What are some of the things about the river you remember?


skiing Parker since 1960
Oct 12, 2007
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Skiing behind cars in the canal out off of Poston road. When there were no boats on the river to mooch ski rides from , we "improvised":hmm I spent a couple weeks working for Jerry at Foxes in 1964 & 65 Beleive it or not there were weekdays there were NO BOATS on the river. A 20 footer was THE BIG BOAT of the day, and not many of them.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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The evening flatbottoms racing from Buckskin Pizza gas pumps (across from Benders) to the first island on the right before the big turn.
Now that was really some time ago.

Nell the cat sleeping on the Desert bar.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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When an 18' jet boat was reving at 6000rpm waking everyone up but only doing 65mph......oh that's right..that still happens...

When Schiada V-Drive was the sickest thing on the water.....oh that's right...still holds true today!:)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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When cats were still furry animals for chix and hot boats were primarily V's and every one had a story about getting burned on the header..:)


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
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The boyscout that offerd to bring us some firewood if we gave him a beer, he brought us lots of firewood and the last time he walked away he was zig zagging pretty good.

The weird ass naked FAMILY that walked through our campsite one night.

Pouring five gallon cans of gas down the cliffs above camp and tossing a match into it.:eek:

The bag pipe player in Telephone cove that woulf row out, pour a can of gas around his tin boat ignite it and stand up and play the bagpipes.

The rangers walking through our camp one morning taking video and telling us it was for a show of what NOT to do while camping.:rules:eek::D


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Wow!!! This is a thread that is worth adding to "The Book"! My most recent trip to "The River" was in the 80's...before the flood! I never saw the damage, never made it back! :(:
I remember when taking a chick to "The River" meant it didn't mean she needed to be 21! LOVED IT!!! I remember when we used to have a blast boating all day long and then hop in the boat and putt up river to 'Rock Palace' Eat, Drink, and Dance all night till my feet were sore!.
During the days...a trip to Roadrunner and we would rent a towable called...yep...the "Big Banana". Have so much fun, laugh so hard, tears would be rollin down our cheeks and our sides would hurt!
I remember there was a gas station on the AZ side right near what I think I see people refer to as the keyes...it sold AV Gas 110 Octane for around a buck a gallon!
I remember "Skinny Skiing" naked as the day I was born past the floating bar at Rock Palace, throwing up the handles about a 100 feet past the bar then swimming over to the dock. My wife, my buddies wife and another hottie pulled up to the dock, threw me my trunks and when I got to the bar there were a bunch of shots on the bar for me, bought by all the girls! THAT was cool!

We used to stay at River Lodge...it was on the Calif side so we almost always got a decent nights sleep (by 2-3:00) because all the rowdy teenagers went to the Az side where they could drink legally!
My buddy owned a trailer there and we had a big group that drove out there at LEAST every other weekend from Garden Grove, Orange, Tustin and HB. I remember many nights we would be in the bar and the owner would turn off the lights and officially "close" the bar at 2:00AM to make the LEOs happy! Our group was allowed to stay, drink, and party as long as we wanted! I think my buddy ended up owning a piece of River Lodge but I can only remember (short term memory loss my ass...) his first name... Mike. He was on the fire dept for the City of Orange, I almost wanna say he was a Captain. His wife was beautiful Dini, was her name. Anyone know these people? Oh well!!! I lost touch because of a divorce and my ex stayed close with them so I distanced myself from them. Sad...they were very good people!
I hope this thread doesn't fizzle out!
Are memories from Lake Havasu desired here or just "The River" memories?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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When cats were still furry animals for chix and hot boats were primarily V's and every one had a story about getting burned on the header..:)
I have a few header burns from the river!!!LOL LOL I guess it wasn't only ME that did that dumb stuff!


This is... Legendary!
Sep 25, 2007
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Taking people who have never to the river/lake, arriving at night, and then seeing their expressions in the morning when they see it all in for the first time :cool:


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Wow!!! This is a thread that is worth adding to "The Book"! My most recent trip to "The River" was in the 80's...before the flood! I never saw the damage, never made it back! :(:
I remember when taking a chick to "The River" meant it didn't mean she needed to be 21! LOVED IT!!! I remember when we used to have a blast boating all day long and then hop in the boat and putt up river to 'Rock Palace' Eat, Drink, and Dance all night till my feet were sore!.
During the days...a trip to Roadrunner and we would rent a towable called...yep...the "Big Banana". Have so much fun, laugh so hard, tears would be rollin down our cheeks and our sides would hurt!
I remember there was a gas station on the AZ side right near what I think I see people refer to as the keyes...it sold AV Gas 110 Octane for around a buck a gallon!
I remember "Skinny Skiing" naked as the day I was born past the floating bar at Rock Palace, throwing up the handles about a 100 feet past the bar then swimming over to the dock. My wife, my buddies wife and another hottie pulled up to the dock, threw me my trunks and when I got to the bar there were a bunch of shots on the bar for me, bought by all the girls! THAT was cool!

We used to stay at River Lodge...it was on the Calif side so we almost always got a decent nights sleep (by 2-3:00) because all the rowdy teenagers went to the Az side where they could drink legally!
My buddy owned a trailer there and we had a big group that drove out there at LEAST every other weekend from Garden Grove, Orange, Tustin and HB. I remember many nights we would be in the bar and the owner would turn off the lights and officially "close" the bar at 2:00AM to make the LEOs happy! Our group was allowed to stay, drink, and party as long as we wanted! I think my buddy ended up owning a piece of River Lodge but I can only remember (short term memory loss my ass...) his first name... Mike. He was on the fire dept for the City of Orange, I almost wanna say he was a Captain. His wife was beautiful Dini, was her name. Anyone know these people? Oh well!!! I lost touch because of a divorce and my ex stayed close with them so I distanced myself from them. Sad...they were very good people!
I hope this thread doesn't fizzle out!
Are memories from Lake Havasu desired here or just "The River" memories?


Any and all memories.. When I said "River" I meant everybodies "river" not just Parker.. Wherever JBB boated as a kid, Tom Brown, anywhere and everywhere. Your memories of boating kinda thing. Granted I figured most of it would be in reference to Parker becuase that's where most the people on here goto.



Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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We used to boat camp on Mohave when I was a kid. Pack 8-11 people and 3-4 days of gear/food in an 18 foot trihull (usually took two trips from Katherine). The first day was great, the second day we would think, "okay, that was fun, I'm ready to go home," the 3rd day we would wake up and think,"Oh, my God!!! We have one more day?"

Also, the first time I got drunk was at the river with my parents. Anyone else have their first drunk there?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Anyone else have their first drunk there?

Other then a couple drinks of Cold Duck at Bouquet Canyon Creek...probably most of my first drinking was at Echo Lodge in the early eighties as a kid...

Use to sleep on cots and wake up with the sun. First thing when we get there we setup camp...and unpack...at 1st light we would drop the Southwind in and anchor her off...

As kids we would spend our day boating, playing horse shoes, riding MX across from echo or looking for girls...its amazing how much easier it seemed to meet girls when you were 13, then when you were 23....kids don't care as much about failure...

Remember when I was 9 watching someone jump from the rock above the road across from Echo...did not turn out so well..

Remember 1 time not looking before I turned on a stand up around 8-9 and almost got run over by a jet boater....never do that again.

Maybe later I post the Havi jail story...:)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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When we first started going by ourselves we hit bransons quite a bit,man had some good times there.Use to go round and round with the old lady that ran the place. Then we starting using the new trailers right in front of roadrunner the first one which it balcony was almost eye level with the upstairs which at that time is were they had the wet-t shirt contest.So while everyone was down in the sweat pit we were as close as anyone sitting on out deck with ice cold beer.We then migrated towards red rock and foxes some pretty crazy stories one that i remember because the chick was so hot and her boyfreind a fireman would parade her around foxes bar all day long. we got up to go home sunday morning and he takes off for the showers they were camping in the back of a mini truck with a shell we look over she is passed out legs spread from the one corner of the truck to the other, made for a nice morning lasted about 15 minutes until he got back.I then migrated towards castle rock and renting trailer whch were nice with a couple of bedrooms and food AC. I remeber one night there a kid all jacked up on something wanted to get to big bend badly it was 2 in the am and we werent driving him so he decided to swim tryed like hell to get him not to and even offered up a place to stay never did see if he made it.I have stayed at just about every place in parker from the keys to the dirt lot ah villa and had fun at every place.Use to stay at river shore resort place was cool very cheap had the ping pong table out there we would play all night.


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Anyone remember Fat Jeff?
I think he owned a titty bar in Phoenix?
His eyes were asterisks, and an undertakers stare, always had some babes along on his deck boats.

Seeing him was kinda like seeing Honcho.
Another one of the rivers moving landmarks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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When I was young the river was the river...we mostly went to Parker in the early years, then up to Needles (had friends with a trailer at Rainbo Beach). September was always Blythe for the dove opener and was an oasis for a while...jets were new, Blythe is shallow and if you didn't know the bottom you'd break something pricey...so not too many idiots.

After my dad sold his boat we didn't go for a while...the he got a cheetah jet and we started going up to black meadows.

Now we go to Parker, just plan on being on the water early before the big boat owners Grey Goose headache goes away:beer.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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Anyone remember Fat Jeff?
I think he owned a titty bar in Phoenix?
His eyes were asterisks, and an undertakers stare, always had some babes along on his deck boats.

Seeing him was kinda like seeing Honcho.
Another one of the rivers moving landmarks.

Ever see him? :D He used to rent the house right next door to me for 4 - 5 years.. :D No question on who had the loudest stereo on the river with that old deckboat of his. :D I'm not sure what his connection to stereo stuff was, but I remember having a car audio magazine that I was reading and seeing an add in there for the "loudest" truck in the world. It was a dually that had been stretched and in the center of it was an octagon shaped "speaker room" for lack of a better description.. I looked at it for a second, walked outside.. Yep That's it parked right out front.

Jeff pretty much pioneered the "floating party" IMO.. He'd leave Sundance or road runner, and next thing ya know there'd be 10 boats tied up to him thumpin Ace of Bass (or whatever was in at the time) down the river.. :D

I ran into him in Foxes after he sold his deck, and he was hammered to say the least.. Something different about him, just kind of a strange vibe. Not his usual jovial fun loving self. He seemed very depressed or angry or something. I asked him what happened to his deck, and he mentioned that he sold it then he looked at me and said "Ya know Dave, you go out there and they use your shit, they burn it up (referring to stereo equipment) and nobody cares... nobody cares.. Told me he was buying a bass boat. I don't think I ever saw him again after that.

To reiterate what TPC was saying though, that guy never had any shortage of tale on his boat. I learned alot from him... a hell of alot..

He was pretty much the inspiration behind putting a big stereo in my Nordic.



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Ever see him? :D He used to rent the house right next door to me for 4 - 5 years.. :D No question on who had the loudest stereo on the river with that old deckboat of his. :D I'm not sure what his connection to stereo stuff was, but I remember having a car audio magazine that I was reading and seeing an add in there for the "loudest" truck in the world. It was a dually that had been stretched and in the center of it was an octagon shaped "speaker room" for lack of a better description.. I looked at it for a second, walked outside.. Yep That's it parked right out front.

Jeff pretty much pioneered the "floating party" IMO.. He'd leave Sundance or road runner, and next thing ya know there'd be 10 boats tied up to him thumpin Ace of Bass (or whatever was in at the time) down the river.. :D

I ran into him in Foxes after he sold his deck, and he was hammered to say the least.. Something different about him, just kind of a strange vibe. Not his usual jovial fun loving self. He seemed very depressed or angry or something. I asked him what happened to his deck, and he mentioned that he sold it then he looked at me and said "Ya know Dave, you go out there and they use your shit, they burn it up (referring to stereo equipment) and nobody cares... nobody cares.. Told me he was buying a bass boat. I don't think I ever saw him again after that.

To reiterate what TPC was saying though, that guy never had any shortage of tale on his boat. I learned alot from him... a hell of alot..

He was pretty much the inspiration behind putting a big stereo in my Nordic.


Pretty sure he moved to Phx or Flagstaff....remember the bartender at Foxes (forget her name)...use to work side by side with Jean...about 5'-10"..brown hair...She was a pretty girl with a very nice smile...just did not fit the mold of a Foxes bartender...too polished and nice...

Anyway, she and Jeff hooked up...and then he sold the Deck, she sold a pretty sick Red Jeep she would run around in and then the both of them split town together....I know folks that may still talk to her...I will see if they have heard from her....the bartender circle in Parker is about as small as the Presidential Candidate circle.....everybody know them and their past..:)


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty sure he moved to Phx or Flagstaff....remember the bartender at Foxes (forget her name)...use to work side by side with Jean...about 5'-10"..brown hair...She was a pretty girl with a very nice smile...just did not fit the mold of a Foxes bartender...too polished and nice...

Anyway, she and Jeff hooked up...and then he sold the Deck, she sold a pretty sick Red Jeep she would run around in and then the both of them split town together....I know folks that may still talk to her...I will see if they have heard from her....the bartender circle in Parker is about as small as the Presidential Candidate circle.....everybody know them and their past..:)

I think she worked in Japan for awhile,, kinda-of-a hostess cocktail server in a high dollar club.
Nice chick.

Parker Dreamin

Can I get a what what ???
Oct 23, 2007
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Back in the day best friends parents owned all the property where Maraleste Shores is now. They were mobile homes, "Mud Heaven". They ripped it all down and it was all open property except there house with Grandpa Hale next door with the pool in between the house and the river. We were yung guns, would ride the 3 Wheelers and the Fat Cat all over the place, back behind Sandpiper for miles before the highway was there. We would spend weeks on weeks in Parker.
The best was having the river to your self during the summer, when Wave Runners first came out they bought 4 of them and we would be on the water all day long. The only thing the parents said was make sure you are up river cause if you break down we will see you floating by, mind you we were like 12 years old. Before the Wave Runners they had 2 Addictors with 35 outboards.. man, we would jump them things like they were jet skis.
The best best part was them calling me asking me to do with them and having my mom drop me off at the Long Beach airport, walking out and jumping in their plane, to Parker in One hour with the old beat up station wagon sitting waiting for us. Man, to be young again.


Sep 26, 2007
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Funny thing is......we were just talking about him this weekend.

Anyone remember Fat Jeff?
I think he owned a titty bar in Phoenix?
His eyes were asterisks, and an undertakers stare, always had some babes along on his deck boats.

Seeing him was kinda like seeing Honcho.
Another one of the rivers moving landmarks.

Ever see him? :D He used to rent the house right next door to me for 4 - 5 years.. :D No question on who had the loudest stereo on the river with that old deckboat of his. :D I'm not sure what his connection to stereo stuff was, but I remember having a car audio magazine that I was reading and seeing an add in there for the "loudest" truck in the world. It was a dually that had been stretched and in the center of it was an octagon shaped "speaker room" for lack of a better description.. I looked at it for a second, walked outside.. Yep That's it parked right out front.

Jeff pretty much pioneered the "floating party" IMO.. He'd leave Sundance or road runner, and next thing ya know there'd be 10 boats tied up to him thumpin Ace of Bass (or whatever was in at the time) down the river.. :D

I ran into him in Foxes after he sold his deck, and he was hammered to say the least.. Something different about him, just kind of a strange vibe. Not his usual jovial fun loving self. He seemed very depressed or angry or something. I asked him what happened to his deck, and he mentioned that he sold it then he looked at me and said "Ya know Dave, you go out there and they use your shit, they burn it up (referring to stereo equipment) and nobody cares... nobody cares.. Told me he was buying a bass boat. I don't think I ever saw him again after that.

To reiterate what TPC was saying though, that guy never had any shortage of tale on his boat. I learned alot from him... a hell of alot..

He was pretty much the inspiration behind putting a big stereo in my Nordic.

Wholesale vaporizers
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Sep 26, 2007
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I remember being a kid and riding my stand up from the moment the sun came up and until it went down, only stopping to fill it back up with gas. And waiting for "Honcho" to come up or down river so I could jump his wakes...back then he was the biggest boat on the water. nowadays he would be just another boat :(
Amateur couple
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This is... Legendary!
Sep 25, 2007
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Being that age, where I was old enough to know whats going on, but not old enough to go w/o my parents. Thus meeting girls who were also there with their parents and not some yoked out cage fighter boyfirend.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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First: The house we grew up going to. My grandma had the two lots immediately S. of Badenochs from when my mom was a teenager, till I was about 24. One was rented, the other was an ugly mutt of a house. It started as a 5th wheel trailer that my grandpa built a house around. It grew into a 6 bedroom place with 12 beds. The carpet looked like holloween - orange & black - you could spill anything on that carpet & not notice the stain. My parents & grandma stopped going when I was about 18 & it turned into a party pad for my bro & I. We had some really wild parties there, skinny dipping, kegs on the docks - you name it. It was the ugliest house, I'll find some pics & upload them.

Second: Sundance

Third: Small boats: Our boat is 24' & I feel so far away from the water when I drive it. I miss being able to hold out my hand & grab some spray to cool down.

Fourth: My dad running through the house @ 5:00am waking everyone up so we'de get on the water first.

The length of the river - I know this sounds wierd: When we we're growing up with a 16' Tahiti with a 150 Merc, the Parker strip seemed huge. Making it from end to end goes by a little quicker now.

Fighting crime & or evil - that's what my dad called checking out the chicks when I was young. He'd put me in the drivers seat & let me idle the boat, while he checked out all the girls @ the beaches.

I guess it's really time just changes some things. I love going to the river now as much as ever - but for different reasons. I really can't wait to have kids & watch them grow up going to the river, all my best memories come from there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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Funny thing is......we were just talking about him this weekend.

There used to be a guy that had a house near the jetski rental shop. He had this blue & white boat with 3 V8 Evinrudes on the back. Once a week he'd take it out & do a 100mph pass up & down the strip. Does anyone know who that was or what happend to the boat?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I guess it's really time just changes some things. I love going to the river now as much as ever - but for different reasons. I really can't wait to have kids & watch them grow up going to the river, all my best memories come from there.

This is what I'm looking forward to. For now I get to relive my childhood at the river through my friends kids who we FINALLY got to go with us and now the kids won't let them stop :D I love watching them play hard all day in the water then pass out on a boat ride home. They are so much fun. But I cannot wait to have my own kids have the memories I have of growing up at the river. Some day :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
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I remember being a kid and riding my stand up from the moment the sun came up and until it went down, only stopping to fill it back up with gas. And waiting for "Honcho" to come up or down river so I could jump his wakes...back then he was the biggest boat on the water. nowadays he would be just another boat :(

The stand ups were a blast back then; still are to me. We won't be getting rid of them any time soon. My brother & I used to ride double :smackhead to Badenoch's, eat then bring my mom back her lunch. No biggie back then; illegal? Yep... but we were 8 & 10 or so so we were small and could both fit on our knees just fine. Too funny. The days when we could ride them and not be terrified if we fell off of getting ran over.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
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I know I know, I'm like Jesus reviving this old thread from the dead. But I couldn't help myself, it's one of the greatest things I've ever read.

My memories of Parker...

The Sundance pontoon boat. First tits I remember seeing were on some blond chick on that boat baiting people over to Sundance. I still dig tan lines.

Mike Mack teaching me to ski.

Shooting bottle rockets at night off the top deck above the dock into the river and watching them pop under water.

Hittin' the DQ for a Blizzard.

My uncle Greg and Tony Klarich barefooting and kneeboarding. They'd do flips over each other on kneeboards like it was nothing.

First time I saw an Air Chair. Couldn't wrap my little head around it.

Ol' Lady Branson yelling at me for leaving marks everywhere from skidding on my BMX.

Pushing people off the dock. Getting pushed off the dock.

Getting caught in a crazy sand storm on Rice Road in my dads old dually and not being able to see the lines in the road.

Building forts/tents out of blankets and chairs every night and telling scary stories.

Oakley Blades.

The early non Coast Guard approved neoprene life vests.

Riding jetskis through rooster tails.

The 3 Warlocks. Problem Child, Problem Child 2, and my uncles "Troublemaker".

Deleted Account

Pretty sure he moved to Phx or Flagstaff....remember the bartender at Foxes (forget her name)...use to work side by side with Jean...about 5'-10"..brown hair...She was a pretty girl with a very nice smile...just did not fit the mold of a Foxes bartender...too polished and nice...

Anyway, she and Jeff hooked up...and then he sold the Deck, she sold a pretty sick Red Jeep she would run around in and then the both of them split town together....I know folks that may still talk to her...I will see if they have heard from her....the bartender circle in Parker is about as small as the Presidential Candidate circle.....everybody know them and their past..:)

That's too funny. He was around with her when we were staying with Loren in the Keys (next to Squeaks). We told him we wanted a golden retriever and he runs my girlfriend (married that girl!) up to a neighbors and we bought Sagebrush... Meeting Mark from WW way back then, riding Neal's Banshees to the desert bar, taking the jeep out and blowing the front driveshaft...

Remember when you just had to wear a ski belt? My dad had a trucking company and I remember watching those younger driver guys out skiing, skiing nekid, burning the shit out of my leg on the flatties bassets... Been going to Parker since I was 6, and the kings river before that...:thumbsup


Wrenching Dad
Sep 20, 2007
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Great takes:beer

I really miss the Sundance indoor bar.
That was kinda my ritual stopping off spot for the 2 for 1 beers.
Opened upside down,, remember?

Sit there and gaze out at the scenery, pretty girls, after a month of dealing with complete azzholes at work.

Damn I miss that place.

Deleted Account

Great takes:beer

I really miss the Sundance indoor bar.
That was kinda my ritual stopping off spot for the 2 for 1 beers.
Opened upside down,, remember?

Sit there and gaze out at the scenery, pretty girls, after a month of dealing with complete azzholes at work.

Damn I miss that place.

That's too funny. They'd open the bottom to catch you from bringing beers in off the boat...:D:thumbsup


Bean Counter
Sep 30, 2007
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1. I remember only one big boat on the river "honcho"
2. I remember only a few stand up skis in parker
3. I remember before starting to go to parker camping out in Blyth with the family and setting up a porta potty with a blue tarp around it on pvc frame for privacy
4. I remember Blyth having these really loud bugs when trying to sleep
5. I remember the 4 of us in my family sleeping in the back of my dads carpeted pick up bed under the camper shell in like 100 degree heat
6. I remember only hearing classic rock at the river, none of that bullshit mariachi beaner shit
7. I remember telling my friends about the river and them asking how do I boat there because they visualized rivers as whitewater
8. I remember stepping on a scorpion
I could go on and on and on:beer


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Earliest memories 69-72 camping at a place with my folks just south of Aha quin the proprietors name was Eegie and there was a small sandbar right in front

72-79 My parents had a POS trailer at Aha Quin; A green flatbottom named "Who's Next" was the fastest boat on the lower river. Our red and gold metal flaked Horizon named "Hot Pants". Timing boat rides to not get caught up river. Pushing the boat off sandbars. Boone's Farm and 7 up wine coolers that my parents made and sneaking a few swigs when I could. Streakers and nudists hanging out on the rocky point just south of Aha Quin. Wooden O'brien water skis. Our Vista Cruiser and then Country Squire that would barely make to the river from O.C. towing the boat. pulling rocks and weeds out of intake of the Jacuzzi pump. Riding my XR75 in the desert all by myself in 100 plus heat. The annual park BBQ and cooking a havolina, wild boar or pig in the ground. Hanging out in the Aha Quin store playing pool, floating in the canal, skim boarding in the canal in the evening when the water was low. 70's bush that Macrame bikini's could not hide. Dan Blockers(Hoss from Bonanza) yellow and wood grain Campbell named "Liquor Box" at Havasu

79-89 Parents bought a new 19' Bahner bubble deck. started going to Parker, Echo Lodge and Rivershore mostly and an annual trip to Black Meadows or the Nautical Inn. Early morning ski runs, learning to shore start at Bluewater. Taking Ski lessons from Mike Mac. Floating down from the damn for hours. The first time I saw Honcho docked at the corner house in the Keys and thinking that was the biggest boat I had ever seen.
The "country river bash" at Echo Lodge. getting in my fist and only fight at Rock Palace. The first time a girl ever touched my uhh male genitalia while making out in the Bahner anchored in front of River Lodge. The first time I ever made out with a girl was in her Dads boat in a slip at Black Meadows. Lost my virginity to my now wife of 24 years in a cottage at Rivershore resort. Playing drunk strip lawn darts at night, Husbands against the wifes. Cooking your own steak at Sports Valley.

1990 Bought a Hallett Vector. My daughter taking ski lessons from Mike Mac. I can't go on but I could and likely will, gotta go look for all those old pics for the book.
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This is... Legendary!
Sep 25, 2007
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Has been mentioned several time throughout this thread, having not grown up going to Parker, I am oblivious to knowing the boat. They way you all talk about Honcho, it sounds like a 50' Sportfisher, but I highly doubt that is the case. So if someone could please fill me in on the Make, Size & Model of the boat I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank You

p.s. Pictures are always a welcome addition to any post :D


Bean Counter
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score

Has been mentioned several time throughout this thread, having not grown up going to Parker, I am oblivious to knowing the boat. They way you all talk about Honcho, it sounds like a 50' Sportfisher, but I highly doubt that is the case. So if someone could please fill me in on the Make, Size & Model of the boat I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank You

p.s. Pictures are always a welcome addition to any post :D

It was a big Apache...42' maybe. This was before there were big boats, and especially on a small part of the river where the biggest thing was maybe a 24' daycruiser. It was a huge deal when I saw that boat, and I remember asking my dad what it was and he said a "cigarette boat." I drew pictures of that boat almost everyday at school when I was a little kid. haha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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I did all of my growing up in Big River and I to love the smell of the river at night in the summer right when I turn in a Val Vista next to Wheelers Inn. Yep tubing with an old big rig tube and tied the ski handles to hold on to. My grandpa would always be there to patch one up when on of us hit rocks. When a 55 mph jet boat was fastest one on the water with my dads 455 olds was the new thing. Back then a Place Diverter was called a Jetovator.

The whole family setting up a canopy now theres the EZUP. Sleeping in my dads old Chevy van with the tweed back bench seat. Everybody waveing hello to you as you drove by. Talking to anybody on the river like they were your long time friend. When someone broke down nobody hesitated to help with a tow. Now most people just drive on by. No more getting gas at the docks. I can remember a few dock having gas at the docks ready for you anytime. This was all back in 82 that I remember. I'm sure theres alot more missing but things sure have changed out there. One thing I will say is Big River has changed the least and thats what I love about it. I can alway's find those old memories out there.

Nice thread Dave thanks for letting us all talk about the good old days.


Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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It was a big Apache...42' maybe. This was before there were big boats, and especially on a small part of the river where the biggest thing was maybe a 24' daycruiser. It was a huge deal when I saw that boat, and I remember asking my dad what it was and he said a "cigarette boat." I drew pictures of that boat almost everyday at school when I was a little kid. haha

I was thinking about Honcho the other day. Late 80's we would be lit up at Roadrunners and the guys would stop by. For some reason, I thought it was a Hallett. But who knows, the 80's and early 90's were a blur. :beer

Deleted Account

I was thinking about Honcho the other day. Late 80's we would be lit up at Roadrunners and the guys would stop by. For some reason, I thought it was a Hallett. But who knows, the 80's and early 90's were a blur. :beer

One of the Hocho boats was a Hallett...:thumbsup


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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It was a big Apache...42' maybe. This was before there were big boats, and especially on a small part of the river where the biggest thing was maybe a 24' daycruiser. It was a huge deal when I saw that boat, and I remember asking my dad what it was and he said a "cigarette boat." I drew pictures of that boat almost everyday at school when I was a little kid. haha

I was thinking about Honcho the other day. Late 80's we would be lit up at Roadrunners and the guys would stop by. For some reason, I thought it was a Hallett. But who knows, the 80's and early 90's were a blur. :beer

LOL.... It was a twin engine Hallett. I remember it being a 27' Hallett, but I think someone else said it was a 32.. At some point the boat caught on fire, and had a different deck grafted onto the top of it. Twin 454's if memory serves.


Universal Elements

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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LOL.... It was a twin engine Hallett. I remember it being a 27' Hallett, but I think someone else said it was a 32.. At some point the boat caught on fire, and had a different deck grafted onto the top of it. Twin 454's if memory serves.


That's the one. I think it was a 32 or 34. Something like 320 or 340 decal on the side comes to mind. Your right, twin 454's. That boat sounded just like my Formula. The sound echoing off the bar was badass. At night, it a lot of us to help them dock to the bar. Remind me, who were the guys that owned the boat?

mrs flyin vee

not a bitch. THE BITCH
Sep 27, 2007
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The most fun we ever had at the River that I can remember was camping out with a simple life. we would get up at 5:30 am to go out and ski before anyone was out and about on the river. No worries about things getting ripped of over night as the boat sat in the water. No worries about people gettin in your shit for looking at one of there parties funny. It was all good. I grew up on the River and to watch things change the way they have today is a very sad sad thing to witness. People do not have the respect for anything like they use to.:thumbsdown


skiing Parker since 1960
Oct 12, 2007
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Has been mentioned several time throughout this thread, having not grown up going to Parker, I am oblivious to knowing the boat. They way you all talk about Honcho, it sounds like a 50' Sportfisher, but I highly doubt that is the case. So if someone could please fill me in on the Make, Size & Model of the boat I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank You

p.s. Pictures are always a welcome addition to any post :D

This is "The Honcho " I remember. John Peters, Biesemeyer flattie ( lower left picture ) John was a member of the Desert Boat & Ski Club back in the late 1960's. He ran this boat in the waterski races, and ALWAYS ran the "hot boat " race division. It was BAD ASS :eek:


  • honcho.jpg
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Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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A fight at the Roadrunner about 5 years ago where there was so many people fighting on the dock it was sunk 6 inches under the surface. :D

Todd pitching his buddy out of the master craft in front of lynch's one morning by doing the old full lock turn at cruising speed. :skull

Hitch Hiking Home New years eve :fsakes


Maxwell Smart-Ass
Sep 18, 2007
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This is "The Honcho " I remember. John Peters, Biesemeyer flattie ( lower left picture ) John was a member of the Desert Boat & Ski Club back in the late 1960's. He ran this boat in the waterski races, and ALWAYS ran the "hot boat " race division. It was BAD ASS :eek:


Honcho :thumbsup :D


  • Honcho.jpg
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screaming pete

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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I miss the smoother water before 30+ boats were the norm.
I actually miss camping out on the waters edge for the weekend, drinking "Jungle Juice" like it was water.
Having to turn on the heater in the truck so it didn't overheat climbing back up the I-8 grade.
The simple days of river activities.

Zig you should of went to the lower river mamorial weekend, i made the Jungle Juice and when i got to the sandbar i had more than 1 person say........pete thats cool it's just how we used to do it on big weekends.....hello dude it's a 3 day weekend.....lol

screaming pete

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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i was talking to Miss B at the river and was telling her about when i was a kid and would go fishing with my dad at the river. i'd get board and go hiking around and ran accross some hippies camped under and cargo chute and she told her mom and dad went to the river and camped under a cargo chute:eek::eek:


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
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I remember my old Taperflex Cut and Jump combo ski's.

My dad's Fantasy Flatbottom with a Johnson 70 pulling me and my brother
up :thumbsup

Towing the boat with our Buick Station Wagon :D

Great Thread!!
