Cactus rv update?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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This is tuff I have heard about it but I don’t think it’s my place to say.
that's kinda my view also, it's river daves place, so let him say..
Why is it up to Dave lol you guys just like starting shit. Grow a pair and speak up. If what you know its true what’s the problem.


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
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It’s not that hard to figure out. Took me two minutes lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2014
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It’s not that hard to figure out. Took me two minutes lol.
I thought about it for a few minutes, and then it clicked. I actually couldn’t believe I missed it the first time around. I had to call and verify with @28Eliminator, and he has heard it too. Not sure when it will come out that Epstein didn’t kill himself


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Anybody defending Cactus RV or it's owners must be a little crooked themselves otherwise they wouldn't sympathize with a company who lied, cheated & swindled good people, looking for some fun, and made their life hell.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Anybody defending Cactus RV or it's owners must be a little crooked themselves otherwise they wouldn't sympathize with a company who lied, cheated & swindled good people, looking for some fun, and made their life hell.

You are certainly on to something there, excellent point to bring up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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this is just plain ol business failure, no theft, no illegal activity,..what happens is the over head goes above profit...the flooring company was the only partner making any money,.. and at the end, they just didn't make as much as they thought...they made money for 3 years off the arm...in the end, didn't go so good...the amount they were in the hole was an amount that was carried forward..that amount just kept getting larger...to the point that they need to file bankruptcy .....no body walked out the door with a bag of cash... no one is hiding... embarrassed of failure maybe...

I don’t know about illegal, but ALL flooring agreements require the dealer to notify the flooring company of any sale of a floored vehicle and the flooring company must be paid off within a certain number of days. Not doing so is fraud.

I’ve managed car dealerships and owned equipment dealerships, and I know the procedure. You sell a vehicle, you pay it off immediately. That’s why auditors from the flooring companies make surprise visits to your dealership and want to physically see every vehicle, and check the VIN numbers on every vehicle you have on the flooring list.

If there are vehicles not on the lot (that have been sold and not paid off) it puts the dealer “out of trust”.

Flooring scams are one of the biggest frauds in the business. Equipment manufacturers create their own “MCO” (manufacturers certificate of origin or “MSO”, manufactures statement of origin). Several companies in the 80s were creating MCOs on equipment they never built, and trading the MCO to a leasing company on a fake lease to a fictitious buyer, and collected billions of dollars from the leasing company before they were caught.

One of the biggest one was the big car dealer who took GMAC for $6 billion dollars.

See story below.



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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but not to start or spread gossip.... who know who else just filed BK??

Worst post in this whole thread. Now people will be speculating and throwing names out there that could cast doubt on a company’s financial status, where said company could be in good standing.
Stupid and irresponsible to throw bait like that out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Anybody defending Cactus RV or it's owners must be a little crooked themselves otherwise they wouldn't sympathize with a company who lied, cheated & swindled good people, looking for some fun, and made their life hell.
I haven't seen anyone defend cactus,...I personaly have 2 dogs in this fight and I'm very unhappy with whats going on..and yes, I wish I'd never got involved... but in my defense , no one said a thing till after I bought... I amagine my warranty will still be good some where..who knows, that's why I'd like to sell them and move on...boating is our happy place.. but as it is now... my posts are general business quotes... nothing ever happens to these people..they live high on the hog spending money that's not theirs and not paying bills...

when I very first went into business retail.. a guy said, welcome to the always being broke world...thers always bills to pay and inventory to buy... and if you do good you will open more locations..I ended up with 5...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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think of being in business as a big cruise ship...when it's a float headed out to sea,... everyone jumps on board...when it's going good , all smiles,. but when it starts to sink..people turn quick..sure, the captain goes down with the ship, but, takes everyone with him


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Worst post in this whole thread. Now people will be speculating and throwing names out there that could cast doubt on a company’s financial status, where said company could be in good standing.
Stupid and irresponsible to throw bait like that out.
exact what cactus said,... they claim the people running around telling everyone they were out of trust pulled the plug on the boat,.. they also claim that RDP was a huge cause of them to fail..

not defending anyone here,.. but just stating facts....there's a huge amount of people in business right now that if they had to pay all their bills, they would have to close the doors...flooring companys are just a financing partner in the business..so what I would say to what happened here is the flooring company's fault.... they thought they could pull out of the hole and it got deeper..I would guess this tough.... rhere wasn't enough money to go around....lot of over head it a business like that..


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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so anyway,..like I said this is a sad deal all around..sure makes it tough to go out and spend your money when you have to wonder if they will be in business the next day..


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
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So RDP caused the demise of Cactus? Wow it all makes perfect sense now to me. RDP created all these type of situations as described below. Perfect logic in that assumption there....lol

John P.

Calabasas, CA
0 friends
4 reviews

Have been waiting almost a year for correct paperwork for Registration, can't register with DMV without Origin Papers... have called and Emailed over 20 times over the past 11 months no one has gotten the paperwork! The owner Scott Buchanan took one call from me, and won't respond, either through Email or phone call! Avoids me, and I have never been rude. Just expressing how important it is I receive correct documents, so I can register with DMV! Also I recently had boat looked at by my mechanic, and was informed of multiple Hack Jobs by Cactus RV Center in Havasu. My boat had exposed wires on jobs performed by them, which could have been dangerous! Hydrologic steering problems, ( should have been bled) and a number of other Hack Jobs! They're Only concerned with their next transaction, and don't take proper steps to finish the job!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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so anyway,..like I said this is a sad deal all around..sure makes it tough to go out and spend your money when you have to wonder if they will be in business the next day..
I guess you should have paid them more for your toons lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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This was posted on River Whips:

Looking for a lawyer in Havasu area. Long story short I traded my Tri toon into Cactus RV and bought a new hurricane deck boat from them. When they unwrapped my new boat there was some minor damage on the new boat. Cactus said no worries they would get it fixed should take about 8 weeks. So a month goes by and I receive 2 boat payments one for my old boat and one for my new boat. so I contact Cactus and I ask where is my old boat they said it sold immediately I said how can you sell a boat without a title ? you guys never paid off my old boat loan they said sorry one of the owners left the company so the partners figuring out the paperwork they said it should be taken care of in about a week but for now will cut you a check for that that payment which they did. So then I asked how’s it going with my new boat repairs they said hurricane wants the boat back to fix it all correctly I asked how long should that take they said 3 months  obviously I wasn’t happy about it but what can I do. Fast forward a week still haven’t paid off my old boat so I go to contact them and find out they went out of business. I call hurricane directly they did say they have my boat but it was shipped with no motor no trailer and no Bimini Tops I have no idea where those are since they are no longer around and come to find out hurricane told me that cactus never paid them for my boat. But if I have my bill of sell witch I do they would honor it and deal with cactus their self. So now I’m on the hook for 2 boat payments and no boat. My insurance for the old boat said they can’t do anything since I willfully traded it in. But working with me on my new boat issues.  Any advice or information would be helpful thanks


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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This was posted on River Whips:

Looking for a lawyer in Havasu area. Long story short I traded my Tri toon into Cactus RV and bought a new hurricane deck boat from them. When they unwrapped my new boat there was some minor damage on the new boat. Cactus said no worries they would get it fixed should take about 8 weeks. So a month goes by and I receive 2 boat payments one for my old boat and one for my new boat. so I contact Cactus and I ask where is my old boat they said it sold immediately I said how can you sell a boat without a title ? you guys never paid off my old boat loan they said sorry one of the owners left the company so the partners figuring out the paperwork they said it should be taken care of in about a week but for now will cut you a check for that that payment which they did. So then I asked how’s it going with my new boat repairs they said hurricane wants the boat back to fix it all correctly I asked how long should that take they said 3 months  obviously I wasn’t happy about it but what can I do. Fast forward a week still haven’t paid off my old boat so I go to contact them and find out they went out of business. I call hurricane directly they did say they have my boat but it was shipped with no motor no trailer and no Bimini Tops I have no idea where those are since they are no longer around and come to find out hurricane told me that cactus never paid them for my boat. But if I have my bill of sell witch I do they would honor it and deal with cactus their self. So now I’m on the hook for 2 boat payments and no boat. My insurance for the old boat said they can’t do anything since I willfully traded it in. But working with me on my new boat issues.  Any advice or information would be helpful thanks

I saw that, what a shame.:(


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I wonder if insurance will help with the Hurricane motor and misc parts? Sucks, will probably have to continue making payments on a boat that can't be used while in litigation.

Banks getting hosed doesn't seem to bother me nearly the same as this. Banks lend money in order to make money. Of course, there is risk in investment like that. An individual, or family, goes to a dealer to buy a new boat. The dealer has been around for a bit, and seems to have a good reputation. Now, they have no boat, a payment, and will have to hire a lawyer. Sad deal.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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Yeah this isn't like the Tim McDonald deal at all. It's just bad book keeping. Lol well maybe they all share a jail cell and come up with better ways off screwing people.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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The story related above from Riverwhips is grand theft, and bank fraud in most states. It could also include perjury if anyone at the dealership completed government docs for any title or registration making false claims. And yes, this is about another OCM if true. There is NO gray area when you sell a boat and you knowingly are aware that a loan exists on that boat or trailer. This is not a poor business practice, it is a felony.


Currently Boat-Less
Sep 20, 2007
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Sad to hear that more and more people are being affected. I hope they all get justice at some point.

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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This is a bad deal. If it was me I would go buy another boat and start a law suite on the other boat. If you don't do this you wont be boating for a long time and the chances you ever get this solved to your satisfaction are very slim!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I would track down old boat and take it back. Guy still has title so sale to new owner was illegal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Maybe the guy should hire Tim's lawyer since he knows the ins and outs of it all and he could probably get his boat back.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I would track down old boat and take it back. Guy still has title so sale to new owner was illegal.

Tell that to Tim’s victims.. The original owners didn’t get their boats back. In some cases even if they had possession they had to turn it over to new owner!!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
exact what cactus said,... they claim the people running around telling everyone they were out of trust pulled the plug on the boat,.. they also claim that RDP was a huge cause of them to fail..

not defending anyone here,.. but just stating facts....there's a huge amount of people in business right now that if they had to pay all their bills, they would have to close the doors...flooring companys are just a financing partner in the business..so what I would say to what happened here is the flooring company's fault.... they thought they could pull out of the hole and it got deeper..I would guess this tough.... rhere wasn't enough money to go around....lot of over head it a business like that..

Wait.. What? Lol. This is rdp’s fault?

Steve them not doing paperwork and dodging the flooring company was going on long before I heard about it.

It wasn’t me that spread that around town, it was the flooring company rep. He would go there and say “where’s the boat?” And of course which ever owns were missing “out on a demo right now” etc.. week after week. “Where’s the owner?” Oh he’s out delivering boats, out on the same demo etc.. week after week.

It wasn’t me coming on here firing on Preston and Jim saying they aren’t making any $$.. That was the partner Todd doing that. Same guy four posts later says he has nothing to do with cactus.. (WTF?). He’s an owner one minute and nothing to do with it the next? He was repping them and himself as the owner at all the boat shows.

It was Cactus that didn’t do the paperwork on something like 60 boats.. Not me or rdp.

I know you talk to Scott still. I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Why don’t ya ask him how many times this has happened now? Because this ain’t the first, or the second.. but somehow I’m a large part of the third. Leopards don’t change their spots.


guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Totally unfair to try and blame this on RDP!!!! The writing was on the wall at the Spring boat show with them not participating in the show but holding their own show the same weekend on the water in the channel with signs around pointing to the channel like the show was there not Windsor 4. I have seen this a couple time in my 30 year career in Vegas with boat shops not participating in the show but trying to creep some how the same weekend and then months latter the places is closed up. Cactus dug their own grave!


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Totally unfair to try and blame this on RDP!!!! The writing was on the wall at the Spring boat show with them not participating in the show but holding their own show the same weekend on the water in the channel with signs around pointing to the channel like the show was there not Windsor 4. I have seen this a couple time in my 30 year career in Vegas with boat shops not participating in the show but trying to creep some how the same weekend and then months latter the places is closed up. Cactus dug their own grave!

If we are being 100% honest the marine association didn’t let them exhibit at the boat show.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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There are a number of court decisions that if a vehicle (boat) is sold in good faith and a title is given to the new owner, it cannot be seized. Exception is if it was reported as stolen, generally these are VIN switched car.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
The story related above from Riverwhips is grand theft, and bank fraud in most states. It could also include perjury if anyone at the dealership completed government docs for any title or registration making false claims. And yes, this is about another OCM if true. There is NO gray area when you sell a boat and you knowingly are aware that a loan exists on that boat or trailer. This is not a poor business practice, it is a felony.

I agree but think the primary charge is more aligned with embezzlement.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Totally unfair to try and blame this on RDP!!!! The writing was on the wall at the Spring boat show with them not participating in the show but holding their own show the same weekend on the water in the channel with signs around pointing to the channel like the show was there not Windsor 4. I have seen this a couple time in my 30 year career in Vegas with boat shops not participating in the show but trying to creep some how the same weekend and then months latter the places is closed up. Cactus dug their own grave!

Weren't you agreeing that this was simple business failure a few pages ago in this thread?


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Wait.. What? Lol. This is rdp’s fault?

Steve them not doing paperwork and dodging the flooring company was going on long before I heard about it.

It wasn’t me that spread that around town, it was the flooring company rep. He would go there and say “where’s the boat?” And of course which ever owns were missing “out on a demo right now” etc.. week after week. “Where’s the owner?” Oh he’s out delivering boats, out on the same demo etc.. week after week.

It wasn’t me coming on here firing on Preston and Jim saying they aren’t making any $$.. That was the partner Todd doing that. Same guy four posts later says he has nothing to do with cactus.. (WTF?). He’s an owner one minute and nothing to do with it the next? He was repping them and himself as the owner at all the boat shows.

It was Cactus that didn’t do the paperwork on something like 60 boats.. Not me or rdp.

I know you talk to Scott still. I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Why don’t ya ask him how many times this has happened now? Because this ain’t the first, or the second.. but somehow I’m a large part of the third. Leopards don’t change their spots.


Who was in court pleading guilty to fraud as you stated previously?


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
This was posted on River Whips:

Looking for a lawyer in Havasu area. Long story short I traded my Tri toon into Cactus RV and bought a new hurricane deck boat from them. When they unwrapped my new boat there was some minor damage on the new boat. Cactus said no worries they would get it fixed should take about 8 weeks. So a month goes by and I receive 2 boat payments one for my old boat and one for my new boat. so I contact Cactus and I ask where is my old boat they said it sold immediately I said how can you sell a boat without a title ? you guys never paid off my old boat loan they said sorry one of the owners left the company so the partners figuring out the paperwork they said it should be taken care of in about a week but for now will cut you a check for that that payment which they did. So then I asked how’s it going with my new boat repairs they said hurricane wants the boat back to fix it all correctly I asked how long should that take they said 3 months  obviously I wasn’t happy about it but what can I do. Fast forward a week still haven’t paid off my old boat so I go to contact them and find out they went out of business. I call hurricane directly they did say they have my boat but it was shipped with no motor no trailer and no Bimini Tops I have no idea where those are since they are no longer around and come to find out hurricane told me that cactus never paid them for my boat. But if I have my bill of sell witch I do they would honor it and deal with cactus their self. So now I’m on the hook for 2 boat payments and no boat. My insurance for the old boat said they can’t do anything since I willfully traded it in. But working with me on my new boat issues.  Any advice or information would be helpful thanks

This guy should contact the Havasu DA office and find out if there is an active criminal complaint against the business owners. He could also contact Havasu PD and inquire the same. He is a victim and may be entitled to restitution if there is any to be given in the end. He could also start his own individual criminal complaint against the business if he chooses.


Floatin Dirty
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Yes did I write something that’s says otherwise?

You went from simple business failure to creepy business practice which you said you have only observed a few times in your 30 year career. I guess you could say it is all business related but I feel totally different for those hard working honest business owners who have to close for various reasons typically due to economic situations versus those businesses that are operating under less the honorable business practices or with underlying criminal activity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Wait.. What? Lol. This is rdp’s fault?

Steve them not doing paperwork and dodging the flooring company was going on long before I heard about it.

It wasn’t me that spread that around town, it was the flooring company rep. He would go there and say “where’s the boat?” And of course which ever owns were missing “out on a demo right now” etc.. week after week. “Where’s the owner?” Oh he’s out delivering boats, out on the same demo etc.. week after week.

It wasn’t me coming on here firing on Preston and Jim saying they aren’t making any $$.. That was the partner Todd doing that. Same guy four posts later says he has nothing to do with cactus.. (WTF?). He’s an owner one minute and nothing to do with it the next? He was repping them and himself as the owner at all the boat shows.

It was Cactus that didn’t do the paperwork on something like 60 boats.. Not me or rdp.

I know you talk to Scott still. I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Why don’t ya ask him how many times this has happened now? Because this ain’t the first, or the second.. but somehow I’m a large part of the third. Leopards don’t change their spots.

EZ KIller…. I said it was a rumor I heard...I personally don't know and don't care what happened..


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Wait.. What? Lol. This is rdp’s fault?

Steve them not doing paperwork and dodging the flooring company was going on long before I heard about it.

It wasn’t me that spread that around town, it was the flooring company rep. He would go there and say “where’s the boat?” And of course which ever owns were missing “out on a demo right now” etc.. week after week. “Where’s the owner?” Oh he’s out delivering boats, out on the same demo etc.. week after week.

It wasn’t me coming on here firing on Preston and Jim saying they aren’t making any $$.. That was the partner Todd doing that. Same guy four posts later says he has nothing to do with cactus.. (WTF?). He’s an owner one minute and nothing to do with it the next? He was repping them and himself as the owner at all the boat shows.

It was Cactus that didn’t do the paperwork on something like 60 boats.. Not me or rdp.

I know you talk to Scott still. I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Why don’t ya ask him how many times this has happened now? Because this ain’t the first, or the second.. but somehow I’m a large part of the third. Leopards don’t change their spots.

So where, or what happened to the todd guy???? did he go to jail as you post???and where was the court he was in doing a plea?...

I can say this......yes I did shop there....never ever seen the mysterious todd… I talked to him on the phone when he had the yellow hallet for sale.. but it was in phoenix … I think it's horrible that someone gave money and didn't get there boat...

I had it happen to me in vegas from the Baja dealer... traded in my boat,.., it had a loan..bought a new boat .. it had a loan,... started getting late notices from the traded in boat,.. they never paid flooring on the boat I had.... I bought the boat from Dwight ,... but he sold the business to Charles,... kept getting the I don't know whats wrong with your bank we paid them 2 weeks ago...till the day came that I got the call,... better come and get you trade in boat , the flooring company is taking all the boats...guess I got lucky that they never sold my trade..... ended up with 2 boat payments...and yes I had the thoughts of moving into the gated community and smoking their asses....but, turned the whole deal over to a higher power..


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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I consider myself very lucky and thankful. I actually got pulled in there and just about signed on the line to buy Steve's Cheetah. But while there the wife started poking around and we checked out a couple nice Tritoons....so I pulled back on the cheetah purchase and contemplated a new toon. At the last minute I got cold feet and couldn't commit to giving up my boat and giving in to toon life.....man I'm glad I did. this was only a few months before all this came down so more than likely while a lot of this shady shit was going on.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
So where, or what happened to the todd guy???? did he go to jail as you post???and where was the court he was in doing a plea?...

I can say this......yes I did shop there....never ever seen the mysterious todd… I talked to him on the phone when he had the yellow hallet for sale.. but it was in phoenix … I think it's horrible that someone gave money and didn't get there boat...

I had it happen to me in vegas from the Baja dealer... traded in my boat,.., it had a loan..bought a new boat .. it had a loan,... started getting late notices from the traded in boat,.. they never paid flooring on the boat I had.... I bought the boat from Dwight ,... but he sold the business to Charles,... kept getting the I don't know whats wrong with your bank we paid them 2 weeks ago...till the day came that I got the call,... better come and get you trade in boat , the flooring company is taking all the boats...guess I got lucky that they never sold my trade..... ended up with 2 boat payments...and yes I had the thoughts of moving into the gated community and smoking their asses....but, turned the whole deal over to a higher power..

I never said Todd went to jail? I said he came on here blasting Preston. Scott was in the courthouse pleading guilty to some fraud charges awhile back.

At LA boatshow and Long Beach when cactus setup their booth Todd was always the guy running the show

guest hs

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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You went from simple business failure to creepy business practice which you said you have only observed a few times in your 30 year career. I guess you could say it is all business related but I feel totally different for those hard working honest business owners who have to close for various reasons typically due to economic situations versus those businesses that are operating under less the honorable business practices or with underlying criminal activity.
I never said how the business failed. It failed period. I don't care if it was shady or not. I was referring to money being stolen, which I don't think is what was going on rather then just mismanagement of funds from deals. Its not hard to get behind on bills in the boat business and you see cash come in from a couple deals and you use it to get caught up in your mind but you are now behind on the flooring you used the money on to catch up on bills. It becomes a snowball effect.