Ummm...there's also a new member called "Frank H" who joined today - should we be giving him a warm welcome as well?
Look "Gentlemen" and I use that term loosely. My pictures and "Dave?s" watermarks are our business not that of the little children who think it?s funny to hide behind a screen name and post obviously fake pictures of myself or my aircraft. I went to "Dave" directly through email not posted on his forum or try to slander his name or image. You on the other hand think it?s funny to post this and that about me not knowing one thing about me. Grow up or go back to elementary! I will not sit on here and bicker back and forth. It's stupid and immature but if you think that makes you a man by all means continue making your self?s look like the arrogant SOB's you all set out to do.
Would the real Frank Holbert please stand up?All I can say is, You ALL have too much time in your day!