What are you guys doing to keep your brains tip top?


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Joel the brain is like a muscle if you aren’t using it enough it will decline..

Easiest way to develop new pathways is to do things you already know a different way. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand.. do some light math with your opposite hand in writing..

You will be shocked in 30 days.

Second thing is exercise your brain learn something new altogether and try to improve.. maybe chess on your cell phone? Or soduku etc.. just something you can do for 20-30 minutes on your free time.

Thirdly you need to speak to your self conscious.. in the morning after you have brushed your teeth with the wrong hand etc.. look in the mirror and tell yourself what your goal is or some mantra.. even something so simple as “I love you” can do wonders for depression.. say it 25 times.

Around 15-17 you are gonna say “this is fucking stupid”.. guess what that’s your subconscious saying that.. the next 8-10 times is when it’s actually listening.

If ya want to lose weight say if.. quit drinking.. get smarter? Quicker? You will be surprised at how powerful the subconscious actually is..

Good luck! Let me know how it works out for ya.



Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Do you have recent labs? Obviously that's the start.

For me a life of business stress and a full hand of ex-wifes took a physical and mental toll on me even though I've always been in shape and exercised.

With that being said every man has his own destiny in him, it's finding it that can be the challenge of which many will never find.

I had to say forget everything I've vested in and find a new place, keeping health, eating well and de-stressing was the key to stay sharp for me. My never ending projects either by necessity or by choice keep me thinking. Mathematics that apply to projects I undertake, problem solving daily challenges, cooking and learning new things to make, writing (Actually using a pen and paper) I was shocked at how my penmanship and spelling skills had slipped from using computers. These all add up to keeping the brain going.

The pursuit of things will IMO make you loose your mind or even more, weather from stress or from the constant non-fulfillment from things acquired that ultimately bring disappointment.

Unfortunately it a took an event that nearly cost me my life to wake up to these my realities and the path to being "The richest man in the cemetery" I was traveling.

I believe a simple yet key to keeping one's mind sharp is to not let small things pass by; I observe this in loved ones in their 70's., in good enough health to do so. Not fixing simple things around the house, not wanting to spend time to prep healthy meals and just not wanting to do things in general is a fast track to dementia.

-Why do I always feel I'm writing a manifesto..😆


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I gave up drinking unless we’re out of town or special occasion. That helped me a bunch. Then I cut sugars and carbs out completely, got rid of brain fog. My mental clarity improved noticeably. Look up type 3 diabetes and the long term effects of sugar and brain function its pretty Interesting.
^^Good advice!


Off The Grid
Jan 24, 2011
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If I only I had a brain to think with..
We've all seen your creations. It takes big brains to do what you do. No kidding, if I lived closer, I'd sweep the shop hoping you'd throw me a project to work on in my free time. That would get the brain working for sure.


Don't wait til' life's easy to be happy
Jul 30, 2020
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There's a pill for this! I forgot the name but when i remember it ill get back to you! 😂 It works so well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2023
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Sometimes you just need to cash out and start over again.

You know really stretch yourself learning new things you once knew nothing about and watch those things become your new way of life……………..

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I simply have kept chasing the same girl for nine years..,It keeps my brain motivated…thinking up my next how I’m gonna capture her scheme… i’m pretty sure if she ever goes for it..,I will lose interest🤷🏽‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2016
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Surprisinly creatine is good for brain function.

If you are eating a diet that includes ultra processed foods you are literally killing your brain.

If you have diabetes or prediabetes your are also killing your brain. What is prediabetes, having an a1c of 5.7 or greater. Look up how to reverse diabetes or prediabetes.

Your diet plays a large part in brain function. In the 1930 the mayo clinic figured out a low carb diet was good for epilectics. Since that time many studies have shown the benefits of low carb diet that is rich in natural fats. In short diets high in natural fats and low in carbs are best for the brain. Vegatable oils are not good for brain health. Salad dressing andfoods that include vegetable oil are bad for your brain.

Of course exercise and challenging yourself is good.
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