This has been a several year project so far, but thought I would start a thread with some photo's and current status. The project is a 1979 20' Schiada that my mom and dad ski raced in the early 80's. I learned to ski behind this boat, and have many memories of mom skiing, dad driving and working on motors - it something that I look back on with fondness. 2 years back, I convinced my dad that his Schiada needed a new power plant and needed to get the hardward freshened. It has been the family ski boat since getting out of ski racing. So we stripped everything down, got the hull over to John Miller for some fiberglass repair and strengthening work, and a BBC 509 off to John Lembeck for an engine build. While this was going on, dad had passed, which there had been many other things that took priority (like helping my mom), so the 20' project sat for the past year plus, not making much progress. So in the past month, making some progress. All my aluminum rigging is off to the polishers, then off to the anodizers. Should have that back next month. The motor is in the process of going on the dyno. And today I spent the day on the underneath side of the boat waxing the bottom. The hull is 30 years old, and the brown calcification on the hull had built up. So I took some rubbing compound with lots of elbo grease...and I have essentailly a brand new hull. I'm really stoked. Photos are attached, and I'll continue to post as progress is made, but I'm looking very forward to having her back out on the ski racing circuit this next season. May even be a chance that my mom might come back out too... she had Bemis make her up some new bindings on her old Murdock race ski. I'm looking very forward to next season. Enjoy the photos - Sean