Yes sir. Thanks for the compliment. You GTFOH . Go look at the picture you posted clown . You don't even hang around your own kind . Why ? Go to your homeland and live in a mud hut with your relatives if they're so great . Thanks for your cooking service. You did what you were qualified to do ...
So now we can drill for oil you nincompoop . It's not the gulf of Mexico anymore where you just signed no drilling for oil . Just fucking rename it. Can't believe you're so smart and missed that one .
Did anybody explain to these people that when you DO go on the BOOKS the government takes half your fucking money and gives it to the shithole they just came from ? Hell , if I worked for cash I would only need to make half as much and still have the same amount of money.
Well , I don't think that has been fully determined yet has it ? When we have a full investigation we will determine who lost with the ACTUAL count. The big lie , the big lie. Wasn't that your big investigation into the election ? They said it on TV so it must be true . Duhhhh dumb fuck .
It is criminal . I'm not that fucking stupid and neither are you and neither are they . They know exactly what their doing . They are shoving a telephone pole wrapped in barbed wire up your ass. How far ya gonna take it ? This shit is just getting started . Wait 3 weeks for the motherload of...
I remember the first time I saw Podesta was with Hillary's campaign . All I could think was he was the slimiest little weasel I had ever seen. The more I learned the worse it got .
This is way past fuckin funny . They divert all your money to help illegals , they diverted all your water to the ocean , they canceled your insurance , then they burnt your fucking house to the ground . How much more is it going to take ? So what's next . Are you gonna give Gavin an award this...
This is an excellent time to think about affordable housing for the illegals and it won't cost the tax payers too much money but we're all gonna feel the pain . signed, your boy Gavin . Fuckin assholes.
Well, I gotta hand it to her . When you completely screw the pooch it's better to just hang your head and say nothing rather than saying something stupid and making the situation worse . Fuckin African party. Stupid bitch.
Ut Oh , somebodies shitting a brick over there . " We have to stop this. Can't have people talking like this ". Look's like Al Gore's invention has gone sideways and had unintended consequences . Who'd a thought people would fuck up an invention . Oooop's .