this 2 lane about 45-50. Speed limit is 55. I was several car lengths back of the vehicle in front of me when we came over a slight curve on a hill that had a bridge at the bottom of the downhill side. The guy in front crested the hill and jammed on the brakes. A small group of bikes was pulled off the road just past the bridge waiting for and yelling at this stupid lady that had stopped dead in the middle of the bridge, laid her bike down in the right lane and was trying to move a damned turtle from the road where it entered the narrow bridge......Dumb bitch was completely oblivious to traffic and worried about a frickin' turtle getting hit. She could have easily been killed if a driver wasn't paying strict attention.:yikes:rolleyes

There are always gonna be accidents. And there are gonna be accidents that never had to happen if folks just made common sense decisions.;)


Jul 12, 2012
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Those that have never gotten off their lazy asses will never understand the reasoning behind riding 2 wide. Do some asshats over do it? Absolutely. There will always be that inconsiderate elitist fuck on a 10k rig that thinks hes Armstrong.
But I dont blame the guy from riding two wide in this instance. Two lane road, no shoulder, no escape plan if some idiot wanted to drive within inches even if he was in single file.....

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Those that have never gotten off their lazy asses will never understand the reasoning behind riding 2 wide. Do some asshats over do it? Absolutely. There will always be that inconsiderate elitist fuck on a 10k rig that thinks hes Armstrong.
But I dont blame the guy from riding two wide in this instance. Two lane road, no shoulder, no escape plan if some idiot wanted to drive within inches even if he was in single file.....

So what is the reasoning for riding 2 wide? There are a lot of bikers in my area and I seldom if ever see them riding side by side. I'm curious.....

The idiot in the OP was a very poor driver and caused the accident. But 2 wide to me put the rider is bad spot when the idiot passed. No excuse for not stopping and he deserves to be punished.:thumbsdown


Jul 12, 2012
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So what is the reasoning for riding 2 wide? There are a lot of bikers in my area and I seldom if ever see them riding side by side. I'm curious.....

The idiot in the OP was a very poor driver and caused the accident. But 2 wide to me put the rider is bad spot when the idiot passed. No excuse for not stopping and he deserves to be punished.:thumbsdown

Riding two abreast, in circumstances like these where there is no relief or shoulder, forces the driver to slow down and make a safe wide pass like the f150 did. Not only that, but its technically faster to pass a group riding two abreast than it is passing a single file. Think of it like passing another slow moving vehicle. Youre only going to pass when its safe to do so right? Not when riding single file. One of two things will happen whenever people come up on a group riding single file. Theyll either creep by passing as slow as possible to avoid any contact or theyll blow by not giving a fuck. I cant count how many times ive ridden single file and have had idiots blow by me.

He's riding a bike 2 wide on a single lane street with no passing.. AKA holding up the rest of the world because his life is more important.
Btw the Natchez Trace Parkway is a designated bike route. This isnt just some "single lane street" that people use as a means to commute to and from work like lets say beach blvd.

Old Texan

Honorary Warden #377 Emeritus - R.I.P.
Dec 19, 2007
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Riding two abreast, in circumstances like these where there is no relief or shoulder, forces the driver to slow down and make a safe wide pass like the f150 did. Not only that, but its technically faster to pass a group riding two abreast than it is passing a single file. Think of it like passing another slow moving vehicle. Youre only going to pass when its safe to do so right? Not when riding single file. One of two things will happen whenever people come up on a group riding single file. Theyll either creep by passing as slow as possible to avoid any contact or theyll blow by not giving a fuck. I cant count how many times ive ridden single file and have had idiots blow by me.

Btw the Natchez Trace Parkway is a designated bike route. This isnt just some "single lane street" that people use as a means to commute to and from work like lets say beach blvd.

Understood. I'm going a lot on observations. I have a arthritic neck condition and can no longer comfortably ride a bicycle. So I really miss it.

But as I mentioned, we have a lot of riders in this area and the high percentage ride rural roads single file. They also tend to spread out and make passing easier. Many rural roads have also added bike lanes which really don't allow 2 wide. Overall from what I see daily is a good relationship between bikers and drivers around here.:thumbsup

What I personally don't care for about 2 wide is the inside rider gets too close to the center line and drivers get uncomfortably close to them when pulling back in the lane. Just like the Trace accident happened. My preference is to allow as much room as possible because one never know when a poor driver like the Volvo guy will be passing. I understand it takes longer to pass 10 in single line that 10 double, but idiots like Volvo guy are dangerous to any combination.;)

Also, I've driven the Trace in MS and it's narrow with no passing for the most part. Passing areas are designated and speed limit is I believe 50mph. Many drivers get involved in the scenery and just don't pay attention.

Check out the Park's suggested safety rules on the Trace. Single file is the highly suggested way to ride.:D

The Natchez Trace Parkway welcomes millions of visitors each year. As a designated bicycling route, thousands of bicyclists travel the Parkway. Bicyclists and motorists have a responsibility to
share the road (PDF 319 KB).

Know your physical limits. Summers along the Parkway are hot and humid. Be prepared to adjust your route and carry plenty of water.
Follow the same rules of the road as motorists. Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers.
Ride single-file and on the right (with traffic).
While bicyclists may use the entire lane when necessary, the Parkway encourages bicyclists to ride as far to the right as is practicable unless
it is unsafe to do so,

the bicyclist is passing another bicyclist or pedestrian or
the bicyclist is preparing for a left-hand turn.
Use hand signals to let motorists know what you will be doing next.
Avoid the Tupelo, MS, and Jackson, MS, areas between the hours of 7:00 am - 9:00 am and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, due to an increased volume of vehicle traffic.
Plan to be off of the Parkway between sundown and sunup. Use lights and reflectors in low-light conditions.
Use a white light or reflector that is visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front.
Use a red light or reflector that is visible from at least 200 feet to the rear.
In addition to low light conditions, bicyclists will frequently be riding in mixed sun and shade. Using lights and reflectors in these conditions will help bicyclists be more visible.
Wear brightly-colored, high-visibility clothing and a properly fitting helmet.
Carry identification and emergency medical information.
Treat pedestrians with the same courtesy you would expect from motorists.
Report all incidents involving bicyclists or pedestrians to the Natchez Trace Parkway at (800) 305-7417. In emergency situations, call 911.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
As an avid cyclist here in LHC - this is a maddening thread. The comments and attitudes by a few of the "members" are wholly unacceptable. To say that it's "ok" to run down a cyclist for any reason, doesn't sit well with me. Our community lost 2 great people not long ago, and lots of people are still grieving.
RIP Larry and Deborah


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Those that have never gotten off their lazy asses will never understand the reasoning behind riding 2 wide. Do some asshats over do it? Absolutely. There will always be that inconsiderate elitist fuck on a 10k rig that thinks hes Armstrong.
But I dont blame the guy from riding two wide in this instance. Two lane road, no shoulder, no escape plan if some idiot wanted to drive within inches even if he was in single file.....

Riding two abreast, in circumstances like these where there is no relief or shoulder, forces the driver to slow down and make a safe wide pass like the f150 did. Not only that, but its technically faster to pass a group riding two abreast than it is passing a single file. Think of it like passing another slow moving vehicle. Youre only going to pass when its safe to do so right? Not when riding single file. One of two things will happen whenever people come up on a group riding single file. Theyll either creep by passing as slow as possible to avoid any contact or theyll blow by not giving a fuck. I cant count how many times ive ridden single file and have had idiots blow by me.

Btw the Natchez Trace Parkway is a designated bike route. This isnt just some "single lane street" that people use as a means to commute to and from work like lets say beach blvd.

Well there ya have it.. lol.

Waffles, I'm glad you put some kind of reasoning out there.. granted it's bizarre, self absorbed, and narcissistic, but at least there's some kinda train of thought to it.

So I guess the real important lesson here is to look for go pros or video devices on helmets and don't hit them with the car. Instead have some kinda long stick or something you can hang out through the window to gently give them a tap in the head to reset the brilliant logic of "forcing" anybody in a 3-5,000 lb anything to do something while on a ten lb, bicycle.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Blows my mind how macho and inconceivably harmful many of these opinions are.:eek
I don't get the logic of "why do these bikers think they're special" and take the whole road? Because they can and are allowed to, just like you are allowed to drive on the road. The car driver is no more special than the biker, they just have a big deadly weapon and it makes them/us feel more entitled.
How about this for an example.....In Pacific Beach you're allowed to ride bikes on the boardwalk, designed for pedestrians originally but with modified uses to allow bikes and segways. Same with this road on the video. Be completely selfish for a biker to be pissed at pedestrians being 2 wide and slowing them down. Getting all pissed off at a biker on a road designated for bike and vehicle use is plain selfish and nothing else. What's your damn hurry? There ain't no checkered flag at the end to win. Next time chose the route that won't have this issue if you're in such a hurry.
Fuck, hell yeah I get the frustration, been stuck behind plenty but I'd NEVER ever consider hitting or harming one with my vehicle or hold a damn stick out the window....that's just fucking assinine. They might get a few verbal jabs as I pass but nothing even bordering a physical assault.
.No I don't ride bikes other than a beach cruiser along the beach or boardwalk once in a bluemoon.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
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I think the risk of being hit by an oncoming vehicle that is doing 50+ miles per hour about 5-7 feet from you is far greater than having a car drive faster by you because you're single file.

Sorry common sense snuck out a little bit.