My Dad got it a couple of years ago. There is a specialist down in SD that is supposed to be the best in the world at curing it. Two years later, and almost 100k in tests and physical therapy, he still has it. Permanently.
No more fishing trips. No driving. No nothing. He doesn't even like to leave his house. This coming from a man who was extremely active and in great shape. Now he just runs on his treadmill in his house everyday. He is miserable with nothing to look forward to. My wife got it two years ago as well. Physical therapy cured her. Now I have a waitress that called the paramedics on herself last Saturday night and she has it as well.
I'm beginning to think I have given it to everyone. WTF?
I have it too. Since high school. Doesn't act up much unless I'm really tired. Sitting at a stop light and it looks like the road in front of me moves forward and feels like my car is moving backwards..
Really tripped me out at first! Doesn't bother me as much now. Just have to turn my head to one side or the other and it usually stops.
"Meclizine" is your friend if you have constant bouts with this crap. I take a pill every day now, then another one if I start to feel real dizzzzzzy. The pill makes it so you can still function but not get sick.
Had a bout when we were out on the Bay a few weeks ago, was not fun, but at least I did not get sick.
Get the good stuff like Bonine or Rugby brand, usually kept behind the counter at CVS, no prescript needed. The stuff out on the shelves is really not the same I feel.