Bud Light partners with trans activist


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
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And yet...
it did.

It wasn't just the can.
It was the overt arrogance of all the parties involved.
Doubling down by the CEO certainly added fuel to the fire.
Coors had better catch the hint now that this is at the forefront and they've been doing this shit for years. Not sure it's going to play the way it has in the past. The silent majority is slowly waking up from their slumber I hope...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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I didn’t agree with any of that either.. that said this is a singular beer can as in one beer can
Dave, they partnered with a man that is a better woman than your wife, according to them. You have a young daughter like me and so many others and our wives and daughters are being replaced by "Better women".

Men are not better women than biological women are. Take a stand for your daughters future rights.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Dude is becoming famous and rich for living a life I don’t understand.
When society rewards people for living their life vs working for a living, society starts to fall

Dude figured out how to monetize living his life. If the cost of that life monetization was cutting his dick off to speak his truth, and if he is OK with it..Good on him.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Dave, they partnered with a man that is a better woman than your wife, according to them. You have a young daughter like me and so many others and our wives and daughters are being replaced by "Better women".

Men are not better women than biological women are. Take a stand for your daughters future rights.

Stop stating facts. You’re going to get the thread locked!

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
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I just can’t hardly believe that one can of bud light now transformed their image to represent everything transgender.


As others have stated, it isn't "just one can of beer". It is bigger than that. It's a movement, they want our kids, they want our religion (I'm not religious) They want a complete societal breakdown. Dissolving the nuclear family is part in parcel and absolutely required for their movement to succeed.

They see us as a bunch of dumb rednecks, incapable of seeing thru their bullshit and overly educated intellectuals.

This is as Karl Marx see things

Is there any doubt that the leftist progressives as we have now, are in fact communist? Fighting these little outbreaks as they occur will take a resolved and dedicated American culture. We love our families, we love our freedoms, we love our toys & horsepower & beer and chick in bikinis, not chicks with dicks.

They are incrementally attacking the last great society in the world. If we fall, so goes the world. Every single attack on us needs to go like this. Has AB come out to "clarify" what they really meant to say? Nope, therefore their silence speaks volumes.....they meant to say it and are sticking by this.

Americans are a forgiving bunch. If I were the CEO, here's precisely what I would do;

I'd buy prime-time add space. The CEO would firmly and honestly own up to the mistake, apologize to his customers. I'd throw the trans community under the bus (he has to) I'd promise to listen to my customers and act accordingly. "From this point on, AB will prove with our actions, not tell you with words we are pro-American worker, American traditions and will not tolerate anyone within this corporation that overtly feels otherwise". Further, we have fired the marketing team that approved this, all of them.

RD, as far as the local beer distributor, I truly feel bad for them. I know they are pro-American, pro-Havasu, pro-fast and loud shit. They are unfortunately the ones being hurt the most by AB's actions. WE didn't do this, AB did. By further continuing to support AB, it absolutely dilutes the message that America is sending that we won't tolerate this.

I drank O'Douls, I switched to Heineken 0.0


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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As others have stated, it isn't "just one can of beer". It is bigger than that. It's a movement, they want our kids, they want our religion (I'm not religious) They want a complete societal breakdown. Dissolving the nuclear family is part in parcel and absolutely required for their movement to succeed.

They see us as a bunch of dumb rednecks, incapable of seeing thru their bullshit and overly educated intellectuals.

This is as Karl Marx see things

Is there any doubt that the leftist progressives as we have now, are in fact communist? Fighting these little outbreaks as they occur will take a resolved and dedicated American culture. We love our families, we love our freedoms, we love our toys & horsepower & beer and chick in bikinis, not chicks with dicks.

They are incrementally attacking the last great society in the world. If we fall, so goes the world. Every single attack on us needs to go like this. Has AB come out to "clarify" what they really meant to say? Nope, therefore their silence speaks volumes.....they meant to say it and are sticking by this.

Americans are a forgiving bunch. If I were the CEO, here's precisely what I would do;

I'd buy prime-time add space. The CEO would firmly and honestly own up to the mistake, apologize to his customers. I'd throw the trans community under the bus (he has to) I'd promise to listen to my customers and act accordingly. "From this point on, AB will prove with our actions, not tell you with words we are pro-American worker, American traditions and will not tolerate anyone within this corporation that overtly feels otherwise". Further, we have fired the marketing team that approved this, all of them.

RD, as far as the local beer distributor, I truly feel bad for them. I know they are pro-American, pro-Havasu, pro-fast and loud shit. They are unfortunately the ones being hurt the most by AB's actions. WE didn't do this, AB did. By further continuing to support AB, it absolutely dilutes the message that America is sending that we won't tolerate this.

I drank O'Douls, I switched to Heineken 0.0

If that happened the CEO would also need to fire himself. ESG goes all the way to the top.

They know most people will forget all this in time. That’s why they are silent.

Skinny Tire AH

This ain't all folks! Skater368
Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
If that happened the CEO would also need to fire himself. ESG goes all the way to the top.

They know most people will forget all this in time. That’s why they are silent.
Don't think so Ash. Like I said, It's very easy to simply pick-up a different color twelve pack. Heck, I drank O'Douls for years and years. I switched to Heineken 0.0 and like it better. No chance I go back.

If I'm Coors/Miller I go on a wild add campaign. and lock in these new Coors drinkers.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Dave, they partnered with a man that is a better woman than your wife, according to them. You have a young daughter like me and so many others and our wives and daughters are being replaced by "Better women".

Men are not better women than biological women are. Take a stand for your daughters future rights.

I am and I will.. by not being a sheep.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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You have your point of view, and that's fine...

But as you can tell, most people are not feeling the same way as you do.

And that's fine too. Yes?

Of course! But heard mentality is dangerous as fuck.. we saw it with the trump movement, the q anon movement, the liberal movement a lot of different things..

I like trump but I don’t love him nor do I agree with everything he does. I like de Santis better than trump..

I like coors light better than bud light. I don’t like the fact that they have given a lot to dem policies.. I could careless that they ran pride
Cans and support those movements even though I’m not gay.. weirdly enough I can be in a room with my gay friends and not give a shit either.. hell there’s even a trans member on this website that I’m proud to call a friend. Even though he became a she, she’s still got more balls than anyone in this thread. K boat pretty much spells that out.

I wonder if bud light made dana757 a can (one single can) if rdp would he losing their shit like this? Which drives home the point. I don’t think anyone would give a shit?

What’s going on here is heard mentality and bandwagoning..

They make thousands of these cans for all
Sorts of people.. (or at least used to) from baseball players to local people if they accomplish some sort of goal or have any kinda social media presence.

Shit before all this I’d bet they woulda made me an rdp can for the charity fund raiser we just did.

Its one can of beer.. somehow that has now become the symbol for a movement I get it.. but that movement is full of sheep, and I’m not one of them.

Every year we goto key west. Every year tank and I go have beers at the drag bar because the people that own it are friends of his. When they come out west they stay at his house..

Because tank and I go and have beers does that make us the symbol of everything trans? Will
We revolt and try and take down rdp because of it?

I thought being conservative was about freedom? I thought conservativism was about individuality?

Seems like if you don’t “fit the mold” than its fuck you.. that’s how liberals think, not so much me.

Vote with your wallets I get it.. people are free to do what they want. But at least understand what it is and why you are doing it.. don’t just by the hype of internet memes and Ben Shapiro..

Like I said before you guys do whatever ya want. It doesn’t bother me. I personally will be supporting those that support the boating cause, the conservative cause, the local causes.. and that my friend no matter how you slice it is in fact AB and more particularly Romer beverage locally.



We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
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Don't think so Ash. Like I said, It's very easy to simply pick-up a different color twelve pack. Heck, I drank O'Douls for years and years. I switched to Heineken 0.0 and like it better. No chance I go back.

If I'm Coors/Miller I go on a wild add campaign. and lock in these new Coors drinkers.

I dunno, we’ll see. These people do shitloads of product and focus groups.

Keep in mind by leaving BL, a % will just go drink another InBev brand.

If these numbers stay this bad into June, I will be surprised. I am guessing this is the worst of it, but I could be wrong.

Like I said I’m hoping for a beer price war :)


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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The sheep are boycotting BL? Really?
I dunno, we’ll see. These people do shitloads of product and focus groups.

Keep in mind by leaving BL, a % will just go drink another InBev brand.

If these numbers stay this bad into June, I will be surprised. I am guessing this is the worst of it, but I could be wrong.

Like I said I’m hoping for a beer price war :)

Price drops are already happening we have seen that. At least for BL.


We aren't happy until you aren't happy
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Of course! But heard mentality is dangerous as fuck.. we saw it with the trump movement, the q anon movement, the liberal movement a lot of different things..

I like trump but I don’t love him nor do I agree with everything he does. I like de Santis better than trump..

I like coors light better than bud light. I don’t like the fact that they have given a lot to dem policies.. I could careless that they ran pride
Cans and support those movements even though I’m not gay.. weirdly enough I can be in a room with my gay friends and not give a shit either.. he’ll there’s even a trans member on this website that I’m proud to call a friend. Even though he became a she, she’s still got more balls than anyone in this thread. K boat pretty much spells that out.

I wonder if bud light made dana757 a can (one single can) if rdp would he losing their shit like this? Which drives home the point. I don’t think anyone would give a shit?

What’s going on here is heard mentality and bandwagoning..

They make thousands of these cans for all
Sorts of people.. (or at least used to) from baseball players to local people if they accomplish some sort of goal or have any kinda social media presence.

Shit before all this I’d bet they woulda made me an rdp can for the charity fund raiser we just did.

Its one can of beer.. somehow that has now become the symbol for a movement I get it.. but that movement is full of sheep, and I’m not one of them.

Every year we goto key west. Every year tank and I go have beers at the drag bar because the people that own it are friends of his. When they come out west they stay at his house..

Because tank and I go and have beers does that make us the symbol of everything trans? Will
We revolt and try and take down rdp because of it?

I thought being conservative was about freedom? I thought conservativism was about individuality?

Seems like if you don’t “fit the mold” than its fuck you.. that’s how liberals think, not so me.

Vote with your wallets I get it.. people are free to do what they want. But at least understand what it is and why you are doing it.. don’t just by the hype of internet memes and Ben Shapiro..

Like I said before you guys do whatever ya want. It doesn’t bother me. I personally will be supporting those that support the boating cause, the conservative cause, the local causes.. and that my friend no matter how you slice it is in fact AB and more particularly Romer beverage locally.


It’s not the can Dave. The can itself had little to do with it. The person that BL gave money to and partnered with thinks it should be a CRIME to misgender someone. This is part of a culture war. There are casualties of war.

It’s not what BL said, it’s how they delivered the message 🤣.

No one cares what you or Tank do. No one cares if you as an adult want to go to a drag bar.

At the end of the day people are starting to be done with wokeness. They don’t want to support organizations that support those who are contributing to the erosion of our societal norms and values.

Trans people themselves have been around a long time. Few people cared up to a few years ago? Why? Because this isn’t about those people. It’s about the people that co-opted trans people and framed them as victims whose rights and desires needed to be protected at all costs. Because this movement now seeks to justify, normalize and propagate mental illness, ignoring science and biology.

That is why people are up in arms Dave. The can has nothing to do with it. The local distributor may be a great guy that supports boating, but these are the costs of doing business today in a culture war.
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In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
It’s not the can Dave. The can itself had little to do with it. The person that BL gave money to and partnered with thinks it should be a CRIME to misgender someone. This is part of a culture war. There are casualties of war.

It’s not what BL said, it’s how they delivered the message 🤣.

No one cares what you or Tank do. No one cares if you as an adult want to go to a drag bar.

At the end of the day people are starting to be done with wokeness. They don’t want to support organizations that support those who are contributing to the erosion of our societal norms and values.

Trans people themselves have been around a long time. Few people cared up to a few years ago? Why? Because this isn’t about those people. It’s about the people that co-opted trans people and framed them as victims whose rights and desires needed to be protected at all costs. Because this movement now seeks to justify, normalize and propagate mental illness, ignoring science and biology.

That is why people are up in arms Dave. The can has nothing. The local distributor may be a great guy that supports boating, but these are the costs of doing business today in a culture war.

I agree 100% with just about everything you said.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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An honest apology with the words "We messed up" in the apology would get at least 90% of there customers back the next day

I agree with that too…. But then the other side of the culture war goes up in arms. I think they are fucked no matter what they do so they are sitting on their hands betting on the short memories of Americans

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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I dunno, we’ll see. These people do shitloads of product and focus groups.

Keep in mind by leaving BL, a % will just go drink another InBev brand.

If these numbers stay this bad into June, I will be surprised. I am guessing this is the worst of it, but I could be wrong.

Like I said I’m hoping for a beer price war :)
That’s the usual rhetoric, but I think this one is different.
Most blue collar Americans, which BL has made a point of identifying with for decades, has just about reached the end of their tolerance concerning corporations and leftist USING communities like minorities and gays etc to vilify said blue collar workers.
I can not imagine a worse case scenario than Bud Light USING the trans community to chest pound atop the ESG milk crate.
No, this one isn’t going away quietly.
It took like Islam in the desert…
It’s got nothing to do really with gays, trans, or even sheep.
It is not about them. It’s about the vise being squeezed on blue collar straight white Americans.
Hey, I have a roster of gay friends as well. Lifelong family friend that lives in Hawaii now almost got killed years ago in a hate crime beating. Half my family flew over there and stayed while he was intensive care.
He’s been part of our family since the 1960’s.

The next big downfall for the ESG will be the millions of women who are now being marginalized by Dylan Mulvaney.
That trans basketball player just gave a speech this week saying that it is “criminal” to pass any law banning biological males from any women’s sports.

Anyone who agrees with that should just go and slap the shit out of their own wives and daughters, because that’s what it amounts to.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I remember the good old days when advertising was so much more relatable.........



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
That’s the usual rhetoric, but I think this one is different.
Most blue collar Americans, which BL has made a point of identifying with for decades, has just about reached the end of their tolerance concerning corporations and leftist USING communities like minorities and gays etc to vilify said blue collar workers.
I can not imagine a worse case scenario than Bud Light USING the trans community to chest pound atop the ESG milk crate.
No, this one isn’t going away quietly.
It took like Islam in the desert…
It’s got nothing to do really with gays, trans, or even sheep.
It is not about them. It’s about the vise being squeezed on blue collar straight white Americans.
Hey, I have a roster of gay friends as well. Lifelong family friend that lives in Hawaii now almost got killed years ago in a hate crime beating. Half my family flew over there and stayed while he was intensive care.
He’s been part of our family since the 1960’s.

The next big downfall for the ESG will be the millions of women who are now being marginalized by Dylan Mulvaney.
That trans basketball player just gave a speech this week saying that it is “criminal” to pass any law banning biological males from any women’s sports.

Anyone who agrees with that should just go and slap the shit out of their own wives and daughters, because that’s what it amounts to.


Agreed.. they should definitely not be allowed in sports. And as a straight white male I also agree we are being squeezed by all


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I remember the good old days when advertising was so much more relatable.........

This wasn’t even an ad campaign though.. lol. It was a can they sent to some influencer so I guess in that regard it is..

Personally I think the idea of influencer and ads is dangerous af as well, because ya never know what said influencers are gonna do and how they represent your product.

At least with athletes they have contracts etc


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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That 1% is a pain in the ass.. example ESG score.. which I don’t know who came up
With that shit but it should be illegal
If you ask me
Bet they would start shutting their mouths if we started kicking them in the nuts, we all know they have them.