Women arrested in her own yard


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
That is BULLSHIT. That COP is a PUSSY :thumbsdown


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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What are you doing video taping cops? Why do you have to be annoying and nosy. Yeah she has a right being in her yard and it's obviously legal to videotape but seriously why do you have to be a pain in the ass. When a cop advises you multiple times to do something, unless it's jumping off a bridge why don't you listen to authority. I know there are some jackass law enforcement out there but why don't you let the rest do their job. I am not one to sue unless there is something really fucked up. I hate people that are constantly trying to find loopholes in the legal system that will benefit only them and are looking for a quick buck. This lady sounded sincere and non-threatening but was still "in the way". What was she going to do with the tape anyways??


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
What are you doing video taping cops? Why do you have to be annoying and nosy. Yeah she has a right being in her yard and it's obviously legal to videotape but seriously why do you have to be a pain in the ass. When a cop advises you multiple times to do something, unless it's jumping off a bridge why don't you listen to authority. I know there are some jackass law enforcement out there but why don't you let the rest do their job. I am not one to sue unless there is something really fucked up. I hate people that are constantly trying to find loopholes in the legal system that will benefit only them and are looking for a quick buck. This lady sounded sincere and non-threatening but was still "in the way". What was she going to do with the tape anyways??

She was not in the way of anything. The Cop took it too far and didn't want to back-off and look like an idiot in front of his co-workers so he ended up arresting her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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She was not in the way of anything. The Cop took it too far and didn't want to back-off and look like an idiot in front of his co-workers so he ended up arresting her.

Yeah, i'll agree with you there. Maybe I'm just stuck on the fact that it's annoying to be nosy even though she really didn't anything wrong. Give me minute to calm down :D I'll get over it haha

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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This shit is out of fucking hand!

The same cop in this vid...In 2009, he confronted a mentally ill 15-year-old Tanner Chamberlain, who was holding a knife in front of his mother and waving it in the direction of officers. Colling shot him in the head.

<<<<<Power tripping douchebag!

<<<He broke his nose.



Pibb + Red Vines = CD
Jun 20, 2009
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glad she got arrested. get a job.

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
Reaction score
What are you doing video taping cops? Why do you have to be annoying and nosy. Yeah she has a right being in her yard and it's obviously legal to videotape but seriously why do you have to be a pain in the ass. When a cop advises you multiple times to do something, unless it's jumping off a bridge why don't you listen to authority. I know there are some jackass law enforcement out there but why don't you let the rest do their job. I am not one to sue unless there is something really fucked up. I hate people that are constantly trying to find loopholes in the legal system that will benefit only them and are looking for a quick buck. This lady sounded sincere and non-threatening but was still "in the way". What was she going to do with the tape anyways??

You must be one of the sheeple. :rolleyes:


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Should Charges not be brought on the officer for abusing his power? Or a lawsuit for false arrest?

That public defender just hopes the case would be dismissed? I would think a lawsuit for false arrest would be the minimum.. His balls in a jar on my counter courtesy of his boss would be more what I'd be shooting for.

I would think constitutionally you would be within your rights to defend yourself at all costs in this situation? Right up to shooting the guy if necessary? You have a hostile person, trespassing on private property, that is armed and initiating physical contact? The fact that he is a cop I would think would play little bearing in that scenario?



Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2011
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This shit is out of fucking hand!

The same cop in this vid...In 2009, he confronted a mentally ill 15-year-old Tanner Chamberlain, who was holding a knife in front of his mother and waving it in the direction of officers. Colling shot him in the head.

<<<<<Power tripping douchebag!

<<<He broke his nose.


Why is this cop still working as a cop???? Why is he not in jail for beating the shit out of the guy holding the camera????

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Why is this cop still working as a cop???? Why is he not in jail for beating the shit out of the guy holding the camera????

I have no idea. He also shot a 15 year old in the head.

Keep in mind, this is not the same cop the op's story was about, just another one.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
I dunno...you don't want to stand behind a cop in the field.
For all he knows, the homwoner is a buddy of the guy that got pulled over, so I can see - at face value - the potential threat.

At the end of the day, cops have families to go home to, and they deal with deadbeats all day long.

Sure, the lady "has a right" to videotape shit.
But the cop "has the right" to not have some stranger hang out behind his back while he's conducting an investigation.

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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I dunno...you don't want to stand behind a cop in the field.
For all he knows, the homwoner is a buddy of the guy that got pulled over, so I can see - at face value - the potential threat.

At the end of the day, cops have families to go home to, and they deal with deadbeats all day long.

Sure, the lady "has a right" to videotape shit.
But the cop "has the right" to not have some stranger hang out behind his back while he's conducting an investigation.

Bullshit, he was not alone and she was.


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
The other side of this is this came out of the huffington post. One of the most crooked, twisted and dishonest publications out there. Not saying the cop is right or wrong, just saying be very, very careful what you read and view from them. they are well known for "creative" editing of everything to meet their political agenda.

Just adding a third side of the coin.

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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The other side of this is this came out of the huffington post. One of the most crooked, twisted and dishonest publications out there. Not saying the cop is right or wrong, just saying be very, very careful what you read and view from them. they are well known for "creative" editing of everything to meet their political agenda.

Just adding a third side of the coin.

Did you see the vid or not?


RDP Inmate #94
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Who is right and who is wrong in the video is not what I was talking about. I am talking about the publisher of the video. Its easy to judge a video, but who is to say that is the entire story, was it edited, was that the whole video? I do know the entire story. I have been around some fairly stupid, uncalled for actions by cops, but I have been aroung some situations by cop that were very called for but not seen at the time.

Again the point of my statements were in regards to the notoriously dishonest publisher, not the actions shown by the video.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Fact is she had the right, does not matter if she is a deadbeat or not. some cops just are on a power trip and that is one of them. Follow the laws but dont make them up just to look good. If he came up and told me you better go in house for your own safety due to the traffic stop I probably would have but when he gets on his power trip then I would stand up for my rights as well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
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Did you see the vid or not?

Everyone seems to have missed what the cop said at 1:20

"Due to what you said to me before you started taping"

We dont know the whole story so maybe he was justified with his fear of her standing there.
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
She was not in the way of anything. The Cop took it too far and didn't want to back-off and look like an idiot in front of his co-workers so he ended up arresting her.

As well as lying on camera, and lying on the report of the incident. Yup, being a cop, like any other job I know of (except topless bar DJ) SUXS, but you got to keep a level head, and this cop shows too many signs of a cop without a level head. Do your business and move on. No side shows.

He'll make a good politician.


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
The less you eff with a cop in the field, the less they eff with you.

So the lady had the right.
That's great.
And now she's on the news and got arrested.

Had she simply gone in the house instead of being nosy, none of this would have happened.

A cop in the field can do whatever he wants.
The legality of his actions will be reviewed after the fact.

We all have the right to do a lot of things.
Exercising these rights may have consequences that may or may not be legal. But you can't "unarrest" someone or "unshoot" someone...so getting vindicated from an avoidable situation may not always be the best outcome.

I have the right to cross the street at a crosswalk.
If I choose to exercise this right in front of a speeding truck, then I have to live with the consequences. Yes, I was right, and the truck driver was wrong and found guilt of speeding and failure to yield to a pedestrian. But I can't get "unhit" by the truck, no matter who was right or wrong.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
That cop should have punched that dumb jersey biatch in the cunt. :p


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
What are you doing video taping cops? Why do you have to be annoying and nosy. Yeah she has a right being in her yard and it's obviously legal to videotape but seriously why do you have to be a pain in the ass. When a cop advises you multiple times to do something, unless it's jumping off a bridge why don't you listen to authority. I know there are some jackass law enforcement out there but why don't you let the rest do their job. I am not one to sue unless there is something really fucked up. I hate people that are constantly trying to find loopholes in the legal system that will benefit only them and are looking for a quick buck. This lady sounded sincere and non-threatening but was still "in the way". What was she going to do with the tape anyways??

Are you fucking kidding me, this country was founded on the belief that a public should be weary of "Authority", to have a government that does not have an overbearing "authortity". 240 years ago We told England to go fuck off because of abuse of divine authority over the people. Today we waste the shit out of our time and money supposedly bringing "freedom" to the rest of the world while we flush what little amount of it we have at home down the toilet.

The only authority that is justly exercised over an individual is an authority based around circumstances where an individual or group of individuals is causing direct harm to, or impeding the free will of another. Videotaping from your house doesn't even come close to entering that realm.

Anyone who says, just respect authority is a brainwashed zombie, i feel sorry for them. Real persons think on their own, make their own decisions, weigh the options of their own consequences, they don't do what authority says, just because it's authority.

The more people sit on their ass and let authority do shit like this, the more power they will grasp, and the less freedoms you will have, the more people that resist the authoritarian despotism the more of a message we send that this shit is unacceptable.

/rant off.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I was leaving a rehearsal and there had been a robbery nearby. Apparently one of the band might have seen the guy run past. What the police did was seal off the poor little girl that may or may not have seen something and question her for 20 minutes...in the meantime keeping the other folks away.

All the police needed to do was to say we have a few questions for XXX and then she's free to go. Instead they almost had a standoff with a pissed off trumpet player.

IMO a little trust on the police side would go a long way...whay would the lady be taping unless there was a lack of trust with the local LEO?

I hope she sues the brass off their badges.


Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
The less you eff with a cop in the field, the less they eff with you.

So the lady had the right.
That's great.
And now she's on the news and got arrested.

Had she simply gone in the house instead of being nosy, none of this would have happened.

A cop in the field can do whatever he wants.
The legality of his actions will be reviewed after the fact.

We all have the right to do a lot of things.
Exercising these rights may have consequences that may or may not be legal. But you can't "unarrest" someone or "unshoot" someone...so getting vindicated from an avoidable situation may not always be the best outcome.

I have the right to cross the street at a crosswalk.
If I choose to exercise this right in front of a speeding truck, then I have to live with the consequences. Yes, I was right, and the truck driver was wrong and found guilt of speeding and failure to yield to a pedestrian. But I can't get "unhit" by the truck, no matter who was right or wrong.

This ^^^


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
What are you doing video taping cops? Why do you have to be annoying and nosy. Yeah she has a right being in her yard and it's obviously legal to videotape but seriously why do you have to be a pain in the ass. When a cop advises you multiple times to do something, unless it's jumping off a bridge why don't you listen to authority. I know there are some jackass law enforcement out there but why don't you let the rest do their job. I am not one to sue unless there is something really fucked up. I hate people that are constantly trying to find loopholes in the legal system that will benefit only them and are looking for a quick buck. This lady sounded sincere and non-threatening but was still "in the way". What was she going to do with the tape anyways??

This is where my problem with cops lies. They are not "the authority". They are not in charge of me nor are they my babysitter. They have no right to talk to me like I'm a child or an idiot (which they do 75% of the time I am in contact with them). Their job is to protect the public and enforce the law. That is all. I do not have to listen to what they say unless I am breaking the law.

BTW, our nation was not founded on "just listening to authority." Our founding fathers revolted against tyranny, which seems to be what we are getting closer and closer to every day.


Car-boat motors
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
That is totally unacceptable she was arrested.

Clearly She was arrested because someone doesn't like to be videotaped.:thumbsdown

The supreme court recently decided a case like this against the police where the cop instructed someone to stop filming and the person was arrested for obstruction. The court sided with a citizens right to video the police


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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You know how the cops say if you dont break the law you have nothing to worry about,Well if they are not violating peoples rights or doing their job professionally then they shouldnt mind a video camera or a voice recorder.

Since they have no problem doing the same to you if they needed.

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Everyone seems to have missed what the cop said at 1:20

"Due to what you said to me before you started taping"

We dont know the whole story so maybe he was justified with his fear of her standing there.

Did you read the article? Do you believe that the Huff Post made up the quotes or that Acuff and several neighbors are lying?

"Due to what you said to me, before you started taping, I think, uh, you need to go stay in your house, guys."

Good's public defender, Stephanie Stare, told HuffPost she believes from her conversations with several neighbors who were present that Good made no threatening comments before the tape begins.

Ryan Acuff, a friend of Good's who witnessed the exchange and picked up the video camera after she was arrested, agreed.

"None of us was talking to them until they came to us," Acuff said. "The first contact was definitely on tape."


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
The less you eff with a cop in the field, the less they eff with you.

So the lady had the right.
That's great.
And now she's on the news and got arrested.

Had she simply gone in the house instead of being nosy, none of this would have happened.

A cop in the field can do whatever he wants.
The legality of his actions will be reviewed after the fact.

We all have the right to do a lot of things.
Exercising these rights may have consequences that may or may not be legal. But you can't "unarrest" someone or "unshoot" someone...so getting vindicated from an avoidable situation may not always be the best outcome.

I have the right to cross the street at a crosswalk.
If I choose to exercise this right in front of a speeding truck, then I have to live with the consequences. Yes, I was right, and the truck driver was wrong and found guilt of speeding and failure to yield to a pedestrian. But I can't get "unhit" by the truck, no matter who was right or wrong.

It is your job as a citizen to make sure the government (cops or ?) does not overstep their bounds to not only yourself but to other citizens. That lady was arrested quite simply because she was too ignorant to know that in reality the cop could not, and should not arrest her.

If that was at my house I would've told the guy flat "I'm good where I'm at, my property line is right there, and you're authority to tell me what to do pretty much ends at that line. If you cross that line you are trespassing."

I don't know what she did before that tape, and I'm sure it's edited 6 ways to sunday.. But if she stayed on her property then she was well within her rights.. and had she known her rights and told the guy as much (especially on film) I do not believe it would've happened.

Are you fucking kidding me, this country was founded on the belief that a public should be weary of "Authority", to have a government that does not have an overbearing "authortity". 240 years ago We told England to go fuck off because of abuse of divine authority over the people. Today we waste the shit out of our time and money supposedly bringing "freedom" to the rest of the world while we flush what little amount of it we have at home down the toilet.

The only authority that is justly exercised over an individual is an authority based around circumstances where an individual or group of individuals is causing direct harm to, or impeding the free will of another. Videotaping from your house doesn't even come close to entering that realm.

Anyone who says, just respect authority is a brainwashed zombie, i feel sorry for them. Real persons think on their own, make their own decisions, weigh the options of their own consequences, they don't do what authority says, just because it's authority.

The more people sit on their ass and let authority do shit like this, the more power they will grasp, and the less freedoms you will have, the more people that resist the authoritarian despotism the more of a message we send that this shit is unacceptable.

/rant off.




Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2007
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And what was she charged for, for talking and adhearing to the officer, this cop should be fired, period, was he concerned the tape would show his improper proceedure?


President, Dallas Chapter
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
It is your job as a citizen to make sure the government (cops or ?) does not overstep their bounds to not only yourself but to other citizens. That lady was arrested quite simply because she was too ignorant to know that in reality the cop could not, and should not arrest her.

I'm not questioning her right at all.
But I didn't sign-up for the job of "protector of all rights for all people".

My point is, eff with a cop in the field, and don't be surprised if you get arrested.

This country - and our rights - are going to hell in a handbasket, there's no doubt :thumbsdown

The apathetic side of me knows that I'm not a revolutionary leader, and if I get tossed jail for nosing-in on an avoidable situation, then I can't go to work. And if I can go to work, I don't get paid, and my lavish lifestyle suffers.

I do what I can to get by, and avoid hassles with The Man.

If I was in that lady's situation, I wouldn't have been nosy.
Why? Because I don't have a dog in the fight between the cop and the motorist.

I'll put up a fight for my rights when the situation has a direct effect on me. But not so that I can exercise my right to be nosy.
Yes, this is super-selfish, but that's my reality. I won't waste my time for something I deem inconsequential.

Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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I'm not questioning her right at all.
But I didn't sign-up for the job of "protector of all rights for all people".

My point is, eff with a cop in the field, and don't be surprised if you get arrested.

This country - and our rights - are going to hell in a handbasket, there's no doubt :thumbsdown

The apathetic side of me knows that I'm not a revolutionary leader, and if I get tossed jail for nosing-in on an avoidable situation, then I can't go to work. And if I can go to work, I don't get paid, and my lavish lifestyle suffers.

I do what I can to get by, and avoid hassles with The Man.

If I was in that lady's situation, I wouldn't have been nosy.
Why? Because I don't have a dog in the fight between the cop and the motorist.

I'll put up a fight for my rights when the situation has a direct effect on me. But not so that I can exercise my right to be nosy.
Yes, this is super-selfish, but that's my reality. I won't waste my time for something I deem inconsequential.

That's all well and good for you, but it doesn't change the fact that she was well within her rights as a citizen. There was no reason to be messing with her, let alone arresting her.


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
If I was that cop I would have beaten the shit out of that chick with my baton and then smashed her over the head with her video camera and then taken her ass to jail for posession of the narcotics and weapons I planted on her:skull

Good thing I'm not a cop eh?:p


I'm Blessed
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
If I was that cop I would have beaten the shit out of that chick with my baton and then smashed her over the head with her video camera and then taken her ass to jail for posession of the narcotics and weapons I planted on her:skull

Good thing I'm not a cop eh?:p



In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not questioning her right at all.
But I didn't sign-up for the job of "protector of all rights for all people".

No you didn't.. Neither did the cops.. It's the 100,000's of Soldiers that have died for that exact job title. It's the founding fathers that gave their own lives that signed up for that job title.. It is the permanent job of several immortalized documents that this nation was founded upon. With words such as

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ? That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ?

My point is, eff with a cop in the field, and don't be surprised if you get arrested.

So her front yard is "in the field?" It is private property, her front yard..

This country - and our rights - are going to hell in a handbasket, there's no doubt :thumbsdown

Why is that? Is it because people are told not to be nosy? Because it's easier to go in your house and not get involved?

The apathetic side of me knows that I'm not a revolutionary leader, and if I get tossed jail for nosing-in on an avoidable situation, then I can't go to work. And if I can go to work, I don't get paid, and my lavish lifestyle suffers.

I do what I can to get by, and avoid hassles with The Man.

If I was in that lady's situation, I wouldn't have been nosy.
Why? Because I don't have a dog in the fight between the cop and the motorist.

I'll put up a fight for my rights when the situation has a direct effect on me. But not so that I can exercise my right to be nosy.
Yes, this is super-selfish, but that's my reality. I won't waste my time for something I deem inconsequential.

I think the point I'm making here Robert, is you don't have to be a revolutionary, nor a leader.. You don't have to take up arms against tyranny happening in front of you to make a difference. That has been done already, and many have paid the price with their lives..

What all of us should do as citizens is know our rights, and if your rights are trampled on by the government then at a minimum you should make it known, and it should be rectified.

What this cop did wasn't arrest some nosy chick.. What he did was piss on the graves of all those that have died for your freedoms.. On the graves of the founding fathers, on the constitution and on the declaration of independence..

He pissed on the very idea of America because his ego is more important then all that other little stuff.

River(Shoulda been a lawyer)Dave :D


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
No you didn't.. Neither did the cops.. It's the 100,000's of Soldiers that have died for that exact job title. It's the founding fathers that gave their own lives that signed up for that job title.. It is the permanent job of several immortalized documents that this nation was founded upon. With words such as

This quote made me want to jump up and salute! Well said, Dave.


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
RD, if I were a cop I come down there right now and taze you in the junk:box:


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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I think what led to this incident is th fact that the Police just take themselves way too seriously these days.

About 25 years ago a bunch of us were at the local riding area. One of my knucklehead friends was rding a newer Suzuki RM 250 that he bought without getting a pink slip. The cops checked all of our bikes, then came back later and (legitimately) arrested him for vehicle theft. While they were patting him down and putting the cuffs on him, my other friend was snapping off pictures. Before they put our buddy in the cage they both smiled and posed with him in front of the car so we could take more pics.

Try doing that today and see what would happen.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
RD, if I were a cop I come down there right now and taze you in the junk:box:

If I was standing on private property there isn't a damn thing you'd do to me.. LOL That was kind of the point of this whole thread.


Dave Wettlaufer

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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My wife and i and two friends were threatened with arrest for standing on the sidewalk watching the aftermath of a wreck that occurred in front of The Last Resort, a famous biker bar in Port Orange, Florida. We were not in the area of the wreck, we were a good 30 feet from it. the wreck had already happened. A Bronco with a drug addict at the wheel flipped through 19 parked bikes in front of the bar. Amazingly, nobody was hurt.

Why was that required? We were not doing anything but standing there watching, out of the way. Because the cop was a power tripping dick and he probably wasn't happy about having to work during Bike Week.:thumbsdown
He yelled at us to, "go back where you came from if you don't wanna be arrested." That was his opening line.:rolleyes:
I told him to have a nice night.:D


Custom Shutters by WhiteWorks
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
If I was standing on private property there isn't a damn thing you'd do to me.. LOL That was kind of the point of this whole thread.


Private property or not I'd taze that beer right out of your hand, video tape it, put it on you tube and have a nice chuckle listening to you tell me about your rights with 100,000 volts shoooting off your nose hairs:p