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  1. CigAjerk

    Do you have an Amazon Ring doorbell? Know anyone who does?

    You don't need apps on your phone for "listening" to take place. In fact, the phone doesn't even need to be turned on.
  2. CigAjerk

    LEO 1 - Axe murderer 0

    Best comment Replying to @catturd2 Needed directions. Stopped to axe.
  3. CigAjerk

    New Office and Shed

    Deck rack or tunnel?
  4. CigAjerk

    Oompa Loompa Off the Rails Already

    According to your synopsis I drank myself into a democrat the other night. I just kept trying to think of words to make my point that I completely forgot 3 sentences ago. Luckily my brain rebooted and I was back on track.
  5. CigAjerk

    Olden Days on the Strip

    Shit no. I can't remember what I did after I posted this.
  6. CigAjerk

    Olden Days on the Strip

    This one?
  7. CigAjerk

    Russia and Ukraine

    An interesting quote from Hitler in 1939 "Everything I undertake is directed against the Russians. If the West is too stupid and blind to grasp this, then I shall be compelled to come to an agreement with the Russians, beat the West and then after their defeat turn against the Soviet Union with...
  8. CigAjerk

    T&Y Stay or Go?

    You post claims otherwise
  9. CigAjerk

    T&Y Stay or Go?

    Dafuk? Who cares what whiny bitches think. You have an opinion coming from your own brain and experience. That's a lot more than some the resident democrats here.
  10. CigAjerk

    the irony of canadian governmen.

    If you wanted to say he has a screw loose you would first need to assume he started with a screw.
  11. CigAjerk


    I got a one time use socket from harbor fright and it snapped taking off a caliper. Therefore, it can't even be an ALLEGED 1/2-use socket.
  12. CigAjerk


    And again, just like that, the circle of the infected is getting larger (and closer to home) Oldest daughter and her boyfriend tested positive yesterday Daughter #3 and her boyfriend tested positive Saturday #3's boyfriends grandmother, cousin and brother all tested positive Saturday 2...
  13. CigAjerk


    And just like that 5 separate people I know tested positive along with about 20+ total people in their circles in the last few days. All vaxxed, some boosted. All of them claim to "know" exactly where they got it. To all the disciples of insanity, go fuck yourself in the dickhole with your...
  14. CigAjerk

    This Day In History...1773

    The problem with today is the "how does this affect me" mentality. People honestly do not see the correlation between what is happening today and history. They are blind to see freedoms erode, rights stripped and separations implemented because of the slow drip in which it has been implemented...
  15. CigAjerk


    In Feb 2020 I called a good friend who does C level head hunting for hospitals. I know through golfing and just plain hanging out some of the deals/people he's placed and where they are. So when the wuhan flu fired up I called him first. I asked what he was hearing from the CEO's in multiple...
  16. CigAjerk

    kyle rittenhouse update.

    I really can’t wait to hear about the mighty Lin Wood going NoS white sharpton. I thought a few guys on this site were tigged to Lin”s luggage when he double dutched into trump & kyles corner. All things being fair, if you call a spade a spade will you also call a cracker a spade? Curious
  17. CigAjerk

    Let's Go Brandon Flags

    Money does some strange things huh
  18. CigAjerk


    Article 1 Section 9 The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten...
  19. CigAjerk


    If a group of people were to establish control over the current government, what laws/rules would they follow? Do you roll back to the constitution with the additional 12 amended bill of rights or do you start making changes right out of the box and immediately become what you just over threw...
  20. CigAjerk

    Covid Game Changer...Maybe

    I.e.-maximizing revenue streams from the entire market share.