Where were you On 9/11/01?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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My wife and I got Married on 8/11/01 took a 2 week honeymoon...

I watch it on TV glued to the master bedroom TV, I couldn’t move didn’t want to miss anything!

Wife worked downtown San Diego in a high rise and I kept calling her to make sure she was ok


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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one thing I do remember

Is that our country came together as one! We were united and it didn’t mater who you voted for or what you did or what color you were! We were all USA!

We all bleed red white and blue that day!

Sad what we have become.


Liquid Equity
Apr 2, 2015
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one thing I do remember

Is that our country came together as one! We were united and it didn’t mater who you voted for or what you did or what color you were! We were all USA!

We all bleed red white and blue that day!

Sad what we have become.

Totally agree with this!!


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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one thing I do remember

Is that our country came together as one! We were united and it didn’t mater who you voted for or what you did or what color you were! We were all USA!

We all bleed red white and blue that day!

Sad what we have become.

Well said Sir....Wouldn't that unity be a blessing today? Imagine what this Country could be...


Liquid Equity
Apr 2, 2015
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I was fishing with my brothers at 11,000 feet at at lake in the eastern sierras that has no trail.....just a back country hike that my family has done for years....caught/released a bunch of good sized native brookie and cutthroat trout...snowed on us....just a perfect day until we got back to civilization and was told the news....will never forget that day


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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I was on the 91 freeway hat a TV in my Burb with a tuner and was able to get the news on and watched the 2nd plane hit. We went to NY for New Years 04 and went down to Ground Zero, it was unbelievable.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2012
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I was in seventh grade. I remember my mom driving my brother and I to school and hearing on the radio the second tower coming down. We watched the new in every class that day. I remember my math teacher saying, "this will put us behind, but you are watching a very important moment in history."

The days after were surreal. People were nice to each other and you saw an American flag every which way you looked.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I was having breakfast with my boss, as I had every morning for years. Greasy spoon in Orange. The cook and the server, husband and wife, called us over to the counter, there was a tv stashed by the grille. Boss man was a Korean War vet. You could tell it bothered him to see that. I'd been married a year, and was worried about my wife in the commute traffic. It was a weird time for all of us. Those days with only fighters in the sky were kind of haunting. I knew a couple guys that were deployed almost immediately, only able to tell friends and family they were "going out of town for awhile".

Brave men and women gave or risked their lives for people they didn't know. Construction workers and office workers volunteered their labor in unimaginable conditions. People of all backgrounds came together, in hopes of saving lives. Pride in the shadow of tragedy.

I don't know if an event like that would bring our country closer now, or divide us further. Time will tell. The bastards still want to strike us at any chance.


Ol' school kid..........
Dec 19, 2007
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We need to be vigilant today. "They" would love to make a point on 9-11... I doubt there will be any planes hijacked here in the Az desert, but remember, the "see something, say something" slogan....Is the FB silence eastern time or Pacific time??


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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I was working at a welding shop in Ashland Kentucky that was doing a little job for my company. Prior to the events of the day, the shop owner offered to take me out in his boat on the Ohio river after work. We still went through with the plans but the river that is normally a huge shipping channel for coal and other goods was eerily quiet that evening.

Being that I’m from eastern Pa. I know one person that was in one of the towers when it was hit and another that was just down the street in another building. Both made it out of there okay.

I’m presently 53 y/o and 911 is definitely the Pearl Harbor or my generation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2011
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Working LAPD assigned 77th division. We all were on tac alert, and eventually assigned to LAX that night. Worked two days straight. Was also worried about my sister in-law who’s a flight attendant for American Airlines. Her flights were the Los Angeles to Boston and back. We were blessed that we found out she was off that rotation. She lost all here friends that day. Very sad day for sure for all the families involved and our country.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Right where I'm at now, the middle of the Bering Sea fishing.
We were at the Coastal Dock, back then they would give you a cable and I rigged a coaxial to connect to the galley Tv, everyone asleep waiting for crew to fly in, 4 hours behind eastern time our deck boss woke me up with the statement "America is under Attack"...still so surreal.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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I was on a job site in N Scottsdale sitting in my truck when I heard on the radio a plane had hit the tower. They were reporting it was a small plane. At the time I was 30 hrs into getting my pilots license and thought how in the hell did a plane hit one of the towers. I called my brother and told him about it and he turned the TV on just as the second plane hit. We knew right then we were under attack. Thankfully we didn't know anybody that perished that day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
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I was in seventh grade. I remember my mom driving my brother and I to school and yelling at us to shut the hell up as she was listening to the radio. Very few kids were at school that day and all we did was watch the news. It was unreal and very hard to watch. I will NEVER FORGET what they did to us.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I also remember having to fly on Monday the 17th.
One of the first days travel started again. Profiling was in full effect that day.

Dog boy

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2014
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Had just walked into the office at Oak. airport .I saw the first plane hit on the television that all my coworkers were watching. Don't remember how long after that but the FAA FBI and airport security came into the office and announced that every aircraft had been grounded and for us to inspect secure and remove all entry stairs to the twenty plus aircraft we had on the ramp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Tempe AZ. I vividly remember the events of 9/11 exactly 18 years ago. I was at work in a technical management role which includes health safety and environmental responsibilities (HSE). Our break room has a television for employees so the word spread quickly when the first tower was struck. All 100 of us in this 24/7 production facility were in a state of shock. Are we at war under attack? Are missiles headed our way? Extremely surreal situation to grasp. Production seized for the day and employees went home to their families. A couple of tech guys on my team stayed with me on site to install closed circuit cameras in the parking lot and rooftop. We also hired a security guard for two weeks. Honestly I did not know what to do to keep employees safe at work. I just knew doing something was better then nothing. When I finally got home from a very long day at work, I just hugged my two daughters, wife and prayed for the many lives cut short. Work eventually ramped back up some 48 hours later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
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Yeah Pollock, should be in Dutch on Monday or so for offload. I am due to rotate out and will be headed to Havasu.
Did you hear that the Ocean Phoenix was retired after this past A season?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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At work at Pankl Aerospace, was supposed to fly to NY 9/12, we all watched it in horror on the break room TV's... I wish we as country could come together like we did after 9/11 without such a horrible act. America was amazing for a while in the aftermath of such a tragic day...


Never home on weekends
Dec 19, 2007
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Was at a small trade show in San Diego. Was getting ready for a day of work in my hotel room when I came out of the shower to see on the news the reports of the first building being hit. Was on the phone with a co worker who was also watching when the second plane hit. Trade show went on, but there was no business talk that day. Next day, everyone in the show that had flights home were scrambling for rental cars.
After a few weeks, a little news letter was sent out recapping the events of the show, and how so many people tried to make the best of a bad situation by sharing rental cars and etc. to get home, and new friendships were made.
As someone else posted earlier, remember for some time after 9/11 how everyone seemed to try to be a little nicer to each other? Seems like that has gone away....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Getting ready to head out to work.....suit/tie and then all I could do was watch the TV in amazement and shock. The world stopped that day


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
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Was in my office and was notified by Bob and Tom. Called my girlfriend (now wife) and told her to get up and turn on the TV. Called my mom and let her know what was going on. Had a small TV with Rabbit Ears in the conference room a bunch of people stood around and watched. Tried to get into any of the news websites and majority of the day but had no luck as traffic was high.

Headed Home around 5pm to settle in for a night of watching the news. About 7pm I got a call that one of my guys "no called, no showed" for a 12 hour night shift so I went into to do his job. Of all days, he picked that day to quit without informing us. Worked all night, went home at 7am, and watched TV all day on the 12th.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2012
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Where were you on 9/11/01? I’m sure that there are some interesting stories to be heard from RDP members.

I woke up in my college dorm and turned on my computer to AOL and saw a picture of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center and initially thought it was a movie poster for an upcoming film. Little did I know that this moment in time would change everything.

I left my dorm, headed to class and heard it on the Kevin and Bean Morning Show...I'll never forget that morning, damn near stuffed the truck into the side of the hill on the way to class.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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I was a sophomore in HS getting ready for the day. The 1st plane had hit the towers and I remember thinking how in the hell could you accidentally hit a building that big. If something were wrong with the plane you have water all around you, what an idiot. Then I watched the 2nd hit and knew it wasn't an accident. I remember feeling furious for the first part of the day as I finally went to classes in half-filled rooms, and then sort of scared that night in bed as the fighters performed their patrols.

Later in the week my friends and I did our weekly Disneyland day on Friday to pick up girls and have fun. We would always hit the McDonalds at the end of the night for some cheap food. The street was filled with people with flags, people honking, playing music you would usually hear on the 4th of July, etc. etc. I don't think I've ever been more proud. I fly my truck flag in remembrance today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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I had just moved from La Crescenta to Santa Clarita and it was my first day driving into East LA for work. Hadn't seen/heard anything prior to getting into the car. I got on the 5 freeway and thought "shit there is no one on the freeway this is so awesome." Turned on Howard Stern and for a few minutes I couldn't figure out what they were all talking about. Switched over to KFI and quickly got caught up.

I was an RN in the ER at County USC. When I arrived about 6:45am, already armed Army Reserve walking around with M16s. They thought the hospital was a potential target in LA if the attacks continued. Later that day even an Army tank was brought to block the entrance to the ER ramps.

It was actually a slow patient day in the ER but it made for a long day of watching the news, crying, anxiety, fear, etc.

God Speed all those heros.

King P.V.

Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
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5th grade. Mr. Rainer's class. Came in from recess. Heard the rumors. We were an elementry school located on Fairchild AFB. Spokane washington. They couldnt get thr school busses to take us home fast enough. Fairchild "closed" the base. You couldnt get on unless you were military. Wives and children had to wsit hours to get back on base to their homes. Fairvhild wad a SAC base. B-52's. Reafy to dropp bombs on the Soviet bastards. This was almost war. Nuclear.. almost panic on that base. The wasnt any phone calls. We were the closest to the front line bombers and no-one know what the next step was. Our president just got murdered and we werr freaking. Never will forget that day, week and now, decades later, the feeling.
Tuesday am. Woke up to my wife saying a plane ran into the WTC. Opened my eyes to see the second plane. OMG when the towers fell, I thought Id seen 80,000 -people just die. I was having flashbacks.
Ill never forget. Fuc those bastards!!@


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Was sitting at my desk in a Boeing building right next to the south runways at LAX, within the first 30 minutes everyone was watching on tv and trying to understand what was going on. Due to the close proximity to the airport and the buildings that we were in, the decision was quickly made to cancel all operations for the day and everyone was sent home. Needless to say the drive home was very somber and unnerving. By the time I got back to my house in the OC and turned on the news the first tower was pretty close to coming down, an unreal seen to witness, and forever ingrained in my brain. A day I will never forget for sure!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Yeah Pollock, should be in Dutch on Monday or so for offload. I am due to rotate out and will be headed to Havasu.
Did you hear that the Ocean Phoenix was retired after this past A season?
Just got home recently, spent my whole summer up there. I understand they have a new ship to replace the Pheonix.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Was on a Carnival Cruise ship right outside of mexico waiting to dock. looked out the window to see the boat surrounded by US coast guard boats in mexico waters. We were not allowed to get off the boat in the port that day. When we got back to long beach it took over 8 hrs to get off the boat. Had dogs sniffing all the luggage before we could get off.


looking for a v-drive
Aug 26, 2009
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I was driving a team race truck to the MTB world championships in Vail, CO that morning. We were listening to CDs instead of the radio, so we had no clue. We stopped at the world's largest truck stop on I-80 in Iowa for whatever, and every person in the whole place, like a couple hundred people, was watching one of the little TVs by the checkout counter. We watched the second plane hit, and in that moment we all knew the world changed. The entire middle east is lucky those truckers weren't the ones making strategic command decisions at that moment. Driving across the country that week was surreal. We were up early the following Saturday morning and rode to the top of Vail ski area, and got to watch a squadran of fighters make a big, fast patrol lap of the Rockies. Pure badass.

Never forget. And never forget we are the nation that pulled together when we needed to.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I was watching the morning news when they suddenly broke to the story about the plane hitting the Trade Center. The initial report was that it was a private plane and so I continued to watch wondering why the fire seemed so large for a small plane.

I was still watching when the footage of the second jet came into view and exploded into the second building. I still remember how I felt watching that second jet. The hair on the back of my neck stood up knowing that this was a terror incident. I immediately woke my wife and told her what was happening.

I still can't believe that I went to work and the kids to school but it just seemed like the thing to do. I stopped off at the hardware store and bought 2 flags for our offices and brought a television so that we could stay up to date on what was happening.

When the buildings collapsed I kept thinking about my Father in Law "Chief Bob". He was with SFFD and would tell us the story's about high rise fires. He commented many times about how Fire Fighters run into burning buildings while everyone else is running out! I knew in my heart that many heroes had gone into those buildings to do their jobs and had just paid the ultimate price to help those in need.


Putting on the brakes
Jan 11, 2010
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I fell asleep the night before with my TV still on and woke up to the news. Usually GDLA or some such morning show bullshit is on when I forget to turn off the TV, but this was different. I thought I was watching a movie at first until I saw the second plane hit and figured out what was going on. I headed to work at the Toyota dealer about an hour later and not much work got done that day. We all stood in the service drive and had the TVs tuned into the news.
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Danger Dave

Sarcastically Optimistic 😁
Jun 16, 2013
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I was in Mauritania. Strangely, most of the locals weren't too upset about it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Yeah Pollock, should be in Dutch on Monday or so for offload. I am due to rotate out and will be headed to Havasu.
Did you hear that the Ocean Phoenix was retired after this past A season?

My friend Don got this pic from someone in Brownsville, Bye Bye

Cole Trickle

Sep 25, 2007
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Had an Apartment in Garden Grove.

Woke up at 6:30am to get ready for work and turned on Power 106 and needless to say the tone was really different and somber. Remember thinking something big is going on Big Boy isn't having a good day.

Couple minutes later as more info comes out I throw on the TV and start watching the news....within minutes the first tower collapses followed by the second about thirty minutes later. I sat there in disbelief before jumping in the car and driving to work. Like Dave Mentioned not much was accomplished that day it was truly a scary day filled with a ton of emotions. My mom used to fly for work and was Stuck at the Houston terminal due to her flight being canceled and it took several days before she could get home. Information didn't travel as fast back then so the news was all you had for updates. Cell phones sucked and getting a hold of anyone and verifying they were ok was a mess. :(

The national pride following the event is something we may never see again in our lifetime. It didn't matter who you were or where you were from for the next couple weeks you were american and pissed.

I was heavy into cars and racing at the time (street/track) I will never forget my wife and I were out hunting on the friday night following 9/11 and ended up cruising main street in HB. The place was crazy off the hook. People everywhere tons and tons of giant American flags mounted to cars and trucks. As we were heading down main back towards PCH i stopped at the stop sign and 100's of people were telling people to do a burn out. Out my window were several HBPD and I looked at them and they said go for it with a big smile. I hit the linelock and practically burned the BFG drag radials to the ground. I'm talking a proper 2 minute plus burnout with billowing white smoke and the whole street including the cops were going crazy cheering. It turned into a thing and a bunch of cars behind me started getting with the program as well.....Epic and something I will never forget.:)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2018
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I was in Las Vegas working on a model home site. Turned the hotel TV on in the AM and saw the smoke. Took a quick shower and when I got out of the shower one tower had collapsed. The other collapsed on the drive to the job site. No visitors to the model home complex that day and none of the constant overhead aircraft activity from the airport. Had to ride back home in the equipment van later that week as the flights were still canceled.


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Mar 12, 2010
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I don't get to vacation to often. Got a chance to go fishing in Eastcape mexico. Flew down on the Sept 10th. Was on the boat having a great time catching the biggest tuna I have ever caught. Got in at the end of the day. There was only 1 tv in the whole place that was behind the bar. Everyone was gathered around it in aw! We couldn't believe what had happened. We all felt guilty for being there and having a good time. We got stuck in Mexico for an extra 3 days. The place we stayed was very accommodating. They were expecting a big rush of people for a tournament, but that didn't happen. We were stuck in paridise. Fishing in the morning and hanging in the pool/bar the rest of each day. All inclusive everything. One of the guys we were with got scared that the boarder would be shut down and took a bus from La paz to the TJ boarder and had his wife meet him when he walked across. I get it, but I cant think of any other place I would have wanted to be stuck at the time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
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I was working at Rohr Aircraft in Riverside. My Supervisor calls me over to his desk to check out a video of the 1st Plane flying into the World Trade Center. We all thought it was a terrible accident until he later starts shouting Another Plane Just hit the 2nd Tower. We were all saying to him: That's no fucking accident!!! Things got eerily silent after that, and we all were glued to the News after that. I remember driving home that afternoon and there was very little traffic and no planes in the air. It was so creepy. Then it hit me. MY CAREER AS AN AIRCRAFT ENGINEER WAS OVER!!! I started crying as I was driving home to my wife and 3 kids at home who were all terrified. I had to compose myself and be the leader of my household to hold things together. I was layed off from my job a few days later, and I remember saying to myself. What the hell are you going to do to support these kids? It was a terrifying time for sure!!! Luckily I found a job in January, 2012 for about 70% of what I was making before, and I was so happy to have it. But let me tell you I thought for sure the Aircraft Industry was dead!!! God Bless those families who lost their loved ones that day, you've lost so much. My story pales in comparison!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Camped on the water (A row) at Black Meadow Landing in our first little 18' Layton Travel Trailer. Turned on our tiny 10" B&W TV and watched in horror. We knew our daughter was in NYC. Upon graduating from the U of AZ in May, she immediately flew to NYC and began working and living there. First job was with T Mobile somewhere on lower Manhattan. First call came from a good friend who had visited our daughter about a week prior at her job in NY. He said her office was near the Towers, but not in them. Sometime later we finally heard from our daughter. She had ran for her office, which was only 300 yards from Ground Zero, to Battery Park. She had seen the 2nd plane hit and many of the terrible sights and sounds that followed. She would call us back later. She walked home alone across the Brooklyn Bridge that night. About a day later we finally heard from her again. I believe that experience made her a NYC lady forever. She flourished and is still there, great job, great husband, happily married, 1 child and currently trying to find another Newfoundland puppy to buy or adopt.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
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Just got home recently, spent my whole summer up there. I understand they have a new ship to replace the Pheonix.

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They bought the Pacific Glacier and renamed it the Phoenix. I am on the Excellence now but don't tall anybody. lol