hey what class do you run .. we ran super eliminator about 15 years ago i say we but my pops ran it we had a black cole tr2
gotta love those duallys .......
thats a nice lil truck i like the wheels you photoshoped in you should throw some bags on that thing and make it lay frame you would love the ride you get if they are done right ... im actually painting my 70 yellow and white as well but the other stock 2tone im working on the rendering right...
so for whatever reason i dont have pics of my dads truck but here mine the white one i have it torn down now have a few things to redo and throw some paint on .....and the gold and white one is actually for sale ...your 09 is clean i couldnt see the pic of the 69 ....
yea i love the 20ft ones im trying to buy my pops old one back right now i have a motor for it sittin in the garage we will see if i can get the to part with it if i get it you will see her out there soon
that looks awesome it reminds me of my dads old 82 20ft it was set up for ski racing as well and we always ran a two blade prop the boat loved it and we had a blown bbc....... i would stick with a two blade
hey my uncle had a 20 ft same color as the brown one and we had a yellow 20ft with a blown 468 chevy with a 871 blower and two 1450 dominators im trying to buy that boat back .....or find another 20 ft .....i just saw that white one this past weekend thats a clean boat