May 2002 . They were playing "Play that Funky Music White Boy" then we had drinks :beer w/ the bartender during one of their breaks and they were tripping that my last name was Funk. Cool cats they were:thumbsup
BTW, I think :hmm they were actually more interested :smackhead in the 2 fems...
Rob, its the other Rob that bought your Spectra boat. I'm selling it and hoped to get the trailer registration from you and possibly other odds and ends too.
Thanks, TAF
:swearI say the doctor should be held financially responsible for raising the kids...... He got her pregnant and he can't say he thought he pulled out in time either:swear:smackhead
And one in the doctors ass!!
If a normal guy accidentally gets a woman pregnant he can be held financially responsible for the care of the kid. This doctor didn't make a mistake, he full knowingly tried to get her pregant and succeeded therefore he should be forced to finance the kids lives:swear
A problem on her part does not constitute a problem on my part (or our countries part) The system isn't managed by anyone w/ common sense and they / it enables all the free loads to suck the system dry. Isn't this a form of fraud?
Be thankful he didn't :skull contact you as per Skanker's post, he might have left ya w/ something permanent:eek:
I just got my boat back together and put a few hrs on it last weekend. Wes and I plan to go to a local lake this weekend to put a few more mild hours on it if it doesn't...