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  1. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Back from Ft. Myers. Did lots of boating down there.
  2. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Taco night at the Legion last night, going to be a long day.
  3. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Headin down to Fort Myers on Friday with the wife unit for some fun in the sun. Can't get here fast enough!
  4. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Nice and sunny here today, great day to pour some cement.
  5. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Probably a good thing he hit a ford.......aluminum bed acted like an air bag.
  6. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Looks Moist.
  7. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    My old boss always told me I was only getting paid for the cement inside the forms......
  8. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Inside the forms I hope!
  9. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    That's great!
  10. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Is that what you call soccer over there, or are we talking about real football? Real football I hope!
  11. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    I see Michigan thinks a $0.45 gas tax will fix their roads.....lmao
  12. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Going to be 60 here on Sunday.
  13. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Rode from Grayling to Mackinaw City, up on the west side of I75 and back on the east Side of I75.
  14. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Not Marathon / Key West nice, but damn nice by michigan standards.
  15. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Little sled trip last weekend.
  16. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    You should be in Key West for "Put-In-Bay Days", which happens to be going on right now. Place will be full of High class folks from Ohio.
  17. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    This weather sucks balls!
  18. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Quittin time! Daughter has a basketball game tonight, both son and Daughter have games on Friday night and Saturday.
  19. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Do you need a permit for that new cement? :rolleyes:
  20. Jriggs

    Midwest Post Hor Thread

    Kidz have basketball games tonight and tomorrow, along with my Daughters 15 birthday party sleep over Saturday night. I can see now that I should have gotten the hell out of dodge this weekend.