Blood pressure


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Read wash11 thread life changing.
One discussion I had with him a long time ago.....

"Man, I really admire what you guys have done. I would really like to do something similar but that hard work like that would kill me...."

"Nope.....all the hard work saved my life. I am healthier than ever keeping busy, eating right and completing projects vs partying on the lake. Literally, it saved my life!"


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2019
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140/80 before I left to bring my oldest to his conditioning training. I feel better today. I’ve only drank water today and just plain deli turkey. I’m hungry now though so I gotta figure something out
Turkey deli meat is 500 mg of sodium for 2 oz.

Processed food is processed food doesn't matter if it's the supermarket or Jack in the box.

Time to turn on the smoker and make your own.

I normally live on tri-tip and skinless chicken breast for proteins, all cooked over charcoal.

Just reading this thread I cut my coffee from 36 oz to 24 oz today and I drink a s*** ton of water.

Great information here let's keep it going!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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I haven't read every post but this is my story recently.

I was going to the doctor and he couldn't get my blood pressure under control so he sent me to a cardiologist, the cardiologist ordered a stress test, which I failed. They then did an angiogram. 3 blocked arteries. (100%, 70%, 40%). No symptoms other than high blood pressure. He put 4 stints in.

3 weeks later my brother who is 9 years younger than I had a heart attack. They diagnosed him with a blocked artery, 90%.
I am 49.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Lots of good advice here. If you’re going to a doctor because of high blood pressure, expect it is likely to be high when your BP is taken at that doctor’s. Get an automatic BP cuff. Check yourself at home. Not every minute. Maybe twice a day at first. Same time each day would be good. As mentioned, take your BP while sitting up straight with both feet on the floor. Resting the arm the cuff is on upon a counter or table is good. As said, try to get the cuff at an equal height to your heart. Moderation Is the name of the game. Ya, you can have a double double, but just not every day. Excessive milk at your age could be problematic. Water is your friend, not coffee. High BP can be hereditary and meds might be necessary for some.


cobra performance boats
May 24, 2014
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Ok so yesterday my bp kind of sat around 140. Today I tested 3x and it’s been very similar and good numbers. All I’ve had today is water, brown rice and grilled chicken. I don’t know that I can do this forever but today is the first time I haven’t had a headache. I don’t know how it works but I’m assuming if I had a coffee now it would go up? I really don’t care to find out today though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Check out the documentary "the magic pill"
It's excellent and a real eye opener about our food supply and the destruction it has on humans. Everyone can benefit from new/more info. about our lives, health and well being.
Crap food = crap health
Good food= good heath
Additionally.....the poor example crap food sets and TRAINS our children to eat....
To me, that's the worst of all of it...........


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Ok so yesterday my bp kind of sat around 140. Today I tested 3x and it’s been very similar and good numbers. All I’ve had today is water, brown rice and grilled chicken. I don’t know that I can do this forever but today is the first time I haven’t had a headache. I don’t know how it works but I’m assuming if I had a coffee now it would go up? I really don’t care to find out today though. View attachment 1408055

If you’re not having caffeine headaches I’d try to make it through the weekend. Then you can try a regular cup of coffee and see your reaction.

Iced Tea has caffeine if you need it. But if you drink one try to find a “clean one”. Not a gas station 110 octane version of iced tea lol.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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Ok so yesterday my bp kind of sat around 140. Today I tested 3x and it’s been very similar and good numbers. All I’ve had today is water, brown rice and grilled chicken. I don’t know that I can do this forever but today is the first time I haven’t had a headache. I don’t know how it works but I’m assuming if I had a coffee now it would go up? I really don’t care to find out today though. View attachment 1408055
Try a cup of coffee and see what happens. Thats what I do. Consume whatever and get a before and after. You find out what’s shit for you and what works.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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F’n caffeine is addicting, much like nicotine. I don’t like that kind of stuff having control over me. Some soft drinks are full of caffeine etc. RC Cola and Mountain Dew are a couple of the worst. Your recent BP numbers look good. Believe normal pulse, at rest, is about 72 BPM. I was once hooked on cigs and RC Cola. The desire for each was similar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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VIC, I go through stints where I travel a ton. One of my favorite go too's between traveling for work, or just being too busy to try and get a decent lunch, coaching the kids in baseball was meal replacement powders (Ka Chava/Huel Etc...) I bring a shaker cup and enough powder to make two shakes if I had to to get me through the day without hitting a fast food joint or gas station snacks because I was starving. All you need is water to make it. Easy peasy. If I know Im on the road for three or 4 days I'll bring more with me.

I have a tough time meal prepping and sticking to a strict diet for an extended period of time. It's all about balance. I use my fitness pal app and track my food intake, if I don't, Ill consume 5,000 calories of bad food by 2pm. I've had several BP issues from late 30's to now and it all stems from diet.

A lot of great advice here.

Time to start paying attention to what you eat. You need to put YOU AND YOUR HEALTH FIRST! Everything else second. I'm still trying to manage that because I'm always putting others before myself 99% of the time, I think you do too....

Good luck and I hope it gets ironed out without meds...


Jan 9, 2010
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Ok so yesterday my bp kind of sat around 140. Today I tested 3x and it’s been very similar and good numbers. All I’ve had today is water, brown rice and grilled chicken. I don’t know that I can do this forever but today is the first time I haven’t had a headache. I don’t know how it works but I’m assuming if I had a coffee now it would go up? I really don’t care to find out today though. View attachment 1408055
To the contrary. It would be a perfect bench test to get your non caffeinated numbers, then have a cup and compare the results.