Canada - Freedom Convoy


2022 32 Doug Wright
Mar 3, 2008
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They are so content and have filled their pockets so much that they want to wipe out 7/8ths of the population?

Absolutely. That is why he continues to invest in the next greatest possible thing that will win in the marketplace. Even Buffett is that way.

Drive and ambition is not something one learns, it is in their DNA and no amount is enough. It is how they keep score.

And the last thing they want is to reduce their market, they want to grow it and keep expanding their empire.
I disagree with you on Bill Gates. He uses his wealth for his agenda, period, and is very open about it now. Pre-covid I was researching him reading and watching videos and like you say I was impressed by his "ambitions' in medical research and advancements. When covid hit, if you searched hard other videos popped up and well my views changed on him. Then noticing how the media was interviewing him during the pandemic as if he was going to save us and pushing vaccines it was just making more sense. He is using his wealth for control at this point and wants to be the only go to person the U.S. turns to in how to live are lives.

Buffett is just straight up old school business man, this guy knows nothing else. His generation is what I call creatures of habit, once they do something well or something they are comfortable with they do nothing else. He has stated multiple times he loves what he does (making money) and plans to donate all of it to charities when he passes away and not his family which is fine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I disagree with you on Bill Gates. He uses his wealth for his agenda, period, and is very open about it now. Pre-covid I was researching him reading and watching videos and like you say I was impressed by his "ambitions' in medical research and advancements. When covid hit, if you searched hard other videos popped up and well my views changed on him. Then noticing how the media was interviewing him during the pandemic as if he was going to save us and pushing vaccines it was just making more sense. He is using his wealth for control at this point and wants to be the only go to person the U.S. turns to in how to live are lives.

Buffett is just straight up old school business man, this guy knows nothing else. His generation is what I call creatures of habit, once they do something well or something they are comfortable with they do nothing else. He has stated multiple times he loves what he does (making money) and plans to donate all of it to charities when he passes away and not his family which is fine.
Following your logic, why would either of these NWO globalists want to wipe out 7/8ths of their customers and workers. Why would a wealthy person want to crush his very own business and as a result, a great deal of their wealth?

I get they want to control other people. So does everyone in here otherwise they wouldn’t be espousing how they think others should behave and what others should believe. But why wipe out all you have spent your life working on economically when you can control a vast majority of these people without killing 7/8ths of them off? Look how many Trump and Obama now control and how short of a period that was accomplished. No reason to kill them, they will blindly follow.

Your theory baffles me?

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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@530RL . . . let me ask you this. I'm assuming you have a boat and enjoy the boating lifestyle.
If you had the power . . .say a 'magic wand' and could wave it and have Lake Havasu, (or your favorite crowded lake location) be less than 1/2 as crowded on any given holiday, would you? No booking anything months in advance just to be 'shoe-horn'd in' , any sandbar or launch ramp would have zero or very little congestion. No traffic jams, less pollution, free to go wherever you like at any time w/o worrying about getting stuck in rush hour traffic.
When you arrived at your location, everyone would be of similar social-stature and like-minded.
Those pesky 'lake lice' on PWC's would be a thing of the past . . . zero EZ-Ups & trash left in the channel . . . starting to get the picture ?
It's a pretty simple theory if you think about it.

I've never really known anyone with a LOT of money . . . except 1 guy. I don't know how much money he actually 'HAD', but I do know that he moved around a TON of money in his daily business. I won't say what 'industry' he was in because I had a pretty bad falling out with him ONCE. My old business partner and I 'half-way' joked afterwards about the 'black van' pulling up in front of our houses (kinda funny, kinda not).

This guy had a LOT of power and influence, in not just his field of business, but even the city and county where he lived. This guy wouldn't even be blip on a radar compared to these tech giants etc. . . . . but from what I saw, and what he was capable of, I didn't want ANYTHING to do with it and still keep my mouth shut about it to this day . . . and that was around 10 years ago.

So taking my 'little' experience into account, I was 'enlightened' a little as to how much power some people posses in the 'general public'. I can only imagine what the real heavy hitters are capable of.

It seems to me that you often get on here for the sole reason to be to the contrary on most any topic. To each is own I guess, but I scratch my head as to 'why'.
It'd be like me going into a boat shop and wanting to talk to people about the pollution the boats are putting out, the noise they are creating, and how the crowds are effecting the natural balance of the lake. Kinda doesn't make any sense.


2022 32 Doug Wright
Mar 3, 2008
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Following your logic, why would either of these NWO globalists want to wipe out 7/8ths of their customers and workers. Why would a wealthy person want to crush his very own business and as a result, a great deal of their wealth?

I get they want to control other people. So does everyone in here otherwise they wouldn’t be espousing how they think others should behave and what others should believe. But why wipe out all you have spent your life working on economically when you can control a vast majority of these people without killing 7/8ths of them off? Look how many Trump and Obama now control and how short of a period that was accomplished. No reason to kill them, they will blindly follow.

Your theory baffles me?
Well first I never said 7/8ths, second never said anything about customers and workers. Lastly, I don't believe every single globalist has this view just a a certain amount.

Next thing is you have to not just look at it from a business view. You have a select few who have achieved great wealth who have gotten to a point in life that they know they can pretty much get whatever they want. Like you said it's in their DNA to achieve what they feel is the next big thing. For whatever reason some of these people have been on the record saying they feel the world is over populated by x amount. They have the money they have a good portion of control and now they have another goal. To them this "goal" is a problem that needs to be addressed in ways they feel it needs to be done. I am sure you as a business man your job is not just to make money, it's to operate a business as best as it can and net the most it can in the most efficient way possible. I am sure it requires problem solving of all sorts just like any other business. Look, this isn't some theory I came up with, this is just based of what some of these people have said is all. I am not saying every globalist or billionaire is out to destroy the world but a select few do feel and have said this planet does not have the recourses to survive past "x" year and population is the problem.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Snip…… Sarah Carter is legit and why I posted it, but I’m having a hard time confirming it.



Jan 9, 2010
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Crazy how fast it caught on here too. Question Everything comes to mind.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Following your logic, why would either of these NWO globalists want to wipe out 7/8ths of their customers and workers. Why would a wealthy person want to crush his very own business and as a result, a great deal of their wealth?

I get they want to control other people. So does everyone in here otherwise they wouldn’t be espousing how they think others should behave and what others should believe. But why wipe out all you have spent your life working on economically when you can control a vast majority of these people without killing 7/8ths of them off? Look how many Trump and Obama now control and how short of a period that was accomplished. No reason to kill them, they will blindly follow.

Your theory baffles me?

Your only considering totals and bottom lines.
Think percentages, think beyond money for one second.
Think about the agendas of global consortiums.
It’s about longevity, about societies and future existence.
Money, and the gathering of money, does not figure into it at that level.
I know you won’t understand. To you it’s all about money.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are imagined in your philosophy”

If you are actually being honest, and really don’t understand Global agendas, then I simply do not have the tools to educate you.
It’s simply too great a chore.


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Out of curiosity why would the NWO run by a bunch of big business globalists who love cheap labor want to wipe out 7/8ths of their employees, customers and the worldwide economy?

How would that meet their goals or needs? 🤷🤷🤷

So now you say that the worlds entire population is productive?
Hmmm seems like you’ve changed your tune from your usual bitching about welfare cases and the dregs of society?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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That's assault with a Deadly Weapon!

But Protecting and Serving the Shit out of You is OK! Isn't Martial Law great!!! 5-O be like We can Do whatever the Fuck we want! Especially in Canadastan!! Whoop Whoop!
brave Cops take down a wounded Veteran. So Brave! Oh Canadastan!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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Out of curiosity why would the NWO run by a bunch of big business globalists who love cheap labor want to wipe out 7/8ths of their employees, customers and the worldwide economy?

How would that meet their goals or needs? 🤷🤷🤷

Sometimes Less=More


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2021
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and the elites think they have the win? not by a long shot!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2014
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Are the truckers are cleared off the streets in Ottawa?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Yes, the truckers are out of Ottawa. But protests remain across the country. Should be big protests across Canada this weekend. Despite Ottawa and the border blocks ended, Trudeau wants to keep his emergency powers.........................



Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Commies have NEVER seen a power grab they didn’t like. Godspeed to our patriots to the north.

Stock up, stop working and bring those bastards to their knees!!!!

When you get your guns back, teach your grandchildren to NEVER give them up, under any circumstance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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#2, The Wicked Witch of the North is on the Warpath. The beginning of the end for Canada. North Korea for Canadastan. Accounts frozen. First is coming up. car payments, utilities, house payments, medical insurance lol, er taxes, Ah, food? Fuel? Accounts of "Occupiers', to be "Monitored," going forward. Documenting all involved, Prosecutions to follow, On and on and on. J6 on steroids. Shoulda what? Never disarmed, at all, And revised the Canadian Bill of Rights. Godspeed Canada.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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My cousin is a lawyer and said we should stop posting on social media about this. He says the liberals and NDP have gone crazy. His caution was we don't know how far they are going to go.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...ruck-convoy-donation/ar-AAU8jR6?ocid=msedgntp to quote the RCMP in the article: “Under the emergency economic measures order (Emergencies Act), the list that was provided to financial institutions included identities of individuals who were influencers in the illegal protest in Ottawa, and owners and/or drivers of vehicles who did not want to leave the area impacted by the protest. At no time, did we provide a list of donors to financial institutions." --RCMP

My lawyer cousin pointed out an influencer could be someone who cheered on the convoy or wrote anti Trudeau comments on social media! We've entered dictatorship.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Probably be missed by most, but I was wondering if she actually died. The video I saw looked as if she was standing with the aid of the Law Enforcement (whoever they were) right after the horses went by. I hope she is alive. Up to this point I actually thought the lady we were talking about is the one pictured under the horse, but it is actually the one laying on the ground in the red jacket.

But that won't stop the hysteria over the actions taken. That plane has already left the runway, even flying right through the RDP world, as we see in real time in this and other threads.

Propaganda at its finest, and the reason why click bait should always be scrutinized. Well unless it is by certain posters about certain topics, then fire away beyond reproach👍
Compare this to several months ago when the propaganda came out that the border patrol was whipping and trampling illegals while on horseback. It is the exact same tactic.

It’s all stupid propaganda. It’s a tense situation, sadly shit happens.
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Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...ruck-convoy-donation/ar-AAU8jR6?ocid=msedgntp to quote the RCMP in the article: “Under the emergency economic measures order (Emergencies Act), the list that was provided to financial institutions included identities of individuals who were influencers in the illegal protest in Ottawa, and owners and/or drivers of vehicles who did not want to leave the area impacted by the protest. At no time, did we provide a list of donors to financial institutions." --RCMP

My lawyer cousin pointed out an influencer could be someone who cheered on the convoy or wrote anti Trudeau comments on social media! We've entered dictatorship.

The complete irony of that bitches name. Free land. And she doesn't want freedom for canada.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Compare this to several months ago when the propaganda came out that the border patrol was whipping and trampling illegals while on horseback. It is the exact same tactic.

It’s all stupid propaganda. It’s a tense situation, sadly shit happens.
Damn! The mounties had whips?!
Sorry, putting rumor mill in overdrive early.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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The lesson being taught to US citizens by way of Canada:

1. Do not allow LEO to arrest you.

2. Do not allow LEO to take you into custody, because the punishment is the government process under martial law or the Patriot act in the USA.

3. Be peaceful but vigilant. Record names, badge numbers and pictures for facial recognition software.

When the people take back our country, traitors will be held accountable. Never Forget how easy it was for Castro Jr. and the Parliament to invoke Martial Law in round one. I believe round two will be epic from the people of Canada. Prayers with Canadian freedom fighters.

Also Canada

Fool Me Once
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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We have two legislature branches. The House Of Commons and The Senate. The emergencies act still needs to pass the senate. But I'm not hopeful. Senators are appointed by the prime minister and not vetted. They are pretty liberal and usually rubber stamp House Of Commons passed bills.

We are now under WEF rule!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
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Oh, I'm not surprised by our police. This is the oath they take in British Columbia:

For the purposes of section 70 of the Police Act, the following are to be used as the forms of oath or solemn affirmation, as applicable:

(a) for an officer other than an enforcement officer:

I, ....................[name], do [swear/solemnly affirm] that:

  • I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors;

  • I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of Her Majesty's subjects;

  • I will faithfully, honestly and impartially perform my duties as..................................[office]. ;
(b) for an enforcement officer or bylaw enforcement officer:

I, ....................[name], do [swear/solemnly affirm] that:

  • I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors;

  • I will faithfully, honestly and impartially perform my duties as...............................[office]. " --source http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/police/r204_98.htm a government website
Since in Canada the Queen is represented by a Governor General who operates on advice from our prime minister. Our police swear allegiance to the government! The RCMP take a similar oath of allegiance. But they also take a secrecy oath.

Our country is designed to be a dictatorship!