My motor is already running just thinking about it:drool I do have 3 hrs on the fresh rebuild.
BTW Tyro, there was unrelated drama that occurred before what you know of and today I just found out about brand new unrelated extreme drama:hotdevil.
I just laugh it off, part of life and have...
Work's been slow, off unpaid 2 days a week for past 5 weeks, sold my jet boat, fixed my v-drive boat, got caught up in multitudes of drama
:hotdevil if you only knew:smackhead
Julie :drool who?:hmm It looks like I might be making it to Parker that weekend after all. The circle boat races are there and some QC / PHX friends plan to go:thumbsup:beer
Was the question like asking what the size of a guys :rolleyes: nose or his :D triple E feet?
I'm not a lady :smackhead but yes it was what I was thinking :hmm
Us old men just need the proper stimulis package.....or lack there of. Like me last year at RD's bash after I burnt :hotdevil my motor up I had no boat to drive or spend more money on refueling it so I drowned my sorrows :( in RoadRapers....3 on Fri PM mixed w/ many beers.....followed the next 2...
6. a repaired motorcycle ready for more abuse?:rolleyes:
:hmmIs he going to stay awake for his party this year?:smackhead
I have my kids that weekend so maybe I'll use that as my excuse not to be there and blow up my boat motor at 2 Parker B-Day bashes in a row:o
Ever done it on a beach?
Yes, Newport at sunset:D, Lake Buena Vista mid day on the frontside of the center isle:smackhead, Saguaro, Cyn., Apache, Havasu, and Lake Pleasant, and a couple diff. spots on Parker strip:eek:.
Bartlett is a go w/ my kids as long as the weather is nice. Any female friends going to Bartlett and any single females to your wedding? :hmm
nifty things are bottle openers or floatie key fobs too
Is that why you guys were at the lake both Sat and Sun. this past weekend?:hmm
I hope to see you guys out there again Thurs or Fri.:beer
Make sure yer hubby brings the Grizwald just incase someone needs a tow in:eek::smackhead
Also I might need to know who to avoid (females) at your...
I watched my sis photograph my cousin's wedding in Morro Bay (best weather weekend there all last year) and my cousin's best friend wasn't in the wedding but actually babysat, planned and helped set up most photos of the wedding while my sis just had to snap the pics. Photochic was so greatful...