What happened to River Etiquette?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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I just spent two weeks back home in the PNW camping on a lake with my folks. No good boating content/photos, but one day as I was cruising around on my dads waverunner, I saw a boat stopped with the engine hatch up and a woman on the phone. Kids and the wife in the boat. Pulled up and asked if I could help. She thanked me and said she had someone coming to help them out so I went about my day cutting off boats without looking where I was turning.

If I see someone with a hatch up or an oar in hand, I'm stopping. I don't think anyone expects folks to stop and ask every boat that isn't in motion if they need help, but if you pass by someone on the water that obviously could use a hand and don't at least see how you could possibly be of assistance, you're a douche.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2017
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I will always stop to help people. I have towed many and been towed by tow boat a handful of times.

About 4 years ago i was at havasu landing in front of the casino when my fuel pump died. Dropped anchor but kept dragging, We were waving for someone to stop and about 15 different boats passed us not a single person would even look or stop. Waited about 2 hours for tow boat and my boat was up on the rocks by that time and we were just keeping it held off from major fiberglass damage.

Since that incident i will always stop to help people. I get that everyone is on vacation and doesnt want their time wasted, but even 10 mins of help can really save someones day or trip. Especially people that have family or young kids on board. Its just the right thing to do, same principles apply in the desert.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
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I'm not necessarily sure this is all new behavior. Probably 30 years ago I was in a covered, just me and the wife, we'd been there most of the day, it was getting late so we decided to head back. Try to start the boat and the battery is dead. I had seen some people in the next cove over, so I paddle my ass over there on a blow up mattress, ask if they can give me a jump, I have the cables, the say yes, they're getting ready to head out in a few minutes. No offer to run me back over to my cove, so I paddle my ass back over there. A minute after I get back, I see them hauling ass out to the lake and out of sight. Now we've resigned ourselves to the fact we'll most likely be spending the night out there. Luckily some guy and his wife happened to see me trying to flag them down and pulled in a gave us a jump, then followed us back to Katherine's just to make sure we made it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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I'm not necessarily sure this is all new behavior. Probably 30 years ago I was in a covered, just me and the wife, we'd been there most of the day, it was getting late so we decided to head back. Try to start the boat and the battery is dead. I had seen some people in the next cove over, so I paddle my ass over there on a blow up mattress, ask if they can give me a jump, I have the cables, the say yes, they're getting ready to head out in a few minutes. No offer to run me back over to my cove, so I paddle my ass back over there. A minute after I get back, I see them hauling ass out to the lake and out of sight. Now we've resigned ourselves to the fact we'll most likely be spending the night out there. Luckily some guy and his wife happened to see me trying to flag them down and pulled in a gave us a jump, then followed us back to Katherine's just to make sure we made it.
Now that is F ‘ed up behavior , that’s almost the worst I have ever heard …


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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Hell I busted a water hose on our own tiny lake...was floating right in the middle of the small ass lake with the hatch up and everyone drove around me, one family on a wakeboard boat actually flipped me off because they had to maneuver their boat around me...it was only our marine patrol that pulled up and asked if I needed a tow...and the shitty part was they made me sign a ROL before they would hook me up and then proceeded to back right into the bow of my boat putting a nice gouge in the gel....
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2021
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So this weekend, my son took our Stoker from Pirates to the Havasu channel with his family and started back up the river.. Mile or so above the Shallows, boat quit. They took the cowling off for some time and started to paddle back towards the lake. Yes, my son on the bow of the boat, with a paddle..At least 10 boats went by and not one person stopped. At one point, a cat full of people coming down towards the lake actually went by and everyone waved WTF. My son called Boat US, they sent a tow boat from Havasu. As the Baot US pulled into view, 2 great familes stopped and asked if they needed help. Thank You, much appreciated! I am fortunate as I have been coming to the river since the early 60's and we have raised our family there. My Dad always preached to us about River Etiquette and I have towed more boats and helped many in these years. Is the new group operating 6 figure boats and blasting music none of us want hear and leaving trash everywhere the norm? I remember the days of hitch hiking ski rides on the parker strip for beers. Everyone was there to offer a hand. Sad state of affairs if this is what its coming to. I will continue to stress to my kids and now grand kids that River Etiquette should be alive and well, hopefully others will do as well. BTW, clogged fuelline cost my boy a $500 tow. :) Live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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Hey I remember towing that Stoker Up River back to your beach a decade or so ago when the youngin was driving it, lol....


Vaginamoney broke
May 17, 2011
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So this weekend, my son took our Stoker from Pirates to the Havasu channel with his family and started back up the river.. Mile or so above the Shallows, boat quit. They took the cowling off for some time and started to paddle back towards the lake. Yes, my son on the bow of the boat, with a paddle..At least 10 boats went by and not one person stopped. At one point, a cat full of people coming down towards the lake actually went by and everyone waved WTF. My son called Boat US, they sent a tow boat from Havasu. As the Baot US pulled into view, 2 great familes stopped and asked if they needed help. Thank You, much appreciated! I am fortunate as I have been coming to the river since the early 60's and we have raised our family there. My Dad always preached to us about River Etiquette and I have towed more boats and helped many in these years. Is the new group operating 6 figure boats and blasting music none of us want hear and leaving trash everywhere the norm? I remember the days of hitch hiking ski rides on the parker strip for beers. Everyone was there to offer a hand. Sad state of affairs if this is what its coming to. I will continue to stress to my kids and now grand kids that River Etiquette should be alive and well, hopefully others will do as well. BTW, clogged fuelline cost my boy a $500 tow. :) Live and learn.

I've been towed and have towed. I see it as any day on the water us a good one. Maybe not as good if your getting towed but if your towing, you still on the water and your forced to go slow enough to look at the scenery


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
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I always tow and always stop to check on people. In fact, I stop so often I have accidently interrupted a few intimate moments. Being bent over the hatch has multiple meanings.

The only tow I ever refused was someone docked at the Springs asking to be towed to Site 6. I offered to give a ride so someone could bring their trailer down but they refused saying I was stupid and it would take 3x longer. Within 10 minutes someone was towing them out of the harbor.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2014
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Does the type of tow boat have anything to do with it these days?

When I had my caliber 1 with a 496 I’d tow anyone pretty much anywhere.

Now with the Daytona pitched tall and an expensive motor, I’m more of the thought of, get you safe and then get someone to a truck so they can get trailer to you.

I’ve had numerous people turn me down lately as I won’t tow em the full 10 miles etc. at least I stop I suppose.

But I also wrestle with the fact that sea tow is 120 a year for unlimited usage. Hell I’ve used it twice this season already haha.

For that price, everyone should have it. No excuse. It’s less than the cost of a tank of gas in a boat. So for that little cost, why should your problem become mine?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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Does the type of tow boat have anything to do with it these days?

When I had my caliber 1 with a 496 I’d tow anyone pretty much anywhere.

Now with the Daytona pitched tall and an expensive motor, I’m more of the thought of, get you safe and then get someone to a truck so they can get trailer to you.

I’ve had numerous people turn me down lately as I won’t tow em the full 10 miles etc. at least I stop I suppose.

But I also wrestle with the fact that sea tow is 120 a year for unlimited usage. Hell I’ve used it twice this season already haha.

For that price, everyone should have it. No excuse. It’s less than the cost of a tank of gas in a boat. So for that little cost, why should your problem become mine?
I think your stance is 100% spot on. Its the folks wont even stop to see how they can assist someone on the water in need that are aggravating. I don't think anyone advocating for stopping is also saying if you stop, you must offer a tow. I think towing someone back to the ramp from up river or down lake is so far above and beyond and is wickedly selfless. Stopping and seeing how you can assist their situation is what is expected by the community. Maybe they broke down in an area with no cell coverage and you can get to an area of the lake and call in a tow for them? Never know without stopping.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
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I've stopped a couple times when I've seen hatches up and have gotten the thumbs up or OK signs, so I haven't had to tow anyone yet... I've lent tools a bunch of times though... My boat insurance (Progressive) covers towing cost for an extra couple bucks per year. Sea Tow will give their direct customers priority over cash customers, but regardless, for the cost of a beer or two, I'm covered.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2015
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I will stop for someone with the hatch up, or who flags me down, and do a short tow to the nearest ramp or take a passenger to a dock or into phone range, but I’m not dragging someone halfway across a lake to the spot of their choice. If there are kids or people struggling in the heat I’ll take them to safety. I don’t typically boat on lakes without services, but in those cases I’m more than willing to lend a hand.

I had a couple of guys flag me down floating in the river south of Pirates. I offered to tow them to Pirates or Topock, but they wanted a tow to Jack Smith. I told them to call sea tow, and they started their boat and drove off. Lol.
I've stopped a couple times when I've seen hatches up and have gotten the thumbs up or OK signs, so I haven't had to tow anyone yet... I've lent tools a bunch of times though... My boat insurance (Progressive) covers towing cost for an extra couple bucks per year. Sea Tow will give their direct customers priority over cash customers, but regardless, for the cost of a beer or two, I'm covered.
My sign and glide unlimited coverage is $30 bucks a year with Progressive.


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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I'll tow anyone....but aside from that, the river has changed. The values ain't the same as they were when I was a kid and used to love it. Seems the asshole bar has been raised significantly. I've been contemplating it for the last 5 years, but finally dumped the river this year. I miss playing in the boat, I miss the river, and I miss about 10 people out there....but I don't miss the others and I'm glad to be done with 'em.

Maybe we'll try it again some day...maybe we'll do something else. dunno, don't care right now.

Back in the day the place was the wild west, you towed people because of straight up safety. They would be stranded and in very bad shape without a tow. There was no cell phones, no Boat US / Sea Tow etc on Havasu. It was the middle of friggin nowhere.

We drive right past people on the freeway that are broken down.... and never think twice.

Now move that same scenario out to the middle of Rice Rd where there is no cell service, or the hump between Vidal and Needles, and all of a sudden most of us will stop and see if they need help.

I Think that is the biggest factor going on here... the reasonable assumption of risk and safety.

You have this same scenario way up in Lake Powell or Mead, within the first 2 boats to come by someone is at least going to tow you back to where you have cell service and land access, back to somewhere you are safe and can take care of business.
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Blue Oval

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2019
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We were at Torch Lake in the RIB. 25 Baja drove up the river. People do not get that it’s to shallow. A pontoon or a RIB is ok. Over heated the boat. Packed it full of sand. Towed them to the sand bar and got two eager young guys to crawl down and take all the hoses off. Got it cleaned out. Last I knew it was running. Still friends with the owner.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Recreational boaters used to be a like minded mere blip on the populace's recreational radar screen.
When I was in school in the 60's, a few dads might have had ocean boats, but I can't recall a single friend I had save my Arrowhead buddy and Arrowhead kids, who's family was into recreational boating and water skiing. Most were surfers and snow skiers.
Wasn't until I was an apprentice electrician that I worked with a journeyman who had a place in a trailer park down by Blythe. Up until then at damn near 20 years old the river rat lifestyle was only a whispered rumor and I was barely aware that amazing boating and skiing waters existed.
By the time I got home from the Army in the early to mid 70's, the Jet Boat era exploded and I bought my first of two V-Drive flatties to get me some more of that River Rat glass water.

So when the OP inquires about what happened to that good ole-fashioned river (Or boating etiquette) in general, the simple answer is, the same people boating today are the same selfish " Yes, it is all about me and I'm more important than you" assholes we encounter daily.
The mutual respect that was emphasized (Often with dramatic penalties for violation) during my childhood upbringing, and quite possibly your own, is as rare a finding a White Peacock or reasonable facsimile thereof. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2020
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Maybe they were on their phones texting and driving? Probably didn’t see…


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
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There are still enough old school river guys around that will stop and help. I had to get towed recently and the old guy helping me said "pay it forward". Need to pass this mantra on to the younger gen!


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2013
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Hey I remember towing that Stoker Up River back to your beach a decade or so ago when the youngin was driving it, lol....
You have a great memory sir. Same son, different boat this time:) Musta been about the time you were taste testing burritos from Pirates. Hope you and the Mrs. are doing well.
Hey I remember towing that Stoker Up River back to your beach a decade or so ago when the youngin was driving it, lol....


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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So this weekend, my son took our Stoker from Pirates to the Havasu channel with his family and started back up the river.. Mile or so above the Shallows, boat quit. They took the cowling off for some time and started to paddle back towards the lake. Yes, my son on the bow of the boat, with a paddle..At least 10 boats went by and not one person stopped. At one point, a cat full of people coming down towards the lake actually went by and everyone waved WTF. My son called Boat US, they sent a tow boat from Havasu. As the Baot US pulled into view, 2 great familes stopped and asked if they needed help. Thank You, much appreciated! I am fortunate as I have been coming to the river since the early 60's and we have raised our family there. My Dad always preached to us about River Etiquette and I have towed more boats and helped many in these years. Is the new group operating 6 figure boats and blasting music none of us want hear and leaving trash everywhere the norm? I remember the days of hitch hiking ski rides on the parker strip for beers. Everyone was there to offer a hand. Sad state of affairs if this is what its coming to. I will continue to stress to my kids and now grand kids that River Etiquette should be alive and well, hopefully others will do as well. BTW, clogged fuelline cost my boy a $500 tow. :) Live and learn.
That's bullshit. The first bot that saw them should have stopped. Never pass up an opportunity to be of service to a fellow boater. NEVER! Karma is all I can say.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
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Ya it's a shame that people are so self absorbed anymore! Doesnt happen by happenstance though, grandpa and grandma didn't teach etiquette to dad and mom, dad and mom doesn't teach etiquette to kids and so on and so forth.

Good Stuff

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
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Since we were all talking about our delicate drives in the other thread. I will stop, and if you don't have a tow service, I'll tow you very S L O W L Y to the nearest ramp. If your trailer is somewhere else, I'll be happy to help get you or a buddy to that ramp.
I’ll get them stationary in a safe place and make sure they have water, take kids and an adult or two down to the ramp to retrieve a vehicle, and help them contact a tow service if there is no cell service. Not towing anyone with 850+hp blower motor in front of an SC with a 5 blade prop. Towed one friend from near the water safety center to rotary park and only because we couldn’t get them somewhere safe and the towboat would have taken at least an hour longer. Left them at Rotary park because he just needed a new coil and UBERed to the parts store and fixed it on the water. Their kids said I must really like them because they know my rule. 😂😂


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2007
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You have a great memory sir. Same son, different boat this time:) Musta been about the time you were WAITING TO TASTE A NON EXISTENT burrito from Pirates. Hope you and the Mrs. are doing well.
Fixed it for you lol. All is great over at PapaG's hope the same for you guys.