
Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2015
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Here's how the trickle down effect works....Cali has a governor that is so narcissistic he thinks he can create a 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States!?
It's not enough that California is a "Red flag State" that doesn't support the 2nd Amendment, now Newscum believes he is influential and powerful enough to effect change for the Nation? Sometimes you've got to ask yourself, is hell really hot enough for some of these people?
Or is it a ploy for votes just like his reparations panel was, are the "Demographical people" in the state of California so blind as to not see how he played them like a banjo, er I mean fiddle?


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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It is also ironic that people think one person can be the savior.

Nobody is calling Trump the savior, just the current leader of the MAGA/Tea Party movement and a victim of a tyrannical government full of corrupt communist bastards.

As Tank said, both sides are corrupt to the bone and if both sides hate Trump, then it should be clear to even the most mentally challenged………….he’s our man, unless you’re a corrupt POS yourself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2015
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I had a Governor tell me and others if you think you can do a better job get out of the cheap seats and get elected. He said I hate complainers that do nothing but complain. Good old Arnold!
Never thought I'd say this but God I miss him!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
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The war already started, which is why gun confiscation is top of list. Buy guns, amo, and put some cash where you can get it when you need it. They know it’s going to come down to a ground game


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2015
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Ironic part is people think one sides better than the other. I agree, lesser of two evils and all but sad to say, BOTH sides are crooked as shit and only looking out to take care of themselves and their cronies. There is no more country before self. ANYWHERE. The system is broke. The gloves are off and they’re not even trying to hide their criminal behavior anymore.

And all this talk about fighting back and civil war blah blah blah. Yeah sure. It’s all Fuckin lip service. The right is too lazy and set in their ways and scared to lose their comfy lifestyles to even make an attempt to stop the radical left. The civil war has Fuckin started. The left is winning! Scary times indeed.
I agree with some of your sentiment but I disagree that the right is weak, soft or lazy. Chomo Joe and the Ho will declare Martial Law and we'd all be in prison for 4 years without even so much as a trial, that's not being soft, that's using our brains. We have to strategize and plan, we aren't fighting a war on two fronts, this is domestic terrorism with 30-40% of Americans who are too ignorant to see what this country is turning into......the devils playground. Don't call me lazy


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2015
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It is also ironic that people think one person can be the savior.
Well you have to ask yourself this.....if he wasn't such a threat to the leftists, why is he their sole target since before his term was up? Why is it that Trump has been charged with everything under the sun, repeatedly, and made out to be everything from a rapist to extortionist and nothing has panned out? Is he a savior, absolutely not, but has he and could he again get this Country right? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING YES! Call it what you want but he's the only non-politician at the table and he doesn't GIVE A FUCK who he offends!!!


Tormenting libturds
May 28, 2010
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Romney, aka 530’s husband's response……

“Mr. Trump brought these charges upon himself by not only taking classified documents, but by refusing to simply return them when given numerous opportunities to do so. These allegations are serious and if proven, would be consistent with his other actions offensive to the national interest, such as withholding defensive weapons from Ukraine for political reasons and failing to defend the Capitol from violent attack and insurrection.”

faggot robinhood .gif


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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My colleague at work is a first generation Cuban American. His blood boils living through the same scenario as his father who left Cuba during the transition to one state / one party better known as communism in 1962. He tells me, “if you were caught speaking against the party, you risked getting picked-up and disappeared.”

Well any idea how one would combat such an act of authority in the USA? You got it…….the second amendment.



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I agree with some of your sentiment but I disagree that the right is weak, soft or lazy. Chomo Joe and the Ho will declare Martial Law and we'd all be in prison for 4 years without even so much as a trial, that's not being soft, that's using our brains. We have to strategize and plan, we aren't fighting a war on two fronts, this is domestic terrorism with 30-40% of Americans who are too ignorant to see what this country is turning into......the devils playground. Don't call me lazy
Im Sorry but the rights Fuckin lazy and scared and like their positions too much to rock the boat. Maybe that ain’t you. But over all, as a party? Soft and weak seem a very fitting description. And there ain’t shit being done. Zero accountability for the left and their blatant lies and out of control behavior. Maybe when I see an inkling of what you’re referring to (or hoping for) I’ll agree.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2012
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My colleague at work is a first generation Cuban American. His blood boils living through the same scenario as his father who left Cuba during the transition to one state / one party better known as communism in 1962. He tells me, “if you were caught speaking against the party, you risked getting picked-up and disappeared.”

Well any idea how one would combat such an act of authority in the USA? You got it…….the second amendment.

Where's JFK when you need him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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I read an article recently that dissected the "race" of who voted for what party lines here in CA, from the Joe Pedo election.

Just facts about who voted for who. It was an eye opener for me. At least now I Know why CA is so blue.
Are there really that many Cocksuckers in California? Well then, if they can take it in the ass, then they can take a joke...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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My colleague at work is a first generation Cuban American. His blood boils living through the same scenario as his father who left Cuba during the transition to one state / one party better known as communism in 1962. He tells me, “if you were caught speaking against the party, you risked getting picked-up and disappeared.”

Well any idea how one would combat such an act of authority in the USA? You got it…….the second amendment.

Carpet bomb that bitch into molten glass.


Dreaming of the lake
Feb 13, 2008
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How do you introduce evidence? Can't wait to see what Trump had in those boxes. 😎
They won't allow the contents to be listed or exposed publicly for that reason. Wouldn't be surprised if they use that as an excuse to hide the entire "trial" and they try to just wheel him away after a "guilty" verdict as a public display.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
There is a knock on your door. You see about 6 fully kitted LEO from the sheriff dept and a couple 3 letter guys.
You answer.
They want to see your guns.
What do you do?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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That's pretty funny. Kinda like the dream I just had woken up from, but 5-0 was a Lowrider full of Gangbangers crashing our awesome house party. I stabbed #1 through the door with my walking stick right in the throat, took his SA Shotgun. Weird. My Physical Therapist has me walking with two now. So, after that bad dream this morning, thinkin Ima gonna sharpen the tops to a sharp point and put a cane tip on top. Same stick that Morgan wields on 'The Walking Dead.' WalMart. Under $20, Same exact stick. 🤣

"What guns? See that Boat Bro? Out in the Gulf, you just never know...." Pirates! :D

No Sheriff response in Town. The Sheriff next door knows I would die to protect his Family, so I guess see if and when, how it would theoretically play out, right?

Is this before, or after they/them navigate through the 3 legged Pomeranian, the 35 pound Yorkie, his 8 pound Sister, and! Bonus!! The new Wild Bunch to replace Darlin and Dody, RIP, Descendants of Wolves.
That's my Family, that would all die to protect me, so there's that...
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Head Ram Rod
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
There is a knock on your door. You see about 6 fully kitted LEO from the sheriff dept and a couple 3 letter guys.
You answer.
They want to see your guns.
What do you do?
There was a situation, I don’t remember the state, but a guy had bought quite a few guns in a month. The red flag at the ATF went up and they sent two agents out to make sure he still had them and didn’t resell them. They knocked on the door, he asked who they were through the door and they stated their business. He said hold on, picked up the phone and called the police saying two guys wanted to see his guns and he didn’t know who they were. Cops showed up and it got bad real fast. I’ll try to find the body cam but the atf thought they were above the cops, cops wanted them to get in cuffs while they figured it out and atf refused. Cops took ‘‘em down and at one point one of the agents was screaming I cat breathe. The agents didn’t comply with the cops direction and it went bad.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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He’ll be the first president in our nations history, who will spend a day in jail, or will die broke trying to fight it.

We’ve locked up other law makers, this will be the first president.

Political opponents being jailed only to be muted by the "powers that be"..... you appear to be excited by these turn of events.....
Question: Do you view this obvious "abuse of power" by the "current administration" as good or bad for the future of our Democratic Republic?
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
There was a situation, I don’t remember the state, but a guy had bought quite a few guns in a month. The red flag at the ATF went up and they sent two agents out to make sure he still had them and didn’t resell them. They knocked on the door, he asked who they were through the door and they stated their business. He said hold on, picked up the phone and called the police saying two guys wanted to see his guns and he didn’t know who they were. Cops showed up and it got bad real fast. I’ll try to find the body cam but the atf thought they were above the cops, cops wanted them to get in cuffs while they figured it out and atf refused. Cops took ‘‘em down and at one point one of the agents was screaming I cat breathe. The agents didn’t comply with the cops direction and it went bad.
Seen it.
That’s why I ask.
It happens everyday in this country.
What does civil war actually look like?
There’s a lot of videos of atf confrontation concerning things like binary trigger purchases, and of course the now reinstated SBR regulations.
We are already in a war.
It doesn’t look like what many Rambo yuppies think it looks like. There isn’t a horde of zombies coming over the wall, there isn’t a gang of nefarious rogue cast outs trying to steal your rations. It isn’t a stack of 10 bodies on the front lawn because “I’ll protect my family!”
It’s a knock on the door.
Wedge says his dogs will die for him. I have no doubt they will do just that if he sics them on any Leo knocking on his door. Followed quickly by his own demise or arrest.
So what does it really look like?
Are the so called extreme right really just patriots who won’t be pushed around?
Mark Pitcavage says anyone not complying is a radical militant.
So where is the line? My position concerning blind compliance is well know here, but I don’t care and have no one counting on me to feed them.
Make no mistake though. None of us will get a horse drawn glass carriage at our funeral, with a million people mourning and msm wetting themselves.
No…we will get 2 minutes on CNN labeled as a far right extremist who should have never owned guns in the first place, because we considered ourselves as patriots like our forefathers. That is the major mental flaw in our thinking according to Pitcavage…who btw is funded with our tax dollars to aid the fbi in identifying us.
Funny huh? Almost as funny as Obama funding isis by buying black market stolen Syrian oil via OPEC.
No…we are not the hero’s, we are not George Floyd.
We are the bad guys.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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WTG nails it. Kari's bold statements in Georgia, Hot Air. The "Welcome to My House" scenario will play out. Nationwide.
They already raided Trump's house. IRS targeting the "Tea Party Patriots" back in the day? 87,000 armed Agents now.

To clarify about the dogs.
The Vet explained it this way, about Darlin and Dody not letting him near me. "They are protecting you, it's what they do, it is natural behavior." I know this to be true about the others here, especially the Wolf dogs, and most definitely the Brother and Sister Yorkies. Their Momma dog Baby, (A jet black bigger wire haired spaniel looking dog), (Dad Yorkie, Copper! was a 5 pound ratty AKC FB Yorkie, musta been some Lazy Susan action going on there,:D but I digress.) Baby, tragically, ferociously gave her life defending the home of the Breeder during a break in. Perp's legs were dog treats! Don't really need to give direction, anyone comes uninvited through the door, or through the fence first, does so at their own peril.

I have a huge White German Shepherd Rescue, Spirit, coming soon. Known him from the Pound. Stands up on his hind legs, he is a tall as me. Trading 2 of the Blue eyed Pomsky's. Spirit does NOT like uniforms...:D
It would be unwise to harm my animals. Godspeed Liberty
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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I believe it is called allegory.
Like allegorical stories, or poetry, (or quotes, or statements,) containing a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2012
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How do you introduce evidence? Can't wait to see what Trump had in those boxes. 😎
It’s in the 37 page indictment. Detailed as to what the material was, and possible exposure of National Security secrets including but not limited to who it exposed, methods it exposed, individuals it exposed, US National defense capabilities exposed, satellite capability technology and defense scenario planning.

It’s a long list of alleged items and information kept insecurely subjecting US National defense to alleged significant risk and harm.

Who knows but if as alleged, it will make an interesting trial.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2011
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It’s in the 37 page indictment. Detailed as to what the material was, and possible exposure of National Security secrets including but not limited to who it exposed, methods it exposed, individuals it exposed, US National defense capabilities exposed, satellite capability technology and defense scenario planning.

It’s a long list of alleged items and information kept insecurely subjecting US National defense to alleged significant risk and harm.

Who knows but if as alleged, it will make an interesting trial.
We’re the nuke codes that he was selling to Russia in there?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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It’s in the 37 page indictment. Detailed as to what the material was, and possible exposure of National Security secrets including but not limited to who it exposed, methods it exposed, individuals it exposed, US National defense capabilities exposed, satellite capability technology and defense scenario planning.

It’s a long list of alleged items and information kept insecurely subjecting US National defense to alleged significant risk and harm.

Who knows but if as alleged, it will make an interesting trial.
Spoken like a true Dirtbag. At this point any confidence in the chain of custody post raid, and method, is laughable.
Dirtbags like you are cheering for a police state and the destruction of this country
Fuck you!
Couldn't have said it better myself.
BTW, piss up a rope Dirtbag. Don't get it caught when you stand up to zip up there Teddy Hairgel.
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was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
It’s in the 37 page indictment. Detailed as to what the material was, and possible exposure of National Security secrets including but not limited to who it exposed, methods it exposed, individuals it exposed, US National defense capabilities exposed, satellite capability technology and defense scenario planning.

It’s a long list of alleged items and information kept insecurely subjecting US National defense to alleged significant risk and harm.

Who knows but if as alleged, it will make an interesting trial.
Not as interesting as your trial will be, if the tide ever changes.
It’s no wonder you and your minions are so fucking afraid.

SNiC Jet

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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It’s in the 37 page indictment. Detailed as to what the material was, and possible exposure of National Security secrets including but not limited to who it exposed, methods it exposed, individuals it exposed, US National defense capabilities exposed, satellite capability technology and defense scenario planning.

It’s a long list of alleged items and information kept insecurely subjecting US National defense to alleged significant risk and harm.

Who knows but if as alleged, it will make an interesting trial.
Trump's only mistake was not storing these docs in his unlocked garage by his Corvette, or better yet....Trump should have scanned all of the docs and stored them on a PC located in an offsite bathroom closet.....wait, what's even better, he should have simply scanned them and emailed the docs to himself and others.... as these locations and methods appear to be DOJ/FBI approved "Classified Document Security Zones" and then the DOJ/FBI could not touch him! No harm, No foul, Right? 😜

The funnest part of all is that you actually believe, or pretend to believe, that this entire charade is all about "classified documents" 🤣🤣🤣
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Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Political opponents being jailed only to be muted by the "powers that be"..... you appear to be excited by these turn of events.....
Question: Do you view this obvious "abuse of power" by the "current administration" as good or bad for the future of our Democratic Republic?

What Goes Around, Comes Around!! Or Worse.

Looking Glass

1 = Well = Known = Member
Jan 6, 2020
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Trump's only mistake was not storing these docs in his unlocked garage by his Corvette, or better yet....Trump should have scanned all of the docs and stored them on a PC located in an offsite bathroom closet.....wait, what's even better, he should have simply scanned them and emailed the docs to himself and others.... as these locations and methods appear to be DOJ/FBI approved "Classified Document Security Zones" and then the DOJ/FBI could not touch him! No harm, No foul, Right? 😜

How many months ago was it that they "Raided" his home? DAMN!! what took so long to realize there was this "Issue"? OR!!, was all this the Plan, and since the FBI would not allow anyone in, along during the Raid, who knows What, When and Where any of this Shit is on the "Up and Up"?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020
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How many months ago was it that they "Raided" his home? DAMN!! what took so long to realize there was this "Issue"? OR!!, was all this the Plan, and since the FBI would not allow anyone in, along during the Raid, who knows What, When and Where any of this Shit is on the "Up and Up"?