UFC fighters spend a day with Marines


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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There are 3 videos that show a group if UFC Fighters that were invited to Quantico to train with the Marines.

Vid 1
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Vid 2

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Aug 9, 2008
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2007 Ultra 27 Shadow
Oct 3, 2007
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Watched all 3. Very cool videos!:thumbsup:thumbsup


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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The crucible was put into place 2 yrs after I joined. I was also the 3 cycle of recruits after the no hazing rules were implemented. I got my bell rung and stomach smashed numerous times. The old habits of the DI's were hard to kick I guess. My seinor DI and the heavy were relieved of duty 2 weeks before graduation for hazing shenanigans. Ran into my seinor in the fleet 7 yrs later and he talked about it. I was suprised he was still in. Our crucible was 11 weeks long. Constant go go go. Esp phase 2 when we were bussed up to camp Pendleton for all the field stuff. A month of the same obstacle course and hand to had combat with some rifle range time and land nav stuff. We used to make fun of the crucible Marines. There was something different about them. We all earned the title but its just funny how you can differentiate the eras by there attitudes.


Well Known RDP Cart Returner
Mar 8, 2008
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Everyone one of the fucktards in congress, including the chief fucktard in charge should be made to do this.

While not a Marine, I went through the Army basic training in 1976. They were allowed to do things differently back then but it was an incredible learning experience that I have carried with me through out my life.

The lessons about working together as a team, leadership qualities that translate to civilian life could benefit those in Washington today.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
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Great video and thanks for sharing. I was the first cycle of recruits through the crucible. Got to witness a little of the old and a little of the new. Like McRibb said there is a large difference in the eras of Marines out there. The Marince Corp has gotten smarter and stronger though I do think some of the old ways of doing things are better. Believe me the drill instructors will get you really close to combat ready.
Going through bootcamp and the Marine Corp in general is a experience that is hard to describe. These videos give a nice insight but will never truly show the real experience. You will never know until you do it yourself.
I think it should be necessary for everyone young American man to at least go through bootcamp.
He'll for all the things this country gives us the least we can do is give them a few years of our lives and to those who have given it all you will never be forgotten.
Again thanks for sharing:thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Aaron and McRib, and everyone else, thank you for your service.

These videos stood out to me, as I regard UFC fighters as the best of the best in MMA. The training and commitment to train at that level of MMA requires extreme dedication. I say all of that to point out that none of them were able to hang with the Marines training regiment.

I also took away an appreciation for our military as elite UFC fighters earn fame and fortune in their careers. The Marines are better trained and in many ways have a thankless job, yet they perform for the greater good, not the glory.


aka HWlaser23, "B" team member
Jul 1, 2009
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Aaron and McRib, and everyone else, thank you for your service.

These videos stood out to me, as I regard UFC fighters as the best of the best in MMA. The training and commitment to train at that level of MMA requires extreme dedication. I say all of that to point out that none of them were able to hang with the Marines training regiment.

I also took away an appreciation for our military as elite UFC fighters earn fame and fortune in their careers. The Marines are better trained and in many ways have a thankless job, yet they perform for the greater good, not the glory.

Its apples and oranges. Mma fighters train for full throttle for 20 min. Marines train s
all around stamina.

Boot camp and the crucible are just the basics. One is not a war machine right out of boot camp. He/she has the mentality of a war machine but still does not posess the ALL tools to kick ass and take names. Its what the individual marine does after boot camp in the fleet and their job of choice. Some hone there hand to hand some hone their weapons training and some just come to work do their jobs and go home still acting like they are back on the block. I was fortunate enough to be part of the new hand to hand combat style that was implemented to replace L.I.N.E training that was used from 88 to 98. The new hand to hand is basic mma ground and pound with modified movement using weapons and fixed bayonets. It a mix of ju jitsu and judo with a lil neurological override techniques. Waaaaay better the old LINE training I learned in boot. Ive also spent some time In local ju jitsu houses. Im not strong and ju jitsu and pressure point helped me tremendously in my years.

An mma fighter would struggle in the crucible cause they haven't trained thier minds and bodies for 11 weeks for the end 54 hr exersice.

an marine right out of boot camp would most likey have his ass handed to him by Uriah Faber in the octagon cause thats what Faber trains for.

Both have equal heart in what they do. If they could switch places and train equally..... it would be an excellent war between the 2 of them.
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