So I didn’t get a picture, but I seen a white rubicon like Jeep with a Green RDP sticker on it at Supulveda/ Hawthorne. That’s just something you don’t see everyday around here.
just wondering who that might have been.
This is funny. Every time everyone comes up with all this zigzag thing. I just go straight in. Because I guarantee that when you come out you go straight So what’s the difference.
I was just looking to get a new printer today. Was looking at the same one.
I think I will buy it. The reviews say it cost more per print with this printer. But I’m not going to print very much. They have them at Best Buy’s for $229.00. Seems to be a good deal
I’m planning on doing a topock run. I’ve done in several times. You can make it on either side of the 95. You’ll need to no where to turn off the 40 to go around the reserve. I’m planning on going on the east side of the 95 there and the west side on the way back.