California is no longer the promised land


Catchy Custom User Title
Sep 24, 2007
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OUCH! You had to move to 3 different states to try and equal what you left behind in California? “Bye Bye Felicia” You and other SoCal knuckleheads :DShould’ve looked at the other 75% of California instead of assuming it’s all like SoCal.
Every one these California photo locations is less than 3 hours from Sacramento and is every bit as awesome if not better than your new promised lands in 3 states.
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The photo of Tahoe you posted is in Nevada not California. I live 15min from there.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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The grammar police game. It's your favorite game as you made a point to bring a misspelling of mine to everyone's attention. Maybe we should play the short term memory game? :D
Your right I don't remember. Refresh my short term memory. :D


Feb 22, 2011
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I get what you're saying and why ;)
But in truth I can see where the rather symbiotic relationship helps both states. The Havasu resort where we hang loves the snowbirds and it's no secret they reside higher in the pecking order than do us full timers and summer visitors.
Funny, but it's easily overlooked by the full time SD residents, especially those of us living inland, just how much the place depends on the tourist trade.
A week ago Friday there was a wildfire that started and burned not far from my house. Having already lost the place in 07' and not feeling like another re-build I was watching it and the news intently. It had started just east of the San Diego Zoo Safari park, but thankfully was burning away from us and the park. Hotter than hell out, like 105 degrees at the Safari Park, due to the close proximity of the fire, they had a news crew filming at the park entrance. I was stunned by the crowds still entering the park in the late afternoon in those temps with a friggin wild fire burning not far behind it. :eek: While I'd never consider going on such a hot afternoon and figured the place would be a ghost town, nope, packin em in it was. :confused: Those folks must be Arizonians, lol :rolleyes:
Stay there then.Lots of lakes in Ca. to ski on.The river would be nice and clean without a bunch of f-tards from Ca. every weekend.

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
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Stay there then.Lots of lakes in Ca. to ski on.The river would be nice and clean without a bunch of f-tards from Ca. every weekend.
You do realize the west side of the river and Havasu is on the CA side. ;) :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Stay there then.Lots of lakes in Ca. to ski on.The river would be nice and clean without a bunch of f-tards from Ca. every weekend.
Sorry but you're already 23 years late with that suggestion, residence wise and late 60's for recreation ;)
But I can promise, I won't be screwin up your weekends :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Snow is fun if Ya ain't skert.

I rented a car when I was in NC for business. When i opened the rental car trunk, as I loaded my luggage I came across a brand new BBQ grille brush. The brush still had a tag on it, surely the previous renter had forgotten it. I brought it with me up the the counter, let them know someone may have forgotten something.
“Here....someone forgot their new BBQ cleaning brush” I said as I handed it to the agent. She smirked - “That’s an Ice scraper honey. You’re from California aren’t ya....”

Yes Ma’am.....born and raised!

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I think it's all about the financial situation. If I could make money I make in California and live in somewhere like Idaho or Utah, I'm game. Until then, I'm here for a while. Plus, my family is all here. Funny, I travel all over and no matter where I go I can't wait to get home in good ole California.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
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For sure but I wouldn't want to live there, and I did for 20 plus years.

Hence the word visit. Im at 40 years now behind the iron curtain.

I am one of those who may be stuck due to work situation. Have a fucked up commute and cannot afford to live anywhere near work.

Might just bail and start over, fuck it.


Feb 22, 2011
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Hence the word visit. Im at 40 years now behind the iron curtain.

I am one of those who may be stuck due to work situation. Have a fucked up commute and cannot afford to live anywhere near work.

Might just bail and start over, fuck it.
Did it 5yrs ago and wont go back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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It is clear the title of the thread twists some readers a bit.
We have done this question many times before, but we seem to enjoy it so what the heck.
I left Southern California 4 weeks after I graduated from high school in 1976. In my opinion the quality of life down there has deteriorated dramatically since then. Many of the folks who cheer lead for SoCal are fond of pointing out the size of the economy of the state, and it is a fact that there is money to be made in SoCal...if you have a good gig and are making good money then more power to you. You''ll need the bucks to pay the taxes.
But to assert that the quality of life in Southern California is a reason for moving there or staying there is simply beyond my comprehension. I think the case can be made that the vast majority of people who are leaving are taking hits to their income but see the improved quality of life elsewhere as outweighing the bucks. If you take the good job factor out of the picture and look simply at the question of where people want to live...well...I don't see a lot of people fleeing to SoCal. The cost of living smacks that high income a bit and life sitting on the freeways, crime, and all that goes with the political scene down there doesn't help. There appear to be two groups of people actually moving to SoCal, and the north state urban areas, if you look at the numbers. Those who have a good paying job waiting for them, and those who either participate in the underground economy, or simply sign up for the free stuff, and don''t work at all. Judging by the numbers LA county puts out regarding their $ going to these services I think the latter is rather significant, as it were.
In all candor I think it takes a few months to a year of actually living elsewhere, not just going to Havasu for the weekend or Mammoth for 3 days skiing, to see the deterioration of the area. I imagine those who have left SoCal for Havasu or other areas out of the state and have been gone at least a year then return for a visit would agree... I can see it clear as a bell.
That is why I avoid it like the plague.
Northern California was a world away and a great place to be when I got here, and I am thankful it still hasn't hit the skids all the way. We raised our kids here and one son is still here, the other bailed out long ago and is raising his family in Nevada.
Unfortunately our proximity to the Bay Area is contributing to the decline of this part of NorCal. Most, but not all, urban transplants stick out like a sore thumb, the way they drive, (especially in winter) what they drive, their elitist "attitude", which they almost wear as a uniform when in conversation with locals... and the most silly indicator of all.
They seem to be afraid of the dark.
Fresh transplants from all urban areas are clearly visible at night due to the NFL stadium level outdoor lighting they have installed around their homes, garage, patio etc....that they insist on leaving on all night.
Truthfully tho...I am happy so many people disagree with me. I am glad so many folks find the lifestyle and quality of life in SoCal and California in general to their liking and plan to stay forever. But please....really...trying to make the case that this is still the California of old is laughable.
All the PR firms in the world can't change the reality of life on the freeways and other joys of living in the urban meccas of this state. The state wide tax structure and political direction imposed by the masses in the urban areas kill the best parts of the state, the north end.
I am holding on til Cindy retires and I have fulfilled a promise to my late father, and then we will be outta here. I still like my county and if I could pick it up and move it to another state I'd happily live the rest of my life right here. But that ain't gonna happen.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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The thing about living in SoCal is, you have to set your whole life up Right from the start...

I drive 12min to work, and never have to get on a freeway. I live close to the foothills, nice view from my backyard. We live in a well established neighborhood and everyone knows everyone. My house is almost paid for and my taxes are minimal due to prop 13. The promised land treats me fairly well.

So, can you live here and have a quality life? Absolutely. Can you live here and be completely miserable? Absolutely.

You can also do either of the above items anywhere else you live too...

Choose wisely kids! :cool:

HgH Vltg

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2014
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The thing about living in SoCal is, you have to set your whole life up Right from the start...

I drive 12min to work, and never have to get on a freeway. I live close to the foothills, nice view from my backyard. We live in a well established neighborhood and everyone knows everyone. My house is almost paid for and my taxes are minimal due to prop 13. The promised land treats me fairly well.

So, can you live here and have a quality life? Absolutely. Can you live here and be completely miserable? Absolutely.

You can also do either of the above items anywhere else you live too...

Choose wisely kids! :cool:

Boom. That’s what my parents did, and that’s what I’m attempting to solidify right now. And funny enough, we all live in the glendora area.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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It's funny to me that many state the money to be made living in that mess, but the cost to live fairly well in other areas is dwarfed by cali. Masses of pissed off people stuck on the freeway going nowhere fast. If money trumps quality of life well I'm sorry for you all.
I used to love going over to Seattle , but it's the same type of overcrowded mass of humanity there.
X2 on the light deal fbt ,I like the night sky!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2017
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@rivermobster and @HgH Vltg

I lived in Glendora during HS and college. I agree, it's a neat place to live and raise kids. I made my way south towards the coast, and I've lived in OC for the last 23
years--I ain't in a hurry to leave.

The only way I'll move is to be closer to my kids if they move out of state when they finish school. That being said, my kids are making it very clear to me that they're doing everything in their power to stay.

I'll take the good of SoCal with the bad. Just like I'll take the good of RDP (a wealth of information about boats) with the bad (many of the members love to shit on Cali :( ). And we don't all have to always agree on everything, but it does get hard to read sometimes...

Bullhead bully

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2014
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I’m in the same place you are. Don't commute. Live in a great foothill neighborhood. ( behind gates bars alarms , grenades land mines armed guard towers and German shepherds ) I drive 15 minutes down the hill to work. Or 15 minutes to the airport because I try not to drive anywhere and sit in shit traffic with 80% of the people not speaking English and texting ( stupid as well ) .

California has been very good to be it just sickens me how the entitlement generation is taking over and not thinking of the future . I’m not going out of my way to help the useless youth. Let the Libs fucking earn it like I did. Free ride....hell no.

Climate....awesome and unbeatable
Beaches, Mountains,Deserts, all are great.
Government is a disaster
People are spoiled and ungrateful

Other places have the same problems. Absolutely. However our state is the richest with the most opportunity yet businesses are continuing to run away. Just unable to survive the government and punishing taxes....WHY ??

RDP members for the most part get it....they are a hard working great group of people. But unfortunately we are the very small miniorty.

Welcome to California.....who will save it ? I would love to believe our youth will.....having a hard time believing that.....someone please convince me. I’m listening.

I love California. But does the majority love it enough to save it ?

The thing about living in SoCal is, you have to set your whole life up Right from the start...

I drive 12min to work, and never have to get on a freeway. I live close to the foothills, nice view from my backyard. We live in a well established neighborhood and everyone knows everyone. My house is almost paid for and my taxes are minimal due to prop 13. The promised land treats me fairly well.

So, can you live here and have a quality life? Absolutely. Can you live here and be completely miserable? Absolutely.

You can also do either of the above items anywhere else you live too...

Choose wisely kids! :cool:


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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I think it's all about the financial situation. If I could make money I make in California and live in somewhere like Idaho or Utah, I'm game. Until then, I'm here for a while. Plus, my family is all here. Funny, I travel all over and no matter where I go I can't wait to get home in good ole California.

Kalifornia's great as long as you don't pay attention to the taxes, regulations, news, politicians, propositions on the ballot, traffic and overcrowding.

Actually Kalifornia has awesome weather and geography. Everything else sucks hard.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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B-Bully I think the answer to that critical question has already been answered, based on what has happened here in the last 40 years or so.
Demographically the state has shifted to the extreme left and there is no force or path ahead that will change that. It will continue on the path it is on. It is damn sad, but it has been headed this way for a long time. There are obvious political issues involved, and we don't want this to get sent to the black hole of RDP....
There simply are not enough citizens in this state who can vote that see the need to change the course we are on. Look at voter registration, look at the trends, look at the people the voters continue to send back to Sacramento and Washington D.C. It is almost unheard of to oust a sitting congressperson in either house in DC, and in Sacto as well. The only way the seem to leave office is on the way to another elected position or in a meat wagon, or enroute to jail.
So the answer to the question is no, there are not enough of us who remember a prosperous and safe California with opportunities for our children to get an education, work, buy a home, etc.
The great middle class California had, represented by my Mom and Dad, is holding on by the skin of it's teeth.


I hear you loud and clear, my friend, and you are doing it right... you are lucky,and smart... and we both know you are the exception to the rule anymore.
Like I said I am happy for those who are happy, we talked all afternoon about this kind of stuff.
It is just in the past 3-4 years that I have started taking the keys out of our cars here at the house, (I still forget sometimes) and just the past 10 years I started making sure the house and shop are locked when I leave. Like I told you that day we visited I saw the shift coming during my last few years at work, and it is damn sad. It isn't getting any better. I love where I live, I just don't love where it is anymore.

On edit...I never say never....but I am not planning my life expecting improvement.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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I’m at an age where I can’t and don’t want to wait for the pendulum to swing back in Ca . Nothing anybody has stated about Ca in not true . You must make your own decision to stay or leave based on your individual requirements.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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B-Bully I think the answer to that critical question has already been answered, based on what has happened here in the last 40 years or so.
Demographically the state has shifted to the extreme left and there is no force or path ahead that will change that. It will continue on the path it is on. It is damn sad, but it has been headed this way for a long time. There are obvious political issues involved, and we don't want this to get sent to the black hole of RDP....
There simply are not enough citizens in this state who can vote that see the need to change the course we are on. Look at voter registration, look at the trends, look at the people the voters continue to send back to Sacramento and Washington D.C. It is almost unheard of to oust a sitting congressperson in either house in DC, and in Sacto as well. The only way the seem to leave office is on the way to another elected position or in a meat wagon, or enroute to jail.
So the answer to the question is no, there are not enough of us who remember a prosperous and safe California with opportunities for our children to get an education, work, buy a home, etc.
The great middle class California had, represented by my Mom and Dad, is holding on by the skin of it's teeth.


I hear you loud and clear, my friend, and you are doing it right... you are lucky,and smart... and we both know you are the exception to the rule anymore.
Like I said I am happy for those who are happy, we talked all afternoon about this kind of stuff.
It is just in the past 3-4 years that I have started taking the keys out of our cars here at the house, (I still forget sometimes) and just the past 10 years I started making sure the house and shop are locked when I leave. Like I told you that day we visited I saw the shift coming during my last few years at work, and it is damn sad. It isn't getting any better. I love where I live, I just don't love where it is anymore.

On edit...I never say never....but I am not planning my life expecting improvement.

Did you ever post/tell the story about where we ended up for lunch?? That really was hard to believe! :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Did you ever post/tell the story about where we ended up for lunch?? That really was hard to believe! :)

Yes I did, I think so anyway....you are free to share it if you like. Still have the business card in my wallet. I think my MIL has been there a couple of times since...anyway that was crazy. When I got home I told my Mom about it and she got a good laugh and smile out of it, then was sad because she remembered meeting my Dad there for lunch over the years...like I told you.
Then we both agreed we would give a weeks pay to have a place like that up here. That is the one and only thing I miss about SoCal....the food.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I’m at an age where I can’t and don’t want to wait for the pendulum to swing back in Ca . Nothing anybody has stated about Ca in not true . You must make your own decision to stay or leave based on your individual requirements.

Me too. I am getting older, and I don't have the time left to wait for what would be an almost miracle level event.
My wife could leave tomorrow and make good money ding exactly what she does here elsewhere, in fact a couple of agents in northern Nevada have made it clear to her that when she is ready she has at least two job offers....I am retired...moving to Nevada would eliminate a number of taxes for me. All good.
The only thing really holding me is a promise I made to my father on his deathbed in 1983....to take care of my Mother. She is 85 and will NOT move out of the home she has been in since 1980. I could force the issue but won't do that to her...because of the promise.
She knows that my wife and I and my sister and her husband all plan to depart post haste when she is gone, and she is fine with that; she tells us to "go ahead and leave"....and I have told my sister to do so...she didn't make a promise to our Dad.

But I did.

Furthermore, for me it isn't about the money situation. I am never going to be rich no matter where I live, and that is simply a fact. Money has never been a primary motivator for me, I think watching my father work himself damn near to death, and ultimately dying young as a partial result of that impacted me in that area.
And believe it or not cops don't generally get into the gig for the money. I sure as hell didn't, I was making more $ drilling wells. Took a big pay cut to do what I wanted to do.
So we all define for ourselves what "quality of life" means, and we all decide for ourselves how much we are willing to tolerate to achieve what we consider personal success.
Our differences are what makes things interesting.
Last edited:

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
It's funny to me that many state the money to be made living in that mess, but the cost to live fairly well in other areas is dwarfed by cali. Masses of pissed off people stuck on the freeway going nowhere fast. If money trumps quality of life well I'm sorry for you all.
I used to love going over to Seattle , but it's the same type of overcrowded mass of humanity there.
X2 on the light deal fbt ,I like the night sky!
Do you think everyone in CA has to sit on a freeway. I live in Orange County and rarely use the freeway. Lol. CA is huge. Not every area is the same.
I can take a travel card and work in ANY state. I CHOOSE to work in CA :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Bobby. California and many of its population is very very lucky to have you. The state and all those less fortunate will be very appreciative of you paying taxes well into retirement.

You're a good dude!

Bobby V

Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Bobby. California and many of its population is very very lucky to have you. The state and all those less fortunate will be very appreciative of you paying taxes well into retirement.

You're a good dude!
Thanks. I have been paying taxes in AZ for over 32 years also. Not complaining about either state. :D


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Yes I did, I think so anyway....you are free to share it if you like. Still have the business card in my wallet. I think my MIL has been there a couple of times since...anyway that was crazy. When I got home I told my Mom about it and she got a good laugh and smile out of it, then was sad because she remembered meeting my Dad there for lunch over the years...like I told you.
Then we both agreed we would give a weeks pay to have a place like that up here. That is the one and only thing I miss about SoCal....the food.

My story telling is lame in comparison to yours, and you know this! LoL

I hope you are working on your project. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Thanks. I have been paying taxes in AZ for over 32 years also. Not complaining about either state. :D

After 52 years with 35+ paying taxes myself, never thought I'd hear this. A man excited and passionate about paying taxes!!! Will you cover mine for me. My passion for taxation is non-existant! Lol


Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Do you think everyone in CA has to sit on a freeway. I live in Orange County and rarely use the freeway. Lol. CA is huge. Not every area is the same.
I can take a travel card and work in ANY state. I CHOOSE to work in CA :)
Traffic in OC is bad on side streets just like the freeway.Glad you made that choice.;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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My story telling is lame in comparison to yours, and you know this! LoL

I hope you are working on your project. :)

To be honest with ya Joe I haven't touched it. I need to tho. Kenny was aware of it and during his last weeks he asked me to do two things...
-Work on that project.
-Try like heck to get his Jet Boat back on the water. I bought it from him a couple years ago, he bought it from my cousin who bought it new. I need to put some $$ together to get it done, and I want to as a tribute to him...but it is that $$$ thing ya know? I have started, new gauges, steering rack and cable,, new jet controls, new seats, a rail kit etc. from Tom at JBP. Built a new wiring harness for it already. I need to freshen the 460 and make sure the cam will work with through the transom pipes and freshen the pump and get a diverter, and get the seats upholstered and build mounts for them. $$$

I am going to get a program to do that voice to typing deal this fall, and get moving on the other project. I have most of it my head, and have a hundred or so pages already roughed out. Need to do a legit outline and go for it.
I dunno how exactly I want to end it, the simply way or kick over the whole outhouse....well I know how I WANT to end it...just want to think through the stink it is gonna cause...might be better to let that one go when I am no longer a resident round here, ya know?

Will write a thread on that coincidence when I get some time :D