Vertigo....seriously not good. Update 2/29/24


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Apparently its not just a U2 song.

Debilitating to say the least. Started a couple weeks ago right at the counter of a Big 5 like a punch to the head. I walked out of there like a drunk, had to lean against the wall outside for 10 minutes pretending to talk on the phone (I did not need an ambulance) until I could get the push to walk into the parking lot and get into my truck. Then sit there about 2 hrs until the spinning stopped. Kids are in college, wife did not answer so I sat. The Nausea unreal and I'll leave that part out (poor bushes).

Have had 6 other bouts of it and the last one my wife took me to our urgent care. The doc said I am his 4th case in 2 weeks. Never seen anything like it before he said. I now have appointments for my regular doc and a ENT but neither are quick at month out. Apparently there are several types of this and I told the doc I am opting out and he said it will likely go away but no time frame or welcome to your new normal. WHAT?

Killed my Thanks Giving plans and nearly anything else that sounds fun. I was prescribed CVS brand Motion Sickness with Meclizine Hydrochloride and as of the last couple days I feel the bullshit starting but this stuff seems to tame it enough so I can function.

Anyone one else have to deal with this?


To The Rescue!
Sep 7, 2018
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Every few months I'll get the equivalent of "bed-spins"...without the fun part of drinking. If I'm home, I try to do the "Epley Manuever". It involves laying down, and kind of sitting up with your head at a 90. You can do it on a tailgate if need be. I think it tries to re-center your inner ear stuff. That helps me, but may not work for everyone.

It sucks, and is really hard to function.


Mountain Mama
Sep 24, 2007
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Yes. Look up the Epley Maneuver. It will take a couple of days, but it moves those pesky little crystals back into the correct spot. However, it will cause an episode immediately that should subside before you finish the maneuver. Thank you to my P.A. son-in-law for sharing it with me. I'm surprised your doctor didn't give you a meclizine script based on the severity of your symptoms.

I've suffered from it a few times over the years. Only vomited once. It's incredibly debilitating. I'm sorry you are suffering through this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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My wife has gotten it a few times pretty bad. For her, it has something to do with the misalignment of ear crystals. I thought it sounded like hocus pocus BS, but after some PT she was fine. Now she does a couple of the exercises on her own when it comes back and is good.

Youtube ear crystal alignment. I think it’s the Epley exercise or something….

Edit: posters above got it. Epley maneuver
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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My daughter has been dealing with it as well, doc says he has seen a lot of this since covid and vertigo is a long covid symptom.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
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One of my drivers is 48, healthy, active, no previous problems, never calls in sick, always shows up early and then one day while at work BAM! It hit him out of nowhere.

He called me and told me he has a gnarly migraine and needed to go home so I told him go! For him to tell me that I knew he wasn’t good. Long story short he has non cancer cyst (idk the medical terms) on his brain and after going to several neurologists and trying everything under the sun there isn’t a damn thing they can do for him. He has had migraines and vertigo everyday for the last 6 months. Pretty much stuck in bed most of the day.

He is one of the happiest, nicest guys but I truly worry about his mental state and try calling him at least 4-5 days a week. I’m lucky to get a call back once every few weeks and he’s a guy that always answers his phone or calls back immediately.

I hope your case is nothing like his and I wish you the best in recovering. You truly never know. Enjoy everyday!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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My wife has had it several times. Contact a good hearing doctor. The cure involves just some movements like lay back turn your head kind of thing to center something in your inner ear. It works instantly. Good luck and don't drive when it comes up.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2021
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I was diagnosed with Menier's Diaease back around 2015 or so. It includes loss of much of the hearing in my right ear, ringing in my right ear and vertigo. Mine was caused by a flu like virus which I caught in 2005. I got the ringing in my ear then and expected it would go away when I got over the flu. It didn't. Years later the vertigo began. After a trip to the E.N.T. it was suggested I could take a vitamin called Lipo-Flavonoids to decrease the ringing in my ears. (they are designed to increase the blood flow in the ears) I began taking them and though it didn't reduce the ringing much, I did notice that if I take two of these pills a day (every morning) I don't seem to get the bouts of vertigo. I have told this to others, and because there are different types of vertigo, they clearly do not work for everyone. I have not had a bout of vertigo for well over a year now, and I'm pretty faithful to taking my pills every morning. See what your E.N.T. says, and maybe ask him about Lipo-Flavonoids. They work Amazingly well for me. Feel free to contact me if you would like more info. Dave


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Hope you get back to normal soon. It sucks and is an out of body experience for sure. If it is BPV (benign proxismal vertigo) then you need to do the epley maneuver. Tons of YouTube videos on it, and it will work. Sometimes you’ll have to do it multiple times.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
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Trip to the ER in the middle of the night was how I found out about it. Didn’t fully go away for about a year. Little things like waking down a grocery store isle to quickly would trigger it. Hope to never experience it again. Was in my early 20s when it happened.

Side not everyone at my work made fun of me for it and that I went to the ER. Until it happened to another co worker!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2007
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I had it once. It was due to severe sinusitis. Took some bigs ass antibiotics for a month to kill the infection.
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Club Banned
Dec 28, 2009
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Apparently its not just a U2 song.

Debilitating to say the least. Started a couple weeks ago right at the counter of a Big 5 like a punch to the head. I walked out of there like a drunk, had to lean against the wall outside for 10 minutes pretending to talk on the phone (I did not need an ambulance) until I could get the push to walk into the parking lot and get into my truck. Then sit there about 2 hrs until the spinning stopped. Kids are in college, wife did not answer so I sat. The Nausea unreal and I'll leave that part out (poor bushes).

Have had 6 other bouts of it and the last one my wife took me to our urgent care. The doc said I am his 4th case in 2 weeks. Never seen anything like it before he said. I now have appointments for my regular doc and a ENT but neither are quick at month out. Apparently there are several types of this and I told the doc I am opting out and he said it will likely go away but no time frame or welcome to your new normal. WHAT?

Killed my Thanks Giving plans and nearly anything else that sounds fun. I was prescribed CVS brand Motion Sickness with Meclizine Hydrochloride and as of the last couple days I feel the bullshit starting but this stuff seems to tame it enough so I can function.

Anyone one else have to deal with this?

Dude. Call Steve.

Judy has been dealing with this for decades! They both know a thing or two about it.

I'd tell you to just call Judy, but as you know, her hearing ain't the best! 😜


Dont re Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I've had vertigo for about 10 years now, but sea-sickness since birth. As the vertigo developed the sea-sickness disappeared. Doctor started to perform the Epley procedure in the office and I somewhat rudely requested he stop. I've tried every sea-sickness medication out there and nothing has ever worked, this is trade-off I'm happy to deal with - I just stay off ladders now.


Lower level functionary
Jan 1, 2008
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I’ve been having little balance issue but I assumed it was thickening of ear fluid. Never had a problem before.


Old Guy......
Sep 30, 2009
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Unfortunately yes, I have had this. First bout was on Thanksgiving day about 4 or 5 years ago. My wife and I were busy in the kitchen preparing food for the meal (my sister and my daughter were with us for the holiday). About 10 am, I am standing in the kitchen and BOOM I was sooooo dizzy. Told the wife I needed to sit down so I went to the couch. Everything was spinning and every time I moved my head side to side it got worse. I went to the bed and laid down awhile with a bucket by my side due to the nausea. After awhile, I got up and tried to help some more. As I was carrying the bird out to the smoker, it hit again and I almost went down. Called out to my wife, and she got the bird on the smoker and me back to my bed. That was it for me that night. The wife, daughter and sister had to handle the rest of dinner prep, eating and cleaning. Got up the next morning and felt better but knew something was still wrong. Felt "off" all weekend and by Monday was fine.

Then, some months later, I was working out in our home gym. I was just finishing up on the bow flex, and something hit me again. I sat down and rested for a few minutes and then got ready to do some sit-ups. I did my first sit up and everything started spinning again. Stumbled to the couch and told the wife that I was having another bout of vertigo. She took me to urgent care, and my blood pressure was through the roof. They gave me some pill to combat the high blood pressure (the nurse had to hold the cup of water I took the pill with because I was shaking so bad). After 30 minutes or so, the blood pressure returned to normal. They confirmed that I was having vertigo and told me to go to CVS to get some motion sickness pills. I did that, took a couple days off work and then it was fine.

Hasn't happened since, and I hope it never does again.

Take care of yourself....


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Thanks for all the replys. Big help and I need it.

I am a big Contractor type dude, business owner, busy workload and this is just killing my go power and quite frankly causes fear which I do not really subscribe to. The instant on of this is the real issue. I Cant plan for it at all and I'll drive but I dont want to drive far so no desert trip for Thanks Giving dammit. :(:(:mad:

My Daughter is now applying to PT Schools but worked with Vertigo patients as an assistant so she understands what I'm fighting and as soon as the ENT sees me I want PT ASAP.

We know about the Epley Maneuver and I have tried this several times. It works as instant weight loss for me. LOL. Has not reduced the time with an event just yet.
I am just not able to move that crystal which is just a piece of calcium I understand. Go figure. I always thought the inner ear was something in the brain but you have the Inner ear in both ears. The dizzy and spinning are because the brain is being fed incorrect information so this is it's response.

Tinnitus - I have had it for years. Lipo-Flavonoids I took for 3 months with no help however thanks for the suggestion @Badold65 I will start taking them again.

There is also a treatment using D3/K2 once a week at high doses. I started it and will take the dose again next Monday. Supposed to help with calcium buildup in the inner ear if that is causing it.

Covid side effect....Yeah that does not surprise me.
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Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I have a friend who sometimes spent 80 hours a week, pretty much standing on his feet as a transportation coordinator in the movie industry… Well, now in his retirement years, he gets vertigo… He has been places with his wife and driving home …all of a sudden he says Lois I have to pull over… And he takes the palm of his left hand and smacks him self on his left ear and it knocks the little crystal things back into alignment… I would be very careful with that manuver…you could break and eardrum doing it🤷🏽‍♀️

… In my case, this is sort of what landed me at the hospital for a couple of months… For starters, I am mostly blind my right eye, and I have broken both of my eardrums… so equilibrium is out the question for me … well somewhere along the line I decided I didn’t need to walk around the block anymore, and it led to me having no equilibrium whatsoever, and I totally lost the ability to walk.., My point being take care of your equilibrium guys you don’t want to end up like I did… I am a whole lot better now, but I don’t think I will ever be back to the old me… I did make it around the block today without using my cane… so there’s that…🤷🏽‍♀️… and I did entertain the DWP meter reader and the mailman for an hour or so… got to keep your spirits up too…👍
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Tio Pancho

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Yes. Look up the Epley Maneuver. It will take a couple of days, but it moves those pesky little crystals back into the correct spot. However, it will cause an episode immediately that should subside before you finish the maneuver. Thank you to my P.A. son-in-law for sharing it with me. I'm surprised your doctor didn't give you a meclizine script based on the severity of your symptoms.

I've suffered from it a few times over the years. Only vomited once. It's incredibly debilitating. I'm sorry you are suffering through this.
This. Just took my mom to urgent care on Monday. Did the Wiley once with minimal results. Going to her house right now as I leave work. Best of luck to you OC.


Takin it EZ
May 14, 2018
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Hit me like a ton o bricks
Walking my dog at the park and had to sit down.
Didn't have my phone and nobody up anyway at 5am
My dog was a pain to get him to leave the park but I literally stumbled home and he just followed me home
By the time I went to urgent care and they sent me to the hospital I was getting better


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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If you haven’t make an appointment with an audulogist, their suggestions and testing could probably help you greatly.

One is your therapy is this; get some of the blue tape that can go on a wall not damage it was seeing your living room stand about 3 feet away from the wall using your peripheral vision look all the way to the right I have someone put a piece of tape we are vision stops Sam on the left it could be eight or 9 feet apart these pieces. Put one in dead center. Using peripheral vision, look like an old Felix, the cat clock, go back-and-forth left and right looking at the pieces to the far left and fall light if your peripheral vision do this for at least 30 to 60 seconds.

When you’re done, look straightahead few times, and just chill little bit before you slowly back off and go back to your normal routine this will probably take care of any moderate event. Your speech should be about one second each way you could buy a TikTok device operates off of battery to give you that exact timing. It will help.
Let me know if this works

69 1/2

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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My wife is a Physical Therapist and treats people day in and day out for this. other choice is taking motion drugs and waiting it out but most would rather take the adjustment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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When I was a kid my dream was to become a pilot. Then I went on the Dumbo ride and it trashed me for days. I tried telling my parents, but they basically said stop being a pussy, lol.

Even a big earthquake or a sudden stop in an elevator screws me up.

My ears have rang ever since I can remember, and reading these stories...I'm sure my turn will arrive soon.

Hang in there OC!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I don't if it's vertigo or what it is but my brain is not triggering right in high place situations.
I've lost the danger instinct literally thinking stepping into thin air is OK ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2010
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Apparently its not just a U2 song.

Debilitating to say the least. Started a couple weeks ago right at the counter of a Big 5 like a punch to the head. I walked out of there like a drunk, had to lean against the wall outside for 10 minutes pretending to talk on the phone (I did not need an ambulance) until I could get the push to walk into the parking lot and get into my truck. Then sit there about 2 hrs until the spinning stopped. Kids are in college, wife did not answer so I sat. The Nausea unreal and I'll leave that part out (poor bushes).

Have had 6 other bouts of it and the last one my wife took me to our urgent care. The doc said I am his 4th case in 2 weeks. Never seen anything like it before he said. I now have appointments for my regular doc and a ENT but neither are quick at month out. Apparently there are several types of this and I told the doc I am opting out and he said it will likely go away but no time frame or welcome to your new normal. WHAT?

Killed my Thanks Giving plans and nearly anything else that sounds fun. I was prescribed CVS brand Motion Sickness with Meclizine Hydrochloride and as of the last couple days I feel the bullshit starting but this stuff seems to tame it enough so I can function.

Anyone one else have to deal with this?
I have mild bouts of it occasionally, the only thing that works for me is a nasal flush. I use the plastic bottle with distilled water and the little saline packets that come in a bag of 50. I microwave it for 30 seconds to get it luke warm. The process of flooding your nasal cavities completely sucks and will make you gag but do it 2 or 3 times a day for a week and if you're like me, your troubles will be gone. Also - make sure youre getting enough Magnesium.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I don't if it's vertigo or what it is but my brain is not triggering right in high place situations.
I've lost the danger instinct literally thinking stepping into thin air is OK ?
I would get checked out ASAP. That's is not what were all describing and certainly not what I'm dealing with. Known you for a long time and we would like to keep it that way.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Today was ok. I felt it try and start 5x. Last for about 5 seconds and gone so the CVS Motion Sickness pills are doing their job so far.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I don't if it's vertigo or what it is but my brain is not triggering right in high place situations.
I've lost the danger instinct literally thinking stepping into thin air is OK ?
I was working with a fellow electrician many years ago about 60' up on a scaffolding we'd erected. We were standing up top and I noticed him peering over the side for a considerable time. When I inquired if he was OK, he responded, "Have you ever felt the sensation of this strong desire to jump off" :oops: Thankfully he didn't, but needless to say, it was concerning but he assured me he wasn't going to actually do it, just felt a strange desire to do so.
For the record, I never had that desire. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I was working with a fellow electrician many years ago about 60' up on a scaffolding we'd erected. We were standing up top and I noticed him peering over the side for a considerable time. When I inquired if he was OK, he responded, "Have you ever felt the sensation of this strong desire to jump off" :oops: Thankfully he didn't, but needless to say, it was concerning but he assured me he wasn't going to actually do it, just felt a strange desire to do so.
For the record, I never had that desire. :rolleyes:
Scary, for me I wouldn't call it a desire but more not a big deal. I fell when I was 10 down a sand cliff and landed on some rocks on my stomach, blowing out my spleen and appendix. Spent my life conquering a fear of heights, always made myself do it but always afraid none the less.
I'm still scared shitless but I don't trust myself up high anymore, something strange happens.
Almost like I'm buzzed on a painkiller or something.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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My daughter has been dealing with it as well, doc says he has seen a lot of this since covid and vertigo is a long covid symptom.
This has been one of my worst symptoms from my "vaccine" injury. Absolutely debilitating. I have one of the best neurologists for any type of vestibular issues should anyone need help (He is in San Diego). He is known as the "Dizzy Doctor" and has all of the equipment at his practice to diagnose and treat various types of disorders that cause dizziness.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2016
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This has been one of my worst symptoms from my "vaccine" injury. Absolutely debilitating. I have one of the best neurologists for any type of vestibular issues should anyone need help (He is in San Diego). He is known as the "Dizzy Doctor" and has all of the equipment at his practice to diagnose and treat various types of disorders that cause dizziness.
I'll have to look into him, for the record we DID NOT vaccinate our kids

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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… I don’t know what just happened, but I had an attack of dizzy like I’ve never had before… I was laying sideways on my bed on the phone with neighbor girl… All of a sudden everything just started spinning… and I really couldn’t see… I was able to think my way out of it and I’m back …but damn anybody with severe vertigo… I feel really sorry for you…
… Was the fact that Neighbor girl was multitasking… Fixing dinner,…bringing her boyfriend dinner in his little office at home… moving fast and talking to me… Did that spit me out… Maybe so???…
… In the 60s these little episodic deals were just referred to as spinning out,..


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I did the initial two shots and nothing else after that. The main reason I did it was because my wifes health at the time was an issue.

Going forward no more shots...period unless its for pain.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Scary, for me I wouldn't call it a desire but more not a big deal. I fell when I was 10 down a sand cliff and landed on rocks on my stomach, blowing out my spleen and appendix. Spent my life conquering a fear of heights, always made myself do it but always afraid none the less.
I'm still scared shitless but I don't trust myself up high anymore, something strange happens.
Almost like I'm buzzed on a painkiller or something.
Spent plenty of time working heights as an electrician. Wasn't something I craved, but felt completely capable of doing it and it didn't bother me.
At over 75, I take great care on ladders, for essentially the same reason you described, I feel unsteady, especially if I turn my head. As such I limit my ladder work to 6' ladders and climb no further than four steps.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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I have Meniere's Disease. Basically an inner-ear disorder. Not curable and it seems living with it is my only real choice. I take motion sickness pills daily and that will continue. There will be additional meds after we get a conclusion to what else was found.

Episodic Rotational Vertigo
Hearing loss
Ear Fullness - I feel that right before an episode.

I have them all. I now have a specialist. Sweet

During my Brain MRI some other issue's were found so now I am awaiting a Neurologist appointment to look into this additional, lets just call it "Stuff", and hope its actually nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Please keep us in the loop as best you can.
Hang in there. I had the vertigo when I was a kid for a summer, and still remember it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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I have Meniere's Disease. Basically an inner-ear disorder. Not curable and it seems living with it is my only real choice. I take motion sickness pills daily and that will continue. There will be additional meds after we get a conclusion to what else was found.

Episodic Rotational Vertigo
Hearing loss
Ear Fullness - I feel that right before an episode.

I have them all. I now have a specialist. Sweet

During my Brain MRI some other issue's were found so now I am awaiting a Neurologist appointment to look into this additional, lets just call it "Stuff", and hope its actually nothing.
Probably not the best news but there has to be some value in having an idea of what's going on, take care of yourself.


In it to win it
Sep 13, 2007
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I have Meniere's Disease. Basically an inner-ear disorder. Not curable and it seems living with it is my only real choice. I take motion sickness pills daily and that will continue. There will be additional meds after we get a conclusion to what else was found.

Episodic Rotational Vertigo
Hearing loss
Ear Fullness - I feel that right before an episode.

I have them all. I now have a specialist. Sweet

During my Brain MRI some other issue's were found so now I am awaiting a Neurologist appointment to look into this additional, lets just call it "Stuff", and hope its actually nothing.

That sucks.. :(


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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My ENT has me on a low sodium diet. 1500to 1800 mg per day Really not terribly low. Have not had an episode in almost 2 years.
Been on Low Sodium past couple years. They want to start me on a diuretic which will cause blood pressure to drop. I am already on Beta Blockers for an Irregular heart beat so that's out. My Blood Pressure is 105/68 on average. we don't need that any lower.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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That sucks.. :(
So much for my Adventure Bike plans.

Much want but I'm lacking the ability to ride the damn thing. It will make my wife happy however.



Newly Retired!😁
Mar 15, 2011
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BP was controlled by a low dose med. The Vertigo just one day came out of nowhere. Fortunately I was home. I was diagnosed with Meniers disease after an mri to confirm no tumors or injury.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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BP was controlled by a low dose med. The Vertigo just one day came out of nowhere. Fortunately I was home. I was diagnosed with Meniers disease after an mri to confirm no tumors or injury.
This exactly the same protocol. No tumors however T2 Flairs and some sort of perivascular areas that concerned the ENT enough to get a Neurologist involved.

Hopefully nothing. If I take the CVS motion sickness pills daily I only have 5-10 second issues with dizziness randomly. No spinning or other drawn out issues, again as long as I take those 25mg Meclizine x2 every morning. A little dizzy is one thing, the actual Vertigo is down right awful. I have only experienced that 10x or so. My wife has a video of my eyes dancing around which is creepy x100.

I will also admit I have not been very nice to my ears over my 57 years. I certainly am now.


All in...
Sep 24, 2007
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Hit me like a ton o bricks
Walking my dog at the park and had to sit down.
Didn't have my phone and nobody up anyway at 5am
My dog was a pain to get him to leave the park but I literally stumbled home and he just followed me home
By the time I went to urgent care and they sent me to the hospital I was getting better
So being a rider what are you thought about this? Has it reoccurred? I want back on a scooter in the worst way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
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So much for my Adventure Bike plans.

Much want but I'm lacking the ability to ride the damn thing. It will make my wife happy however.

View attachment 1341668
My Harleys have been sitting in my Garage going on three years now. My dizziness issues have kept me out of the saddle as well. I am still hoping that I can ride again someday, but I am not comfortable enough right now to try it. It really sucks. Good luck. Hope you can find some relief.

Willie B

aberrant member
Sep 7, 2008
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So being a rider what are you thought about this? Has it reoccurred? I want back on a scooter in the worst way.
… I rode my dual sport after my cervical spine surgery… But it was not exactly the same… Not suggesting that you follow my path… but my Suzuki is now parked…As the covers wear out…I just put on a new cover.🤷🏽‍♀️

… I have to be very careful on a daily basis, because vertigo like symptoms can appear if I’m not always paying strict attention to what I’m doing and moving slowly…

… did a yoga semi half lotus position on a mat on my living room floor as the vertigo stuff was kind of starting to take over…It helped me to find my center… and made things better…