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  1. TAF

    any pics of you to share.

    Very nice pics. I just had to look:drool Very girly feminine page in Pink:eek: Carry on ladies, I'll just lurk:thumbsup
  2. TAF

    Good Morning Inmates

    May 2002 . They were playing "Play that Funky Music White Boy" then we had drinks :beer w/ the bartender during one of their breaks and they were tripping that my last name was Funk. Cool cats they were:thumbsup BTW, I think :hmm they were actually more interested :smackhead in the 2 fems...
  3. TAF

    Dad at the Mall

    Best laugh I've had all week. Thanks.
  4. TAF

    NASCAR Fontana!!!

    Have ya given them away yet? My 12 yr. old son, 14 yr old daughter and I would love to join any one else going if possible.:thumbsup
  5. TAF

    Can anybody tell me where this is?

    Do as the local doo, or in this case pee!:eek:
  6. TAF

    1977 18 ft. Spectra jetboat

    probably next week;):hmm
  7. TAF

    Rob, its the other Rob that bought your Spectra boat. I'm selling it and hoped to get the...

    Rob, its the other Rob that bought your Spectra boat. I'm selling it and hoped to get the trailer registration from you and possibly other odds and ends too. Thanks, TAF
  8. TAF

    Would you hit it?

    :swearI say the doctor should be held financially responsible for raising the kids...... He got her pregnant and he can't say he thought he pulled out in time either:swear:smackhead
  9. TAF

    Happy Birthday Knuckle-Head

    Happy Belated:rolleyes: Birthday Bill Hope to see you guys at the river possibly riding in your old boat:smackhead Now that its sold whats next:hmm
  10. TAF

    Hooray for Kaiser...

    And one in the doctors ass!! If a normal guy accidentally gets a woman pregnant he can be held financially responsible for the care of the kid. This doctor didn't make a mistake, he full knowingly tried to get her pregant and succeeded therefore he should be forced to finance the kids lives:swear
  11. TAF

    1977 18 ft. Spectra jetboat

    :hmmSale..................pending:rolleyes: :thumbsup
  12. TAF


    Not only would I :drool "pay to play" butt ;) I'd be honored just to :eek: watch (and tip) that show of talent:skull:skull:skull
  13. TAF


    As long as it isn't you that tastes horrible, ehh?:drool Me, I believe I have high standards in low places:smackhead
  14. TAF


    :thumbsup:hmm If he says so it must be ;) true, you certainly have a great eye for the pretties! :drool
  15. TAF

    I lost yer #, I need to get Trlr title cause the boat is sold

    I lost yer #, I need to get Trlr title cause the boat is sold
  16. TAF

    Octuplet mom got more than $165K in disability

    A problem on her part does not constitute a problem on my part (or our countries part) The system isn't managed by anyone w/ common sense and they / it enables all the free loads to suck the system dry. Isn't this a form of fraud?
  17. TAF


    This thread sucks w/ out pics:hmm Haven't met her but she talks a good game.
  18. TAF

    Ladies of RDP....

    Be thankful he didn't :skull contact you as per Skanker's post, he might have left ya w/ something permanent:eek: I just got my boat back together and put a few hrs on it last weekend. Wes and I plan to go to a local lake this weekend to put a few more mild hours on it if it doesn't...
  19. TAF

    Ladies of RDP....

    Whats up? My sis hasn't been on here in a while either. Once summer is here she'll probably get curious and see what's going on.:hmm
  20. TAF

    1977 18 ft. Spectra jetboat

    I think I forgot to mention it has a brand new starter w/ one trip made on it:thumbsup