Wow, Been a very very strange day for me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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This story is so long, there is no way possible to truly share all of the details.
Most of you know I work in the Electric Utility industry, I work for a very very large company, PUBLICALLY TRADED. Who hired me to help them break into the Utility sector.

No matter how many times, I tell them what needs to happen in order to truly enter that market. They are so large and in flexible to make the changes I need to do my job.

Well last night I submitted my resignation letter with 3 week notice (at 10pm), and in that letter, I outlined the typical info , and that the executive team was preventing me from doing my job. I informed my boss of exactly what company I was headed to. That I would not be of any competition to my former company, and that I would support our customers well after I have departed.

I really and truly expected to wake up the next morning and be locked out of my computer. They are known to pull that stupid shit at times. I couldn’t sleep at all. At 3:30am, my phone dings. And it was my boss, who is on the east coast 6:30 his time, who read the Email/letter.

Well shit.. I wasnt sleeping to begin with, its 3:30am, and my brain is spinning. Will they lock me out, or allow me to do my job and help out the team, turn over all the info in my noggin.. Then I got pissed off… assuming I was about to be locked out, and I literally started writing down the key notes of all the key items that the executive team needs to change, in order to truly have success in the Utility Market. I wrote notes on the culture changes for all of the inside support teams… there are lots teams.. Had notes for all of the issues that I had with all of the executives who prevented me from doing my job…

I had that email ready to send the moment I was locked out of the systems.

Well at about 6:30am. I started letting some of my “friends” in the company know what I had done, and what I expected to happen.

I got text message from my boss… telling me… the president (who reports to the CEO), would be reaching out to me very soon. To prepare myself for what it would take for me to stay at this company.

My mind was blown… these fucks ignorred everything I had requested for 2 years. But they thought I was the highest performer in the entire company… Yeah.. I know that doesnt make sense… But thats 100% true..

Shortly after, I got the call from the President, who totally caught me off guard. He apologized for putting me in this position, he wanted to know everything that needs to change..

MY MIND IS NOW TOTALLY BLOWN… practically no sleep… pure adrenaline. WTF is happening. I thought I would be locked out, now they want to listen..

He does his speel for 10-15 minutes… asks me what needs to be fixed, lay it all on the line.

Remember the notes from 4am, I wrote… when I was in a pissed off mood, literally calling out all the sins/issues/problems of his team that prevented us from having the success they hired me to do… I DIDNT HOLD BACK. I didnt have anything to lose..

I LET LOSE. I gave him 200% percent of all problems and details he needs to know. At the end of my rant. I told him straight up. That I was sharing all of this, because the people that are still on that team are facing those challenges that will prevent them from getting where he needs them to be.

He thanked me, asked me to not share with anyone else of my intentions, that he would have a counter offer by the end of the day.

I told him, not to waist his time, because if the offer did not include a substantial pay package increase, with long term golden parachute clause. That I wouldnt even consider it. For those you who dont know what golden parachute clause it.

Its a long term contract that requires them to pay me the entire contract amount for the length of time we agreed to, even if they fire me. In example, if we agree to a 5 year contract, and they fire me in year one. They still owe me the amount for the next 4 years.

He went silent, asked me why I felt I needed that. My response, if I cant be 100% honest with his executive team, meaning I was going to hurt their feelings, I would get fired, I would be in no win situation.

Ended that call… With him telling me that he would do his best, and I should have a counter offer by the end of the day, that was at 8:30am.

Well at 4:30pm my time, he calls me back. We chit/chat a bit, He Tells me he doesn’t have the authority to give me what I want, but his recommendation is on the CEO’s desk, I should hear something tomorrow am..

Obviously today had me on a huge roller coaster… up/downs/ sides… I did what I did mostly to protect my team. To truly show these idiots the flaws in the business models. To hopefully make the changes necessary to that team benefits from all this.

Yes, My ego got a huge boost. I woke up, thinking I would be fired, could have a huge offer tomorrow.

Honestly thats not a good thing for me. Because I have already set to start a new job, with a new company on May 1st. I negotiated a damn good deal with the new company. But I expect my former company is about to blow my mind and make a offer that I may not be able to refuse.

I do my best to be a man of my word. I will not sleep tonight, because I am truly worried about the offer I will recieve tomorrow AM. I honestly hope the CEO rejects the request. If they offer me any where near what I think they are trying to do… How do I say no..


Ego is on cloud nine. because I am finally being respected and being recognized for what I offer.
My honor is being challenged, because I signed an the offer letter from the new company a week ago. My life will be so much easier at damn good money for what they asking of me. Yes they are dangling a huge fucking carrot after 2 years…

I doubt I will get any sleep tonight… why, because I care about my team. If the former company gets close to my requests… theres alot of them besides golden parachute… I would have to take it,,,, but I signed offer letter with the new company..

yep no fucking sleep for me again.

Time for another bourbon.

If you read all this. Thanks for allowing me to vent. UGGGGG…


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Good LUCK!!!


its a WIN WIN position to be in.

Thanks for venting with me on this.
In this moment. My ego tells me its a win win.

My honor tells me. Its a lose lose…
I may have the opportunity to truly make the changes at this company that will truly benefit my team.

If I stay, then I let down the new company who bent over backwards agreed to the package I requested.

efff me.

LHC Kirby

LifeTime Member
Jan 12, 2008
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After you don't sleep tonight, I would follow the new job, unless you get the golden parachute deal, with the current company. UNLESS the new company is paying more ......... paying more is subjective...... more travel time? more hours? better company? Future with company?


Well-Known Inmate #20225
Aug 8, 2017
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If you felt you were truly valued by your current employer and in a position to create the success you thought you could, you wouldn't have drafted that resignation letter. You know what to expect from them and their expectations only changed when you resigned. It's not uncommon that once you show that leaving is in the cards, the ones that are about to throw out a counter will be searching for your long-term replacement in a quick fashion, especially when they know that they can't give you what you are looking for.

Follow your gut on what you think is right for you and will give you the satisfaction you crave from the work you do. I don't envy the position you are in, been there before and it was numbing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
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Now I'm left in suspense till tomorrow dammit......good luck


New But Seasoned Inmate #2002
Jun 20, 2008
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Happy for you. I have some of this going on in my yob now.

Deckin Around

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2010
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My honor is being challenged, because I signed an the offer letter from the new company a week ago. My life will be so much easier at damn good money for what they asking of me. Yes they are dangling a huge fucking carrot after 2 years…

Do you have kids?
It would be a no brainer for me. Fuck the extra money for stress and time lost with them.
I would follow the new job, unless you get the golden parachute deal, with the current company. UNLESS the new company is paying more ......... paying more is subjective...... more travel time? more hours? better company? Future with company?

Dan Lorenze

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Best of luck to you... Everything will work out. It's funny how it takes laying everything on the line to get a raise or promotion. Same thing happened to me years ago. I told the owner of the company I was working for that I was done dealing with everything in the company. I had broken the sales record there, all I did was make them money hand over fist. All they wanted is for me to do better the next quarter. They always wanted more, it was a pressure cooker.. He offered me double the money to stay, I couldn't believe it. I thanked him sincerely, but I left and went on to greener pastures.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Thanks for venting with me on this.
In this moment. My ego tells me its a win win.

My honor tells me. Its a lose lose…
I may have the opportunity to truly make the changes at this company that will truly benefit my team.

If I stay, then I let down the new company who bent over backwards agreed to the package I requested.

efff me.
You did something that 99.9% of the world wouldn't have the guts to pull off. That you did so with your team's best interests driving your actions speaks volumes about your integrity.

Well done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2020
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Ehh not sure on this one. How well do you know the other company? Might be same shit over there. Ask for 18 months of severance instead of the parachute they might go for something like that. Do the executives have any extra perks? Ask for all of them. They may have some kinda special pension plan you might want to be a part of or maybe they pay all the health insurance 100% for the executives and their family.

The one time I quit I was still staff level they offered me the manager job I still bolted they were dysfunctional and the client base was not great. The next time I basically went out on my own.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Thanks to all of your for sharing your opinions… as I have mentioned on other threads, I encourage thoughtful debate/ideas. I love to be challenged in my thought process’s and the sad part. A huge portion of the population now thinks thats hate speach. LOL… Not saying that based on this particular thread… meant it to reflect the overall culture of the newer generations. They think any debate means their must be winner and a loser. They dont realize that debate can create win/win. Because the debate can create a learning opportunity.

Flip Flopped all night, been up since 4am…

Think I got 3 hours of good sleep…

Its gonna have to be one hell of an offer to make me stay. Why, they pissed me off, put me in this situation, and didn’t listen for 2 years. Its going to take years, to get the changes I need. Meaning its going to be very frustrating in that timeframe.

Pretty sure my mind is made up. Heading to the new company, and will do my best for my former team on my way out.

Unless they make an offer that I cant refuse. I truly doubt thats going to happen, based on the way they have treated some very talented people in the past.

Wish me luck guys.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Do you have kids?
It would be a no brainer for me. Fuck the extra money for stress and time lost with them.


I avoided these positions when my kids where young. They are both technically on their own now.

To be very clear. I refused many many many high paying jobs over the years, that required traveling. At this stage of my life, I really dont mind it so much. Why, because working with the Utility’s across the U.S. is fun for me. I get to help solve some really big problems, and I work with amazing people in the Utility Industry. Seriously, its a great industry. Once you get in, you never get out. Because all of your friends are in the industry…yes, you make alot of new friends in the process, who damn good people. LOL…


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Have you considered quitting both jobs? Seems to me it would simplify a lot of things and you wouldn’t have to worry about any of it anymore👍

Maybe fire up your own gig and enjoy your mornings at a local coffee spot with your pals while everyone is out hustling around to get to their respective work stations for the day, then you can go enjoy the open roads while you commute around and pick up some dough doing some stuff 😂

I’m not much of a company man myself, those types of deals always seem to take up all your time doing stuff that other people think is important, I dunno, just my take.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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Thankfully I'm retired and don't have to deal with this kind of stuff any more.

Here's what I have observed in the past.

For two years you have worked in a toxic culture. They may give you what you want but do you think the culture will change?

If they cave and give you what you want they will always think they are over paying you and will have extremely high expectations, possibly unrealistic ones. You will be maxed out on your compensation and probably never get another increase.

Probably best to move on.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Have you considered quitting both jobs? Seems to me it would simplify a lot of things and you wouldn’t have to worry about any of it anymore👍

Maybe fire up your own gig and enjoy your mornings at a local coffee spot with your pals while everyone is out hustling around to get to their respective work stations for the day, then you can go enjoy the open roads while you commute around and pick up some dough doing some stuff 😂

I’m not much of a company man myself, those types of deals always seem to take up all your time doing stuff that other people think is important, I dunno, just my take.

Starting my own gig… kinda been there before. Its takes more amount of money that most have access to.

I will never truly retire.
My retirement jobs I am considering… be a Captain on 6 Pack Sport Fishing boat, open a distillery, make custom 1911’s, BBQ business, Lots of ideas… but I want those to be when I am truly in a position to retire.

Right now… making custom 1911’s in very high on my list. Been looking at Mills and CNC machines. But either of them will be difficult to hide from my wife when they are in the middle of the garage. LOL…

Or create the Bourbon of the Month club… I dont think it exists yet… probably my best idea of the year.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Thankfully I'm retired and don't have to deal with this kind of stuff any more.

Here's what I have observed in the past.

For two years you have worked in a toxic culture. They may give you what you want but do you think the culture will change?

If they cave and give you what you want they will always think they are over paying you and will have extremely high expectations, possibly unrealistic ones. You will be maxed out on your compensation and probably never get another increase.

Probably best to move on.

Fixing the culture is part of my demands… Thats a job they will probably want me to do… Thats not What I do…
Without that… fixing the culture… I will leave, regardless of the offer. That has to change.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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Fixing the culture is part of my demands… Thats a job they will probably want me to do… Thats not What I do…
Without that… fixing the culture… I will leave, regardless of the offer. That has to change.

It is extremely difficult to change corporate culture. It has to come from the top down and most CEO's are pretty set in their ways. If the CEO is willing to change, he will face resistance from managers and workers who will say, "We've been doing this job for years this way".

It is also a very slow process and may fail. If you stay and decide to leave later, you may have missed a good opportunity with the new offer you have.


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Starting my own gig… kinda been there before. Its takes more amount of money that most have access to.

I will never truly retire.
My retirement jobs I am considering… be a Captain on 6 Pack Sport Fishing boat, open a distillery, make custom 1911’s, BBQ business, Lots of ideas… but I want those to be when I am truly in a position to retire.

Right now… making custom 1911’s in very high on my list. Been looking at Mills and CNC machines. But either of them will be difficult to hide from my wife when they are in the middle of the garage. LOL…
There you go, sounds like you know exactly what you want to do👍 as far as the 1911’s go, just order the parts you want made and move on with your life, if your dream life consists of baby sitting a machine in a cave all day and having coolant fluid impregnated in your nostrils then buy the tool😂 if you create enough demand to keep a machine running “your parts” then buy the tool👍

I don’t understand the concept of retirement personally, but then again I have not been working for the man hoping to one day not work for the man 😂 I’ll always be out hustling around doing something on my terms so I don’t have to do something on someone else’s terms. There is real freedom in this country, once you taste it you can never go back, just my two cents while your at this transition/limbo point.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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It is extremely difficult to change corporate culture. It has to come from the top down and most CEO's are pretty set in their ways. If the CEO is willing to change, he will face resistance from managers and workers who will say, "We've been doing this job for years this way".

It is also a very slow process and may fail. If you stay and decide to leave later, you may have missed a good opportunity with the new offer you have.
Trust me brother, your confirming the shit thats been swirling around in my noggin for almost 48 hours now…with little sleep…

I inherited some of the people on the team, and I recruited some of them. I feel I owe them… Yes, I know, they should be able to fend for themselves… But thats does not mean its easy to move on, when I may have a chance to help them…

See… swirling shit… round and round… how my noggin works in these situations. Pro’s Con’s, Pro’s Con’s.

Anyway, gotta grab a cup of coffee..and get some work done. Hope to update you later today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2009
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Sounds like money isnt really an issue, do what makes you happy and what makes the most sense for your family!
I have turned down a few promotions and changed jobs more than I can to admit over the last 25 years but it was always what was best for me and my family, no regrets.
Let me know when you start your "side hustles" retirement jobs, I know you will need help, LOL.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
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Make sure they keep your status as a "full time employee" if they decide to let you go after a period of time and not a "consultant". As a full time employee, you will still br covered on insurance, bonus and increased compensation. You want that to be in your contract so that those benefits will continue.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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That's great, we all have wanted to give the boss a run down of the BS, rarely do we get the chance.

That being said I'd pull the ejection handle and move on to the new gig. Large companies don't really change, or if they do it is very very slowly. You'll be back to banging your head against the wall in a couple months at the best, a week at the worst. The President is recruiting you to stay, not to reach the goal. I hope your input puts your team on the path to success, but let someone else deal with those headaches.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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I have worked in my industry for my whole professional career, started with some smaller companies and have worked my way through MANY positions with a few different companies....there are 4 major players in the industry, with a bunch of smaller niche ones....the previous company I worked for was #4, when I received an offer for where I am at now at the #1....I gave a 3.5 week notice, planning on going over my projects, possibly training the guy I thought should take my place, etc...within 1.5 hours of sending my resignation letter I was locked out of everything before my boss even called me...everything was just turned off and I was done...they basically said see ya later!

Literally, was at my new company about 3 months, and I get a call from the VP of the previous company and he's in town and wants to meet...so I agree to meet him at a bar for a drink...he wants me to come back, asks me what it would take....I couldn't believe my ears, I couldn't understand why they would let me walk if they valued my work so much....in the end, he put together a pretty solid offer, one that was better then where I was at with the new place...but I turned it down solely because I felt like they had their chance and at the time didn't even bother with an exit interview...I am completely happy where I am at and I haven't looked back since..


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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When I decided to move on, I moved on.
Really pissed me off when they started with the,” what are they offering, what do you need, wait let’s talk, etc.
They couldn’t be bothered until I said I’m outta here to late.
You already made up your mind.


some beach, somewhere.
Jul 28, 2008
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Now i'm on the edge of my seat. lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
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Having owned a light manufacturing business, then working as an executive for the buyer of said business, I’ve been on the other side of this a number times. I can’t recall a single case in which I gave concessions to an employee to keep him/her around, and they didn’t resign or get fired within less than two years. I finally realized that if someone is unhappy, it’s not going to change.

You should do what feels best for you and your wife, but my prediction is in.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Starting my own gig… kinda been there before. Its takes more amount of money that most have access to.

I will never truly retire.
My retirement jobs I am considering… be a Captain on 6 Pack Sport Fishing boat, open a distillery, make custom 1911’s, BBQ business, Lots of ideas… but I want those to be when I am truly in a position to retire.

Right now… making custom 1911’s in very high on my list. Been looking at Mills and CNC machines. But either of them will be difficult to hide from my wife when they are in the middle of the garage. LOL…

Or create the Bourbon of the Month club… I dont think it exists yet… probably my best idea of the year.
Soooo much toxic masculinity right there, talk about a complete 180* from the bud light thread.

I have a feeling if we ever met in person we would get along just fine

steamin rice

No Bad Days....
Dec 20, 2007
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Playing the game at megacorp can definitely be interesting, and it is a different situation vs working for a small to medium sized private company. There are pros and cons, and I don't think either situation is ideal.

Having said that, I would suggest that you hold your ground on what you really want, and what it would really take for you to be successful at your current company. How is the president of the company? In other words, do you feel that the president will support you and your decisions to make things happen as they need to be? Can there be an org change such that you report directly into the president to remove a layer of red tape?

Corporate culture is not changed easily, especially at megacorps. If a significant change in corporate culture is needed for you to succeed, then I woudn't count on it happening and either move on, or suck it up and do your best with the culture as-is.

Only you will know the right decision, but I think I would hold out for a change in reporting structure, and an exit package that includes 18-24 months severance with benefits, and all stock compensation vesting upon termination.

If you opt to stay with your current company, I would call the other company and explain the situation to them. I have found that people can tell when you are being genuine, and you will be less likely to burn that bridge if you are as open as you can be. People understand that a new hire isn't really on board until the first day. Also remember that every company has issues, especially giant multinational ones.

Good luck, but it sounds like you have good options and you are in a good position to make a decision on what's best for you.
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I'm just here to bitch about others negativity.😁
Dec 25, 2007
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Thanks for sharing this part of your life with us. Up to this point I've enjoyed your thread. Please keep us updated on the old and with the new job. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Thats a tough spot to be in, no easy choices. Fate is a weird thing and doesn't always show its hand at first, I've made some bad choices but overall looking back things seem to steer themselves in the right direction.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Thats a tough spot to be in, no easy choices. Fate is a weird thing and doesn't always show its hand at first, I've made some bad choices but overall looking back things seem to steer themselves in the right direction.

Good luck

I forgot where first heard this…

If you doing the right things for the right reasons, typically good things follow. I do my best to live my life with that motto.
It sure sucks when you do the right things for the right reasons, then get screwed… ASK ME HOW I KNOW?


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
This ones easy….. you need to do what is best for you and your career without a thought of the others or those companies….. you don’t owe anyone a thing….

Keep in mind you should receive some sort of reasonable assurance that meaningful positive change will occur otherwise it’s just talk…like was said already big company culture does not change easily

Pick the job you think will give you the best upward trajectory in your career.

Seems like you know your business well so this should be easy for you to discern.

Remember none of this is personal, it’s just business.

You left the old company the right way, so no regrets there

Good luck in your future endeavors
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Starting my own gig… kinda been there before. Its takes more amount of money that most have access to.

I will never truly retire.
My retirement jobs I am considering… be a Captain on 6 Pack Sport Fishing boat, open a distillery, make custom 1911’s, BBQ business, Lots of ideas… but I want those to be when I am truly in a position to retire.

Right now… making custom 1911’s in very high on my list. Been looking at Mills and CNC machines. But either of them will be difficult to hide from my wife when they are in the middle of the garage. LOL…

Or create the Bourbon of the Month club… I dont think it exists yet… probably my best idea of the year.

Here is the thing, from my view point of being Mostly retired...

Not having to get up with an alarm clock and driving to work IS the most awesome thing you'll Ever do.

So make your decision based on what position will get you to your "retired" position in the shortest amount of time possible!!!

I burned every bridge I ever crossed. With all of that being behind me now, I don't regret watching those bridges burn at all.

It's all temporary. 😊


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I forgot where first heard this…

If you doing the right things for the right reasons, typically good things follow. I do my best to live my life with that motto.
It sure sucks when you do the right things for the right reasons, then get screwed… ASK ME HOW I KNOW?
I'm loyal to my employers sometimes to a fault, it takes a lot for me to decide to move on but once I do the bond is forever severed. Much like relationships I always say you had the cards in your hand and you let me down, this is on you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I’m loading up the split Oak on the trailer headed your way….

I think we should call the 1911 Company “ Bang - N BBQ “ We could do both shoot on Saturday & Smoke on Sunday !

fun to think about the possibilities

I think, I would move on to the new company, Then transition some of your key people from the old company @ the new.

Sounds like
The old company didn’t have a vision / plan to move into the direction you were hired to take them


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Sounds as if you have outgrown your employer and you should start your own company. I've made this recommendation to many an employee over the years..


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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the question i asked my last employer when he offered a good chunk more money when i turned in my resignation, was "why i am worth it now, rather than 2 months ago?" when he couldnt give a straight answer i left.
Unfortunately That’s how a lot of people get a pay increase.

Finding good replacement people is difficult and usually costs more.