What offends you?


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
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Noted: Propose a solution then, something, anything... As long as it’s more than thoughts and prayers.

You just don't really understand humans do you.

No matter WHAT you do, armed patrols, in class security, closed fenced campus, make it like a fucking prison where every one needs a id badge and it's got razor wire fences around it, you will never stop crazy people from committing horrible acts of violence.

The crazy fucks have some sort of axe to grind, mother issues what ever, they will find a way to do horrible stuff no matter how much you nanny state America.

You want to fix this shit, start with people who are supposed to be alerting police/fbi etc to do their jobs. Get the FBI/Police to follow up and DO something when there are warning signs.

The real problem is that if they did you would still scream about their civil rights being violated or some fucking liberal Disneyland bullshit.

It's a dangerous world out there, do a better job raising your kids to survive it, instead of coddling them.

There will always be terrorists and crazy fucking people who do shit to get their 5 minutes of fame and get written into the history books.

As long as the media keeps sensationalizing this shit, you will get those types committing horrible acts.

If not a gun, a knife, a grenade, a car, a truck, shit you can kill someone with a fucking golf cart. There will always be danger in a free society, it is a price we pay.


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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People who say you don't need an AR15...
People who say you shouldn't use a crew cab dually as a commuter...
People who tell me what I should be tolerant of...

I am more laid back than I used to be, right up until you tell me how I should feel.
Quote for the day:
"YOU decided, MY best interests?" somebody here will get that...


Dec 2, 2014
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Pro Football Players, kneeling during the Anthem...
yep I went there ,


and again,

one of these days it might work its way out of my system,, but I doubt it. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
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Not a G-D dam thing. I am thick skinned and shit the things I did and said back in the day— I am surprised I am not dead

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Noted: Propose a solution then, something, anything... As long as it’s more than thoughts and prayers.

Arming teachers was proposed and shouted down. I'm not sure I like that idea anyway. I would say common communication between law enforcement agencies (e.g. city, county, state) is important. Today something going on one county away is completely unknown to that county's officials. When 9-11 happened, the FAA, police, and military had no way to communicate with each other.

When someone acts in a suspiciously dangerous manner, do something. The Pulse shooter and the Bakersfield couple were known by the FBI as possible terrorists. The amount of red flags Nicholas Cruz had waving around him were clear indications of his intentions. That's the true tragedy of his actions. F'ing do something, LEO.

Launch a program to make kids aware of possible dangers their classmates represent. If a kid is posting threats on Facebook, someone has to say something, and then actions have to be taken.

I'm fucking offended that almost every time there's a mass shooting, the perpetrator was already known to law enforcement. The Vegas massacre is one of the few times this wasn't true.

I'm also offended that law enforcement officers in Florida and Las Vegas intentionally avoided confronting the shooter. Yeah, they don't get paid enough, etc., but when they accepted the badge, they said they would take those risks. If they aren't willing to, they need to be in another profession.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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People who are intentionally offensive on a boating website. People who are irresponsible. Forgot to include liars. Not, BSers. I'm talking those who will lie to your face, just to get themselves out of something. I have no time for them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2014
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you should definitely be offended. I could have a house at the river. But have to put my kid in private school because of the gay and transgender disforia groups and their agenda. They push for acceptance just so they can accept themselves.

It affects You,
It affects your kids,
It affects your grandkids.

The mindset of "not my issue, doesn't affect me" is just a lazy excuse to not have to act.

When a 35 yr old "trans" (cross dressing weirdo man) is STATE MANDATED allowed to teach your 5 year old! In a state required education kindergarten room. You'll F*cking care!


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2013
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I'm offended by people trying to take away my rights to self preservation so they can feel better about themselves after a tragedy, even though their proposed solutions will do nothing to solve the problem.

Go apply to a PD become a SRO and then let’s see if you have the fuzz on your lil’ peach to step up when called upon....or you can continue to just flap your lips and bang away on your keyboard.

Yea for safe spaces, gun free zones and participation trophies....you libiots are totally gnarly

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2014
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Nothing. I'm not a thinned skin... well you know. Dont want to offend anyone.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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offended? not much, shit annoys me though. I guess I don't like being belittled.


Feb 22, 2011
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People who are intentionally offensive on a boating website. People who are irresponsible. Forgot to include liars. Not, BSers. I'm talking those who will lie to your face, just to get themselves out of something. I have no time for them.
You might be on the wrong site then...We tend to poke fun around here and just in good spirit.50yrs of boating under my belt and still love it.


Ultra Conservative
May 27, 2018
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Went to lunch right now and two millenniums guys hold hands ? I was like wtf? Does it affect me no. Does it offend me yes. Why ? Am I over reacting? I just wasnt expecting to see that

To answer the topic question: my generation as a whole offends me.

Also likely explains why I'm single and my best friends all have engines in them.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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You've heard impressionist that are spot on. Guys like Frank Caliendo or Frank Gorshin.
Our youngest can impersonate any kid having a screeming temper tantrum fit in public.
I'm talking dead to rights exact on the money and he do it in front of any bratty kid acting up.

It would shut those kids up immediately and they'd stare at him with the stupidest look.

Pesky Varmint

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
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What is this shit with this modern trend of taking pride in and showing off your sexuality?

I could care less what someones sexuality is, but time was you never had an excess of pride nor did you advertise it.

Sex is a private thing that should stay that way. And why should I care whether you are hetero, homo, or whatever?
None of it offends me though, it's too stupid to waste any emotional energy on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Nothing really offends me and I've come to detest the word , except seeing our flag burned in the town square of some shithole every time a terrorist act is pulled off. It kills me we don't ping the phones sending the videos and wipe the whole area off the map. Also the mindset that it's cool for other countries to be competitive and patriotic but people who are still passionate about ours are portrayed by most media outlets as ignorant or racist.


Well-Known RDP Inmate #211
Oct 4, 2007
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I don't get offended by shit but plenty of stuff makes me shake my head or pisses me off but offended....nope.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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People who say you don't need an AR15...
People who say you shouldn't use a crew cab dually as a commuter...
People who tell me what I should be tolerant of...

I am more laid back than I used to be, right up until you tell me how I should feel.
Quote for the day:
"YOU decided, MY best interests?" somebody here will get that...
I like the saying, "My rights don't end where your feelings begin."
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River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
I am offended by people whose minds are so limited that when I say I am offended by Kids getting slaughtered all they think about is themselves.
There are several hundred million guns, there are a ton in that are in the hands of criminals. Even if EVERYTHING you could think of implementing it will do nothing with all of the guns that are out there now. How would you deal with those?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Offended, never, irritated, all the damn time and it gets worse as I get older..........


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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I guess I am not so much easily offended, but the terms irritated or pissed off keep coming up...Does it mean anything if my wife compares me to Jeff Dunham's "Walter"? Probably doesn't help that when I was in my 20's my mom used to call me Archie...as in Bunker...


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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You might be on the wrong site then...We tend to poke fun around here and just in good spirit.50yrs of boating under my belt and still love it.

Well, I've been here since early 2008 and continue to enjoy the site. Yes, poking fun is part of the game. Being intentionally offensive is a different story. Someone just seems to work at that more than others.


Feb 22, 2011
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Well, I've been here since early 2008 and continue to enjoy the site. Yes, poking fun is part of the game. Being intentionally offensive is a different story. Someone just seems to work at that more than others.
Yes,I agree.Bobby V can be offensive quite often.:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Definition of Offended: resentful or annoyed, typical as a threat to a perceived insult.

A few on my list: rude people, liars, manipulaters, tailgaters, traffic, most politicians, ignorance, most social media, narcissism, criminals, & freeloaders.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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There are several hundred million guns, there are a ton in that are in the hands of criminals. Even if EVERYTHING you could think of implementing it will do nothing with all of the guns that are out there now. How would you deal with those?

Why do you believe we need to look for an all or nothing solution?

You are 40-80 times more likely to be killed by a gun (depending on how you look at the numbers) than a terrorist in the US. But yet I take my shoes off every time I get on an airplane... Measures that reduce the incidence of an unwanted outcome are universally accepted in every single aspect of our lives except this one. An incremental decrease in gun violence by implementing some very basic responsibilities is not some fantastical idea.

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
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Why do you believe we need to look for an all or nothing solution?

You are 40-80 times more likely to be killed by a gun (depending on how you look at the numbers) than a terrorist in the US. But yet I take my shoes off every time I get on an airplane... Measures that reduce the incidence of an unwanted outcome are universally accepted in every single aspect of our lives except this one. An incremental decrease in gun violence by implementing some very basic responsibilities is not some fantastical idea.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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I was taught from an early age there is no such thing as a firearm accident... So lets lessen accidents.

Must demonstrate a minimum level of knowledge and proficiency before being able to purchase and own a firearm.

Marksmanship (?)

Unless you can prove the above no sale to you.

Teeth in the registration laws. The last legal owner of the firearm is responsible to some extent for the weapon. Your stolen firearm used in a crime you have a civil responsibility for what happened. Weapon stolen out of your gun safe (That you had to prove you owned before having the right to purchase) you are 0% responsible for. Gun stolen from the console of your F150... You are going to pay dearly. (Or your insurance company is...)

Your three year old shoots her brother with the pistol out of your nightstand its negligent homicide and you are going to jail.

Weapons manufactures open to legal action for negligence. Smart weapon technology exists, its not being adopted because it doesn't need to be... Lets change that.

The above puts the majority of the burden on the gun manufacturers and law abiding owners... Who the hell else is going to do anything ???

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
I was taught from an early age there is no such thing as a firearm accident... So lets lessen accidents.

Must demonstrate a minimum level of knowledge and proficiency before being able to purchase and own a firearm.

Marksmanship (?)

Unless you can prove the above no sale to you.

Teeth in the registration laws. The last legal owner of the firearm is responsible to some extent for the weapon. Your stolen firearm used in a crime you have a civil responsibility for what happened. Weapon stolen out of your gun safe (That you had to prove you owned before having the right to purchase) you are 0% responsible for. Gun stolen from the console of your F150... You are going to pay dearly. (Or your insurance company is...)

Your three year old shoots her brother with the pistol out of your nightstand its negligent homicide and you are going to jail.

Weapons manufactures open to legal action for negligence. Smart weapon technology exists, its not being adopted because it doesn't need to be... Lets change that.

The above puts the majority of the burden on the gun manufacturers and law abiding owners... Who the hell else is going to do anything ???
Ok, lets say all of this is put into effect, how will this remove the guns from the criminals hands, gang bangers hands? What happens to the hundreds of millions of guns that are already legally owned?


Nov 4, 2007
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A thread is started about what offends you....and people start offending each other. Ha, epic rdp. Not even winter


Mr. Potatohead
Dec 22, 2007
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A smelly....a um ah nevermind...
HUNTERS...............................offend me
bicyclers .. u know spandix shorts wanna be racers.............................offend me
boats over let say 22 ft on parker strip.....lol
rude people..........................offend me

At least my boat is less than 22ft lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Ok, lets say all of this is put into effect, how will this remove the guns from the criminals hands, gang bangers hands? What happens to the hundreds of millions of guns that are already legally owned?

It removes the guns from the criminals one weapon at a time... Reducing the flow of legal firearms into illegal hands is the intent.

As far as the hundreds of millions of legal firearms in circulation, I would contend (but wouldnt argue the point if somebody brought some real data to the conversation) that they are owned by a vast majority of enthusiasts who will continue to purchase firearms. The liability provisions would be a major incentive to store and transport in a manner consistent with the new laws. Thats why the criminal/civil accountability is important.


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
It removes the guns from the criminals one weapon at a time... Reducing the flow of legal firearms into illegal hands is the intent.

As far as the hundreds of millions of legal firearms in circulation, I would contend (but wouldnt argue the point if somebody brought some real data to the conversation) that they are owned by a vast majority of enthusiasts who will continue to purchase firearms. The liability provisions would be a major incentive to store and transport in a manner consistent with the new laws. Thats why the criminal/civil accountability is important.

Fuck you and your nanny state ideology, keep your fucking hands off my guns you fucking pussy.

With all the bullshit money wasted by the government you love and it's completely corrupt indoctrination system (used to be education), they could literally have put swat teams in every god damn school.

The best part? It would not change a fucking thing. You and your ilk are just too stupid to realize it.

Nothing you suggested has even the SLIGHTEST chance of ever working, or changing anything. You will just put average citizens out on the street broke from your "penalties".

Turning citizens into criminals because someone stole one of their legally owned weapons? Awesome plan there Einstein.

Do you know why we are still free? There is only one reason, the fact that we have the power to keep our own government from seizing complete control because of the 2nd.

I don't know if you are keeping up with current news, but newsflash, our government is completely out of control and corrupt. Thank god we had brilliant people who founded this country, and anticipated this very scenario.

All the best jackass.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Fuck you and your nanny state ideology, keep your fucking hands off my guns you fucking pussy.

With all the bullshit money wasted by the government you love and it's completely corrupt indoctrination system (used to be education), they could literally have put swat teams in every god damn school.

The best part? It would not change a fucking thing. You and your ilk are just too stupid to realize it.

Nothing you suggested has even the SLIGHTEST chance of ever working, or changing anything. You will just put average citizens out on the street broke from your "penalties".

Turning citizens into criminals because someone stole one of their legally owned weapons? Awesome plan there Einstein.

Do you know why we are still free? There is only one reason, the fact that we have the power to keep our own government from seizing complete control because of the 2nd.

I don't know if you are keeping up with current news, but newsflash, our government is completely out of control and corrupt. Thank god we had brilliant people who founded this country, and anticipated this very scenario.

All the best jackass.

People who think Amerika is the only free country on the planet also offend me...


Fixes Broken Stuff
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
People who think Amerika is the only free country on the planet also offend me...

Name another where you can actually defend yourself properly and have rights. We are free to do whatever we choose and how we handle every situation, for the most part.

Go ahead, name some other "free" countries.

Funny, you did not reply to a single thing in my post.

BTW it's "America".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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I was taught from an early age there is no such thing as a firearm accident... So lets lessen accidents.

Must demonstrate a minimum level of knowledge and proficiency before being able to purchase and own a firearm.

Marksmanship (?)

Unless you can prove the above no sale to you.

If you apply that same type of thinking to auto’s / driving a car then we would not have any more car accidents, or stolen cars....

If only you had to take a test to learn to drive a car....
If you had to show proof of insurance to register your car...
If we only had a way to lic each auto we could identify each auto.....

Car accidents kill more kids, elderly and family’s than guns. Driving is a privilege and not a right.

Yes, some people shouldn’t own fire arms. And there way more people that shouldnt drive a car. Is it silly to compare the 2?

River Lynchmob

What can I do to u for u?
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
It removes the guns from the criminals one weapon at a time... Reducing the flow of legal firearms into illegal hands is the intent.

As far as the hundreds of millions of legal firearms in circulation, I would contend (but wouldnt argue the point if somebody brought some real data to the conversation) that they are owned by a vast majority of enthusiasts who will continue to purchase firearms. The liability provisions would be a major incentive to store and transport in a manner consistent with the new laws. Thats why the criminal/civil accountability is important.
Removing one at a time is going to take a life time or two. I could go out and by the end of the day have an untraceable gun with no serial numb...that is a huge problem and one that I have no idea how to solve. agree with keeping the guns out of the reach of kids but I also feel that education starting at a very early age is the best thing we can do for kids. It removes the curiosity and the fascination from their minds if they are taught a good, healthy respect for the gun and how it is to be used, cleaned, disassembled etc. There are always going to be people that want to harm other people...it is, unfortunately part of the human condition and it will not change. Remove guns and they will use knives (England) or cars (France and other places) or bombs (OKC) or airplanes (WTC). They will just go to the next available option. Mental health needs to addressed etc.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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If you apply that same type of thinking to auto’s / driving a car then we would not have any more car accidents, or stolen cars....

Thats an all or nothing approach and not even remotely valid.

If only you had to take a test to learn to drive a car....
If you had to show proof of insurance to register your car...
If we only had a way to lic each auto we could identify each auto.....

Car accidents kill more kids, elderly and family’s than guns. Driving is a privilege and not a right.

Yet the number of deaths per mile driven is a fraction of what it was 50 years ago. Do you think that happened by accident?

Yes, some people shouldn’t own fire arms. And there way more people that shouldnt drive a car. Is it silly to compare the 2?

Its absolutely valid to compare the two as long as you do so normalizing the Use VS. Fatality data.
