Wow, Young Guy Didn't Get Another Chance To Learn...Be Careful On 2 Wheels


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Today I was coming back from picking up my son from school. Stopped at a light, I hear a street bike coming up fast, downshift, and hammer it. The light changed when this kid on a black blur is halfway through the intersection. I recognized the bike, Embry-Riddle student. He's cut me off numerous times since the beginning of the school year, and I've never seen that bike at the speed limit.
Flash forward 2 hours. I'm headed to the other side of town to fix my friend's daughter's car. Willow Creek is closed...the road that runs in front of Embry-Riddle. I don't think much about it, just slightly annoyed I have to detour 10 miles west and south. Get home, have dinner...and wife sees what happened on the Facebook news deal.

The same young man, Riddle student, had been involved in a collision. Reports are he was seen going 100+ on the highway after I'd seen him. At the light from the highway to Willow Creek he was "revving his motor, and took off like a shot" when the light went green. I don't know what happened, if someone turned in front of him, or he lost traction due to road conditions, but the accident took place at the light at the campuses' north entrance. Sadly, the young man passed away at the scene.

Although I've cussed about this kid's riding, I'd never want any harm to come to him. He has to be about my daughter's age. Somewhere there is a family feeling something I can't imagine, or don't want to. The kid was probably running late, this week is midterms.



Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Anyone else remember the mangled truck they parked in front of Sundance, to remind you not to drink and drive?

That poor kids family. Sure hope he didn't take anyone else with him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
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RIP young man. I had a friend that got hit and ran by a trucker while commuting on his streetbike shortly after high school. I wonder if the truck even knew, I don’t believe he was ever caught.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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For all the times I have been that stupid fuck, I bless the fact that my guardian angel is literally running blown nitro....

No other way to justify why I am still alive.

Kid outran his angel, god bless his soul. We've all run the risks, but some have to actually pay the price.

RIP young man.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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For all the times I have been that stupid fuck, I bless the fact that my guardian angel is literally running blown nitro....

No other way to justify why I am still alive.

Kid outran his angel, god bless his soul. We've all run the risks, but some have to actually pay the price.

RIP young man.
Same thing my wife and I were talking about. My wife and I have been together since high school. Street races, bikes and stupid tricks...and yet here I am. Some of us were lucky enough to slow down and shift gears, before the tank was empty, or our luck ran out:confused:


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Same thing my wife and I were talking about. My wife and I have been together since high school. Street races, bikes and stupid tricks...and yet here I am. Some of us were lucky enough to slow down and shift gears, before the tank was empty, or our luck ran out:confused:
I'm still stupid and run shit hard.

I just take more care to only risk myself, instead of endangering everyone around me.

Empty roads. Long straights. Places I know.

Honestly I can't imagine surviving my childhood in this era. The amount of distracted and unqualified motorists is orders of magnitude higher than we had to experience.

It's like death race 5000 out there now days.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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My best friend died at the age of 24 on his BMW R100RS. He was less than a mile from home at 2 AM, and decided even though the light had just turned red, if he twisted it the intersection could be cleared before crossing traffic appeared.

He was incorrect.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2008
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A friend owned Simi Kawasaki and would not sell a crotch rocket to anyone under 18, a kid came in with his mom who vouched for him. The kid was dead within two weeks and my friend never sold one to anyone under 18 again. It can happen to anyone but feeling somewhat responsible isn’t easy on a person.
RIP to the rider


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2013
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A friend owned Simi Kawasaki and would not sell a crotch rocket to anyone under 18, a kid came in with his mom who vouched for him. The kid was dead within two weeks and my friend never sold one to anyone under 18 again. It can happen to anyone but feeling somewhat responsible isn’t easy on a person.
RIP to the rider
John right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2011
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A kid leaving my high school cut across a dirt lot in his VW and got teboned and killed his sister.

I’ve done some stupid shit and have been lucky. I tell my kids the mistakes I have made and how much I regret them and how stupid I was. I don’t pretend to be perfect. Hopefully they listen and learn from my honesty.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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A friend owned Simi Kawasaki and would not sell a crotch rocket to anyone under 18, a kid came in with his mom who vouched for him. The kid was dead within two weeks and my friend never sold one to anyone under 18 again. It can happen to anyone but feeling somewhat responsible isn’t easy on a person.
RIP to the rider
In the early 90's, there was a bike on bike head on collision on Glendora Ridge or Azusa Canyon (been a long time, I was a young pup). Both riders were killed. One was considered one of the better riders in the area, the other still had the paper plates from Bert's, hadn't owned a bike previous.

Sometime in those same years there was a story of a family driving their son to pick up a new bike at Bert's. They left and were supposed to meet for lunch. The son never made it. At the time, Bert's was still in Azusa/Irwindale, by Car Custom and Costco. At Irwindale Ave and Foothill, the son was involved in a collision. It couldn't be a half mile away:confused:

These, and many other stories, happened when I was in high school. Always being stubborn and "bulletproof", I still ended up owning a handful of bikes. My last "pass" was probably 2004 or 05? I've puttered bikes around, but really just after repairs. My last pass was on a relatively new Hayabusa. New install of pipes, intake, ignition and sprocket. It was a friend's bike. I tapped 3rd gear and tapped out. It scared the crap out of me.

I've told my wife, if I ever get another bike, it will be an antique. Like the ones more akin to an old beach cruiser, with a leather drive belt. Just something to ride down the road 5 miles to the mailbox.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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God: “hey gabby, what’s on the agenda today?”

Gabriel: “well boss, ricki racer is still at it, and he’s about to slam through a crosswalk full of pre schoolers, then pile up into a van carrying elderly to Sunday bingo.
The death toll is scheduled for 8 kids, and 4 elderly, give or take.”

God: “Hmmm…naw, let’s go ahead and end this now, bring him home before he completely disrupts the lives of a dozen other families…”

Having said that, it’s too bad no one told him that smearing out at 100MPH is not as glamorous as it sounds.
The good news is that everyone on his daily route is now safer.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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When I was in high school 1980 or so a gal crashed her car after drinking and a passenger died. They put the mangled car in the quad of the school.
Very sobering.
They did that with the car Val was in as well.
I still can’t believe she lived after being folded up into a spot smaller than a basketball.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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Driving with my kid one day we look at a bike at a light, he says I really want a Monster. I said yeah those are bad ass bikes for sure.

I said one thing you can guarantee is a motorcycle will give you a gift. The memories and stories that will stay with you for a lifetime. Good times with friends that could not be duplicated.

But you have to be willing to take all the gifts. One of mine is a knee that’s been jacked up since I was 15. Dont you have friends right now that are in and out of the hospital trying to deal with a gift still. You’ve lost friends that got their final gift from a motorcycle.

Are you willing to accept all the gifts?

I wasn’t trying to deter him, I just wanted him to make a thought out decision. He Dropped the idea of a street bike.
Every spring I want a bike. Fortunately the bikes I want don’t have electric starters.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
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RIP ... hate to hear these stories. We still ride but I pick my routes carefully and mostly open desert roads ... my wife loves it!.. We are older, kids are all on there own so we're just enjoying ourselves!


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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God: “hey gabby, what’s on the agenda today?”

Gabriel: “well boss, ricki racer is still at it, and he’s about to slam through a crosswalk full of pre schoolers, then pile up into a van carrying elderly to Sunday bingo.
The death toll is scheduled for 8 kids, and 4 elderly, give or take.”

God: “Hmmm…naw, let’s go ahead and end this now, bring him home before he completely disrupts the lives of a dozen other families…”

Having said that, it’s too bad no one told him that smearing out at 100MPH is not as glamorous as it sounds.
The good news is that everyone on his daily route is now safer.
The mental aspect of those who saw it will be a rough one, but can be recovered from. Like you said, kid in a crosswalk, or bicyclist, they'd never get the chance to recover. Probably one of the better outcomes of the wreck. The best would have been for it not to happen, of course, but can't change any of that.

My daughter has class today. She was trapped on campus yesterday with all the closures. She didn't have any classes with the kid, but knew who he was. She didn't know what happened until she got home at 11pm. All the school and students knew was a bad accident had happened blocking traffic.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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My wife is a nurse in San Diego. Allot of her patients are from motorcycle accidents. Some pretty sad stories.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2022
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Bikes are fun no doubt. Everyone who rides knows the old saying, There are two types of riders. Those who have been down, and those who are going to go down.
I stopped riding on the street after hitting Oretega Highway pretty much every weekend, then running down to Palomar Mountain a handful of times. Seeing bikes go over the side or into oncoming cars... I started running at the track. Track days are relatively affordable and way safer. After seeing how hard you can really push a bike at the track, the roads aren't even fun anymore. Sold the street bike years ago and still miss the enjoyment I got out of it. I was fortunate enough to only get hit by a car while sitting at a red light once. Suffered only minor injuries. Laid the bike down at Willow Springs once and only hurt the bike...
My love for my family won over the love for running 160 down the back straight of the big track at Willow and leaning into the sweeper before diving into turn 9. Trying to come out of 9 with enough speed to hold the liter bikes at bay down the front straight. Ah...good times!
Godspeed to the young man who wasn't able to experience this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Sometime in those same years there was a story of a family driving their son to pick up a new bike at Bert's. They left and were supposed to meet for lunch. The son never made it. At the time, Bert's was still in Azusa/Irwindale, by Car Custom and Costco. At Irwindale Ave and Foothill, the son was involved in a collision. It couldn't be a half mile away:confused:
I remember this incident like it was yesterday. Even mom and dad placed a billboard with a picture of their son, advocating to take lessons and learn how to handle a crotch rocket before going out and buying one.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Godspeed to the young man who wasn't able to experience this.
Absolute worst funerals to attend are for the young folks gone too soon😢
In our youth, we think we know everything, or can do anything. I'd guess most of us fit in that catagory. All the stupid things, and some bad wrecks, the one that near killed me was at 65mph, in a 1ton. That was my epiphany.
I knew nothing, and could hardly do anything.
What kills me in situations like this, he'll never get the chance to learn so many things, including how much he had left to learn


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2018
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Since I've run a police impound last 5 years I get way too many calls from family members of dead riders, mostly younger men. It has completely cured me of any desire to ride on the street. I like fast toys and maybe pushing the limit a bit but I've never had a death wish or reckless attitude with speed. There are too many variables on the road these days and CLUELESS vehicle operators.

Chili Palmer

Master of My Domian
Jan 7, 2010
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Almost 20 years ago I was looking for Harley or cruiser type of bike, when my friend who had a Honda 750 Four, went up to Big Bear for breakfast one Sunday morning and on his way back he was in the inside lane coming up on a camper on the outside (right) lane and just as he got a few feet from being even with the rear bumper the camper decided that the left turn 20 feet in front of him was where he wanted to go so he shot in front of my friend and hit his brakes going from about 50mph to 5mph instantly. My friend didn't even have a chance to react - he plowed right through the guys camper head first. He had a helmet, but the impact was too much and died at the scene. He was the one that got me into boating, I spent many summers with him and his family at their place in Parker at Emerald Cove in the early 80's. That forever changed my mind on getting street bike, at least here in SoCal. There are too many idiots who are completely clueless. Sometimes even on 4 wheels in my car in a protective cocoon I still feel vulnerable.

Rest in peace young man.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Some more info that has trickled out. The rider was only 18, and his bike was a 2008 CBR. A car did turn left in front of him...but fault has not been assigned as of yet. The car he struck was a 2016 Hyundai Sonata, driven by a 20yo student. They were making a left into the campus from a left hand turn lane, that is both a green and a green arrow.

I don't know if he made contact perpendicular, or if he was turning from his right-hand turn lane into the same path. Don't know who had the green or arrow.

18...just younger than my daughter, and just older than my oldest son:confused:


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
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My best friend died at the age of 24 on his BMW R100RS. He was less than a mile from home at 2 AM, and decided even though the light had just turned red, if he twisted it the intersection could be cleared before crossing traffic appeared.

He was incorrect.

Russ Shelton?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
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Had a CBR1100 Blackbird in my mid twenties, wasn't my first bike but it was definitely the fastest. The 'Busa was the only thing faster than it at the time for Japanese bikes. Got it up north of 175 mph on a nice long stretch of highway, used to ride with my dad and his buddies that were on big heavy Harleys and would have fun cruising by the group riding a wheelie, he always just shook his head. I sold it once I realized I didn't respect the power anymore and was getting myself into some sketchy situations, and it wasn't worth dyin on it. RIP to the rider.



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I started riding again after a 23 year break, easily understand I was 90% of the problem when I was younger. Some surgeries etc., I feel lucky every time I see these threads and it breaks my heart for the guy's that didn't survive the youthful exuberance that I did.

I rode dirt and street above my skillset at all times and got super lucky.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Russ Shelton?
Yeah, it was Russ. He was a great guy. Once when we were 18 I was living at home after knee surgery, and went out partying in his Camaro. Both stoned to all hell, he dropped me off in front of my parent's house at 2 AM or so.

I told him "Look, motherfucker, the last time we did this you woke up my Dad peeling outta here. Don't do it again." He was taken aback: "Oh, I won't. I don't wanna get you in trouble with the old man."

I had made it up to the front door when he buried the throttle and sidestepped the clutch. Sonofabitch! I had to sit behind a bush for 30 minutes before going in. The next day he was still laughing, and in the end I had to admit it was pretty funny.

My son's middle name is Russell.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Yeah, it was Russ. He was a great guy. Once when we were 18 I was living at home after knee surgery, and went out partying in his Camaro. Both stoned to all hell, he dropped me off in front of my parent's house at 2 AM or so.

I told him "Look, motherfucker, the last time we did this you woke up my Dad peeling outta here. Don't do it again." He was taken aback: "Oh, I won't. I don't wanna get you in trouble with the old man."

I had made it up to the front door when he buried the throttle and sidestepped the clutch. Sonofabitch! I had to sit behind a bush for 30 minutes before going in. The next day he was still laughing, and in the end I had to admit it was pretty funny.

My son's middle name is Russell.
I love this, we had similar friends.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Wow, the joy of small towns:confused: 18yo kid had bought the bike from the son of the local PTA president. She's not my favorite mask nazi, but for once I feel bad for her. She feels horrid, kid was friend of the family. My youngest came home, and his friend knew the rider, was supposed to be his older brother's best man in a couple weeks.

Kid was conscious and responsive immediately following the wreck. I assume internal bleeding or trauma was the bad thing...

My parents always gave me a hard time about street racing. As a kid, I never thought much about the consequences other than tickets. As a parent, now I understand. Maybe that, or I just grew up a little. Maybe some of both.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Pretty close to head on.

I've mentioned my neighbor is a deputy. I was helping him with his gate today, and this came up. He was asked by Prescott PD to have one of his uniforms make the notification, as the family lives in a county area. He radioed and got in touch with the patrol. Younger guy, seen him around. My neighbor/friend asked if he wanted him to go with him. Another unit was closer, and they went...It worked out "better", as the family was notified before social media started.That must be an emotional beating. Not the same as the family, but a difficult aspect of that job we probably don't think of.

The neighbor needed the gate fixed, leaving for spring break trip with his wife and kids. He looked tired, he needs the break. Between our weather issues the past few weeks, a missing person and this wreck, he's taken a beating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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Pretty close to head on.

I've mentioned my neighbor is a deputy. I was helping him with his gate today, and this came up. He was asked by Prescott PD to have one of his uniforms make the notification, as the family lives in a county area. He radioed and got in touch with the patrol. Younger guy, seen him around. My neighbor/friend asked if he wanted him to go with him. Another unit was closer, and they went...It worked out "better", as the family was notified before social media started.That must be an emotional beating. Not the same as the family, but a difficult aspect of that job we probably don't think of.

The neighbor needed the gate fixed, leaving for spring break trip with his wife and kids. He looked tired, he needs the break. Between our weather issues the past few weeks, a missing person and this wreck, he's taken a beating.
Honestly, the hardest thing I've ever done was tell a mom that there was nothing we can do for her daughter, I'll never forget it😪

Desert Whaler

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2020
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My older Sister contracted a rare spinal virus when she was 20-21.
Spent months in the hospital . . . paralyzed from the waist down for life. Devastating.
When she was in 'rehabilitation' the vast majority of patients in there were from motorcycle accidents .
This was circa 1979 ,pre-helmet era and I was 9 at the time.
After my parents saw all the carnage in there, they laid the law down on me, no motorcycles . . . ever.
They must've made their point clear, I never hopped on one.

RIP Young Dude. 🙏


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
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Nothing new, happened a few times at that intersection when i was there. Wanna be maverick’s


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Nothing new, happened a few times at that intersection when i was there. Wanna be maverick’s
That stretch, in about a year's span, has had 3 fatals with bikes. This one, all students. Another was non-student bike vs student car. The third was a 50+ lady riding an Indian...student changed lanes into her with a lifted 4door Jeep. She was knocked off her bike into oncoming:( That stretch is a mix of retirees and kids in a hurry. It's a road you really need to pay attention on I think.

My older Sister contracted a rare spinal virus when she was 20-21.
Spent months in the hospital . . . paralyzed from the waist down for life. Devastating.
When she was in 'rehabilitation' the vast majority of patients in there were from motorcycle accidents .
This was circa 1979 ,pre-helmet era and I was 9 at the time.
After my parents saw all the carnage in there, they laid the law down on me, no motorcycles . . . ever.
They must've made their point clear, I never hopped on one.

RIP Young Dude. 🙏
When I broke my neck, I was at LA County General in ICU for three weeks. Was watching the news, and a kid wadded up on the 210. Passenger died. Nurse was in my room, told me I was lucky. The kid was in the next room, same breaks as me (C-3 and C-4). Difference being, the kid would be paralyzed, neck down. The nurse said that would be horrible. At that point, It was still a question if I'd walk, or how. I told the nurse not walking was fine, being a quad would suck, waking up to find out you killed your friend though, that would be hell. Perspective can give you a different view...like your parents seeing what could happen.
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