When Regor's posts hit the Netherlands.


Let it Develop
Dec 24, 2007
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Right on, those people aren't playing, if the government wants to get shitty the people step up and bitch slap them into place, gotta love it

Danger Dave

Sarcastically Optimistic 😁
Jun 16, 2013
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They should be, that president that screwed with their fertilizer laws really fucked them over and people are starving.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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"The great reset isn't going as smoothly as we thought" -Crazy left

"TIC TOK, TIK TOK, it's only a matter of time" - @regor


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Yet our citizens
Just go with the flow
Nobody protesting the over reach
By our government fbi cia education health
Etc etc

Yes Americans we are all a bunch of pussies
To busy trying to make money
Get your shots
Don’t talk about a rigged election ?

What inflation ?

Our country is going to shit

Yet nobody protesting our country going to shit
Pathetic !!!!


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Yet our citizens
Just go with the flow
Nobody protesting the over reach
By our government fbi cia education health
Etc etc

Yes Americans we are all a bunch of pussies
To busy trying to make money
Get your shots
Don’t talk about a rigged election ?

What inflation ?

Our country is going to shit

Yet nobody protesting our country going to shit
Pathetic !!!!
It depends on where you look, and how you look at it. Many of us looked at the foolishness of Pantifa and BLM "protests" as fools with no real cause. Those people had nothing to lose, no jobs in most cases, and very little threat of prosecution.

I remember Pops telling me don't ever quit a job unless you have another lined up, and don't start a fight you aren't prepared for.

Although 90% of the people refuse to see the truth in front of their own eyes, I think the remainder are trying to get their ducks in a row. There is more at risk than people think. Some are afraid of losing what they have. Truth be told, what they have can very easily be stripped away.

Those that seem the biggest cheerleaders of the "it'll be fine" group are those that stand to lose the most...I think they're afraid to admit what they see coming, because they know they've been duped.

It'll come to a head this fall. Not election related, from a supply standpoint. The harvest will be down, no way around it. The fuel costs and supply chain issues will be magnified as well. Add to that the natural gas and heating fuel supply come first frost...and things will get real to those in denial. I don't know about the stock market, a wild card at play for me. The other things though, very real issues, coming very fast.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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It depends on where you look, and how you look at it. Many of us looked at the foolishness of Pantifa and BLM "protests" as fools with no real cause. Those people had nothing to lose, no jobs in most cases, and very little threat of prosecution.

I remember Pops telling me don't ever quit a job unless you have another lined up, and don't start a fight you aren't prepared for.

Although 90% of the people refuse to see the truth in front of their own eyes, I think the remainder are trying to get their ducks in a row. There is more at risk than people think. Some are afraid of losing what they have. Truth be told, what they have can very easily be stripped away.

Those that seem the biggest cheerleaders of the "it'll be fine" group are those that stand to lose the most...I think they're afraid to admit what they see coming, because they know they've been duped.

It'll come to a head this fall. Not election related, from a supply standpoint. The harvest will be down, no way around it. The fuel costs and supply chain issues will be magnified as well. Add to that the natural gas and heating fuel supply come first frost...and things will get real to those in denial. I don't know about the stock market, a wild card at play for me. The other things though, very real issues, coming very fast.
Like you just posted

Those citizens in those countries , do not have much to lose anymore , they do not have as much freedom as we ever did.
They see it .

Our citizens
Until people are starving ,jobless , can’t afford anything . Or on the verge of losing it all.
Then maybe, just maybe , Americans will wake the fuck up

I have lost all faith in our citizens. Not everyone but the majority
This all could of been avoided 2 years ago
To sustain there livelihood , they kept there mouth shut and held out there arms. churches , health industry , everywhere you turned
Cops , military , fireman , schools
Every industry the people went with the lockdowns and the fake shot , plus a subjective election .
With really no push back

Sorry, I’m beating the same drum
I was down to my last few thousands of dollars
On the verge of selling everything and losing it all
I thank god everyday for helping me find a away through this , plus my fighting American spirit .

even family and friends
Didn’t blink an eye
To what just happened.

When people are talking about buying 100k trucks and 260k toons
We are a long way off

Yet everyday a little more freedom has been taken from us

The one good spot
Is that our Supreme Court has given just a little bit of freedom back .


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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@brgrcru , I know what you're saying. I have family that I haven't seen in three years due to difference of opinion. We talk a few times a year, so that's good. They think me and my family are wackos, for how we live and how we think. Time will tell.

As for the 100k boats and 1/4m toons...yes, we may seem a long way off. That gap can be covered so quickly it could make your head spin. Three years ago we were just starting to see this all. One inmate was laughed at and picked on for saying this BS would last at least 2 years. He got mad and left...he was right though.

People will believe what they want to believe. All we can do is help them see, but we can not open their eyes for them. In order for someone to fully understand how good things can be, they have to see how bad it could be. Soy latte's and expensive gas are everywhere still.


Well-Known Inmate #'s 2584 & 20161
Jul 19, 2017
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Like you just posted

Those citizens in those countries , do not have much to lose anymore , they do not have as much freedom as we ever did.
They see it .

Our citizens
Until people are starving ,jobless , can’t afford anything . Or on the verge of losing it all.
Then maybe, just maybe , Americans will wake the fuck up

I have lost all faith in our citizens. Not everyone but the majority
This all could of been avoided 2 years ago
To sustain there livelihood , they kept there mouth shut and held out there arms. churches , health industry , everywhere you turned
Cops , military , fireman , schools
Every industry the people went with the lockdowns and the fake shot , plus a subjective election .
With really no push back

Sorry, I’m beating the same drum
I was down to my last few thousands of dollars
On the verge of selling everything and losing it all
I thank god everyday for helping me find a away through this , plus my fighting American spirit .

even family and friends
Didn’t blink an eye
To what just happened.

When people are talking about buying 100k trucks and 260k toons
We are a long way off

Yet everyday a little more freedom has been taken from us

The one good spot
Is that our Supreme Court has given just a little bit of freedom back .

Bump because you're right

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Like you just posted

Those citizens in those countries , do not have much to lose anymore , they do not have as much freedom as we ever did.
They see it .

Our citizens
Until people are starving ,jobless , can’t afford anything . Or on the verge of losing it all.
Then maybe, just maybe , Americans will wake the fuck up

I have lost all faith in our citizens. Not everyone but the majority
This all could of been avoided 2 years ago
To sustain there livelihood , they kept there mouth shut and held out there arms. churches , health industry , everywhere you turned
Cops , military , fireman , schools
Every industry the people went with the lockdowns and the fake shot , plus a subjective election .
With really no push back

Sorry, I’m beating the same drum
I was down to my last few thousands of dollars
On the verge of selling everything and losing it all
I thank god everyday for helping me find a away through this , plus my fighting American spirit .

even family and friends
Didn’t blink an eye
To what just happened.

When people are talking about buying 100k trucks and 260k toons
We are a long way off

Yet everyday a little more freedom has been taken from us

The one good spot
Is that our Supreme Court has given just a little bit of freedom back .


And to think, we won’t protect our own borders, even took away a few billion for a wall, yet the pedo just sent $41,000,000,000.00 to Ukraine for their border.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Fuck this guy! I think I will have a ribeye tonight!

What’s kind of funny is that his facts are probably fairly accurate.
However his solutions are totally invalid and agenda driven.
For 100 years we have produced our energy by burning, exploding, splitting, etc and scavenging said energy from the resulting reaction. There is no way this is not killing this planet as we know it. (This from an oilfield guy)
Our food production is similar. We raise untold numbers of consumable livestock to supply our food requirements.
This area required to do this competes with an ever expanding human population.
It’s a real dilemma and we aren’t doing anything about it.
So the “problem” he defines is valid to a measurable degree…but eliminating livestock raising and switching to 100% plant based consumption solves nothing.
It’s just as bad as thinking electric vehicles is some sort of long term solution. Lol
Both are laughable.
Greer calls this the “lost century”.
We have dug an incredible hole in the name of industry (oil, nuclear, utility giants, etc and all the related commerce) in exchange for where we should be today as far as technology concerning energy, sustenance, and planetary resources.
We are worse than cavemen.

This is why this planet gets scrubbed every so often.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
Reaction score
Greer calls this the “lost century”.
We have dug an incredible hole in the name of industry (oil, nuclear, utility giants, etc and all the related commerce) in exchange for where we should be today as far as technology concerning energy, sustenance, and planetary resources.
We are worse than cavemen.

This is why this planet gets scrubbed every so often.
My son and I were discussing this last night at the library (technology in general, not the scrubbing)
My son, 15, sees that as a whole humans have stalled. Innovation is not happening. What we deem as innovation is nothing more than modified older concepts. We do the same things, only faster and with less processes. We use different materials on things constructed, and marvel at making computer processors faster, but all along the same ideas.

Until that changes, we'll be stuck in an endless loop of history.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
My son and I were discussing this last night at the library (technology in general, not the scrubbing)
My son, 15, sees that as a whole humans have stalled. Innovation is not happening. What we deem as innovation is nothing more than modified older concepts. We do the same things, only faster and with less processes. We use different materials on things constructed, and marvel at making computer processors faster, but all along the same ideas.

Until that changes, we'll be stuck in an endless loop of history.

Absolutely accurate.
Refining antiquated technology is not progress.
It’s more of the same in a different wrapping.

was thatguy

living in a cage of fear
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
In the words of Johnathan Livingston seagulls mentor…”what is perfection? 100 mph? 200 mph?? No…perfection is being there”…