Why Be a Cop?

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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That’s not even close to what he’s saying.
Everyone has rights until proven guilty is that not what he said? I didn't read the whole thread but so maybe I'm taking it out of context.

It's Such a broad statement one I do not agree with especially when criminals caught in the act.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Everyone has rights until proven guilty is that not what he said? I didn't read the whole thread but so maybe I'm taking it out of context.

It's Such a broad statement one I do not agree with especially when criminals caught in the act.
I don’t think he means that a guy killing a clerk and running away shooting at the cops is the same as Joe average citizen having a random encounter with a cop.
Red handed robbery and murder easily satisfies any questions of reasonable suspicion I would think?!🤔

BUT…for us Joe average law abiding citizens who aren’t criminals, our bill of rights is ALL that we have for our defense and protection, not just from the occasional “over zealous” LEO, but from all manner of government over reach.
I could be wrong, but I think that’s what Dave is inferring?

The fact is that it’s absurd that a true criminal can bring a lawsuit against cops for subduing him. That’s a real problem.
But it does not mean that legit violation of rights lawsuits do not exist. They do.

On a side note, that bill of rights is not subject to our opinions. Not without a lengthy process ending up at the SC.
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Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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I don’t think he means that a guy killing a clerk and running away shooting at the cops is the same as Joe average citizen having a random encounter with a cop.
Red handed robbery and murder easily satisfies any questions of reasonable suspicion I would think?!🤔

BUT…for us Joe average law abiding citizens who aren’t criminals, our bill of rights is ALL that we have for our defense and protection, not just from the occasional “over zealous” LEO, but from all manner of government over reach.
I could be wrong, but I think that’s what Dave is inferring?
Gotcha just woke up and read that so I was still half asleep my bad....
Thanks for the clarification.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
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Gotcha just woke up and read that so I was still half asleep my bad....
Thanks for the clarification.
It’s cool. 😎
I’ll be out of here anyway as soon as the “you’re a cop hater” crowd shows up to tell me how everyone should forfeit any and all semblance of their rights as soon as they see that badge. 😂😂👌


Coors Light Strong
Jan 2, 2008
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what law says you can violate someone’s rights (even a little bit) so long as it’s within reason?
Lets just use the 4th amendment as an example. You can lawfully make a search or seizure under an authorized search warrant or order. They can still still contested but will most likely be upheld because the DA and judge approved it.

Searches and seizures can be made outside a warrant/order based on probable cause, emergency circumstances and consent. These areas, PC, emergency and consent are very broad and can be contested. If the judge determines a search or seizure was outside the parameters of the 4th amendment, the evidence will not be admitted.

So you are basically violating someone's rights at the time of search or seizure until the court says otherwise.
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Jan 9, 2010
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@RiverDave See the above post. @zbudman nailed it. We as citizens are protected against unreasonable violations of our rights. Not all "violations" across the board. If that were not the case, no cop would ever be able to stop a vehicle, let alone search a person place or thing.

So, you still want to take away immunity from Cops Dave?
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Jan 9, 2010
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At what point does the judges and prosecutors be held liable?
Meant to reply to this earlier. They rarely do get held liable at a judges level. Prosecutors and Attorney/Lawyers can be held liable for ethics violations, criminal violations, and at times, civil violations regarding Liable or Defamation of Character when they bring suit if they are not careful. I might know a guy who at this vary moment is weighing the options of going after a private practice attorney for the bullshit he is alleging in legal documents and in the news without a shred of actual evidence to prove it. Time will tell, and there is a fine line between bringing forth the allegations of your client, and outright lying to get political/social media attention.


Jan 9, 2010
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Yeah the guy that just robbed and killed a store clerk and is trying to flee and gets in a shoot out with the police he still has rights????
I hope you don't really believe that.....
Shit.... Suspects who are actively shooting at police sue, or if they are dead generally their families sue, and departments pay. It is completely stupid.

And it's not just shootings. Recently... hypothetically... dealt with a case of a person stopped at a light. States clearly in all his legal documents that he heard the police sirens coming but couldn't see them. So in all his wisdom, he goes from a stationary (full stopped) position to making a left turn as the police car, who is driving with lights, sirens, and authorized response to a medical emergency, enters the intersections and ends up t-boning the fucktard that could hear, but not see, so decided to pull out in-front of the cops. Let's just say the payout was enough to buy a house in most SoCal neighborhoods right now. The legal realm of what is allowed is fucking crazy.

But yeah, maybe Dave's right, we should probably get rid of qualified immunity for cops. 😂

Andy B.

Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Shit.... Suspects who are actively shooting at police sue, or if they are dead generally their families sue, and departments pay. It is completely stupid.

And it's not just shootings. Recently... hypothetically... dealt with a case of a person stopped at a light. States clearly in all his legal documents that he heard the police sirens coming but couldn't see them. So in all his wisdom, he goes from a stationary (full stopped) position to making a left turn as the police car, who is driving with lights, sirens, and authorized response to a medical emergency, enters the intersections and ends up t-boning the fucktard that could hear, but not see, so decided to pull out in-front of the cops. Let's just say the payout was enough to buy a house in most SoCal neighborhoods right now. The legal realm of what is allowed is fucking crazy.

But yeah, maybe Dave's right, we should probably get rid of qualified immunity for cops. 😂
WOW!!That's fucked up!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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My buddy was in the process of searching a suspect that was being arrested for felony DUI (car wreck with injuries)...the guy took off running, my buddy chased him, ended up tackling him to the ground and the suspect ended up with a broken wrist and busted out teeth from the fall....the guy filed a lawsuit against the dept and my buddy...not sure how long it took, but the dept eventually paid the guy and he dropped the suit against my friend...